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Explaining the Shooting of Governor John Connally
Shown on FreeRepublic for the first time. | October 25, 2006 | Bill Charleston

Posted on 10/25/2006 7:54:41 AM PDT by BILL_C

It’s fall, the temperature is falling, the leaves are turning and with November here, we have some repeats to watch on the cable networks.

The History Channel will show one of their favorites, ABC’s documentary “Beyond Conspiracy” featuring Peter Jennings and a computer animation which shows a bullet that hit President Kennedy’s back four inches below his collar but then the bullet allegedly exited his neck after nicking the upper part of the knot of his tie, and then it goes down at approximately a 25 degree down angle to hit Governor Connally in his back. It’s amazing what computers can show.

We’ll also most likely see the Discovery Channel’s explanation of the assassination in “Beyond the Magic Bullet.” This show also features Dale Meyers’ computer animation, the same one used in “Beyond Conspiracy.” The show goes beyond the previous documentary as the producers go to Australia to get an expert shooter to attempt to duplicate the magic bullet, the shot that hit both JFK and Governor Connally. The shots they fire are aimed at figures composed of material which act like human muscle and bone when a bullet is fired into them.

Both of these shows think they proved the magic bullet theory is true.

Watch the digitized and stablilized Zapruder Film

The Closeup Zapruder Film with Frame #

For over 40 years we’ve heard and seen documentaries which talk about strange details in the JFK assassination investigation and reports. We first had the Warren Commission appointed by President Johnson with the main purpose to show that a lone gunman fired three shots at the limousine and wounded JFK, Governor Connally and a bystander too. We then had the House Subcommittee on Assassinations investigation in 1978 which investigated additional evidence in part because the Zapruder film was first shown to the American public on night TV in 1975. One of the newer pieces of evidence was the finding that the Dallas Police radio channel recorded a stuck open microphone during the time of the assassination and may have actually recorded the actual gunshots.

In 1991 the movie “JFK” again ignited the public’s curiosity about the assassination with “back and to the right” along with witnesses saying they saw another gunman. The government again responded and gave us the Records Review Act which released even more information about the murder. In 1997, the Zapruder film was digitized and now we can see even more details in the film. And in 2001, a statistical analysis was published concerning the Dallas Police recording with the finding there were five shots captured by the recording. A gunshot and it’s reflections off objects is like a fingerprint in that it’s fairly unique and dependent on where the shooter is and where the microphone is that captured the sounds, and the objects such as buildings that the sounds reflect off of.

Although we’ve heard about “discrepancies” for years in documentaries such as the “Men Who Killed Kennedy,” we’ve also had some documentaries disappear from the airways as the History Channel found them not to be accurate such as the “Guilty Men”, a documentary that fingered Vice-President Johnson and other cronies in a Texas murder ring.

The story in my opinion will not die as so many of the “facts” don’t seem to fit reality. We need to see something that makes sense.

Last year I met with one of the best known critics of the Warren Commission. I showed Dr. Cyril Wecht that one assumption made in the killing had led virtually everyone to make incorrect conclusions in the case. That assumption is that all of Governor Connally’s wounds were caused by one bullet when in fact Governor Connally was wounded by two separate shots which were both fired from the Texas School Book Depository. Dr. Wecht’s questions and observations led me to do more research which I’m still working on.

But what I want to show you today is when Governor Connally was wounded, something that has never been shown correctly on any of the documentaries or in any of the books that I’ve reviewed. You see, experts such as Dr. Wecht have been arguing about what did not happen. Instead, let’s show you what actually did happen.

To do that, I think the best place to start is with the last shot.

To briefly familiarize you with the Zapruder Film frame numbers, Z frame number 313 will be called Z313. The following are a few major frame numbers for familiarization.

Z=133 We first see the Limo in the film

Z=160 Some theorize the first shot from the Texas School Book Depository, we see Gov. Connally’s head movement to the right shortly afterwards

Z=220 We first see President Kennedy emerge from behind the sign, clutching his throat and obviously wounded

Z=223 Governor Connally reacts to his first wound

Z=220 to Z=324 Governor Connally turns to look over his shoulder toward what he thinks are gunshots

Z=313 We see the fatal shot to President Kennedy

Z=325 Governor Connally is hit in the back and driven forward

With the film speed of 18.3 frames/second, things happened quickly, too quick for 1960’s technology and the lack of accurate information they had to extract the truth. What we can see now in individual frames captured and edited was not possible even a few years ago when everything was analogue. And of course, nobody looked at Governor Connally closely after JFK's head shot at Z=313. Most everyone was sure all the serious action was over.

