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GOTTA SEE THIS-WarEndur.Freedom 7/29/06-Aamchit,Al-Karak,Bekaa,Fassuta,Jajoune,Kefar Jaouz,Kfarjouz
NASA, IDF, Yahoo, AP, AFP, Reuters, and the usual suspects | 7/29/06 | The Armies of Good against the Axis of Evil

Posted on 07/28/2006 2:03:51 PM PDT by Diogenesis

GOTTA SEE THIS WarEndur.Freedom 7/29/06 - Aamchit, Al-Karak, Avivim, Beirut, Hizb'Allah, Bekaa Valley,
Byblos, Fassuta, Gaza City, Haifa, Jajoune, Kefar Jaouz, Kfarjouz, Khan Younis, Khiam, Kiryat Shmona,
Kuala Lumpur, Majdel Krum, Manara, Marun Al-Ras, Moscow, Nabatiyeh, Nahariya, Qlaia
Marjayoun,Ramat David, Rome,Tehran,Tel Aviv,Tulkarm,Tyre, Zefta

Israeli Response to many years of Hamas and Hizb'allah terror using Iranian and Syrian technology
in 'Kofi Annan's War' in Civilizations War on Terror

BREAKING: Aamchit - precision retaliation
BREAKING: Al-Karak - precision retaliation
BREAKING: Jajoune - precision retaliation
BREAKING: Kefar Jaouz - precision retaliation
BREAKING: Nabatiyeh - precision retaliation
BREAKING: Kfarjouz - precision retaliation and MSM supporters
BREAKING: Khan Younis - precision retaliation at the bomb-making factory
BREAKING: Manara - Al- Bekaa - precision retaliation
BREAKING: Qlaia, Marjayoun - precision retaliation and victory
BREAKING: Tyre - precision retaliation
BREAKING: Zefta - precision retaliation, then Lebanese terrorist propaganda being made.
BREAKING: Byblos - Oil from terrorist Iranian-Silkworm attack
BREAKING: Khiam - south Lebanon - Kofi's UN-hostage terrorist-shield-post.
BREAKING: Gaza City - Terrorists post hudna continue Jihad instead of farming
BREAKING: Ramat David air force base - northern Israel.
BREAKING: Avivim - Israeli soldiers
BREAKING: Fassuta - Energy from a higher force guides
BREAKING: Marun Al-Ras - Lebanon - return from fighting.
BREAKING: Tel Aviv - patriot missile fired.
BREAKING: Kiryat Shmona - Hizb'allah rocket attack.
BREAKING: Majdel Krum - rocket attack by Hizb'allah.
BREAKING: Nahariya - Funerals of valiant IDF.
BREAKING: Haifa - Funerals and incomings
BREAKING: Kuala Lumpur - 13th ASEAN Regional Forum.
BREAKING: Moscow - terrorist rally


Exclusive to FReerepublic

========= Marun Al-Ras, Lebanon =========

In Marun Al-Ras, Lebanon, return from fighting.

========= Nabatiyeh =========

In Nabatiyeh, southern Lebanon, a terrorist "safehouse".

========= Khiam =========

In Khiam, south Lebanon, at the terrorist-shield-post
designed by Annan out of the UN Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

========= Qlaia =========

In Lebanon, the village of Qlaia, next to the town of Marjayoun, in southern Lebanon
Israeli warplanes renewed precison attacks on suspected Hizb'allah targets.

========= Jajoune, southern Lebanon=========

In village of Jajoune, southern Lebanon,after Israeli air force retaliation.

========= Bekaa Valley, Lebanon (controlled by Syria) =========

In the Bekaa Valley, the terrorists' factory
taken out in Israeli air retaliation. Lucky for the rest of the
World, too, because THIS is where Saddam's WMD lie.

========= Al-Karak =========

In the Al-Karak village, near Zahle, in the Bekaa valley,
a terrorist car was taken out.

The "factory" in Al- Bekaa in east Beirut.

========= Manara =========

In Manara, Al- Bekaa, among the ruins of the damaged terrorist HQ.

========= Kfarjouz =========

In Kfarjouz, south Lebanon, Lebanese terrorists and the MSM supporters
inadvertantly let slip a photo proving how precise is the Israeli retaliation.

========= Aamchit =========

In Aamchit, 50 kilometers (31 miles) north of Beirut.

========= Beirut Lebanon =========

========= Beirut's southern suburbs of Hizb'Allah =========

In Beirut's southern suburbs of Hizb'Allah.

