Posted on 08/07/2006 3:43:15 PM PDT by DAVEY CROCKETT
Tehran & Damascus Move to Lebanon Lebanon-born Walid Phares is a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Author of the recent book Future Jihad, he was also one of the architects of 2004s United Nations resolution 1559, which called for the disarming of Hezbollah. NRO editor Kathryn Lopez recently talked to Phares about whats going on in the Mideast, what happened to the Cedar Revolution, and this war were all in.
Kathryn Jean Lopez: What is Future Jihad? Are we seeing it in the Mideast now?
Walid Phares: Future Jihad, which has already begun, refers to a new and potent form of Islamic terrorism, characterized by a Khumeinist-Baathist axis. These are the two trees of jihadism, so to speak the Salafism and Wahabism embodied in al Qaeda and the sort of jihadism led by Iran and also including Syria, Hezbollah, and their allies in Lebanon.
The alliance has not been in entire agreement as to strategy. The al Qaeda branch began its Future Jihad in the 1990s; its efforts culminated on 9/11 and have continued explosively since then. The international Salafists aimed at the U.S. in the past decade in order to strengthen their jihads on various battlefields (Chechnya, India, Sudan, Algeria, Indonesia, Palestine, etc.). Weaken the resolve of America, their ideologues said, and the jihadists would overwhelm all the regional battlefields.
As I argue in Future Jihad, bin Laden and his colleagues miscalculated on the timing of the massive attack against the U.S. in 2001. While they wounded America, they didnt kill its will to fight (as was the case, for instance, in the Madrid 3/11 attacks). I have heard many jihadi cadres online, and have seen al Jazeera commentators on television, offering hints of criticism about the timing. They were blaming al Qaeda for shooting its imagined silver bullet before insuring a strategic follow up. But bin Laden and Zawahiri believe 9/11 served them well, and has put a global mobilization into motion. Perhaps it has, but the U.S. counter strategy in the Middle East, chaotic as the region currently appears, has unleashed counter jihadi forces. The jury is still out as to the time factor: when these forces will begin to weaken the jihadists depends on our perseverance and the public understanding of the whole conflict.
The other tree of jihadism, with its roots in Iran, withheld fire after 9/11. They were content to watch the Salafists fight it out with the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan and Iraq, not to mention within the West, as terror cells were hunted down. Ahmedinejad, Assad, and Nasrallah were analyzing how far the US would go, and how far the Sunnis and Salafis would go as well.
The fall of the Taliban and of the Baath in Iraq, however, changed Iran and Syrias patient plans. The political changes in the neighborhood, regardless of their immediate instability, were strongly felt in Tehran and Damascus (but unfortunately not in the U.S., judging from the political debate here), and pushed the Khumeinists and the Syrian Baathists to enter the dance, but carefully. Assad opened his borders to the jihadists in an attempt to crumble the U.S. role in Iraq, while Iran articulated al Sadrs ideology for Iraqs Shiia majority.
A U.S.-led response came swiftly in 2004 with the voting of UNSCR 1559, smashing Syrias role in Lebanon and forcing Assad to withdraw his troops by April 2005. In response, the axis prepared for a counter attack on the Lebanese battlefield by assassinating a number of the Cedar Revolution leaders, including MP Jebran Tueni. In short, the attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah and the kidnappings of soldiers were the tip of an offensive aimed at drawing attention away from Irans nuclear weapons programs and Syrias assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri. Hezbollah was awaiting its moment for revenge against the Cedar Revolution too.
What we see now is 1) a Syro-Iranian sponsored offensive aimed at all democracies in the region and fought in Lebanon; 2) Israels counter offensive (which it seems to have prepared earlier); and 3) an attempt by Hezbollah to take over or crumble the Lebanese government.
Lopez: So did the Cedar Revolution fail?
