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Live Thread of The Path to 911 (Part I) [8- 10:30 pm Eastern - ABC]
Freepers evertwhere ^
| 09/10/06
| mware
Posted on 09/10/2006 9:16:53 AM PDT by mware
Edited on 09/10/2006 3:32:33 PM PDT by Admin Moderator.
I didn't hear if anyone was planning for a live thread of the film tonight. Just in case anyone wants to start early. Some in Australia already have seen part 1. Part 1 airs tonight at 8pm Eastern Time on ABC.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; Government; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2001; 911; abc; abcminiseries; abcpathto911; benedictarnold; bentone; berger; binladen; bush; clinton; clintonblowjs; clintonlegacy; clintonsfault; clintonterroracts; corruption; dncisthepathto911; dncpathto911; docudrama; documentary; fifthanniversary; flight93; georgewbush; groundzero; islamisevil; kenya; letsroll; massood; massoud; neverforget; obl; oklacityterroract; osama; part1; pathto911; pentagon; rudy; sandyburglar; sandypants; sept11th; september112001; sicksociopath; tanzania; thatspathetic; toddbeamer; twa800terroract; twintowers; usembassies; vincefostermurder; w; whiners; whydidwtc7fall; whylibsarehowling; youssef
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To: jimbo123
Approximate times of the 6 clips on various websites that are said to be what Clinton wanted removed:
1 - 3:28 mm:ss
2 - 3:32 mm:ss
3 - 4:28 mm:ss
4 - 7:30 mm:ss
5 - 7:01 mm:ss
6 - 5:54 mm:ss
Total - approx - 31:73 mm:ss
posted on
09/10/2006 1:25:19 PM PDT
To: Arizona Carolyn; mware
Evidentally it doesn't bother Rush, he was relentless on the subject. Sean, however, seemed more than a little nervous and made a point of mentioning it.Rush only uses WABC as a "home base" (and doesn't even do that any more most of the time, since he lives in Florida now), but ABC has no control over his program; it's owned by Clear Channel. Sean is more scared because ABC actually owns and syndicates his show from top to bottom; if they wanted to fire him (or, worse, simply take him off the air while paying off his contract), he'd have to start over from scratch.
To: TomGuy
Total - approx - 31:73 mm:ss should be 31:53 mm:ss
posted on
09/10/2006 1:28:20 PM PDT
To: mware
Too bad we are not in Australia or UK we could see it without it being censored.The British edition is being taped right now and will be made available on a few private file-sharing web sites within an hour or so after it finishes airing. I predict it will be made available via public, open file-sharing networks by 9 pm. Download it, watch the Aussie/UK version, and tell ABC to shove it; that's what I'm going to do.
To: TomGuy
Well... I've got my TiVo set up to record it. If the last half hour is gone, I will delete it without watching and wait for a "director's cut".
To: All
To: Dont Mention the War
I'd like to know where to find it once in becomes available on the Net, please.
posted on
09/10/2006 1:38:44 PM PDT
(Mark Levin and Ann Coulter are my patron saints.)
To: Dont Mention the War
My main man, Mark Levin, didn't sound the least bit nervous!
Why I love him soooo.....:)
posted on
09/10/2006 1:39:28 PM PDT
(Mark Levin and Ann Coulter are my patron saints.)
To: vrwcagent0498
If I can find it, I'll let you know. I think the last few minutes are still airing in the UK as I type this.
To: jimbo123
And where did you hear this, since the international is also 2.5 hours according to those who saw it....
they didn't cut a damn thing...
posted on
09/10/2006 1:43:58 PM PDT
To: rwfromkansas
posted on
09/10/2006 1:46:22 PM PDT
(1 Billion Muslims -- IF only 10% are radical, that's still 100 Million who want to kill us.)
To: finnman69
PLEASE SAVE THESE CLIPS TO YOUR DESKTOP - ANYONE! I don't know how, but I know it can be done.
They've been taken down on every other site. HURRY!
posted on
09/10/2006 1:50:06 PM PDT
(America: There are more Patriots than Punks!)
To: TomGuy
How many death threats did the execs and producers at ABC get?
posted on
09/10/2006 1:52:09 PM PDT
(The MSM: State run Democrat media masquerading as corporations)
To: NordP
"They've been taken down on every other site. HURRY! " This is hilarious! Sounds like it's turned into a game of "Whack-a-Mole"...
I've got my copies of the clips and have watched them twice. The attack by the Taliban on the Northern Alliance after Clinton's failed missile attack on Bin Laden was really intense!
posted on
09/10/2006 1:54:34 PM PDT
To: jimbo123
You may be right after all since the Aussie one was aired with commercials. If that was 2.5 hours and ours is 2.5 hours without commercials, obviously a lot was chopped from ours.
posted on
09/10/2006 2:07:39 PM PDT
To: rwfromkansas
I'm more concerned about the Nightline special and the spinning that will be taking place. Why run the Nightline segment on Sunday before the show is even over?
To: jimbo123
posted on
09/10/2006 2:10:45 PM PDT
To: jimbo123
I have work tomorrow. I am going to bed directly after part one. I don't need anyone to tell me what I just saw.
posted on
09/10/2006 2:12:07 PM PDT
(Americans in armchairs doing the job of the media.)
To: angkor
But that makes no sense. Networks do not "ship" video programs via Fedex or the US mail. They send them via the Internet. No, they don't. They are sent by satellite.
posted on
09/10/2006 2:15:13 PM PDT
To: bygolly
I've got my copies of the clips
Me too. I got mine early this morning when the links first appeared. I suspicioned that they might 'disappear'.
posted on
09/10/2006 2:29:24 PM PDT
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