To those of you who remember the basic scenarios of the Warren Commission and the other numerous theories, the descriptions shown above concerning Connally’s wounds are new. And as I’ll show you, it isn’t a theory, it’s the only times Governor Connally could have been wounded in the eight seconds from the first shot until the last was fired.

With literally thousands of books and hour after hour of documentaries on what must surely be the most investigated murder in history, at this time let’s concentrate on Governor Connally’s wounds. Once you understand the only way possible that Governor Connally could have been wounded based on the facts we have, then not only can we understand how both men were wounded, it will once and for all reveal how the Guilty Men pulled this off.

The first question concerns the last shot shown above at Z=325. The Warren Commission concluded the last shot was the fatal head shot at Z=313 but was faced with testimony such as one of the best witnesses, Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman who sat in the Limo directly in front of Governor Connally. During his Warren Commission testimony, Kellerman spoke of the ending of the shooting as a “flurry” of shots. When pressed for how many, he said two. He described the spacing of the last two shots as bang-bang. When Arlen Specter pressed him again, he said it was like an airplane breaking the sound barrier (the front of the plane breaks the sound barrier before the rear of the plane, hence you hear bang-bang also).

When Arlen Specter asked the spacing between the first shot and the flurry of shots, Kellerman said three to five seconds.

When we look at the Zapruder film, we see at Z=325 the collapse forward and downward movement of Connally’s head. Looking at the sequence in real time, we see Connally driven quickly forward with his head snapping forward when he is shot. Further confirmation is given when you look at the analysis of the Dallas Police Recording. The difference between the Z=313 shot and the last shot is 0.7 seconds or approximately 12 frames.

We now have a credible witness, a recording, and the best motion picture of the assassination showing agreement that a shot was fired at Z=325.

But listen to a recent explanation of the Zapruder film factoring in the Dallas Police Recording. The reasons for Dr. Thomas' confusion and his trying to cling to the Warren Commission's are easily explained, but I'll leave that for later. Listen to the description of the last shot, "fired almost simultaneously" but they didn't even look to see what it might have done.

The Zapruder Film and the Dallas Police Recording per the Main Stream Media

A Warren Commission supporter will tell you that Governor Connally could not have been shot after Kennedy was shot because his leg wound does not line up with the shot trajectory through his body and through his right wrist. And, of course, there were only three bullets fired from the TSBD.

The hole in their argument is that Connally was indeed wounded earlier by a bullet fragment which entered Governor Connally’s leg. And note the importance of the fact to this investigation that it was a bullet fragment, not an intact bullet. That Connally was hit by a bullet fragment to his left leg is well documented but many of today’s documentaries incorrectly describe that the left leg wound was caused by an intact bullet which then fell out of his leg later at the hospital.

Three bullet fragments were found under Nellie Connally’s seat (CE840), who sat directly to the left of Governor Connally. It’s therefore credible that the bullet fragment that John Connally’s left leg is from the CE840 shot.

To test this “theory” against the Warren Commission’s, I took some of the better known observations in the JFK assassination list and compared the Z=325 scenario against the Warren Commission scenario. This is a quick way to see how facts fit against both theories.

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Warren Commission Three Shots

Z=325 Shot to Connally’s back




Connally turns in his seat and looks back at JFK Z=230 to Z=324

No (1)


Connally holds hat in his hand until at least




Nellie and John Connally both said John

Was shot after JFK’s first wound (3)



Connally falls forward as he describes in later

Interviews when he is shot



Three shots were fired from the TSBD



Several Witnesses saw shooter(s) at the Grassy




Agrees with Dallas Police Recording



Kellerman Described “flurry of shots”



JFK and Connally both react to Z=222 shot



Connally bullet left wide scar to his back like

the bullet was tumbling

Yes (4)


Bullet to JFK’s back did not have a point of exit (5).






