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The ACLU vs. America
Front Page Magazine ^ | September 26, 2005 | Jamie Glazov

Posted on 09/26/2005 4:33:03 AM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Alan Sears the co-author (with Craig Osten) of the new book, The ACLU vs. America: Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral Values.

FP: Alan Sears, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

Sears: It’s a pleasure to be here.

FP: What inspired you to write The ACLU vs. America?

Sears: In late 2003, I appeared on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss the ACLU’s relentless legal attacks on the public celebration of Christmas and how the Alliance Defense Fund was responding to them, including our campaign to educate and equip public officials to stand up the ACLU’s multiple year campaign of “fear, intimidation, and disinformation.”

At the outset of the interview, Bill O’Reilly asked me: “Mr. Sears, isn’t the ACLU an organization that had noble beginnings, but just went off track over the past ten years or so?” Of course, there was not enough time to answer that question in a “sound bite”, so I decided right then and there that we would have to write a book to provide an adequate response – that the ACLU had a VERY different vision right from the start for America than our nation’s founders. Craig Osten and I saw how the organization looked “one way from a distance but yet another way up close” so we decided to tell the real story about the ACLU, its founder Roger Baldwin, its ultra-radical roots, its promotion of socialism, and its extreme positions that few Americans know about.

FP: Tell us about some of the extreme positions of the ACLU that many Americans probably do not know about.

Sears: There are so many, but let’s start with the issue of marriage. The ACLU’s policy guide states that all civil and criminal laws prohibiting polygamy should be done away with. Earlier this year, during a speech at Yale Law School, ACLU President Nadine Strossen said: “We have defended the right for individuals to engage in polygamy. We defend the freedom of choice for mature, consenting individuals.”

This is not a new position for the ACLU. Read the wedding “vows” of ACLU founder Roger Baldwin in 1919:

“To us who passionately cherish the vision of a free human society, the present institution of marriage among us is a grim mockery of essential freedom…We deny without reservation the moral right of state or church to bind by force of law a relationship that cannot be maintained by the power of love alone…The highest relationship between a man and a woman is that which welcomes and understands each other’s loves….The creative life demands many friendships, many loves shared together openly, honestly, and joyously…” (See pages 12-13 of our book.)

To show how extreme this is, of 92% Americans oppose such practices today as they have for nearly 150 years. Opposition to polygamy was in the first platform adopted by the new Republican Party in 1856 and several western states, including Arizona, where I live today, were required by Congress to outlaw the practice in their state constitutions as a precedent of being admitted to the union and even to bar the future reconsideration of the issue.

The ACLU also asserts that the First Amendment, which was NEVER meant by its authors to do so, “protects” child pornography. This is material so foul, that after my years as a federal prosecutor and Director of the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography, I call it “crime scene photography” because of the actual abuse required for its production. The ACLU asserts there should be no federal or state governmental restriction on its distribution, reproduction, sale, and use by pedophiles and others. A very small minority of the American public shares this view.

These are just two of the many extreme positions that the ACLU holds that we discuss in the book.

FP: The ACLU is for polygamy and child pornography? This is truly incredible – and shameful. Why do you think so few people know about this? How come the media isn’t all over this outrage?

Sears: The ACLU has made no secret of their incredible “First Amendment” defense of the distribution of even the roughest child pornography for those who know where to look for it. Their former national counsel’s testimony supporting this “right” in Washington D.C. before the Pornography Commission was delivered after a slide show of such photos depicting in frightening detail the sexual abuse and then murder of a small boy. The ACLU actually filed a brief before the United States Supreme Court defending the “rights” of child pornographers in the New York v. Ferber case. But they are clever enough that you do not see the ACLU creating television or print ads to proclaim their support for these positions.

And of course no matter how much one is offended by this and other forms of the vilest pornography imaginable, the ACLU say the government cannot take any action that could protect any citizen from unwanted exposure. Ironically, this is the same ACLU which claims that offended persons must be forcefully protected by them in court from the dreaded public display of the Ten Commandments or Christmas.

