Posted on 01/04/2007 11:41:25 PM PST by STARWISE
President Bush is shaking up the team responsible for carrying out his military and diplomatic strategies in Iraq as he prepares to outline a new direction for the war that has raged for nearly four years.
Bush will replace Gen. John P. Abizaid, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East, and Gen. George Casey, the chief general in Iraq, in the coming weeks, according to media reports Thursday. A revamping of the administration's national security team was already under way.
Bush wants to replace Abizaid with Adm. William Fallon, the top U.S. commander in the Pacific, and Casey's replacement will be Army Lt. Gen. David Petraeus, who headed the effort to train Iraqi security forces, the reports citing administration officials said.
Giving Fallon and Petraeus the top military posts in the Middle East would help Bush to assert that he is taking a fresh approach in the region and help pave the way for him to turn policy there in a new direction. Both Abizaid and Casey have expressed reservations about the potential effectiveness of boosting troop strength in Iraq.
Sen. Daniel K. Inouye the ranking Democrat on the Senate Defense appropriations subcommittee, told The Associated Press on Thursday that he understands Bush wants to appoint Fallon to head the U.S. Central Command, a position responsible for directing the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan.
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Members of Congress have been invited to a meeting at the WH today.
What the main enemies in Iraq are doing is just scorched earth. Make the place hell. If someone really wants to do that, how do you stop them? I think we were running a football "prevent defense" and that gives the terrorists too much running room to destabilize areas.
You go after their puppet masters - Iran.
That moves the war to Iran taking the terrorists focus off of Iraq. They can't afford to lose Iran so the front will move there.
Thus far, the rotation has been between the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Army. Personnel recommended for the position are selected by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, interviewed by the Secretary of Defense, nominated by the President, and approved by the Senate.
Interesting, going the Navy route...
The Iranians are running the death squads and Basra militias. The Saudis are running the Sunni insurgency. Al Qaeda is running the Wahabist whackos.
This is more complex than you imagine. Least Nine known teams playing in the tournament.They are a fissiparous bunch and prone to doubling at will on doctrinal grounds. Not just the Iranians.
"[They] Make the place hell. If someone really wants to do that, how do you stop them?" - by making it even worse hell, that's how.
I will withhold what I would really like to respond to you about what you typed. I had the privelege to meet some of the fine young warriors and their leaders when I attended my son's graduation from Marine boot camp. I can assure you that they all have plenty of testosterone. I can also assure you that the whole military chain of command from bottome to top ultimately reports to civilian authority. Your civilian neighbors, friends, and even family that vote democrap and believe everything that the traitorous anti-American MSM presents have a snowball effect on the civilian leadership that commands these warriors. The President and his people make moves--surveiling terrorist filth and looking at their finances and those civilians and their MSM enablers whine, pi$$, moan and attack not only the President, but the country in front of the whole world. Then those same civilians elect a bunch of America hating democrats to high office to help perpetuate the anti America, military is a bunch of innocent terrorist filth abusers b.s. that prevails.
Maybe the President should let the chips fall where they may and unleash that stored up testosterone in those privates to go in and shoot them all. allah can sort them out. I wish he would. Then move on to Iran and end the caliphate that those civilians are rooting for.
Great word! Great application.
WHAT?! You can't be serious? The problem isn't the lack of testosterone in the privates. The problem is the lack of testosterone in their leaders. The ROE in Iraq are a dream come true for the bad guys.
Gen. John P. Abizaid and Gen. George Casey have been there for a couple of years now, so maybe it it time for some fresh blood, and new eyes.
Last time I looked privates didn't make policy. Your disrespect for the troops risking life and limb is showing. Yes, loose lips sink ships and yours may have caused any lower enlisted who read it great harm.
Accepted. I did later think that perhaps that's what you meant (private parts). Thank your sons for their service.
All the best to your two fine sons. They are among America's best. I know you're proud.
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