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Warren Community College President Defends Professor’s Harassment of Young Conservative
The Voice Of Freedom On Campus ^ | 18 November 2005 | Staff Reporter

Posted on 11/18/2005 12:08:27 PM PST by txradioguy

Warren Community College President Defends Professor’s Harassment of Young Conservative

Professor Admits Radical Diatribe

Student Fights Back

HERNDON, VA –Young America’s Foundation exposed Warren Community College’s radical Professor John Daly, who in an email to student Rebecca Beach, vowed to intimidate those students who host conservative speakers and called for American soldiers in Iraq to murder their superiors.

Instead of admonishing the professor’s intemperate attack on a student’s right of free expression, Warren Community College President William Austin said Prof. John Daly has “first amendment rights” to harass Rebecca. Furthermore, the President is trying to bully Rebecca into silence. He said Rebecca, not Prof. John Daly, is ruining the college’s name by going on talk radio and television exposing Daly’s mean spirited email.

In an interview with the Express-Times, a local New Jersey paper, Daly stood by his email to Rebecca. He told the paper that Rebecca’s conservative group is an “ultra right-wing, possibly fascist, group.”

Daly’s email to Rebecca came after she sent a note to faculty announcing the appearance of decorated war hero Lt. Col. Scott Rutter to discuss America’s accomplishments in Iraq.

Daly’s unedited email can be read in full below.

“Prof. John Daly knowingly intimated one of his students. That’s not protected by the First Amendment,” said Jason Mattera, spokesman for Young America’s Foundation. “It was poor judgment to hire Daly to begin with. Warren Community College compounds their ineptitude by defending Daly’s harassment of Rebecca.”

TOPICS: Extended News
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To: txradioguy

"Hey, Perfesser A$$H@L3!! Quit screwin' up my name, or your head becomes a Titleist!!

121 posted on 11/18/2005 1:02:32 PM PST by beezdotcom (I'm usually either right or wrong...)
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To: beezdotcom

LOL!...that was funny no matter who you are!

122 posted on 11/18/2005 1:06:30 PM PST by txradioguy (In Memory Of My Friend 1SG Tim Millsap A Co. 70th Eng. K.I.A. 25 April 2005)
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To: txradioguy
Daly stood by his email to Rebecca. He told the paper that Rebecca’s conservative group is an “ultra right-wing, possibly fascist, group. The "anti-fascist" (read black masked communists) from Canada who rioted in Toledo a few weeks back list FReepers and George W. Bush among "fascists" they oppose.

The terms must be defined before they can be accepted in the court of public ideas. Someone should ask this prof. if he is now or has ever been a member of a communist party.

123 posted on 11/18/2005 1:08:00 PM PST by weegee (To understand the left is to rationalize how abortion can be a birthright.)
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To: txradioguy
Your main poster "Communism killed 100,000,000" is not only untrue, but ignores the fact that CAPITALISM has killed

Stalin and Mao loving Marxist. Probably would have been among those commies who supported Hitler until he lashed out at the Soviets.

124 posted on 11/18/2005 1:09:25 PM PST by weegee (To understand the left is to rationalize how abortion can be a birthright.)
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To: brooklyn dave

Think October Revolution in Russia in 1917 when Russian military members mutineed against their incompetent officers with communist agitators urging them on.

125 posted on 11/18/2005 1:09:44 PM PST by Nebr FAL owner (.308 reach out & thump someone .50 cal.Browning Machine gun reach out & crush someone)
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To: weegee

"Someone should ask this prof. if he is now or has ever been a member of a communist party."

And while we're at it....the @sshat needs to be given the correct definition of what a Fascist is.

Quick...somoe hold up a mirror to this idiots face!

126 posted on 11/18/2005 1:10:35 PM PST by txradioguy (In Memory Of My Friend 1SG Tim Millsap A Co. 70th Eng. K.I.A. 25 April 2005)
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To: Lloyd227


127 posted on 11/18/2005 1:10:48 PM PST by rlmorel ("Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does." Whittaker Chambers)
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To: Nachum

Hanged. Not hung. Hanged.
But you are right. He should be convicted of treason and hanged.

128 posted on 11/18/2005 1:12:23 PM PST by jjmcgo
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To: txradioguy
I am not an English professor, but I would never have signed my name to anything so poorly written.

Dear Rebecca:

I am asking my students to boycott your event. I am also going to ask others to boycott it. Your literature and signs in the entrance lobby look like fascist propaganda and is extremely offensive. Your main poster "Communism killed 100,000,000" is not only untrue, [the use of not and untrue is a double negative] but ignores the fact that CAPITALISM has killed many more and the evidence for that can be seen in the daily news papers. [..... and has killed ... is a run on sentence] The U.S. government can fly [the “government” does not fly, people and assets fly] to dominate the people of Iraq in 12 hours, yet it took them five days to assist the people devastated by huricane [SP – hurricane] Katrina. Racism and profits were key to their priorities. Exxon, by the way, made $9 Billion in profits this last quarter--their highest proft [SP – profit] margin ever [Improper word selection. Profit margins have remained constant between 7 and 10% over the last 20 years, profits have increased as a result of increased demand. Many industries actually maintain substantially higher margins]. Thanks to the students of WCCC and other poor and working class people who are recruited to fight and die for EXXON and other corporations who earning megaprofits from their imperialist plunders. [This is an incomplete sentence, it lacks a verb.] If you want to count the number of deaths based on political systems, you can begin with the more than a million children who have died in Iraq from U.S.-imposed [improper and unnecessary hyphenation] sanctions and war. Or the million African American people who died from lack of access to healthcare in the US over the last 10 years.