Similarly, from their founder’s earliest sentiments, to their policy guide and board statements, to President Strossen’s comments at Yale in 2005 the ACLU record of support for polygamy and much more than that to redefine “marriage” is clear but generally unknown.

The major media has generally given them a free pass on all of this, and why the media choose to ignore these facts and give the ACLU a “free pass” is beyond us.

FP: So what do you think is the ACLU’s true agenda?

Sears: To get the answer to this question, let’s look at a little history. Today the highest award the ACLU bestows annually is its Roger Baldwin Medal of Liberty named for their founder who they still hold in highest regard. Though Baldwin said he was not a communist, he visited the Soviet Union in 1924 and wrote glowingly about Stalin’s government and the great social experiment then being undertaken in that country (see page 15 of our book). Then let’s look at the words of Roger Baldwin back in 1935 when he wrote the following in his thirtieth anniversary Harvard University classbook:

“I am for Socialism, disarmament, and ultimately the abolishing of the state itself as an instrument of violence and compulsion. I seek social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and sole control by those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.”

Ask today’s ACLU president Nadine Strossen what these words mean to her and today’s leadership.

The ACLU’s agenda from its beginning has been to radically reshape America into a nation vastly different from that desired by most Americans and that of our Founding Fathers. They got away with nearly two generations of legal battles without really serious or highly organized opposition.

But the good news is that they are not doing so well on a lot of fronts today. Consider the fact that despite the ACLU’s eight-decade long campaign against the public display of the Ten Commandments, seventy-five percent of Americans feel that they should be allowed to remain. Despite the ACLU’s war on the public celebration of Christmas, ninety-six percent of Americans of all faiths celebrate Christmas and eighty-seven percent believe Christmas displays should be allowed on public property. Despite the ACLU’s years of effort to promote unlimited abortion – and protect even “partial-birth” abortion – seventy-five percent of Americans now believe that there should be at least some governmental restriction on its practice. Finally, despite their attempts to keep Americans from voting on same-sex “marriage”, voters of 18 states have OVERWHELMINGLY affirmed marriage as between one man and one woman by enacting state constitutional amendments to hold the line on activist state judges.

The ACLU desires a secular, faithless America where all memory of faith traditions and religion are absent from the public square, morals are relative, and where parental rights, religious freedom, and the sanctity of human life – except as defined to be precious to their agenda -- are nearly non-existent. This is the America we will get unless we stand up to the ACLU.

FP: So Roger Baldwin was a Stalinist. The ACLU is founded by a Stalinist and supports polygamy and child pornography and it is considered to be an organization that somehow promotes American values. Unbelievable.

Tell me, for a guy like Baldwin that venerated Stalin and was a believer in communism, what was his objective in creating the ACLU? What do you think he had in mind? What were his motives? Sounds like some kind of malicious ploy to me. How is a Stalinist genuinely concerned with civil liberties? It doesn’t make sense. Was the objective to exploit the concept of civil liberties as a weapon to destroy American society?

Sears: He might not have called himself a Stalinist, but what/who was he?

Early on, Baldwin aligned himself with individuals such as the radical anarchist Emma (a.k.a. “Red Emma”) Goldman and her “mentor,” Prince Peter Alexeevich Kropotkin, who was a Russian revolutionary. Baldwin was enamored with Kroptokin’s beliefs calling for the elimination of the church as an instrument to “exercise control over the individual spontaneity of man.”

Baldwin showed much sympathy to the Soviet economic system in his statement in his Harvard classbook, and in the forward he wrote to Letter from Russian Prisons (1924), even after warned by a then deported Goldman of what Stalin was about, he amazingly said; “Many of them today look upon Russia today as a great laboratory of social experimentation of incalculable value to the development of the world.”

