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Ohhhhhh. Euthanasia. That's different. Nevermind.
Ray Allen , worn out ,half blind executed for killing 4 people. It took over 20 years to get rid of this POS , Oh, Thats horribl, but its ok to deny care "in the best interest of the patient.
A little hard to understand their logic.
This is ONLY about getting rid of useless expensive people.
Good for 'em.
Doctors in this country have been doing it for years, too. I hope if I am suffering and have no chance for recovery that someone cares enough to slip me some extra morphine.
parsy, who don't want to linger in agony.
Look at the bright side, the legalization of assisted suicide will help eliminate liberals, even though the democrats will still have them voting from the grave.
"...1,930 involved the doctor killing the patient without the patient's consent."
I call that murder.
I am suspicious of the statement that, "1,930 involved the doctor killing the patient without the patient's consent." What does that mean exactly? Does that include people who were brain dead or otherwise incapacitated and their family members authorized euthenasia? This article is obviously from one side of the issue and that statement seems worded in a very particular way.
I would understand if they were British dentists, but not doctors.
Let's hope this doesn't find its way to other states in the U. S. Oregon is bad enough.
Is the Catholic Church standing alone on this?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
2276 Those whose lives are diminished or weakened deserve special respect. Sick or handicapped persons should be helped to lead lives as normal as possible.
2277 Whatever its motives and means, direct euthanasia consists in putting an end to the lives of handicapped, sick, or dying persons. It is morally unacceptable.
Thus an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder gravely contrary to the dignity of the human person and to the respect due to the living God, his Creator. The error of judgment into which one can fall in good faith does not change the nature of this murderous act, which must always be forbidden and excluded.
2278 Discontinuing medical procedures that are burdensome, dangerous, extraordinary, or disproportionate to the expected outcome can be legitimate; it is the refusal of "over-zealous" treatment. Here one does not will to cause death; one's inability to impede it is merely accepted. The decisions should be made by the patient if he is competent and able or, if not, by those legally entitled to act for the patient, whose reasonable will and legitimate interests must always be respected.
2279 Even if death is thought imminent, the ordinary care owed to a sick person cannot be legitimately interrupted. The use of painkillers to alleviate the sufferings of the dying, even at the risk of shortening their days, can be morally in conformity with human dignity if death is not willed as either an end or a means, but only foreseen and tolerated as inevitable Palliative care is a special form of disinterested charity. As such it should be encouraged.
Churchill must be rolling over in his grave seeing that Hitler won the cultural war.
Part of Britian's problem lie in their NHS ("free healthcare"). The government may not want to pay for deems a proceedure too costly, they will let the patient die. I've documented a couple of stories on my blog while I was o'er there.
1,930 involved the doctor killing the patient without the patient's consent.
Of the euthanasia deaths, one-third of them were the result of doctors treating the symptoms of a disease or injury and just under a third involved doctors withholding treatment in cases when it is supposedly in the best interest of the patient.
'and 1,930 involved the doctor killing the patient without the patient's consent.'
Now THAT'S scary!