Time to move some bunker busters into Iran.
The real question is..... Will Iran pull it's money out of the DNC
The Iranian Mullocracy is counting its last days...
They are playing this like they think they have all the cards in the world.
They are not that smart, and their ignorance is dangerous.
Allegations of governments themselves counterfeiting U.S. banknotes have surfaced in the past. In 1992, a U.S. House of Representatives task force released a report alleging that Iran and Syria formed a conspiracy to counterfeit U.S. dollars in order to strengthen Iran's economy and weaken the United States. Speaking at a press conference on 1 July 1992, Representative Bill McCollum stated: "The fact of the matter is that the Iranian government, in cooperation with Syria, has undertaken a massive counterfeiting campaign in order to alleviate their financial difficulties and pursue economic warfare against the West."
Should've frozen their assets in the middle of the night. We're going to get nuked will we're sitting around playing nice and mulling official censures with these Iranian psychos. They think they're too good to play by the rules, so the rule book should be out the window in how we deal with these clowns. Too bad Europe is totally gutless and telegraphs every move 6 months before they do it.
Either that or they're planning to nuke Europe and they don't want their assets to get devalued...?
No cheers,unfortunately.
They should move their money somewhere safe - like Russia or China. ;-)
Freeze all of their assets immediately!
I wonder how this will affect the Iranian Oil Bourse.
Anyone have any ideas about where this money will go? I wouldn't be investing much in Iran these days.