We believe Baldwin was more desirous of a totally secular society where no one had to be held personally responsible for their actions because of an obligation of a greater good to society, which requires personal restraint. William Donahue pointed out Baldwin’s justification for embracing the Stalin regime thusly: “Economic freedom, i.e. the abolition of class privilege, was more important than civil liberties. Anticipating the charge that he was engaging in duplicity, Baldwin frankly acknowledged that ‘repressions in western democracies are violations of professed constitutional liberties and I condemn them as such. Repressions in Soviet Russia are weapons of struggle in a transition period to socialism.’”

Baldwin also said, “I accepted the fact that civil liberties were not suitable for Russia…” a position we suspect few Russians agreed with…

Thus, ultimately, the ACLU’s brand of “civil liberties,” per se, is just a means to an end, not the end. The end is the destruction of the primary roots of Western civilization, the “constraints” they hold, and their biggest proponent, the United States of America.

FP: How serious and damaging is the ACLU’s agenda in the context of the war on terror?

Sears: The ACLU and it allies have used every time of national crisis to pursue their agenda. Roger Baldwin, before he settled on the present ACLU name and structure was jailed in World War I for refusal to undergo a physical examination for the draft and used his organizations to push his personal agenda. ACLU members in California supported the Assembly’s action on September 12, 2001 – while the rest of the nation was focused on terrorist seizure of four airliners – to ram through “domestic partner” legislation AB205 in their quest to redefine marriage in America.

In their selective comments about the war on terror, the ACLU – which has no bones about people who “spy” on the weekend activities of former congressman Henry Hyde or demand to read his mail has used its PR machine to paint America as a rogue nation with little or no regard for human rights, therefore empowering our enemies and to push the ACLU’s agenda to implement the use of international law to further undermine the U.S. Constitution.

After filing a complaint against the United States to the United Nations, ACLU executive director Anthony Romero said: “With today’s actions, we are sending a strong message of solidarity to advocates in other countries who have derided the impact of U.S. policies on the human rights of their citizens. We are filing this complaint before the United Nations to ensure that U.S. policies and practices reflect not just domestic constitutional standards but accepted international human rights principles regarding liberty and its deprivations.”

So, while the ACLU may actually stumble across some areas of governmental overreach, it is never all as it seems on the surface. Much of what the ACLU is doing not only fuels those who seek to destroy America, but it also undermines and subverts the very Constitution that millions have fought and died to protect.

FP: What can all of us do best to fight this sinister organization and to expose it for what it really is?

Sears: Well, that’s why we wrote the book.

The American public needs to know that the ACLU is not an organization that stands up for the little guy, or was a “good” organization that somehow got off track for awhile. The public needs to know that ACLU was created to destroy the America our founders created right from the ACLU’s start. It is our hope that people will read the book, share it with their friends, and as a result a groundswell of opposition will occur to the ACLU and its secular agenda for America.

The ACLU has achieved many of its victories because no one showed up in the courtroom – or those who did show up to oppose them were not those who cared most about the outcomes or were under funded and ill-prepared.

That’s why thirty-five concerned organizational leaders came together in 1994 to form the Alliance Defense Fund. “Enough was enough.” While the ACLU and its allies still dwarf the resources ofADF and our allies, they are no longer allowed to run roughshod over the American people. When a public official falls prey to the ACLU’s strategy of “fear, intimidation, and disinformation,” ADF and its allies are there with the training, strategy, funding, and litigation to assist them to stand up to the ACLU’s bully tactics. We now have over 800 trained allied attorneys nationwide, and hope to have 5,000 within the next ten years to take the battle to the ACLU and reclaim our nation’s legal system to the original intent of our Founding Fathers, and not the intent of the ACLU. We would greatly appreciate any support your readers could provide in this effort. I am confident, that if we work together, we CAN and WILL WIN.

FP: Mr. Sears, thank you for joining us today. You are doing truly valuable work. We wish you the best of luck.

Sears: Thank you.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
Kind of long, but informative and good.

Is there some list available to the public of ACLU members? It would be good to know which Americans financially and idealogically support the rape and murder of children.