(1) If seriously wounded at approximately Z=220, this turn would be incredible for a man wounded so seriously.

(2) Connally’s right wrist is allegedly broken by the shot at Z=220, it’s not reasonable to believe he could hold his hat for over 5 seconds

(3) Both Nellie and John Connally were actually very sure he was not wounded by the same bullet that first struck JFK. At a showing of the Zapruder film, John Connally guessed that he was wounded closer to Z=238. If the Dallas Police recording is valid, there is no shot fired at that time. Roy Kellerman’s testimony also stated that it was 3-5 seconds before the last two shots after the first.

(4) The Single Bullet supporters such as Dr. Latimer use this as support that the bullet which hit Gov. Connally in the back struck something else first. Experimental shots show that a bullet passing through tissue like JFK’s upper body tends to roll over; hence the wider scar that was left in Gov. Connally’s back. This is not proof, however, that the bullet struck something else before it entered John Connally’s back.

(5) FBI agent O’Neal described the autopsy discovery of the bullet wound to Kennedy’s back and then said no point of exit was discovered by probing with both the doctor’s finger and instruments.

The above table indicates based on some of the information commonly discussed concerning the assassination that the Z=325 scenario has merit. When you look at the location of the shot to JFK’s back (four inches below the collar) and the fact that after exiting his neck, the bullet next has to be traveling at a 25 degree down angle; this is probably the major reason the single bullet theory has been so disbelieved.

Is that enough of an introduction? I’ll tell you later the rest of the story as for this to be credible, there had to be at least six shots with three different shooters according to one of the doctors involved in the Warren Commission investigation. But as I’ve shown so far, Governor Connally’s left leg wound was caused by a bullet which fragmented and hit both JFK and Governor Connally.

That reduces to five shots and three different shooters, three shots from the TSBD and two shots from the front of the limo, fired by two different shooters. And funny thing is, there were witnesses who saw them!

To give you a hint about the rest of the story, in Tip O’Neal’s book, “The Man of the House” he discusses a conversation with JFK aid Kenny O’Donnell who said he was quite sure there were two shot fired from the front. O’Donnell also tells why he did not tell the Warren Commission what he saw and heard when he testified.

The cover-up and the misinformation supplied by the government is as interesting as the shooting analysis itself. You see, for the government to get the investigation this wrong with testimony so clear, there had to be some interesting arm twisting going on. Arlen Specter, do you even today have a clue what you did? And Gerald Ford, the lone surviving member of the Warren Commission, you have to know something, don’t you? Or did both of you keep your heads buried in the sand as you were manipulated by the Guilty Men? The truth is buried in a Conspiracy of Silence, just like Dr. Crenshaw said in the first book I read on the subject.

And how could the major news media keep getting this so wrong? "We" will deal with you later.

If you check Tip O’Neal’s book, “The Man of the House”, you’ll see that he talks about Kenny O’Donnell’s description in the book of two shots that were fired from the front. Since O’Donnell was in one of the cars behind JFK’s, he had a unique position and describes later to Tip O’Neal why he did not tell what he saw correctly to the Warren Commission.

Now let’s look at the individual frames and see Connelly’s head snap downward immediately after the bullet hits him in the back. I drew a white line through the back of his head in each frame to make the rapid movement of his head clearer. This is the first time to my knowledge that this head movement has been documented. With 18.2 frames per second, it would be virtually impossible for Connally’s head to collapse without an external force.

Z=324 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Z=325 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Z=326 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Z=327 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Z=328 Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now that you see in just a couple of frames how Governor Connally's head rolled down as he was ducking forward from the Z=313 shot that hit JFK in the head, listen to his description of how he was thrown forward as he was shot in the back.

A interview with Connally describing how he was shot

As you listen to Connally's description, the part about how he was hit in the back and thrown forward by the force of the bullet agrees with the Z=325 shot to Connally's back scenario very well, but then Govenor Connally goes on to describe how he then hears the fatal shot to JFK's head.