Phares: Actually, it would be more accurate to say that the Cedar Revolution was failed. The masses in Lebanon responded courageously in March 2005 by putting 1.5 million people on the streets of Beirut. They did it without no-fly-zones, expeditionary forces, or any weapons at all, for that matter, and against the power of three regimes, Iran, Syria, and pro-Syrian Lebanon, in addition to Hezbollah terror. The revolution was for a time astoundingly successful; since then it has been horribly failed, and first of all by Lebanons politicians themselves. One of their leaders, General Michel Aoun, shifted his allegiances to Syria and signed a document with Hezbollah. Other politicians from the March 14 Movement then stopped the demonstrations, leaving them with the support of God knows what. They failed in removing the pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud and brought back a pro-Syrian politician to serve as a speaker of the house, Nabih Berri. Meanwhile, even as they were elected by the faithful Cedar Revolution masses, they engaged in a round table dialogue with Hezbollah, a clear trap set by Hassan Nasrallah: Lets talk about the future, he said with the implication, of course, that they forget about the Cedar Revolution and the militias disarming. While political leaders sat for months, enjoying the photo ops with Hassan Nasrallah, he was preparing his counter offensive, which he unleashed just a few days before the Security Council would discuss the future of Irans nuclear programs.
The Lebanese government of Prime Minister Seniora also abandoned the Cedar Revolution. His cabinet neither disarmed Hezbollah nor called on the U.N. to help in implementing UNSCR 1559. This omission is baffling. The government was given so much support by the international community and, more importantly, overwhelming popular support inside Lebanon: 80 percent of the people were hoping the Cedar Revolution-backed government would be the one to resume the liberation of the country. Now Hezbollah has an upper hand and the government is on the defensive.
The U.S. and its allies can be accused of certain shortcomings as well. While the speeches by the U.S. president, congressional leaders from both parties, Tony Blair, and Jacques Chirac were right on target regarding Lebanon, and while the U.S. and its counterparts on the Security Council were diligent in their follow up on the Hariri assassination and on implementing UNSCR 1559, there was no policy or plan to support the popular movement in Lebanon. Incredibly, while billions were spent on the war of ideas in the region, Lebanese NGOs that wanted to resume the struggle of the Cedar Revolution and fighting alone for this purpose were not taken seriously at various levels. Policy planners thought they were dealing with the Cedar Revolution when they were meeting Lebanons government and Lebanese politicians. The difference between the high level speeches on Lebanon and the laissez-faire approach from lower levels is amazing. Simply put, there was no policy on supporting the Cedar Revolution against the three regimes opposing it and the $400 million received by Hezbollah from Iran.
The Cedar Revolution was basically betrayed by its own politicians and is now essentially without a head. Nevertheless, as long as the international support remains, the Revolution will find its way and will face the dangers. The one and a half million ordinary citizens who braved all the dangers didnt change their minds about Hezbollahs terror. The resistance and counter-attack was to be expected. Unfortunately, thus far Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah have outmaneuvered the West and are at the throats of the Cedar Revolution. The international community must revise its plans, and, if it is strongly backed by the U.S. and its allies, including France, the situation can be salvaged. The good seeds are still inside the country.
More at link...
Hezbollah coming to a town near you.
Please watch.
For those of you
who think Hezbollah is a Lebanese/Israeli problem here is some info for
Over 300 Hezbollah terrorist have been arrested in America on
American soil in the last few years by our government one of them was a
general who came through the Mexican border.
Hezbollah has 11 cells that we know of in the United States.
Hezbollah has continuously vowed "Death to America."
Of the 25,000 supposedly Americans we shipped out of Lebanon in this
last brouhaha, most of them were Muslim Hezbollah sympathizers. Over
7000 of them were from Dearbornistan, Michigan who after getting home
demonstrated against America in support of Hezbollah.
