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The Most Important Fact Congress and Illegal Advocates Have Overlooked, Or Ignored
Various | 4/1/06 | Technomage

Posted on 04/01/2006 11:49:55 AM PST by technomage

The latest attempt at immigration reform which is being pushed by Congress and the President, is ignoring one extremely important point and putting all of our lives at risk.

Before I get to that point:

For the sake of argument, I will not mention the costs that illegal immigration puts on all local and state governments through Welfare, our Health Care system, our school systems, etc. That will continually be debated.

I will also skim over the somewhat hidden problem of criminals coming into this country. According to the General Accounting Office (the investigative arm of Congress), at the end of the year 2004, there were 49,000 illegal aliens in federal prisons. 49,000 illegals that commited serious crimes in our country after crossing the border. This is data that cannot be debated as these are facts as reported by the GAO.

Now, Congress and open border proponents seem to accept this as a small price to pay. After all, 49,000 as compared to 12 million illegals is a very small percentage. At least that is the argument I have heard from some far left liberals I know. Well, you tell the tens of thousands of families in this country how their family member being murdered by an illegal is a small price to pay. You tell the families of daughters, wives, nieces, aunts that have been brutally raped by illegals that it is a small price to pay for helping so many improve their lives.

Sorry, but losing hundreds of lives to murder, putting thousands of others through lifelong torment because they were raped, or beaten in an aggravated assault or robbery is not a small price to pay for the families and individuals victimized.

But, the illegal proponents, the open border proponents, the Congress and the President (yup, I said it) seem to think this is a small price. In fact, I have heard ludicrous arguments like: We have thousands of murders in this country every year by citizens. What an infantile argument. Yes, we do. But the thousands of attacks, rapes, murders, robberies perpetrated by illegals affect the victims just as badly as if citizens did it and the vast majority COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED with very strict border control.

And I am not even mentioning the cost of incarnerating these illegals, which runs about 6-8 billion dollars a year!!

However, as bad as this is, that is not my main point. There is yet another problem with illegals crossing our border that has the potential to dwarf the problems listed above.

The even bigger problem is with OTM's. Not familiar with that term? OTM's is a term the US Border Patrol uses. It stands for Other Than Mexican's. OTM's are those illegals apprehended by the BP that are not from Mexico.

According to the US Border Patrol (USBP) the number of illegals apprehended in the fiscal year 2005 was 1.2 MILLION. This is how many were apprehended. The USBP estimates they apprehend about 1 in 4 illegals crossing the border, but many think that the number is closer to 1 in 10. Still, let us take the smaller number: The USBP catches 1 illegal for every four that come through. That means in fiscal 2005, at least 3.6 MILLION illegals were able to enter our country.

Now, of these numbers, 7% are OTM's (again, according to GAO statistics).

This is from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report For Congress entitled:
Border Security: "Apprehensions of "Other Than Mexican" Aliens
September 22, 2005

The number of OTM apprehensions remained relatively stable from 1998 to 2002, averaging almost 37,000 a year over the six-year time period. Apprehensions increased by 33% from FY2002 to FY2003, and 52% from FY2003 to FY2004. Roughly three-quarters of the way into FY2005, OTM apprehensions have increased by 58% from FY2004. Indeed, over the last three years OTM apprehensions have more than tripled, increasing by almost 220%. This trend is in stark contrast to apprehensions of Mexican aliens, which have remained relatively stable over the same period.

Here is a breakdown of the top 25 OTM nationalities:

Country: FY2002, FY2003, FY2004, FY2005 (through July 11), %Change FY02-FY05
Honduras: 9316, 14491, 24420, 36118, 288%
Brazil: 3100, 5240, 8859, 27396, 784%
El Salvador: 7036, 9602, 16974, 27317, 288%
Guatemala: 6021, 7728, 11628, 14866, 147%
Nicaragua: 581, 765, 1460, 2498, 330%
Cuba: 1541, 1303, 1406, 2144, 39%
China: 688, 576, 1096, 1653, 140%
Ecuador: 664, 521, 679, 989, 49%
Dominican Republic: 1183, 2057, 2023, 969, -18%
Costa Rica: 233, 382, 450, 700, 200%
Canada: 1836, 1611, 1497, 697, -62%
Peru: 312, 366, 370, 388, 24%
Colombia: 347, 368, 335, 308, -11%
India: 345, 316, 378, 235, -32%
Jamaica: 287, 269, 215, 162, -44%
Bolivia: 48, 59, 140, 161, 235%
Albania: 167, 115, 117, 155, -7%
Argentina: 207, 252, 168, 138, -33%
Haiti: 295, 324, 165, 131, -56%
Poland: 228, 205, 231, 122, -46%
Romania 42, 58, 85, 103, 145%
South Korea: 143, 218, 161, 98, -31%
Pakistan: 167, 228, 164, 91, -46%
Venezuela: 69, 126, 132, 88, 28%
Israel: 103, 109, 91, 68, -34%
Source: CRS Analysis of CBP Data.

I show you these statistics to try and give you a perspective on the sheer size of the problem along our border.

The USBP also has another designation for certain illegals that are apprehended. This is: Special Interest OTM Apprehensions. Basically these are people apprehended that are from 35 countries designated by our intelligence community as countries known to support, harbor or export terrorism. I have yet to find the official list of exactly which countries these are but I am sure it is available somewhere.

Here are the latest stats on these Special Interest OTM's:
Year, # of SIOTM's Apprehended
1997, 729
1998, 721
1999, 736
2000, 676
2001, 766
2002, 849
2003, 807
2004, 626

Remember, this is the number of persons apprehended attempting to cross our border illegally that are from countries KNOWN to support, harbor or sponsor terrorism. How many others were not caught? Well, again using USBP numbers of 1 in 4 caught: The total above is: 5,910. This means that possibly as many as 24,000 illegals from countries that sponsor or support terrorism made it in!

Again, these are all government figures easily found on government web sites. These are FACTS, not theories, guesses, etc., but FACTS. And these are FACTS that the US Congress knows, or should know, as these are reported by the Congressional Research Service.

When I tell liberal 'friends' these numbers, they always give the same response:

Those numbers are so small compared to the overall numbers of illegals that they are insignificant.

Insignificant? It only took 19 terrorists to kill 3,000 Americans!! Look at the numbers again! Those are the ones that were CAPTURED. And, as the USBP tells us, they catch only about 1 in 4.

This is where the Congress, the President, the groups that advocate an open border are putting the lives of all Americans at risk. No, wait: They are putting the lives of all PEOPLE in this country, legal or illegal, at risk. The Congress is doing it merely for votes. The President is doing it because he is a globalist and does not believe in secure borders. The advocacy groups are doing it for purely selfish reasons.

When the next terrorist strike occurs, be it a nuke, chemical weapons, or something as simple as a truck bomb at a mall or sporting event, those killed will not be only legal Americans. Those killed will not be only White. Those killed will not be only Conservatives, straight, religious. This attack will kill anyone in its path, including liberals, illegals, whites, blacks, hispanics, gays, straights, ANYONE!

When this happens, and it is proven that the terrorists came across the border, we can blame Congressional members for the deaths. When this happens, we can blame those selfish, egotistical groups that pushed for open borders and no controls on immigration.

But, I fear, this will not be the worst. Yes, more Americans killed as a result of terrorism would be terrible. But the aftermath may be even worse. What would happen here in the USA could be similar to an internal war.

The saddest thing about all this is that the leaders of the greatest, strongest country in the world did not do their most basic, fundamental job: Protect the country, protect our borders.

Maybe 99.9% of all illegals are good, moral, decent, hard working people. As we know, or should know, from experience, it only takes a handful of terrorists to kill thousands. It only takes a handful of terrorists to bring the world economy to its knees.

As much as I am against amnesty and people crossing our borders illegally to work, I am much more fearful of another terrorist attack. Done right, it could not only kill hundreds or thousands, but it could bring our economy to it's knees. And when that happens, legals and illegals alike will lose their jobs and their incomes.

Congress, the President and the illegal advocates seem to think that these are good odds and are playing with OUR lives to prove it. If they are wrong, the backlash will be dramatic.

Technomage - Proud Free Republic Member, Proud Conservative Legal American

TOPICS: Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: 109th; aliens; borderlist
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To: dalereed
The Chinese illegals that I was approached to fly were landed on remote beaches from ships full of them from China.