One of the reasons that this issue has been so confusing for so long is that many of the witnesses only got parts of what they said correct. Governor Connally, for example, did not see the head shot to President Kennedy as he was looking forward as he was turning to look over his left shoulder but he clearly says in his interview clip that JFK was shot after his back wound was received. Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman says he heard one shot followed by 3-5 seconds then two shots, bang-bang. Kellerman argues with Specter later trying to reason there had to be more shots than three but Kellerman never says he heard more than three. The shots Kellerman identifies are number 3, 4 and 5. Shot 3 fragments and hits both JFK and wounds Connally in the left leg with a bullet fragment, shot 4 is the fatal head shot at Z=313, and shot 5 is the shot to Connally's back at Z=325.

And later when other details are explained, the actual killers will be exposed. No investigation could get this so wrong without some serious arm twisting.

TOPICS: Conspiracy
KEYWORDS: 1995bwaittheresmore; alienabductions; aliensdidit; area51; assassination; banglist; bilderbergers; blackhelicopters; carnys; delusions; elvis; fairytales; grifters; howardhughesdidit; huckster; jfk; jfkassassination; jfkhit; joedimaggiodidit; kennedy; ladybirddidit; loonytunes; mafiadidit; moonlandingwasfaked; ninjasdidit; onasisdidit; onceuponatime; oswalddidit; paranoiddelusions; parishiltondidit; psychosis; reynoldswrap; scam; scamartist; secretdecoderrings; stonecutters; thejoooosdidit; thepentagonwasbombed; timetravel; timfoil; tinfoil; twintowerswasfaked; xfiles; zapruder
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To: Shooter 2.5
All three recovered bullets were forward of the victims.

All three two recovered bullets were forward of the victims.

The first bullet was never recovered. The curb was hit, and James Tague was hit in the face by a fragment, but no fragments from that bullet were recovered. The only bullet fragments found were in the limo, in Connally's or Kennedy's body, plus CE399 in the hospital. After testing, it was concluded that all the fragments (including CE399) came from a total of two bullets.

421 posted on 11/22/2006 9:50:55 AM PST by Tares
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To: Tares

Sorry, you're correct. The first bullet hit the curb at the underpass. The second was found on Connelly's stretcher at Parkland and accounts for the shallow wound in his thigh. The third broke off at the cannelure and one piece cracked the windshield. The photo of that crack was taken by some newsy at Parkland Hospital. The second fragment dented the inside windshield chrome support.

422 posted on 11/22/2006 2:08:22 PM PST by Shooter 2.5 (Vote a Straight Republican Ballot. Rid the country of dems. NRA)
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To: Shooter 2.5

Why do you ignore the fact that the Connallys both said John Connally was hit after Kennedy was hit the first time?
That would make four shots and blow your theory.
But everyone knows you make things up.
You still haven't backed up your accusation that I said the government and Lady Bird Johnson killed Kennedy.
I know you are trying to ignore this but it just proves that you make things up and ignore what doesn't suit you and are not accountable for what you say.

423 posted on 11/22/2006 5:50:54 PM PST by smoketree (the insanity, the lunacy these days)
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To: Shooter 2.5
I asked this guy exactly what happened that day and he still can't answer the question. He simply has no idea. He's making up as he goes along.

If you don't believe this, ask him to list the shooters and their precise positions. You won't get a straight answer.

Ask what happened on the first three shots? You did and I told you that my title is explaining the wounds to John Connally NOT explaining all the shots. I'll do that later. You see, IF you believe that Connally was shot in the back at Z=325, 0.7 seconds AFTER the shot to JFK's head at Z=313, then he had to have had the bullet fragment hit his leg at a different time.

You contend that I don't know what happened on the first three shots, and there are some unknowns as I still haven't learned everything I need to know. Even though you don't realize it, you're teaching me things :-) You posted a Dale Meyers' computer generated picture of John Kennedy's shoulders raised high to explain the shirt being pulled up on his back. Meyers has no evidence Kennedy's shoulder's were that high when the bullet him in the back but it's necessary for JFK to be contorted in that way if the single bullet theory is to be believed. Similarily, I can't prove some of the things in the first three shots unless some assumptions are made but IF Connally was shot in the back after JFK's fatal head shot, then he had to have been hit previously in the left leg with the bullet fragment. We see Connally react starting at Z=224 but there is no way to show that's what happened definitively.

Back to the last shot, a basic premise of mine is that IF John Connally was struck in the back at Z frame 325, then that means that a corrupt government investigation was performed as there is no way that an investigative team hearing so many people tell them that it didn't happen that way could get this so wrong.