Wake up America, Speak, ACT, Get involved, Subscribe to receive our
emails, Sign our Petitions and most importantly Forward this to your
elected officials and let them know you are watching them and keeping
track of their votes comes election day. Either they serve political
correctness or they serve America and the American people's interest. Let
them know you are watching and YOU VOTE.
Brigitte Gabriel
Google Alert - radioactive material
S. Korea says N. Korea's nuke test will undermine nonproliferation ...
Hindu - Chennai,India
... However, many experts believe the North has enough radioactive
to build at least a half-dozen or more nuclear weapons. ...
Former Atomic Weapons Factory Workers Hope To Receive Government ...
KSDK - St. Louis,MO,USA
... workers nearby. At Dow, workers used shapers and presses to work on
metals laced with thorium, a radioactive material. Now, many ...
Nevada congressman calls proposed waste dump broken
Las Vegas Sun - Las Vegas,NV,USA
... Though water would likely be the vehicle to spread contamination if
it came into contact with radioactive material, Dyer said the increase
was not enough to ...
Twelve passengers arrested after Northwest Airlines disturbance (Amsterdam to Mumbai flight)
AFP on Yahoo ^ | 8/23/06 | AFP
Posted on 08/23/2006 9:50:36 AM PDT by NormsRevenge
THE HAGUE (AFP) - Twelve passengers on a Northwest Airlines flight that returned to Amsterdam's Schiphol airport after the pilot raised an alert over worrying behaviour have been arrested, the Dutch ANP news agency has reported.
The plane was flying from the Dutch capital to Mumbai, India, with 149 passengers on board on Wednesday when what the pilot called "behavior of concern" prompted him to return to Amsterdam.
The plane was escorted by two Dutch air force jets.
--- ---- ----
Rush Limbaugh, said only the above, but added that they want to look at the cellphones, he could have been joking.
I just posted another thread, said the same as the radio, that 12 were arrested, something is up.
Rush repeated what is in post 1600, the thread, but added that they wanted to look at the cellphones, could have been joking.
Conflict of Interest Is Raised in N.S.A. Ruling
NY Times' Terrorist Tip Sheet ^ | August 23, 2006 | ERIC LICHTBLAU (Terrorist Tipper)
Posted on 08/22/2006 10:24:54 PM PDT by neverdem
WASHINGTON, Aug. 22 The federal judge who ruled last week that President Bushs eavesdropping program was unconstitutional is a trustee and an officer of a group that has given at least $125,000 to the American Civil Liberties Union in Michigan, a watchdog group said Tuesday.
The group, Judicial Watch, a conservative organization here that found the connection, said the link posed a possible conflict for the judge, Anna Taylor Diggs, and called for further investigation.
The system relies on judges to exercise good judgment, and we need more information and more explanation about what the courts involvement was in support of the A.C.L.U., said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, which gained attention in the 1990s for ethics accusations against President Bill Clinton.
Three legal ethicists interviewed said although Judge Taylors role as a trustee for a supporter of the civil liberties group would not necessarily disqualify her from hearing the case, she should have probably disclosed the connection in court to avoid any appearance of a conflict.
It certainly would have been prudent to notify the parties in the case, including the Justice Department, about the issue, said Steven Lubet, a law professor at Northwestern University and an author of Judicial Conduct and Ethics.
I dont think theres a clear answer as to whether she should have disqualified herself, Professor Lubet said. But at a minimum, she should have disclosed it.
In a case brought by the national organization of the A.C.L.U. and its Michigan chapter, among others, Judge Taylor ruled that the surveillance by the National Security Agency without warrants that was approved after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks violated the Constitution and a 1978 surveillance law.
The Justice Department moved immediately to appeal Judge Taylors ruling.
Some legal experts saw the decision as an important affirmation...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
"Something is up"
Sure looks that way.