Since Canada seems to have fallen out of love with the idea of boatloads of Chinese illegals landing on their shores.
81 posted on 04/01/2006 2:20:32 PM PST by Das Outsider (True optimism is understanding that God will be on his throne even if society collapses.)
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To: Das Outsider

In the 70s they didn't have to land on remote beaches in Canada.

Canada took in 10,000 Chinese Red Guard willingly.

82 posted on 04/01/2006 2:26:18 PM PST by dalereed
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To: technomage

Thank you for this most outstanding post. On a recent Bill O'Reilly show, Juan Williams commented that Americans anger is racial. I wrote O'Reilly (which I knew wouldn't get air time....)that I was insulted by Juan's comment. My concern has to do with allegiance to our great country and for the safety of those who love and respect America.
Your facts express the reason so many are concerned; it's not at all about racism. O'Reilly may appreciate reading your facts.
Thanks again for your work.

83 posted on 04/01/2006 2:38:33 PM PST by 4integrity
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To: technomage


84 posted on 04/01/2006 2:38:38 PM PST by Marine Inspector (Government is not the solution to our problem; Government is the problem)
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To: technomage
Large Majority Favor Guest Workers
85 posted on 04/01/2006 2:50:56 PM PST by Ben Ficklin
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To: dalereed

"commies being sent here"

wonder who funding the huge marchs.....

86 posted on 04/01/2006 2:53:47 PM PST by 4integrity
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To: DumpsterDiver
I'd like to debate it (sort of) because I think the number of incarcerated illegals is higher than that. Did the GAO only count the illegals in federal prisons?

Yup, that is federal prisons only.

87 posted on 04/01/2006 2:59:07 PM PST by technomage (NEVER underestimate the depths to which liberals will stoop for power.)
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To: 4integrity
Thank you for this most outstanding post

I thank you.

But, sometimes I feel like I am just spittin' in the wind, know what I mean??

88 posted on 04/01/2006 3:00:46 PM PST by technomage (NEVER underestimate the depths to which liberals will stoop for power.)
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To: Ben Ficklin
Large Majority Favor Guest Workers

The results might change if the peeples knew the stats on crime and OTM's

89 posted on 04/01/2006 3:02:04 PM PST by technomage (NEVER underestimate the depths to which liberals will stoop for power.)
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To: HiJinx
Sad that the globalists have put such a low price on the lives of your sons and daughters, your wives and sisters, my beautiful grand-daughter.

How dare they.

My count may be wrong but the best I can remember off hand is that we have 12,000 border patrol agents working to secure the north and south borders of the U.S. Are you aware that the U.S. Secret Service employs 5,000 to guard the president, vice-president and I think Clinton is the only past president entitled to protection. Of course, they guard some foreign dignitaries and presidential candidates also. There are 125 secret service offices throughout the U.S. and select foreign cities.

90 posted on 04/01/2006 3:14:09 PM PST by texastoo ("trash the treaties")
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To: WhiteGuy

Impeach every one of the BASTARDS & BASTARD ETTES!

91 posted on 04/01/2006 3:17:02 PM PST by winker
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To: dljordan

Here in Abilene we had about 30 Mexican kids walk out of school and demonstrate, and made the local news. Today I went to the gun show and was not surprised to see about half the crowd was Mexican. You and Bill O'reilly may be correct, there is a civil war brewing.

92 posted on 04/01/2006 3:24:30 PM PST by antisocial (Texas SCV - Deo Vindice)
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To: technomage

'feel like I'm spittin' in the wind'

I do know what you mean. But, those of us who truly love this country must continue to speak out. I often call Senators and Congresspeople.....not just those from my let them know my opinion. I know this likely makes no difference but I'm hoping that if enough people call/email...maybe they'll pay attention. Sadly, imho, many Americans suffer from apathy and I, believe, that makes us all the more vulnerable.

93 posted on 04/01/2006 3:27:32 PM PST by 4integrity
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To: texastoo
From the US Customs and Border Protection Website

Washington, DC - U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Robert C. Bonner announced that 1,000 Border Patrol agents are now deployed as part of the Department of Homeland Security's effort to increase security at the northern border.

So, we have 1,000 agents for the Canadian border.