What evidence do we have that the Warren Commission was a corrupt investigation? I'm overloaded, where would you start listing the problems with the Warren Commission and the information released for 40+ years? The reason we're discussing this is that the majority of Americans think the government lied. People who were there said it did NOT happen as the Warren Commission said it did.

Now I realize you are very genuine in your beliefs, and please extend me the same courtesy, because I am equally sincere. We both individually are sure we are right, but in reality only one of us can be right, I'm sure we can agree on that point,and that's probably the only point we can agree on right now.

Scenario ONE: The Warren Commission identified a single bullet that hit President Kennedy in the back (below the neck) which exited his neck and hit Governor Connally in the back, exited his chest after destroying about 10 cm of one rib, hit him in the right wrist and then deposited a bullet fragment into his left leg (it was NOT THE BULLET which hit him in the left leg, it was a bullet FRAGMENT!).

Scenario TWO: On the third shot fired of the first volley of shots (before the limo is seen after the Stemmons Freeway sign), a bullet fragment hits John Connally in the left leg. Connally can be seen reacting starting at Z=224 where his lapel bounces out as he quickly raises both arms up in reaction to a minor leg wound. You can see Connally look quickly to his left and then he turns to look over his left shoulder over the next (approximately) 5 seconds. The turn is not believable IF Connally really had a severe chest wound at that time as scenario number one has as it's center piece. Remember, there is supposedly a hole in the exit wound of his chest that's large, and NO evidence is seen on the Z film that even exists at that time. At Z=313 a shot hits JFK in the head and knocks him back and to his left. The shooter in the TSBD aiming at the back of JFK's head fires slightly later, but misses as JFK's head is knocked backwards and to the left. The bullet misses JKF's head and strikes John Connally in the back which drives him forward at Z=325. This is consistent with the way John Connally says he was hit and how he was knocked forward. We can see his head snap downward starting at Z=325 in the Zapruder film.

So how do we figure who's right?

You have (for scenario #1) the Warren Commission, Main Stream media, books like Gerald Possner's "Case Closed", Dale Meyer's computer animation (and ABC produced BEYOND CONSPIRACY), DIscovery Channel's BEYOND THE MAGIC BULLET and zillions of other articles, documentaries, ........

For scenario #2, which has never been seriously considered before, we have one of the witnesses who was shot in the back tell me he's knocked forward by the shot when it hits him in the back. Connally shot at Z=325 in the back is consistent with that fact.

We have John Connally's wife who sat right next to him say she saw John Connally turn AFTER the first bullet hit JFK and he wasn't struck for what Nellie Connally thought was two seconds after JFK's first wound. On national TV she says she asked the Warren Commission how the bullet could hang in the air for seconds?

We have a witness who says the limo was in Detroit after the assassination, the windshield was removed and the interior was stripped. The windshield was replaced and the original one was scrapped.

We have an FBI agent who was at the autopsy who says that when the wound in JFK's back was found (and it was by another FBI agent, NOT a doctor), Francis O'Neal quoted the Doctor as saying he probed with his finger NO POINT OF EXIT, the doctor then probed with a small surgical probe, NO POINT OF EXIT.

I can put up clips like this all day long and show you people who say things that are NOT consistent with the Warren Commission's findings of a single bullet striking both JFK and John Connally.

To explain what's going on, I contend we either have a lot of idiots who you describe as "unreliable witnesses"


We have a corrupt investigation led by J. Edgar Hoover backed by President Lyndon B. Johnson who by other evidence was about to not only be removed as Vice-President on the Democratic ticket, he was going to jail too (I haven't introduced any evidence to support that claim, but there's plenty out there that exists). I only mention LBJ's criminal past as to support the premise that LBJ was under extreme pressure and like a wounded animal he fought back.

So there is the motive for LBJ. Why did so many people get on national TV and say they saw it differently? What could be their motive?

The simple explanation is it was a corrupt investigation. The simple explanation is LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover were behind cooking up the scenario, of setting up Oswald to shoot JFK. Oswald should have been killed in the theatre for Cop Killing but it didn't go down as planned. Many things went wrong that day, it should be OBVIOUS now, but it's not.