I was just looking for more info on the 12 arrested at Schiphol airport and this weird report is amidst the articles:
>>>>Dark chocolates. Police at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport has released a warning for hallucinogenic dark chocolate bars after a homeless man ate one and confused their uniforms with wedding dresses.(AFP/File/Joe Raedle)
AFP/File - Aug 17 8:08 AM<<<<<
British Muslim Incitement Contnues--So much for the law against glorifying terrorism.
The New York Times | Frontpagemagazine ^ | August 23, 2006 | Souad Mekhennet and Dexter Filkins
Posted on 08/23/2006 7:17:36 AM PDT by SJackson
From his home on the northwest edge of this city, Muhamad al-Massari runs a Web site that celebrates the violent death of British and American soldiers. It is visited by tens of thousands of people every day, he said. Mr. Massari maintains the Arabic-language site,, in the face of a strict new law aimed at curtailing violent speech and publishing. Just last week, the Council of Holy Warriors, a group affiliated with Al Qaeda, posted a declaration on the site praising a suicide bombing in Iraq that killed or wounded 55 people.
If you kill our civilians, we kill your civilians, Mr. Massari declared during an interview.
Mr. Massaris Web site, and his public remarks, appear to violate of the Antiterrorism Act of 2006, which makes it a crime to glorify or encourage political violence. Inciting violence has long been illegal here but the new rules, drawn up after the London subway and bus bombings in July 2005, are intended to be much tougher.
The laws underlying assumption is that speeches and publications by Britains more extreme Islamists may play a role in leading disgruntled young men toward violence. In addition to banning speech that encourages terrorism, the new law also criminalizes reckless speech that may have the same effect.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
According to the other thread, there was something funny about the cellphones, 11 of the men, got up and gave their phones to the 12th man...........
On the chocolate bars, yes, we had that report, seems they simply leave them around the airport, for people to find and eat.
Are they trying to reach a pilot?
There was also one that I posted a month or so ago, about candy in the schools here, that have been hollowed out and filled with a drug.
I got the impression they were talking about jawbreakers, said there was a plug and I thought another mark on them, and very popular with the US school kids.
After I posted and left, I got to thinking about your candy bars.
I would not need to be a pilot, how about a bus driver? or any number of other drivers or people responsible for others?
One does wonder what it is all about, dope costs money and they as a rule do not give it away to unknown people.
I think what I read before was just the police warning.
Makes me remember the soft drink cans in Grand Central, with Drano in them and left for people to find and drink.
Syria: Israel should admit defeat
Special Dispatch - Iran
August 24, 2006
No. 1261
Al-Borz News Service: President Ahmadinejad Expected to Announce Iran's
"Nuclear Birth"
To view this Special Dispatch in HTML, visit: .
The Iranian news service Al-Borz, which is known to have access to
in the Iranian government, predicted that on the first anniversary of
Iranian President Ahmadinejad's government, in late August 2006,
is expected to announce what the news service called Iran's "nuclear
In addition, an August 23, 2006 article about Iran's reply to the
proposal, that was posted on the Iranian Foreign Ministry-affiliated
website , implied that Iran's nuclear technology had
reached the point of no return: "... If the West is seeking to impede
nuclear industry, it should realize that Iran has passed this
The following are excerpts from the Al-Borz report:(2)
"It is expected that the first anniversary of the forming of the ninth
government will be the date of the Ahmadinejad government's 'nuclear
"... Together with [the celebration of] the anniversary of the forming
the ninth cabinet, the president of the country [Mahmoud Ahmadinejad]
hold his third press conference... where he will answer questions from
journalists from Iran and from abroad.
"In addition to detailing the activities of the government at the end
[its first] year, the head of the government [i.e. Ahmadinejad] will
officially present Iran's positions on: economic and cultural matters,
nuclear dossier, the activities of nuclear research centers, and
developments in the region."
(1) Tehran Times (Iran), August 23, 2006.