CBP includes more than 41,000 employees to manage, control and protect the Nation’s borders, at and between the official ports of entry. “U.S. Customs and Border Protection is addressing the terrorist threat nationwide,” stated Commissioner Robert C. Bonner. “There have been concerns that terrorists will try to enter our country across our Southern Border. These reports are not new to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and we have been preparing for the possibility and are taking appropriate actions to better secure our borders against the terrorist threat.”

Preparing for the possibility????

But, the above does not mention how many agents on the Mexican border. However, I found this on dated Thursday, June 15, 2000:

The number of Border Patrol agents on the US-Mexico border has doubled over the last five years, to about 8,200. Their budget, meanwhile, has tripled — from $374 million to $952 million. In addition, Congress has assigned about 10,000 soldiers to assist with fence construction and road building. Although they aren't authorized to arrest illegals, the National Guard operates high-tech surveillance equipment and stands guard at the borders.

I wonder how much of the above has actually been implemented.

Well, found this dated Feb 9, 2005 at

Officially approved by Bush on Dec. 17 after extensive bickering in Congress, the National Intelligence Reform Act included the requirement to add 10,000 border patrol agents in the five years beginning with 2006. Roughly 80 percent of the agents were to patrol the southern U.S. border from Texas to California, along which thousands of people cross into the United States illegally every year. But Bush's proposed 2006 budget, revealed Monday, funds only 210 new border agents. The shrunken increase reflects the lack of money for an army of border guards and the capacity to train them, officials said.

And found this at dated Sept. 30, 2005:

Hair also cited the discovery in July of drug-smuggling tunnels between British Columbia and Washington as a reason to turn attention north, where the number of border patrol agents is, at 1,000, roughly 10 percent of the number that guards the southwestern border. But Joseph Giuliano, deputy chief of the Customs and Border Patrol (search) for western Washington, said force numbers are unrelated to the quality of border protection. In 2004, he said, agents in the region under his jurisdiction arrested more than 1,300 undocumented immigrants from 57 different countries.

94 posted on 04/01/2006 3:59:25 PM PST by technomage (NEVER underestimate the depths to which liberals will stoop for power.)
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To: HiJinx; WestCoastGal; MamaDearest; FairOpinion; Pro-Bush; exhaustedmomma; Velveeta; ...

Specifically aimed at all the people on FR who are constantly berating those of us who are against illegal immigration and for secure borders, those few who are absolutely ecstatic when FReeper like Travis McGee are suspended. Yeah, I'm talking to you. You know who you are. Face it...I don't like any of you very much.

THIS has so needed to be said for soooo long...I lost quite a few close compadres in this fight, they were nuked and the disruptors laughed with glee. I've been p'od for a few years, but bit my tongue for many reasons. Jinx you are my hero!

95 posted on 04/01/2006 4:05:10 PM PST by JustPiper (Illegals are NOT being denied Civil Rights...That is for U.S. Civil-ians Fool !)
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To: TheLion
I hear ya, will be in the TM summary for sure, as well as my bold comments on the thread ;)

96 posted on 04/01/2006 4:10:46 PM PST by JustPiper (Illegals are NOT being denied Civil Rights...That is for U.S. Civil-ians Fool !)
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To: JustPiper
I lost quite a few close compadres in this fight

There are only one or two people that I really have a problem getting along with. The ability to leave an argument on one thread helps. I fight with some people like a rabid dog on one thread and joke with them in the next.
97 posted on 04/01/2006 4:14:44 PM PST by cripplecreek (Never a minigun handy when you need one.)
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To: cripplecreek

I got weary of leaving thread after thread...

98 posted on 04/01/2006 4:26:27 PM PST by JustPiper (Illegals are NOT being denied Civil Rights...That is for U.S. Civil-ians Fool !)
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To: JustPiper

I don't leave. I just talk around them and REALLY yank their chains.

99 posted on 04/01/2006 4:31:10 PM PST by cripplecreek (Never a minigun handy when you need one.)
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To: JustPiper

Why was Travis suspended JP?

100 posted on 04/01/2006 4:34:14 PM PST by WestCoastGal (What’s your water temp right there Junebug? 260-Oh, my bad 200.The little needle was in the way Heh)
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