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Muslims Seek Prayer Room at Airport
Brietbart ^
| December 1, 2006
| Patrick Condon
Posted on 12/01/2006 4:56:33 PM PST by ritewingwarrior
Airport officials said Friday they will consider setting aside a private area for prayer and meditation at the request of imams concerned about the removal of six Muslim clerics from a US Airways flight last week.
Steve Wareham, director of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, said other airports have "meditation rooms" used for prayers or by passengers who simply need quiet time.
A group of Somali clerics met with airport officials Friday and said they would attract less attention if they had a private area for prayer. Devout Muslims pray five times daily, facing the holy city of Mecca.
"When we pray, we don't want a problem. We don't want what happened last week," said Abdulrehman Hersi, an imam at Darul-Quba mosque in Minneapolis, referring to six clerics who were barred from a US Airways flight in Minneapolis after drawing the concern of some passengers.
Airports in Nashville, Tenn.; Columbus, Ohio; and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., all advertise meditation rooms. Fort Lauderdale's is billed as "For travelers seeking a quiet time." All note they are nonsectarian.
The imams at the airport Friday drew a few stares as they laid down their prayer rugs and knelt on the hard rubber floor at the airport.
The clerics requested a meeting after both the US Airways incident and a recent flap over Muslim cabdrivers who didn't want to pick up passengers carrying alcohol.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News
KEYWORDS: airport; dhimmitude; dhimmiwatch; enemywithin; infiltration; jihad; mecca; moongod; muslim; prayer; terrorism; whiningwahabbists
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The common term for 'prayer room' is 'staging area'. Yippee now the get to plan their attacks right from inside the airport. What a great idea.
To: ritewingwarrior
To: ritewingwarrior
Why don't the stupid airport just build a mosque?
posted on
12/01/2006 4:58:32 PM PST
Extremely Extreme Extremist
(Why can't Republicans stand up to Democrats like they do to terrorists?)
To: ritewingwarrior
Good. Then I can say a rosary or four in the same room at the same time.
posted on
12/01/2006 4:58:45 PM PST
( ALEA IACTA EST. We have just crossed the Rubicon.)
To: ritewingwarrior
posted on
12/01/2006 4:58:46 PM PST
(When Law enforcement enforce idiotic Laws of Bad Politicians there are no good guys.-Phantom Patriot)
To: ritewingwarrior
How 'bout if they go outside, like smokers?
posted on
12/01/2006 4:59:10 PM PST
To: ritewingwarrior
This would be a violation of the constitution.
posted on
12/01/2006 4:59:13 PM PST
To: OpusatFR
I'll be the one with the sacramental pork rinds.
To: ritewingwarrior
Ok. I want my own Baptist room though. It's against my belief to share praying places.
posted on
12/01/2006 5:01:25 PM PST
To: I see my hands
"I'll be the one with the sacramental pork rinds."
I carry them in my purse.
posted on
12/01/2006 5:02:28 PM PST
( ALEA IACTA EST. We have just crossed the Rubicon.)
To: ml/nj
"How 'bout if they go outside, like smokers?"
Tee hee
posted on
12/01/2006 5:02:30 PM PST
(Carthage must be destroyed)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Why don't the stupid airport just build a mosque? Just wait, I'm sure it's coming.
To: ritewingwarrior
Airport officials said Friday they will consider setting aside a private area for prayer and meditation at the request of imams concerned about the removal of six Muslim clerics from a US Airways flight last week. Will they allow a Christian Chapel at the airport also ??
If not this would be a case for discrimination
posted on
12/01/2006 5:03:42 PM PST
(Thank You Mr & Mrs "I'm gonna teach you a lesson" Voter ... you just screwed us on so many levels)
To: ritewingwarrior
What the heck. Why not? A prayer room with a Muslim cresent on the wall, connected to the wall with the Christian cross, and the one with the star of David. Prayers for all and for everyone.
Let's just build it and then announce it's open. I wonder how they react to that? (No, I don't, really).
posted on
12/01/2006 5:03:46 PM PST
(Don't flatter yourself.... It is a gun in my pocket.)
To: ritewingwarrior
...what happened to "separation of church and state"?
posted on
12/01/2006 5:04:11 PM PST
(How Would Mohammed Vote? Hillary for President!
To: ritewingwarrior
They can use the communal, nondenominational meditation areas. However, there would probable be some "Christians" (who could or could not be Christian) who would oppose having Muslims worship with their rugs in such an area.
While your comment could be a wee bit paranoid (the airport could still put security cameras in the room, after all), it could happen. Muslims should worship in the existing meditation rooms, and if others object to their using such rooms, then those objectors will just have to put up with it.
To: ritewingwarrior
We'll it's only fair, since Irish-Catholics already have the lounge.
posted on
12/01/2006 5:04:52 PM PST
(You know who I feel bad for? Arab-Americans who truly want to get into crop-dusting.)
To: ritewingwarrior
Put it right under the urinals.
To: ritewingwarrior
Behold the Peace of Islam: Picture of the Week |
Allah is on a roll! The Buddhist man under this sheet is just one of 666 innocents murdered in the name of Islam last week. |
posted on
12/01/2006 5:06:09 PM PST
(Ward Churchill : Fake Indian, Fake Scholarship, and Fake Art)
To: I see my hands
You're big on keeping how you make that box a secret, aren't you?
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