(2) Al-Borz, August 21, 2006.,5942,20174119,00.html
Terror and the black market
International underground weapons networks are essential for
writes Gordon Corera
SOME sellers in the nuclear black market are amateurs trying to make a
buck; others are far more dangerous. A serious fear is that organised
recognises the profits and could move in to fill the vacuum. As
international organised crime networks increasingly overlap and even
with terrorist networks, this could be a route for terrorists getting
of technology or nuclear material.
There's little doubt of al-Qa'ida's desire for nuclear weapons, and the
states there are with the bomb and the more technology and material
there is
in the marketplace, the more likely it is that al-Qa'ida will succeed
in its
Since the early 1990s, Osama bin Laden has been seeking nuclear
the cylinder he received proved to be useless. Another individual in
tried to get material for al-Qa'ida but was probably scammed into
low-grade reactor fuel or other useless material. In 1998, bin Laden
that getting hold of unconventional weapons was a "religious duty".
Terrorists are unlikely to be able to develop their own infrastructure
produce fissile material. The Japanese terrorist cult Aum Shinrikyo
tried to
develop nuclear weapons but lacked the scientific expertise to fulfil
So if terrorists get hold of a weapon, it will likely be from a state.
Buying or stealing has always been a fear when it comes to the nuclear
stockpiles of the former Soviet Union and Pakistan. In late 2001, this
possibility was beginning to look very real. A CIA source called
warned that al-Qa'ida already had its hands on a weapon, to be
detonated in
New York.
Events on the ground in South Asia compounded the growing anxiety. As
troops and intelligence operatives swept through Kabul in October 2001,
found startling new details of al-Qa'ida's ambitions regarding nuclear
weapons, and the role of Pakistan. The speed of the Taliban's fall
that safe houses were abandoned still filled with documents that
offered a
huge intelligence haul. They revealed al-Qa'ida's capabilities and
intentions had been seriously underestimated. It was further along with
biological weapons program than had been previously thought.
What really set off alarm bells was that the documents found in Kabul
clear that Pakistani nuclear scientists had met the Taliban and
al-Qa'ida to
discuss the development of nuclear devices. One of the men who had met
was Sultan Bashiruddin Mahmood, a scientist whose zeal had caught
Pakistani prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's eye in Multan in 1972.
being shoved aside by Khan, he moved to the Pakistan Atomic Energy
Commission, rising to become the director for nuclear power.
But he
became increasingly radical and religious.
He wrote a book entitled Doomsday and Life after Death. In 1999 he was
forced out of the nuclear establishment amid increasing concern over
views (including advocating the transfer of nuclear technology and
to other countries) after he protested against Pakistan signing the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
Another scientist who went with Mahmood to Afghanistan, Chaudhri Abdul
Majeed, had retired from Pakistan's nuclear program in 2000.
After the two men left Pakistan's program, they founded a charity
Umma Tameer-e-Nau, which carried out relief work in Afghanistan.
sympathies for the Taliban were well known and when he was visiting
Kabul in
2000, bin Laden is reported to have heard of his presence and sent an
al-Qa'ida operative to his hotel to arrange a meeting. A second meeting
bin Laden occurred in August 2001 in a Kabul compound.
Mahmood's son
"Osama asked my father, 'How can a nuclear bomb be made, and can you
help us
make one?"' According to the White House, during a follow-up meeting,
associate of bin Laden indicated that he had nuclear material.
No one is sure of the exact nature of the conversations and how much
Mahmood may have given, although his son says he declined to help.
If the Taliban had not been overthrown, the relationship could have
forward. When it emerged Mahmood had met bin Laden as well as Mullah
and discussed nuclear weapons, there was panic in Washington. CIA
George Tenet raced to Islamabad. Pakistani officials stressed that
sensitive had been passed on, but there were suspicions other
scientists had
been to Afghanistan. There was no evidence that al-Qa'ida had fissile
material for a weapon and there seemed to be a realisation that a dirty
might be more feasible than an actual nuclear bomb.
