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Bill Richardson: I'm Running in 2008 ^ | November 12, 2005

Posted on 11/12/2005 11:23:24 PM PST by StopDemocratsDotCom

He "bobs and weaves" when asked about running for president in 2008, according to the Washington Post's Al Kamen.

But Kamen says that New Mexico's popular Gov. Bill Richardson is telling friends his hat is in the ring for the presidency.

Kamen describes Richardson as "the former congressman, energy secretary, ambassador to the United Nations, globe-trotting troubleshooter" and notes he was in Washington last week to promote his new autobiography, "Between Worlds: The Making of an American Life."

During a Beltway dinner, Kamen writes, Richardson spilled the beans to dinner companions.

Questioned about his presidential plans, Richardson told friends, "You gotta read my book."

Richardson also said that governors were the future for Democrats.

A gentle slap at presidential wannabes Sens. Clinton, Kerry and Biden?

Richardson urged guests to "Keep your powder dry" in throwing support to another candidate.

"I'm running, and you can tell people that," two other dinner guests recalled him saying "I'm going in 2008," Kamen quotes Richardson.

TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2008; aliens; billrichardson; immigrantlist; richardson2008; runawayrunaway
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To: kublia khan
Actually on some issues he's to the right of the present crop of RINO baster** in congress....

Yeah...but where is he on the 2nd Amendment? I'm sure I've heard bad things on him from the various gun rights groups. That's why the name stuck and I posted.

41 posted on 11/13/2005 12:14:21 AM PST by ExSoldier (Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.)
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To: RandallFlagg
He lowered taxes. He acted against illegal aliens.

In short, he's acting more Republican than a lot of Republicans these days.

That's...uh...a little weird, isn't it?

42 posted on 11/13/2005 12:22:55 AM PST by Prime Choice (Never excuse treason as "dissent.")
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To: Prime Choice

Yeah, but if he's smart, he'll know that more folks are paying attention and watching his record.

43 posted on 11/13/2005 12:25:18 AM PST by RandallFlagg (Roll your own cigarettes! You'll save $$$ and smoke less!(Magnetic bumper stickers-click my name)
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To: Brimack34

Plus, he's a huge "let's play nice with N Korea" type. He was one of the major proponents of the light water reactor/fuel oil deal. With NK threatening to let fly with nukes his opponents for the nomination are going to rip him apart. He won't even make it through the beginning of primary season.

44 posted on 11/13/2005 12:27:10 AM PST by USNBandit (sarcasm engaged at all times)
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To: television is just wrong

I'll echo the Tancredo sentiment...

45 posted on 11/13/2005 12:30:38 AM PST by CheyennePress
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To: Brimack34
Los Alamos anyone.

Hehehehe- Curt Weldon will be all over him like a fly on sh**.

46 posted on 11/13/2005 12:40:52 AM PST by fat city ("The nation that controls magnetism controls the world.")
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To: malia
Just remember where he has been and who he was with --- Running for prez is just to get acquainted - he will be hillary's vp. Was there any reporting on his North Korea trip.

Right on! The Clinton's will use him like Kerry used Edwards, to make it appear like "hard fought primaries", instead of a coronation. He'll be the "conservative balance" on the ticket. Hell, they may even front him some money to keep his candidacy alive. But no guy who looks like Lou Costello with a tan is going to get elected President.

47 posted on 11/13/2005 12:42:29 AM PST by pawdoggie
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To: StopDemocratsDotCom; All
various links | 7-27-02 | The Heavy Equipment Guy

48 posted on 11/13/2005 1:06:16 AM PST by backhoe (The 1990's? The Decade of Fraud(s)™...)
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Richardson is a dangerous man... I've known him personally for decades. He gave me the creeps the first time I met him and every meeting since has only reinforced my first sense of him.

He was corrupt BEFORE he ever even heard of Bill Clinton... I'm sure they taught each other many useful lessons at stabbing people in the back while smiling and shaking hands.

He promises every audience what they want to hear. And many of the people that listen to him that should know better somehow believe him.

He promised my little community " a world class university" and lots of high paying jobs if we voted him in for Governor in 2000. Ridiculous on the face of it as we are a resort community of about 10,000 permanent residents with no infrastructure for either a major university nor for industry.. But my community which always otherwise is very Republican and very conservative overwhelmingly voted for him.

He did deliver half a million bucks or so for our community college and some money for the local politicos to waste on pet projects at the expense of the rest of the taxpayers of the state, so our local muckety mucks are supporting him for re-election.

He is running for re-election as Governor next year: He just bought himself a LOT of votes by writing a check on the state treasury for between about $100 and $600 to everyone who filed a NM State tax return last year... The less you paid, the more you got.

He also got the Taxpayers of the state to buy him a big Jet. Useless for his job of running the State of New Mexico, but it will be darn handy for his campaign for President or Hillary's VP, whichever way the cards fall.

I imagine that the state treasury will be completely looted by the time he quits buying votes.

He IS part hispanic- claims to be full blood hispanic when it suits him. I've even heard him claim to be "Native American" when campaigning on the reservations.