In Beirut's southern suburbs of Hizb'Allah
PR MSM prepare a spanking-new Minnie Mouse (fresh from the store)
and drop it on the debris. Notice that there is not one burn,
tear, fabric pull, cinder, dirt, burn, hair out of place, discolored white,
or anything else on the pristine planted stuffed mouse.

Want to bet the MSM buys the BS, HLS (hook,line, and sinker)?

In Beirut's southern suburbs of Hizb'Allah
PR forces dress the terrorists for a musical(?), and
attempt to hold sway with their musical talent.

========= Beirut =========

In Beirut, MSM photographers get ready to create their propoganda.

========= Byblos =========

In Byblos, Lebanon, flooded by oil after an Iranian/Hizb'allah-fired Chinese
made Silkworm missed its target blowing up an Egyptian oil freighter.
The MSM will try to convince the world this is PCB oil from after Israel bombed a power plant.

========= Tyre =========

In Tyre, south Lebanon,

In Tyre, south Lebanon, French UN soldiers unload a UN truck of "belongings" of Lebanese "civilians".

In Tyre, Lebanese terrorists and their enablers
run to the bomb making factory after an Israeli bombing retaliation.

========= Kefar Jaouz =========

In Kefar Jaouz, southern Lebanon, redressed terrorists
and their supporters after Israeli retaliation.

========= Zefta =========

In Zefta village, south Lebanon, Lebanese propaganda being made.

========= Israel =========

========= Tel Aviv =========

In Tel Aviv, patriot missile is fired.

In northern Israel.

In Lebanon, Israeli mobile artillery unit fires at Hizb'allah.

In Lebanon, Israeli soldiers return.

In Lebanon, IDF off to War.

========= Fassuta =========

Ultra-Orthodox Jews visit soldiers in the northern village of Fassuta.

========= Ramat David air force base =========

At Ramat David air force base, northern Israel.

IDF reports that in the past 24 hours, more than 110 missiles landed
inside Israel. Since July 12th, almost 1,600 missiles have landed in Israel.

The IDF carried out over 180 aerial attacks in Lebanon
in the past 24 hours (8:00 July 27th ? 8:00 July 28th), among them:
A Hezbollah base in the Bekaa valley used by missile launching terror cells
responsible for the launching of long-range missiles into Israel.
57 Hezbollah structures and infrastructure, including tunnels and a gas station.
6 missile launchers
Communication infrastructure serving Hezbollah.


Unlike the terrorists, the Israelis (like the US in Iraq and Afghanistan) have been very precise
and avoided civilian causalties.
Less than 1% of Beirut has been hit. The black in the maps is what the Israelis have taken out.
And yet, the MSM focuses on the same buildings over and over.

========= Avivim =========

In the Israeli town of Avivim, Israeli soldiers
return from combat at the frontline.

========= Majdel Krum =========

In the Israeli Arab village of Majdel Krum, in northern Israel,
residents inspect the site of a rocket attack by Hizb'allah.

========= Kiryat Shmona =========

In Kiryat Shmona, Israeli medics evac women in shock.

In Kiryat Shmona, northern Israel
Israeli firefighters try to extinguish a fire after a Hizb'allah rocket attack.
at the Galim Chemicals factory.

========= Nahariya =========

In Nahariya, Israel, Nahariya hospital attacked by missiles
from Lebanon/Hizb'allah/Syria(with Russian tech)/UN/Iran.

In Nahariya, Israel, treatment at the Nahariya hospital after a rocket attack from Lebanon/Hizb'allah/Syria(with Russian tech)/UN/Iran.

In Nahariya, Israel, at the funerals of valiant IDF.

========= Haifa =========

In the northern Israeli coastal town of Haifa,
at the funerals.

In Haifa, European Union external affairs commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner
vapors off and breathes a 'sigh of relief' after her observations of the bloody anticivilian murders and maulings
indiscriminately launched by EU-supported Hizb'allah and UN-missile attacks hit only Israeli civilians.

========= Tulkarm =========

In the West Bank town of Tulkarm,
"palestinian" terrorists instead of farming, animal husbandry,
and normal productive efforts for a new country... right, SSDD.

========= Khan Younis =========

In Khan Younis, south Gaza, at the bomb-making factory,
the "metal workshop" taken out in retaliation.

========= Gaza City =========

In Gaza City, palestinian terrorists feign doing
farmwork, for the photographers PR product.

In Gaza City, palestinian terrorists prepare for jihad
and 'hudna' (fooling us by lying to gain sway to the MSM's PR).