Mahmood and Abdul Majeed were arrested by Pakistani intelligence
officers on
October 23 along with the entire UTN board, which had ties to the
military: former military intelligence chief General Hamid Gul was
to have been UTN's "honorary patron". Gul met Mahmood in Kabul the same
month Mahmood met bin Laden, although Gul said he knew nothing of
with bin Laden, according to reports filed by Wall Street Journal
correspondent Daniel Pearl shortly before he was killed.
Mahmood was
interrogated jointly by the CIA and ISI and failed six lie-detector
But for all the fears of nuclear leakage from Pakistan, Islamabad was
confronted about Khan. There were too many other priorities and too
still to learn about the network.
The tremendous danger posed by the nexus between the development of
of mass destruction by states and the desire for those weapons by
terrorist groups was fast becoming the new orthodoxy in Washington.
the surprise attack of 9/11 and fear that the next attack might involve
unconventional weapons, a new forward-leaning policy was formulated.
This policy put the greatest emphasis on stopping states from
weapons of mass destruction rather than closing down the networks that
be supplying them: hence the identification of Iraq, Iran and North
Korea in
George W. Bush's "axis of evil" speech in January 2002. The Bush White
never had much faith in traditional arms control regimes and treaties,
their universalistic principles, perceiving them as ineffective and too
focused on process rather than results, in turn constraining US action.
problem was dangerous regimes, not dangerous weapons.
>>>11 of the men, got up and gave their phones to the 12th man
I misread that as "12th iman" LOL
For one thing, they managed to draw out the US Marshals.
Perhaps that was the test.
I get really crabby when I hear people are messing with chocolate!
>>>Makes me remember the soft drink cans in Grand Central, with Drano in them and left for people to find and drink.
Indeed. They're continuing the game of distract, divert and create havoc. And it could very well be the pilot who will be the next one buying the candy bar.
There is always different rules for the left, isn't there?
I get really crabby when I hear people are messing with chocolate!<<<
Asian students' shock at ejection from jet by passenger mutiny
Daily Mail ^
Posted on 08/23/2006 5:31:14 PM PDT by Jotmo
Two Asian students have revealed their shock and despair after being thrown off a plane because other passengers feared they were suicide bombers.
Mutiny as passengers refuse to fly until Asians are removed
Manchester Umist students Sohail Ashraf and Khurram Zeb, both 22, said they sympathised with nervous travellers, but urged people not to be paranoid about Muslims.
"We might be Asian, but we're two ordinary lads who wanted a bit of fun," Mr Ashraf told the Daily Mirror.
"Just because we're Muslim does not mean we are suicide bombers."
The pair were marched off the jet at gunpoint after fellow passengers alerted officials on the flight back from Malaga, Spain.
Holidaymakers on board flight ZB 613 from Malaga to Manchester became alarmed at the men's behaviour, and demanded that air staff remove them from the plane in the incident last week.
Cabin crew informed Spanish authorities of the passengers' fears and the men were taken off the Monarch Airlines flight and quizzed by police. The plane had been due to take off at around 3am last Wednesday but was delayed by around three hours.
Some passengers reportedly stormed off the Airbus 320 aircraft and refused to fly unless the pair were removed.
The pair were quizzed by officers for several hours, but then put up in a hotel and allowed to fly back to the UK later that day.
Possible terrorist, arrest, Detroit, maps and other items in vehicle.
Md. Muslim candidate faces protest
BALTIMORE -- A protester staked out the home of a Muslim candidate for
Maryland House of Delegates, holding a sign and wearing a T-shirt that
mocked Islam.
Timothy Truett sat in a folding chair Saturday on the cul-de-sac
Saqib Ali's home in Gaithersburg with a sign reading "Islam sucks," and
shirt with the slogan, "This mind is an Allah-free zone."
Montgomery County police sent a trespass notification form to Truett
that he would be subject to arrest on trespassing charges if he steps
Ali's property within the next year.
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