1 posted on 09/26/2005 4:33:03 AM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: GiovannaNicoletta

Interesting interview. Thank you.

2 posted on 09/26/2005 5:10:52 AM PDT by syriacus (Galloway blusters w/ such a "cute" accent. Did Germans think Hitler's Austrian accent was cute?)
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To: TexasGreg

I would never, never use an attorney who is a member of the ACLU.

3 posted on 09/26/2005 5:15:32 AM PDT by GarySpFc (Sneakypete, De Oppresso Liber)
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To: GiovannaNicoletta

Note that, as 'newsworthy' as the outlandish and perverted the ACLU positions are, there is no MSM outlet that will bother to do an 'investigative report' on this Marxist organization.
Is it possible we have some collusion at work here or just the blind eye of an ally?

4 posted on 09/26/2005 5:17:03 AM PDT by WmCraven_Wk
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To: WmCraven_Wk

The "Watchdog" of American freedom(the Press) has long been
listed among the "already captured" One could suppose that
the America press would continue to champion the underdog
(Patriotic Americans) once the destruction of the United
States proves unescapable. Problem is once America is defeated the enemy will no longer see any use in a free press,and the presses will be destroyed or converted to serve the despotic tyrant.

5 posted on 09/26/2005 5:28:06 AM PDT by StonyBurk
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To: GarySpFc

Let's give the ACLU some free publicity - would this site be willing to post, on a weekly basis, an updated list of the names of lawyers and law firms which promote ACLU issues in court?

I'm sure that some of their neighbours would appreciate the opportunity to discuss various issues with them at the local restaurant, bar, supermarket, bank, sports arena, school, etc.

6 posted on 09/26/2005 6:07:07 AM PDT by Information Friendly (A person who stands for nothing will fall for anything!)
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To: Information Friendly

An EXCELLENT idea. I fully support this and would love to see it happen, even if it's not on this site. Someone should begin to compile a comprehensive database online.

7 posted on 09/26/2005 6:41:55 AM PDT by dogfighter
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To: dogfighter

OK Dogfighter:

I'll start the ball rolling.

From the ACLU's own website, these are the, let's call them "head honchos", for lack of a better term.

Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director
Nadine Strossen, President of the ACLU
Steven Shapiro, Legal Director of the ACLU
Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the Washington Legislative Office
Donna McKay, Director of Development
Geri E. Rozanski, Director of Affiliate Support
Emily Tynes, Communications Director

Would anyone care to "Google" them, or else, add to The List?

I love it when a plan comes together!

8 posted on 09/26/2005 6:50:49 PM PDT by Information Friendly (A person who stands for nothing will fall for anything!)
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To: Republic; WVNan; backhoe; LiteKeeper; windchime; Liz; Fedora; GiovannaNicoletta; KylaStarr; ...

Accused Terrorist Wrote School Guidelines with ACLU

FBI says it has files on ACLU, Greenpeace, other rights groups

The Truth About The American Civil Liberties Union (recommended reading!)

9 posted on 09/28/2005 7:19:26 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Calpernia

Your organizational skills amaze me. :-)

10 posted on 09/28/2005 8:35:04 AM PDT by Velveeta
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To: Velveeta

Tis only the bookmark feature ;)

11 posted on 09/28/2005 8:38:21 AM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Calpernia
Read the article on the first link you provided so far.

I am just sick.

This organization ( the ACLU) has been against our foundations since the begining and your links, so far, just add to the horror of this insidious group!

This quote (from the first link) is really an eye opener.

Alamoudi met often with then President and Hillary Clinton and has been described as Hillary’s friend and advisor on Islamic affairs. Protected by Clinton’s Presidential Guidelines, funding for Islamic educational materials began pouring in from Saudi Arabia and Muslim nations. Houghton Mifflin textbooks became saturated with Muslim beliefs as the Council of Islamic Education (CIE) helped write the textbook (originally denied by the publisher, Houghton Mifflin, until their Editorial Director was caught bragging about it in print).