Tell me why all those people who were there got it wrong and the Warren Commission figured out they were mistaken. Occam's razor is very applicable here.

For the first time, we have a scenario postulated that is consistent with what many of the witnesses who were there on Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas. The Warren Commission single bullet scenario is not consistent with what they said happend. Explain to me why you are right and why not only why I'm wrong, explain to me why the people who were there are so wrong in their statements.

Remember, all those people could NOT have a simple collective motive and surely I made it clear that I don't think it is a credible agrument that all those witnesses were mistaken about all those different things. Many of the eye witnesses agree with scenario #2, Connally shot in the back at Z=325, not with the Warren Commission single bullet theory. Explaining WHY the Warren Commission was corrupt is simple, LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover wanted power. Both were being swept aside and killing JFK was the simple way to get power.

424 posted on 11/23/2006 9:35:04 AM PST by BILL_C (Those who don't understand the lessons of history are bound to repeat them!)
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To: Al Gator
You can still buy them for 25 dollars.

I've seen them in Shotgun News for as low as 3 for $69.95, non-shooting statement required. They are not a bad little rifle, I just have problems anyone using a scope getting off that many rounds *accurately* in that time span. Oswald was also a Marine.

If one understand Marine Corp base training, then they would think he would have used a M-1 Garand or a Star Gauge '03 Springfield.

425 posted on 11/23/2006 10:16:36 AM PST by investigateworld (Abortion stops a beating heart)
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Why waste time with shooter .25. He makes things up and ignores what doesn't suit him. Then he jumps all over to some different idea then makes wild accusations then dieappears when confronted.
He is not worth repeating the same facts over and over.

426 posted on 11/23/2006 10:53:29 AM PST by smoketree (the insanity, the lunacy these days)
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To: smoketree
Why waste time with shooter .25. He makes things up and ignores what doesn't suit him. Then he jumps all over to some different idea then makes wild accusations then dieappears when confronted. He is not worth repeating the same facts over and over.

I disagree that he, or anybody else, is not worth making an effort to convince him of the truth. Now, I'm sure by now few who read this really grasp what has been said here, and that is: There are TWO TIMES in the Zapruder Film that we see Governor John Connally react in a way that he might have been wounded.

The first time is at Z=224, where his lapel moves outward. This has been interpreted many times as the time the bullet passed through his chest, but in actuality, the only thing that happened was John Connally is raising his arms in reaction to the minor wound he received to his left leg from a bullet fragment. The second time that Connally reacts as if he is shot is at Z=325 (0.7 seconds AFTER JFK is shot in the head). At that time, Connally is driven forward in his seat exactly as he described in the video I posted earlier today.

One of the things I've found in dealing with a few of the better known "JFK" experts is a bias that is almost religious in nature, just like Shooter .25 displays. He doesn't listen at all statements, he just lashes out as if he knows everything with absolute certaintity.

Here's the way I see it: The average person can be shown that John Connally was shot in the back AFTER JFK's fatal head shot and believe it, and know this is SIMPLE, BUT the more someone has been involved in this insanity called the single bullet theory, the more likely they are to just not believe that the solution to this murder is simple, in fact, it's trivial.

JFK was killed by a conspiracy Cooked up by LBJ and Hoover,and of course, with that kind of power, the Warren Commission was nothing more than a rubber stamp.

The zillions of books, TV documentaries etc. are ALL WRONG. The correct shooting scenario in the JFK assassination has NEVER been shown on any documentary or described correctly anywhere else that I'm aware of, Connally was the last one shot, and he was shot in the back 0.7 seconds AFTER JFK's fatal head shot.

It's that simple. Now do you believe it? Remember, if this is correct, the MSM and our government both endorse an incredibly rediculous lie. The EMPEROR's NEW CLOTHES is about as close a parallel as I can imagine, the single bullet theory is that silly.

427 posted on 11/23/2006 3:07:40 PM PST by BILL_C (Those who don't understand the lessons of history are bound to repeat them!)
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To: Tares

428 posted on 11/26/2006 9:06:58 AM PST by Shooter 2.5 (Vote a Straight Republican Ballot. Rid the country of dems. NRA)
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To: Shooter 2.5

There you go again shooter.25 making things up.
I've proven you make things up and are not accountable for what you say.
You're a joke.