[Improper grammar to begin a sentence with a conjunction] I will continue to expose your right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like your [improper possessive – should be “yours”] won't dare show their face [improper singular – groups have faces (pl).] on a college campus. Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors and fight for just causes and for people's needs--such freedom fighters can be [incorrect use of present tense – should be “have been” (past tense)] counted throughout American history and they certainly will be counted again.

Prof. John Daly Prof. John Daly

129 posted on 11/18/2005 1:18:07 PM PST by Natural Law
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To: GeorgiaMike

"...after the lunar landing, we open to a scene of Armstrong and Aldrin struggling to get out the hatch at the same time, Armstrong reaches over and rips the oxygen line out of Aldrin's suit...Aldrin grabs a geologist hammer and whacks the face screen on Armstrong's helmet...Armstrong wriggles out the hatch and does a little dance on the platform before descending, points at the gasping Aldrin inside and says "In your face...BUZZY BOY!" He then slips backwards and falls heavily to the ground, and the director yells out "CUT! Good God, can you guys scale it back a bit, that was too over top...and...ALBERTO!!! WILL YOU MAKE SURE THAT DAMNED BOOM MIKE IS OUT OF THE FIELD OF VIEW NEXT TIME!" At this, Aldrich sticks his head out of the LEM mockup, looks down at the prostrate Armstrong, and breathing heavily says: "Armstrong, you son of a b*tch, that was a really dirty trick. I"M supposed to go out FIRST, not you! READ YOUR DAMNED SCRIPT!"

130 posted on 11/18/2005 1:19:00 PM PST by rlmorel ("Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does." Whittaker Chambers)
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To: oldleft

The little F@$%#*R is a Chomskyite that explains a lot .
Silly bastard needs a run in with a islamifascist that has the world view that Islam is the new master race. Preferably at the jihadist version of old time prayer meeting complete with video camera & dull ginzu knife.

131 posted on 11/18/2005 1:20:44 PM PST by Nebr FAL owner (.308 reach out & thump someone .50 cal.Browning Machine gun reach out & crush someone)
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To: Natural Law
Well, they seem to have restored public access to their website... Warren County Community College

This is a positive sign...

No respite.. keep emailing and calling until Mr. Daly is gone.


132 posted on 11/18/2005 1:21:12 PM PST by Lloyd227
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To: Rapscallion

"Think about it: How close is America to civil war?"

Pffft...not close enough as people are still standing for this crap and idiots who promote it.

133 posted on 11/18/2005 1:27:21 PM PST by WKUHilltopper
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To: Joe 6-pack

"How long before we have college level home schooling?"

It's already here. My daughter is planning to take at least two years homeschooling for college.

134 posted on 11/18/2005 1:28:04 PM PST by GAB-1955 (The U.S. Coast Guard started shooting at Frenchmen in 1790. As always, they set the trends.)
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To: txradioguy
"How long before we have college level home schooling? "

How about on line?

Check out Robert Welch University. Liberal Arts education from an Americanist point of view available on line.

135 posted on 11/18/2005 1:28:19 PM PST by Designer (Just a nit-pick'n and chagrin'n)
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To: txradioguy

George Orwell was anti-Communist but he was not for suppressing the communist press in England. He thought it was worthwhile to let the public see how these people interpreted events and reported "the facts".

136 posted on 11/18/2005 1:30:38 PM PST by weegee (To understand the left is to rationalize how abortion can be a birthright.)
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To: Lloyd227
Cheers, Lloyd

Thanks Lloyd!

137 posted on 11/18/2005 1:31:28 PM PST by Designer (Just a nit-pick'n and chagrin'n)
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To: noname07718

Nice one, noname!

138 posted on 11/18/2005 1:31:30 PM PST by WKUHilltopper
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To: txradioguy
The college should fire him for incompetence given the number of grammatical errors contained in his email to Rebbecca. It does not speak highly of this institution that they chose Professor Daly to instruct their basic writing course.
139 posted on 11/18/2005 1:32:59 PM PST by Dogfaced Soldier
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To: txradioguy

It's here already. You can get AA, BA, BS or MA degrees via correspondence or virtual courses from a number of accredited universities. Just look up distance learning and read the thousandes of hits you get. I'm not referring to diploma mills, either. Penn State, for one, offers such a degree program, as does U Mass and others. The list is quite extensive.

140 posted on 11/18/2005 1:33:16 PM PST by cinives (On some planets what I do is considered normal.)
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