Is there ANYTHING about the klinton's that is decent? They make me sick.... I cannot believe they had the ACLU and a muslim WRITE the value codes for OUR AMERICA CHILDREN! My gosh....the ACLU ia PRO-CHILD PORNOGRAPHY...even if said PORN warps into a SNUFF FILM.

They could not get any lower.

We right now have a supreme court judge who fought to have the age of consent for SEX lowered to 12 years of age.............( so all those hungry adults who crave young, innocent minds and bodies can indulge in their corrupt fantasies legally!)

Oh yeah...ruth (less) bad (bad)er Ginsberg was an ACLU leader!

12 posted on 09/28/2005 6:30:07 PM PDT by Republic
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To: Republic; FreedomPoster; jimbo123; NotJustAnotherPrettyFace; angkor

You picked up on the post that connected Ahmed Huber to the ACLU. Albeit a cell removed; but falling under the same money blanket.

Old FR thread:
Shocker: Donor List for Rep. Cynthia McKinney in 2001
FEC ^ | 5/22/02

Posted on 05/22/2002 10:41:29 AM PDT by jimbo123

Post to thread that breaks out the info more:

To: NotJustAnotherPrettyFace; angkor

FReeper angkor posted the following analysis of some of the VA McKinney donors, on one of my McKinney FReep planning threads. It was excellent work, and extraordinarily eye-opening. Here are those posts, blockquoted in their entirety:

To: FreedomPoster

McKinney rogues gallery, part I, this is VIRGINIA contribs only:

Alalwani, Taha
9/26/01 $500.00
Herndon, VA 22070

President, Moran Are Urged to Shun Gifts
Muslim Donors Target of Raids
By Spencer S. Hsu
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 28, 2002; Page B05

"The issue emerged when federal agents served warrants on March 20 and 21 at the Herndon-based Saar Foundation, Safa Trust and International Institute of Islamic Thought and 13 other locations. The groups are part of a complex Saudi-based financial empire that U.S. investigators say has handled $1.7 billion since the mid-1990s, sending some of it to groups that authorities have linked to terrorists."

"M. Yaqub Mirza, president of the Saar Foundation and vice president of the Safa Trust; Taha J. Alalwani, a founder of the International Institute of Islamic Thought; Jamal M. Barzinji, a president of the trust and institute secretary; and Hisham Altalib, treasurer for the trust and institute vice president, gave a total of $1,800 to Moran on Jan. 5, 2001."

Alamoudi, Abdurahman
9/11/01 $2,000.00
Falls Church, VA 22041
American Muslim Foundation/Presiden -[Contribution]

Strange Bedfellows - Grover Norquist And Abdurahman Alamoudi
Author: Seth Gitell
Publication: Boston Phoenix
Date: October 5-11, 2001

"It's Norquist's alliance with Alamoudi, however, that's raising eyebrows now. In recent days, some in the press, most notably Salon's Jake Tapper (on September 26), have raised questions about certain Muslim American advocacy organizations (including the American Muslim Council), charging that they have been " tacitly ... supportive of extremist groups guilty of terrorism. " Take Alamoudi, who attended an anti-Israel protest outside the White House on October 28, 2000. Alamoudi revved up the crowd, saying: " I have been labeled by the media in New York as being a supporter of Hamas. Anybody supporters of Hamas here? " The crowd cheered. " Hear that, Bill Clinton? We are all supporters of Hamas ... I wish they added that I am also a supporter of Hezbollah. " (Both groups are on the State Department's official list ofterrorist organizations.)"