429 posted on 11/26/2006 1:48:36 PM PST by smoketree (the insanity, the lunacy these days)
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Lyndon Johnson did it.

430 posted on 11/26/2006 2:16:29 PM PST by Ditter
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To: Ditter
Lyndon Johnson did it.

Ah, to prove it so the average person, when they hear anything about John Kennedy, they'll think, Johnson did it.

One thing we do know for sure is, that the MSM is not going to tell you the truth. It's still too hot to touch.

431 posted on 11/26/2006 4:47:58 PM PST by BILL_C (Those who don't understand the lessons of history are bound to repeat them!)
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To: Shooter 2.5
I found the guy who shot that bullet:

Here he is with the other shooter:

432 posted on 11/26/2006 5:51:37 PM PST by Tares
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To: Tares

Good work. That's some excellent research. Is that orange thing in the barrel of the pistol one of those suction darts?
Actually one of those on found near the grassy knoll. I guess they dropped it. No matter the first one worked anyway.

433 posted on 11/26/2006 5:59:13 PM PST by smoketree (the insanity, the lunacy these days)
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To: smoketree

One of those "was found" on the grassy knoll.

434 posted on 11/26/2006 6:00:40 PM PST by smoketree (the insanity, the lunacy these days)
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To: BILL_C; Shooter 2.5

The reason I think Johnson had Kennedy killed is because he was the only one to gain any thing from Kennedy's death, except revenge. I think the Mafia actually set it up and did it with Johnson blessing and maybe his help. If you read the biographies of Johnson you see how driven he was. He was VP, so close, but still so far away. The ONLY way he was ever going to be president is if Kennedy died. Johnson was an S.O.B.

435 posted on 11/26/2006 6:03:20 PM PST by Ditter
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To: Tares

Timetravlers. I should have guessed. That explains the cloaking device on the knoll. It makes more sense than a fragment which can magically change three or four directions.

The Civil War Union cavalry enlisted man is holding an 1863 Sharps carbine. It used a .54 caliber bullet with paper cartridge.

436 posted on 11/26/2006 6:45:10 PM PST by Shooter 2.5 (Vote a Straight Republican Ballot. Rid the country of dems. NRA)
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To: Shooter 2.5
The Civil War Union cavalry enlisted man is holding an 1863 Sharps carbine. It used a .54 caliber bullet with paper cartridge.

Thanks for the info. I googled it and got a nice history lesson.

437 posted on 11/27/2006 8:35:31 AM PST by Tares
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To: Ditter

The reason I think Johnson had Kennedy killed is because he was the only one to gain any thing from Kennedy's death, except revenge

You apparently did not see "THE GUILTY MEN" aired on the (non)History Channel in 2003. The show revealed the shady past of LBJ from winning his first election by ballet stuffing to killing a government employee (Henry Marshall, who wouldn't take a bribe) plus he was implicated in killing even his sister! Johnson was going to jail for murder and lesser crimes such as getting money from Bobby Baker, who collected "payments" and passed them to LBJ.

The show was aired only two days and then pulled when legal action was threatened, real heroes were involved such as Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Bill Moyers...... The show's only HARD EVIDENCE was a fingerprint found in the shooter's nest at the TSBD which belonged to Mac Wallace, a killer associated with LBJ. The fingerprint was matched to Mac Wallace by an expert who said "no doubt." The FBI later said verbally, no match. Read about the GUILTY MEN below:

The ninth segment, titled "The Guilty Men", directly implicated Lyndon B. Johnson. Within days, Johnson's widow, Lady Bird Johnson, more of his surviving associates, ex-President Jimmy Carter, and the lone, living Warren Commission commissioner and ex-President Gerald R. Ford immediately complained to the History Channel. They subsequently threatened legal action against Arts & Entertainment Company, owner of the History Channel. "The Guilty Men" segment was completely withdrawn by the History Channel.

Another note about the show:

Character Assassination

Why did the History Channel accuse LBJ of JFK's murder?

Thursday, February 19, 2004 12:01 a.m. EST

Can there be a way to prepare one's mind for the spectacle now before us, in which the History Channel explains its worthy reasons for airing a film back in November--part of the 40th anniversary of JFK's assassination--identifying Lyndon B. Johnson as the criminal responsible for John Kennedy's murder? We can but try.....

