To: stuartcr
After he led an intense three-week effort to prevent the Cole from sinking, the Navy gave Lippold a medal for having saved the $1 billion ship, prevented further loss of life and maintained the moral of his traumatized crew.For cripes sake, learn how to spell! I expect even the lamestream media to at least know how to spell!
7 posted on
04/24/2006 9:27:39 AM PDT by
(Kerry-Mckinney in 2008!)
To: cardinal4
maintained the moral of his traumatized crew.
but, but, but... their spell check didn't catch it! LOL
13 posted on
04/24/2006 9:41:26 AM PDT by
SFC Chromey
(We are at war with Islamofascism)
To: cardinal4
18 posted on
04/24/2006 10:08:40 AM PDT by
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