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Attack Stalls ex-Cole Skipper's Career
The Modesto Bee ^
| 24 April 2006
| James Rosen - Bee Washington Bureau
Posted on 04/24/2006 9:16:20 AM PDT by Diver Dave
Once on fast track to be captain, Kirk Lippold now works at a desk. Last in a two-part series. WASHINGTON -- For 5½ years, the Washington military and political establishment has not known quite what to do with Kirk Lippold.
Cmdr. Lippold was the skipper of the USS Cole when al-Qaida terrorists committed a suicide bombing in the Yemen port of Aden on Oct. 12, 2000.
The attack, from a small barge that pulled alongside the Cole, blew a 40-by-40-foot hole in the guided-missile destroyer. Seventeen sailors died and 42 were wounded.
After he led an intense three-week effort to prevent the Cole from sinking, the Navy gave Lippold a medal for having saved the $1 billion ship, prevented further loss of life and maintained the moral of his traumatized crew.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Front Page News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: able; abledanger; alqaida; atta; betrayal; cole; danger; defense; incompetence; kirklippold; lippold; navy; neglect; terrorism; terrorists; treason; usn; uss; usscole; yemen; zinni
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To: Diver Dave
Yeah, or even who was in charge on 9/11!!!
posted on
04/24/2006 9:21:09 AM PDT
(Everything happens as God wants it to.....otherwise, things would be different.)
To: Diver Dave; sure_fine
The OTM (Old Tired Media) would be negligent in their seditious and treasonous jobs, if they reported the facts and truth.
The Enemy Within slithers on...
To: Diver Dave
Grrrrr...can't these newspapers even get military stuff right???
It's CDR Lippold, not CMDR Lippold!
posted on
04/24/2006 9:25:07 AM PDT
("Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does." Whittaker Chambers)
To: Diver Dave
and maintained the moral of his traumatized crew
And I guess the moral is if a boat load of Muslims is coming toward you, shoot first.
posted on
04/24/2006 9:25:18 AM PDT
(That's how I saw it, and see it still.)
To: Diver Dave
And for the way he should be prosecuted or punished.
posted on
04/24/2006 9:27:20 AM PDT
("Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does." Whittaker Chambers)
To: stuartcr
After he led an intense three-week effort to prevent the Cole from sinking, the Navy gave Lippold a medal for having saved the $1 billion ship, prevented further loss of life and maintained the moral of his traumatized crew.For cripes sake, learn how to spell! I expect even the lamestream media to at least know how to spell!
posted on
04/24/2006 9:27:39 AM PDT
(Kerry-Mckinney in 2008!)
To: Diver Dave
No surprises to me here. The Navy benches skippers for scraping the paint on their command. At least that's the impression this landlubber has always had.
posted on
04/24/2006 9:27:42 AM PDT
To: butternut_squash_bisque
"The Enemy Within slithers on..."
The 4th Estate is a 5th Column
posted on
04/24/2006 9:30:18 AM PDT
To: butternut_squash_bisque
The Enemy Within slithers on...
Why do you take issue with this story?
posted on
04/24/2006 9:34:04 AM PDT
(That's how I saw it, and see it still.)
To: Diver Dave
I learned from one of Miniter's books, I think, that Al Qaeda first tried to attack the USS The Sullivans while refueling in Yemen, but they miscalculated their load factors and never made it to the ship. Someone really does watch over The Sullivans.
To: colorado tanker
posted on
04/24/2006 9:35:47 AM PDT
("Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does." Whittaker Chambers)
To: cardinal4
maintained the moral of his traumatized crew.
but, but, but... their spell check didn't catch it! LOL
posted on
04/24/2006 9:41:26 AM PDT
SFC Chromey
(We are at war with Islamofascism)
To: SittinYonder
That is exactly what the Cole crew should have done. Oh! wait Clinton did not allow them to have ammo in their weapons.
posted on
04/24/2006 9:55:45 AM PDT
Coldwater Creek
("Over there, over there, We won't be back 'til it's over Over there.")
To: mariabush
Klinton didn't allow access to armor or apache gunship support during the Rangers, SEALs and Delta missions in Somalia either.
Blackhawk Down would have been a very boring movie had the troops been properly supported with tanks and apaches.
To: Diver Dave
You learn something every day! This story says a barge, I had always thought it was a motorized inflatable boat. What an idiot I am!
posted on
04/24/2006 10:00:13 AM PDT
To: rlmorel
To: cardinal4
posted on
04/24/2006 10:08:40 AM PDT
(Everything happens as God wants it to.....otherwise, things would be different.)
To: Diver Dave
The fact that Cdr. Lippold personally visited family members of those killed in the USS Cole attack speaks volumes about the kind of man he is. I for one would certainly trust this man at the pointy edge of the spear.
posted on
04/24/2006 10:10:02 AM PDT
To: bigbob
Whatever happened was not the fault of the CDR., but those two stupid women Maddy not so bright and I forget the name of the Yemni woman official,
Where can we go to get this good man's rank for him.
We were in Va. Beach the day that the Cole was bombed. It was horrible. All of the Hampton Roads area was shaken to the core.
posted on
04/24/2006 10:15:43 AM PDT
Coldwater Creek
("Over there, over there, We won't be back 'til it's over Over there.")
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