Barzinji, Jamal
9/26/01 $500.00
Herndon, VA 20170
MARJAC Investments/Manager -[Contribution]

Wahhabis in the Old Dominion
What the federal raids in Northern Virginia uncovered.
by Stephen Schwartz
04/08/2002, Volume 007, Issue 29

"A major personality on the ground in Virginia is an individual named Jamal Barzinji, whose office in Herndon was a major target of the raids. In 1980, he was listed in local public records as a representative of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY), an arm of the Saudi regime with offices in Virginia. WAMY has been deeply involved in providing cover for Wahhabi terrorism. The 2002 entry in the U.S. Business Directory lists the president of the WAMY office in Annandale, Va., as Abdula bin Laden--the terrorist's younger brother."

75 posted on 5/11/02 2:01 PM Eastern by angkor
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To: FreedomPoster

McKinney rogues gallery, part II, this is VIRGINIA contribs only:

Bushnaq, Yaser
9/11/01 $500.00
Falls Church, VA 22041
Self Employed/Computer Consultant -[Contribution]

Jewish World Review Sept. 24, 2001/ 7 Tishrei 5762
Wesley Pruden
The spirit of Pearl, fragile and fading

"We advise them not to talk or to speak to the FBI, except with the presence of a legal counsel, and also to remind them that they have the full right not to speak to the FBI if they elect to do so," Yaser Bushnaq, president of Solidarity US, told reporters. Mr. Bushnaq is perfectly correct, and it's no less important to protect the rights of Muslims than the rights of Baptists and Presbyterians (and atheists), but he must not be surprised if Baptists, Presbyterians, atheists and others draw their own conclusions about those who cooperate reluctantly, if they cooperate at all.

Mirza, Yaqub
9/11/01 $500.00
Herndon, VA 20170
Mar Jac Investments Inc./President -[Contribution]

Dr. M. Yaqub Mirza has been President and CEO of Sterling Management Group, Inc. ("SMG") since 1998, of Sterling Advisory Services, Inc. since its inception, and President and CEO of MarJac Investments, Inc. ("MarJac") since 1995. From 1987-1995, he served as Executive Vice President of MarJac. MarJac makes proprietary investments in U.S. and foreign securities and provides international business management services. MarJac and its affiliates operate in the United States, Canada, Chile, Egypt, Malaysia, Turkey and Zimbabwe. He also served as Vice President (1984-1994) and President (1995-to date) of The Saar Foundation Inc., a Virginia not-for-profit corporation. Since 1984, Dr. Mirza has been actively negotiating mergers, acquisitions and sales of various sized companies located in different parts of the world. After many of the acquisitions, Dr. Mirza is involved as director and officer in the development of the company by evaluating top management to maximize efficiency and profitability and then restructuring, streamlining or expanding the company. In addition, Dr. Mirza has more than 15 years of experience in stock investments and portfolio management for his employers involving assets ranging from $1-$10 million. Since 1987, Dr. Mirza has served as a Trustee and Treasurer and is now Chairman of Amana Mutual Fund Trust, which is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an open-end investment company and managed by Saturna. In addition, Dr. Mirza currently serves as chairman of the Board of Directors of Jugos Concentrados, S.A. ("Jucosa"), a Chilean manufacturer of juice concentrates, traded on the Santiago Stock Exchange. He also serves on the Board of numerous other companies. He served on the Board of Mylex Corporation, a NASDAQ listed, world leader of RAID technology and network management products from December 1988 until September 1999 when Mylex was acquired by IBM for $240 million. He holds a M.Sc. from University of Karachi (1969), a Ph.D. in Physics (1974) and M.A. in Teaching Science (1975) from University of Texas at Dallas.