Yeah, he declared a state of emergency on the illegal alien invasion.... only a few weeks after he offered any of his "brothers from south of the border" State ID which will allow them to drive, vote and be elegible for all the welfare goodies that the NM taxpayers can offer. The official declared state of emergency is merely window dressing for the future. Plus, he hopes that it will bring in some Federal taxpayers money that he can get his hands on. He has no intention of actually stopping any illegals from crossing, nor sending any back that are already here.

His little trip a few weeks ago to North Korea had three purposes:
One to get his name in the news nationally and internationally;
Another.. To try to talk Li'l Kim into not doing anything percipitous for a couple of years. I'm sure he offered him the sun and the moon if Kim doesn't do anything that might wreck the Dem chances at picking up the Presidency and gaining a majority in the Senate.
And finally to see if there were any more Los Alamos National Lab or Sandia Lab defense secrets that Kim might want. (Ok, I'm making that last one up..... Or AM I??? )

Don't underestimate him. He is nearly as dangerous a person as Hillary and a more skilled politician. He and Hil are natural allies; I could see either one accepting the VP slot on the others ticket ...

49 posted on 11/13/2005 1:18:32 AM PST by LegendHasIt
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To: Peace will be here soon

"I think Richardson is a bigger threat than Hillary Clinton."

My thinking on this is along the same line as yours. I know the Dems are dumb, but somewhere along the line they have to realize that a Hillary nomination is just not going to fly. Apart from trying to be the first woman(?)candidate, Hillary has too many skeletons, too much questionable history,too disliked by too many, and of course, too much Bill. If the light dawns on them that Hillary is not the one, they may well look to someone like Richardson.Then the battle for 2008 will be a little more challenging.

50 posted on 11/13/2005 2:36:53 AM PST by Mila
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To: Hillarys Gate Cult
I don't know how we can elect a man to the Presidency that couldn't even find Monica a job. :-)

He also guaranteed everyone that Kerry would win and on election night did win New Mexico.

After that performance it is hard to take the guy seriously.
51 posted on 11/13/2005 2:41:13 AM PST by cgbg (Racism is identifying, quantifying, and determining social policy by race.)
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To: LegendHasIt
He is running for re-election as Governor next year: He just bought himself a LOT of votes by writing a check on the state treasury for between about $100 and $600 to everyone who filed a NM State tax return last year... The less you paid, the more you got.

I bet he's a typical democrat and if given the chance he'd raise taxes on the rich and lower them on the poor or give the poor a bigger standard deduction then he'd pass a lot of hidden taxes on stuff so the end result would be more taxes for everyone while appearing to be for the working man and sticking it to the rich.

52 posted on 11/13/2005 2:54:39 AM PST by ReformedBeckite
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To: StopDemocratsDotCom
On some points, yes. Hillary can't be pleased. He's not polarizing whereas she is, and he now has executive experience, which is more apropos than her legislative experience (such as it is).
53 posted on 11/13/2005 2:55:51 AM PST by skr (Shopping for a tagline that fits or a fitting tagline...whichever I find first.)
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To: Mila
The Dem party-base is all for appeasement... right now they would vote for a Feingold over ANY(even Hillary) candidate who supported the war.

Richardson was not involved in the vote... but he'd have to come out bigtime against our involvement in Iraq.

54 posted on 11/13/2005 2:58:55 AM PST by johnny7 (“What now? Let me tell you what now.”)
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To: TheClintons-STILLAnti-American
He's an FOB.

Indeed he is. Those Los Alamos secrets that wound up in the PRC, occurred on Richardsons watch at his agency. I wonder how the FOB status will help when Hillary finds out he is running..

55 posted on 11/13/2005 3:02:25 AM PST by cardinal4
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To: StopDemocratsDotCom

We should fear this, for a very simple reason. We here know plenty of bad things about him - however, the media will never allow this information to filter down to the public. The media will allow his supposedly good works - tax cuts, immigration - to filter down, but never the downside to his record.

Expect a Richardson / Bayh ticket.

Regards, Ivan

56 posted on 11/13/2005 3:06:49 AM PST by MadIvan (You underestimate the power of the Dark Side -
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To: LegendHasIt

Do you think maybe his running has a lot to do with HIllary?Maybe the Clintons promised him big things and if he runs and loses then Hillary will have him for her running mate..He is Mexican and that would take care of the Mexican vote for the dems..

57 posted on 11/13/2005 3:19:47 AM PST by Beth528
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To: StopDemocratsDotCom
Watch the dirt come flying his way.

Might even get an invitation to a picnic lunch in Ft. Marcy Park.

58 posted on 11/13/2005 4:06:16 AM PST by OldFriend (The Dems enABLEd DANGER and 3,000 Americans died.)
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To: StopDemocratsDotCom
I love it when I'm sitting in my blind, It's early. I settling in for a long wait, when suddenly you see a young buck poke his head up.
It is those who raise there hand early who fail first on the Dem side. They say stupid things, and the rest of us can focus on their past.
This fool will crash and crater early. No doubt.
59 posted on 11/13/2005 4:25:22 AM PST by truemiester (If the U.S. should fail, a veil of darkness will come over the Earth for a thousand years)
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To: StopDemocratsDotCom
i would never vote for him, but doesnt this guy have some descent common sense positions on some issues?

Sure. He takes both sides of every issue.

He bobbed and weaved on border control, for example.

60 posted on 11/13/2005 4:27:00 AM PST by Cboldt
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