========= Moscow =========

In Moscow, terrorist rally at the American embassy.

========= Kuala Lumpur =========

In Kuala Lumpur, European Union terrorist Javier Solana
who previously could be found licking sputum from the lips of Arafat
andr other murderers, scolds US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
who appears to correctly not back down.

========= New York =========

In New York, Vitaly Churkin, Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations,
safe for the moment that Russian-supplied equipment to Hizb'allah, Syrians,
Iranians and others will be delabeled of their
items connecting them to Russia.

========= Rome =========

In Rome, terrorist "palestinian" President Mahmoud Abbas
has come far since he slaughtered Israeli olympic athletes in Munich.
At this meeting, Abbas lied claiming that there was about to be
an 'imminent solution' for the release of an Israeli soldier abducted by Hamas terrorists.

========= Tehran =========

In Tehran, Iran, Hamid Reza Asefi, Iran's foreign ministry spokesman,
lied when he insisted terrorist Iran was only providing "humanitarian, political
and diplomatic support" for Lebanon's Hizb'allah, despite having been
caught already giving Silkworm missiles through Syria to Lebanon which
were used, countless anticivilian missiles, and sending Iranian terrorists
as recently as yesterday.

========= GBU-28 Bunker Buster =========

GBU-28 5,000lb (2268kg), unpowered, hard target laser-guided weapon,
with a range of more than six miles.

========= Award for Yesterday's Best Post =========

Winner: ...... concrete is my business Hizb'allah, fighting techniques and tactics

For more than six years, this Shiite Islamic group has been preparing for
such a confrontation with Israel.

It was greatly helped by Iran in terms of weapons, missiles of all ranges
and ammunition whereas Syria, which controlled the country for five of
the six years, helped logistically and by turning a blind eye as to weapons

But how are they organized, what makes them so efficient…to start of,
it is important to stress that they do not operate as a regular army does.
Their fighting is mostly Guerilla style fighting… or rather a “modernized”
Guerilla style.

Firstly there are four levels of personnel in the militia, two fighting and
two reserves:

The Elite fighters, these are trained veterans with years of exposure and
multiple training tours in both Iran and Syria. There are rumors that some
of these participated in the latest Iraki fights under Moktada el Sader’s
command. The “normal” sodiers: these are regular fighters with little or
no fighting experience. They are usually in charge of logistic operations
and other day to day activities and also participate in combats.
Reserve level one, are those that have finished their military training
with the militia after their National Military Service at most three years ago.
These are considered as still “fresh” in the sense that the training required
to get them back into fighting level is minimal. Strictly logistics and information
gathering. Very rarely put in combat situations.

Reserve level two, are those who have finished their military service for more
than three years. It is important to note that both reserve levels undergo
regular “refresh” training sessions for periods of one to three months.
Set aside from the four levels above is the suicide squad. Very little is
known about the members in this squad since it is kept very hush hush.
Since they have little training to do (for obvious reasons) they spend
their time in prayers and contemplation.

Currently active in the war are the first three levels of fighters.
How do they operate?

Hizb'allah have perfected the tactic of hit and run which makes it very
hard for the Israelis, using traditional warfare techniques, to target them.
They work in groups of five to six “elements” and each group is totally
independent from the next group. Each has a general set of directives and
most make their “plan d’action” as they go. This way, they are able to
operate in the event of total loss of communication with the commanding base
and there is no risk of anyone eavesdropping on conversations. And should
anyone fall prisoner in the hands of the Israelis, he can only give out the
plans of his group.

Each group travels using Cross bikes…this gives them flexibility as well as
manageability on the terrain. Armed with light assault rifles and submachine guns
and state of the art Chinese anti tank grenade propellers supplied by Iran,
they are able to inflict severe damage to the opponent whilst sustaining
minimal damage.

An example of how they operate can be given by the way they fire missiles,
three bikes are used to perform the action:

One person stays at a distance providing surveillance and looking out for
apache helicopters or spy planes One group, on a bike, set up the launcher
platform, without the missile. Total time: 5 seconds and they drive off.
One group delivers the missile and leaves. Total time 3 seconds. One group
sets the missile, fires it and leaves. Total time 10 to 20 seconds. The first
group comes back to collect the launch pad, if the observer informs them
that all is clear, and replaces it in a subterranean hideout, to be used in the
next operation. All the groups leave in totally different directions.
The bikes are also used to lure the tanks into ambushes set up for them by
fighters hiding in tunnels. The same tunnels are used to move between villages
undetected and be able to surprise the enemy which relies on aerial images
of the fight zone.