History Channel apologizes The History Channel has apologized to Lady Bird Johnson and her family for last year's documentary that implicated President Lyndon Johnson in the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. "Our commitment is to historical accuracy, and in this case, we regrettably did not live up to our standards," History Channel chief Dan Davids wrote. The Guilty Men: An Historical Review will air at 8 p.m. ET/PT Wednesday. Three historians will review the original Guilty Men and present their findings. In a statement, the History Channel said the panel has agreed that any implication that Johnson was involved in the assassination is "entirely unfounded." Said former Johnson aide Tom Johnson, speaking for the family: "As we who saw the original show knew at the time of its airing in November 2003, the program and the reprehensible allegations were categorically false. While we know that the apology and the second broadcast may not erase completely the false accusations made by the original show, we believe that future generations will know that all of us were determined to set the record straight and to clear President Johnson's name from irresponsible and completely unfounded charges."

This broadcast scared some of the survivors to this lie. But IF you stop and think about this,there's only one explanation why all the lies are out there. Think of all the hundreds of people who did step forward and said, "Wait, I saw (X, Y or Z) but it makes no difference, it's their word against the integrity of the US Government. "They" can't admit that the Vice-President KILLED JFK in an elaborate scheme that fell apart many times but is supported to this day by the main stream media. It's been shown many times to any reasonable person that LBJ is the only explanation that fits but MSM still plays the game like we'll never know.

438 posted on 11/27/2006 8:59:48 AM PST by BILL_C (Those who don't understand the lessons of history are bound to repeat them!)
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To: Shooter 2.5
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I simply erased the sarcastic bullet trail that you had marked and I connected the two wounds in JFK's back to the neck wound, and guess what, the bullet angle down NEVER comes near Connally's leg, and you do not show the entry wound in the back below the shoulder as FBI agent O'Neal said in his notes.

Remember, I contend IF Connally was shot in the back at Z=325, then that alone is reasonable proof that the Warren Commission investigation was corrupt.

When I presented this scenario to Dr. Wecht last year, I first got his attention when I explained the 25 degree down angle that was required for one bullet to account for all of John Connally's wounds. This impossible down angle was the basis for Dr. Wecht to be the ONLY discenting member of the HSCA. The other doctors and lawyers on the committee aparently never mastered geometry. The rather steep angle down is required to get a bullet fragment into Connally's left leg. As you know, the wound to his left leg was a bullet fragment, not a bullet. No one can explain the mass deficit for the fragment in Connally's left leg from CE399, can you?

Of course, FBI agent O'Neal's comments in his notes and in his interview on FOX a couple of years ago said that Dr. Hummes said during the autopsy, NO POINT OF EXIT.

<"FBI agent on back wound, Hummes said NO POINT OF EXIT">

OF course, Hummes himself finding NO POINT OF EXIT by probing the back wound with his finger and with a surgical instrument proves the Warren Commission scenario of a single bullet is WRONG.

AS I pointed out before, either all of these UNRELIABLE witnesses got it wrong and embarrassed themselves by contradicting the Warren Commission on National TV


We had a fraudulant investigation called the Warren Commission fed rediculous evidence by Hoover and backed by the most CORRUPT President in US history, Lyndon B. Johnson.

439 posted on 11/28/2006 7:30:47 PM PST by BILL_C (Those who don't understand the lessons of history are bound to repeat them!)
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That was a joke rework of some nutcases explanation of the third bullet. It's so out of scale it's pathetic.

The jumpseat Connelly was sitting on was eight inches lower than Kennedy's seat. Kennedy also wasn't sitting leaning back as this pathetic excuse tried to show. The Dallas Book Depository also wasn't 60 feet higher than the limo at the third shot. The sixth floor is a great deal higher than the nutcase tried to claim. The nut also decided to omit the incine of the street. That changes the angle drastically.

The joke I was showing was how stupid you could be to think Connelly could be shot in the thigh without getting shot in the back. Do you want to try to explain that bullet path?

440 posted on 11/29/2006 5:15:47 AM PST by Shooter 2.5 (Vote a Straight Republican Ballot. Rid the country of dems. NRA)
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