["The keystone of the Saudi-sponsored Northern Virginia network is the Saar Foundation, created by Suleiman Abdul Al-Aziz al-Rajhi, a scion of one of the richest Saudi families. The Saar Foundation is connected to Al-Taqwa, a shell company formerly based in Switzerland, where its leading figures included a notorious neo-Nazi and Islamist, Ahmed Huber. Subsequently moved to the United States, Al-Taqwa was shut down after September 11 and its assets frozen by U.S. presidential order. But operations continued, as the Wahhabi lobby shifted to its backup institutions here. .... Men like al-Rajhi, Mahfouz, and al-Qadi are the big players in the financing of Islamic extremism. And their paths repeatedly lead back to Northern Virginia. They don't play for small stakes: Saar received $1.7 billion in donations in 1998, although this was left out of the foundation's tax filings until 2000. No explanation has been offered for this bit of accounting sorcery." Weekly Standard, Wahhabis in the Old Dominion, 04/08/2002, Volume 007, Issue 29]

Omeish, Mohamed
9/11/01 $500.00
Falls Church, VA 22041
American Muslim Foundation/Vice Pre -[Contribution]

"Operation Green Quest" Singles Out Muslims
CAIRO, March 21, (IslamOnline)

"In an exclusive interview with IslamOnline, Dr. Mohamed S. Omeish, President of the Success Foundation, said that several organizations had been raided, including the Success Foundation, a not-for-profit, charity foundation set up for educational and humanitarian work. The Muslim World League offices were also raided, as well as several Muslim-owned businesses, such as MAR-JAC companies, and Sterling Management."

Totonji, Ahmad
9/11/01 $1,000.00
Herndon, VA 20170

Federal Agents Raid 15 Sites Tied To Al-Arian's Think Tank
Published: Mar 22, 2002

"``We are very, very sorry that this has happened, but we will cooperate 100 percent with everything that the authorities want,'' IIIT Vice President Ahmad Totonji said in Herndon.

The IIIT's Web site describes the institute as a ``nonprofit, academic and cultural institution concerned with general issues of Islamic thought.'' Although based in Herndon, it lists 12 international offices in such places as Egypt, Sudan, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, France and England.

Totonji also is among the founders of the SAAR Foundation, another Middle East organization based in Herndon. It, too, was believed to have been a target of the searches

76 posted on 5/11/02 2:02 PM Eastern by angkor
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17 posted on 05/22/2002 12:21:27 PM PDT by FreedomPoster
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13 posted on 09/28/2005 7:41:35 PM PDT by Calpernia (
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To: Republic

"Is there ANYTHING about the klinton's that is decent? "


Also I agree with Michael Savage that every member of the alcu should be prosecuted under the RICO Statutes.

14 posted on 09/28/2005 7:48:39 PM PDT by sport
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To: Calpernia

McKinney is back in Congress, is the worst part about that. We got rid of her for 2 years, and now she's back. At least there was a minor district shift, and I'm no longer in her district.

This is off-topic from the ACLU, but worth revisting, since they and McKinney apparently have one of the same main funding sources, and presumably many of the same anti-American goals. And that source is our enemy in my analysis.

I remember going to the FEC database and perusing her contributions, and there were literally hundreds, at the $500 and $1000 level, from guys with names like "Muhammed al Muhammed", who did not live in the state, much less the district.

Here, look here:
and check the names and locations (outside of GA; most of the ones inside GA with Islamic names, weren't in the district).

That search will likely "go bad"; if it does, to duplicate, hit:

then click:

Campaign Finance Reports and Data => Search the Disclosure Database => Candidate Search: => type in McKinney in box => "MCKINNEY, CYNTHIA A" =>
Individuals Who Gave to This Candidate => A-E, and then look at the names.

It's pretty damn eye-opening.

15 posted on 09/29/2005 3:20:55 AM PDT by FreedomPoster (Guns themselves are fairly robust; their chief enemies are rust and politicians) (NRA)
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To: Republic


16 posted on 09/29/2005 11:14:08 AM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: sport
I wish, every single FReeper would read this article about the foundations of the ACLU.

I am now so creeped out by this organization that I feel dirty just saying its name.

Not playing around here.

I am FURIOUS that tax dollars support this communist front group.

17 posted on 09/29/2005 5:45:48 PM PDT by Republic
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To: Calpernia

Bump for a later in-depth read. Thanks for the ping!

18 posted on 10/02/2005 10:07:44 PM PDT by NotJustAnotherPrettyFace
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