This fighting technique has caused great damage to the Israelis in their
advance in South Lebanon.

It was observed that the only way the Israelis can counter it is by applying the
charred land approach whereby any incursion should be preceded by heavy
bombardment of the region by fighter planes, followed by a fine combing
using heavy machine guns and helicopters before the infantry troops finally walk in.
Since the guerilla fighters hide between civilians, and operate from within
inhabited or industrial areas, they greatly benefit from the coverage and
lure IAF planes into bombarding civilians and factories which allows the Hezb
to use the media coverage to its benefit. ...

========= M51 =========

M51, also known as NGC 5194: The Whirlpool Galaxy

The Whirlpool Galaxy is a classic spiral galaxy, 30 million light years distant,
60 thousand light years across near the constellation of Canes Venatici.

(click for more info)

Not for commercial use. Solely to be used for the educational purposes of research and open discussion.

How was your day? How did YOU help for success in the War for Enduring Freedom, today?
As always, pictures, analyses, greetings to those serving overseas,
are greatly of interest.

END OF TRANSMISSION 7/29/06 .......... K

TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Canada; Culture/Society; Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Germany; Government; Israel; Japan; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Russia; United Kingdom
KEYWORDS: aamchit; alkarak; avivim; beirut; bekaavalley; byblos; fassuta; gazacity; haifa; hizballah; jajoune; kefarjaouz; kfarjouz; khanyounis; khiam; kiryatshmona; kualalumpur; majdelkrum; manara; marjayoun; marunalras; mdm; moscow; nabatiyeh; nahariya; qlaia; ramatdavid; rome; tehran; telaviv; tulkarm; tyre; zefta
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To: Diogenesis


21 posted on 07/28/2006 6:31:10 PM PDT by ovrtaxt (We gotta watch out for the Hellbazoo and the Hamas...)
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To: Diogenesis

Just WOW! I've been trying to avoid TV and just read the news stories, and now you've given me a bird's eye view.


22 posted on 07/28/2006 7:00:43 PM PDT by ishabibble (ALL-AMERICAN INFIDEL)
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To: Diogenesis

Thanks for the post. Excellent information.

23 posted on 07/28/2006 7:04:00 PM PDT by Nuc1 (NUC1 Sub pusher SSN 668 (Liberals Aren't Patriots))
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To: Diogenesis


24 posted on 07/28/2006 7:06:40 PM PDT by Lurking in Kansas (Nothing witty hereā€¦ move on.)
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To: PsyOp

It would have been great if she just bit off his finger! What a message that would have sent!

25 posted on 07/28/2006 7:56:26 PM PDT by Left2Right ("Democracy isn't perfect, but other governments are so much worse")
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To: Diogenesis

Outstanding and very informative. Thanks so much.

26 posted on 07/28/2006 9:51:01 PM PDT by Justice
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To: Diogenesis; B4Ranch



27 posted on 07/29/2006 12:25:19 AM PDT by Brian Allen ("In war there is no substitute for victory." General Douglas MacArthur)
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To: PsyOp

There are several websites around that theorize that Javier Solana (the guy pointing his finger in Condi's face) is the antichrist of bible prophecy. I'm not giving them any credence, just thought it an interesting tidbit of information.

28 posted on 07/29/2006 5:46:10 AM PDT by EricT. (SpecOps needs to paint the NYT building with a targeting laser.)
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To: Diogenesis


29 posted on 07/29/2006 6:24:51 AM PDT by Dustbunny (Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me)
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To: Diogenesis

Love the posts---keep 'em up!

If you need some comic relief (anyone), check out this video:

yalla ya Nasrallah (Israeli song with English subtitles)

30 posted on 07/29/2006 4:20:35 PM PDT by SeenTheLight
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To: Diogenesis

Prays for Israel bump

31 posted on 07/29/2006 5:14:07 PM PDT by apackof2 (That Girl is a Cowboy)
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To: Diogenesis

Dio---You are the MSM!

The commentary and accompanyong photos are indescribably brilliant!

32 posted on 07/31/2006 3:59:01 PM PDT by eleni121 (General Draza Mihailovich: We will never forget you - the hero of World War Two)
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To: Diogenesis

The long-hot month of August is on us. Thanks keeping us up-to-date on your critical and informative perspective on the Islamofacist WAR s.

33 posted on 08/01/2006 6:11:49 AM PDT by Broker (COD Phlyer)
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