Posted on 08/31/2006 4:37:36 AM PDT by veronica
Republicans have moved closer to the Democrats in a congressional voter-preference poll just as the election campaigns near the official Labor Day starting gate.
The surprising findings in a little-noticed Gallup Poll that were ignored by most of the national news media shows the Democrats barely leading the Republicans by just two points -- 47 percent to 45 percent.
After months of generic polling numbers by Gallup and others showing the GOP lagged far behind the Democrats by a seemingly insurmountable nine to 10 points, the titanic political battle for control of Congress is virtually dead even. This means we may not experience the feared Category 5 political storm some election analysts have forecast that would topple the GOP's House majority and cut deeply into its grip on the Senate.
The venerable and respected Gallup organization, which did the poll for USA Today, said the GOP's unexpected rise in the polls "represents the Republicans' best performance in a single poll during the 2006 election cycle on this important measure of electoral strength."
In an analysis accompanying its findings last week, Gallup said, "The Republican increase does appear to be significant."
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HOT DAMN!! You beat me by 1 minute and fifteen seconds.
I, for one, am not surprised. THIS is the time to be on the upswing.
Wouldn't it be a shame if we netted a couple of extra seats? Dems would go crazy.
Watch the dems become more vicious in their assaults
This will panic them
Holy cow! The Dems won't be retaking anything if the numbers are close to even.
And with 9-11 coming up, an important reminder.
And we thought the Dems were bummed out in 2002? They'd completely go off the deep end if that happened this year.
IMHO, Thanks to the British airline incidents.
No doubt and that's when they make mistakes.
The Dems will have to be very careful how they handle that.
Wait a week, but remember that polls influence donations. They will show that this is close right up to election day. Sorry to sound cynical, but increasingly I think it is the media that polarizes America for profit.
There could be some surprises, including in PA's 12th District where John Murtha is facing an unprecedented challenge from Diana Irey.
The virtuosity of this voter turnout apparatus should not be under estimated. If we can keep within striking distance, this high tech apparatus which puts Republican neighbors in touch with likely Republican voters thus combining the best of high-tech and a human touch, might just save the House.
If we lose the house we lose the republic because we will have lost the borders.
If we lose the house we might just lose the war on terrorism as we see the President impeached.
If we lose the Senate we will lose the Supreme Court and we will eventually lose the republic on a slower timetable.
Anyone who thinks he can make a difference should not step up to the plate and participate in a get out the vote drive.
1. Let the monkeys run the zoo.
2. Leave the adults in charge.
"The Republican increase does appear to be significant."
Do we know what the polls there are showing?
Delete "not."
The Lamont-Liebermann race may have something to do with this as well.
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