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Democrats blame 'oblivious' Bush (Lying Dems Alert!!!)
The Washington Times ^ | 9 September 2005 | Bill Sammon and Stephen Dinan

Posted on 09/08/2005 9:06:01 PM PDT by Aussie Dasher

Congressional Democrats yesterday laid the blame for the flawed response to Hurricane Katrina squarely on President Bush, saying he was "oblivious" to the crisis immediately after the storm hit.

The Senate's top Democrat asked whether Mr. Bush prepared properly for the disaster while "on vacation," but a Gallup Poll finds that only 13 percent of Americans blame the president.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi lashed out at Mr. Bush, with Mrs. Pelosi taking the unusual action of recounting her private conversation with the president. The California Democrat said she urged Mr. Bush to fire Michael D. Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

"He said, 'Why would I do that?' and I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week. And he said, 'What didn't go right?'

"Oblivious, in denial, dangerous," she said of Mr. Bush.

Mr. Reid, in a letter to the chairman of the Senate committee that will hold hearings on what went wrong in the hurricane response, asked: "How much time did the president spend dealing with this emerging crisis while he was on vacation?" and "Why didn't President Bush immediately return to Washington from his vacation?"

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Louisiana
KEYWORDS: blamegame; dems; geoegewbush; katrina; liars; lyingdems; presidentbush
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Filthy, lying Dems will do anything to protect their own and try to win a few points in the midst of human suffering!
1 posted on 09/08/2005 9:06:07 PM PDT by Aussie Dasher
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To: Aussie Dasher

We can't let this drop off the radar. Every single filthy piece of dishonest rhetoric that they spew is going to be used against them in the next election.

2 posted on 09/08/2005 9:09:15 PM PDT by coconutt2000 (NO MORE PEACE FOR OIL!!! DOWN WITH TYRANTS, TERRORISTS, AND TIMIDCRATS!!!! (3-T's For World Peace))
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To: Aussie Dasher

Now the Dems are trying to raise money using the "Katrina" as an excuse.
Everyone is getting money except the Dems.
The Dems are on Life Support, but they cannot get a $ from even the Red Cross!

Not one Fed Agency can legally give money to the Dems and they are on Life Support as much as the former citizens of New Orleans!

It has to Hurt!

3 posted on 09/08/2005 9:10:47 PM PDT by Prost1 (New AG, Berger is still free, copped a plea! I still get my news from FR!)
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To: Aussie Dasher

Vote for one Dem and you vote for them all.

4 posted on 09/08/2005 9:11:17 PM PDT by claudiustg (Go Sharon! Go Bush!)
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To: Aussie Dasher

Nancy Pelosi is "oblivious" to the truth when it suits her political purposes. Liars and damn liars.

5 posted on 09/08/2005 9:11:19 PM PDT by Reagan Man (Secure the borders;punish employers who hire illegals;halt all welfare handouts to illegals.)
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To: Aussie Dasher
Mr. Reid, in a letter to the chairman of the Senate committee that will hold hearings on what went wrong in the hurricane response, asked: "How much time did the president spend dealing with this emerging crisis while he was on vacation?" and "Why didn't President Bush immediately return to Washington from his vacation

Reid phonied up a mild heart attack so he could hide in Nevada.

6 posted on 09/08/2005 9:11:44 PM PDT by sinkspur (It is time for those of us who have much to share with those who have nothing.)
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To: Aussie Dasher
When I first read this, I thought about my job. When I want something done, I must tell the Chairman of my firm why it needs to be done or not done. I need to always be able to answer why. Harry Polosi does not seem to be able to answer why. I think that is because she is a spoiled little trollop (sorry I could not resist).
7 posted on 09/08/2005 9:12:53 PM PDT by Sthitch
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To: Aussie Dasher
The plantation Masters let many of their wards die and now conspire with the race-baiting poverty pimps to keep the remainder singing "it's a treat to beat your feet on the Mississippi Mud."

Don't listen - survivors run for your lives before the libs get you too!

8 posted on 09/08/2005 9:14:07 PM PDT by ncountylee (Dead terrorists smell like victory)
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To: Aussie Dasher

The proper response to Reid's questions:

Get f***ed, Harry!

9 posted on 09/08/2005 9:15:42 PM PDT by Frank_2001 (I applied to join the diplomatc corps. Never heard back from them. Can't figure out why.)
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To: Aussie Dasher

If your horse dies, DISMOUNT!

(If your intervention (lying) doesn't work, stop doing it!)

1. Stay on the horse.
2. Switch riders.
3. Move the horse to a new location.
4. Buy a stronger whip.
5. Tighten the cinch.
6. Try a new bit or bridle.
7. Say things like: "We've always ridden our horses this way."
8. Visit other sites where they ride dead horses in different ways.
9. Complain about the state of horses nowadays.
10.Blame the breeding.

10 posted on 09/08/2005 9:15:44 PM PDT by Colonial Warrior ("Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive.")
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To: Aussie Dasher
said because of all that went wrong

Simply amazing. Ms Nancy P with NO evidence, NO hearings and NO facts "knows" all that went wrong". So Ms P. Just what "Went wrong"? No hysteric Lib spin talk. SOLID FACTUAL data. See Ms P, since you SHOULD know how the Disaster Response plan is SUPPOSE to work since you were one of the key players in demanding hundreds of billions of dollars of Fed Homeland Security money got sent to the Cities and States to prepare "1st Responsders" after 9-11, those of us who pay attention KNOW you and Harry are LYING THRU YOUR TEETH. Problem for you Ms Nancy, your side no longer controls information flow. The truth IS getting out. Better go read the front page of the Washington POST today MS Nancy. YES there WERE failures. Failure produced by the Big Statist "Liberalism" of you and your other Blue State political cronies.

11 posted on 09/08/2005 9:16:06 PM PDT by MNJohnnie (Professional Journalism- the Buggy Whip makers of the 21st century)
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To: Aussie Dasher

In this situation, the Dems best defense is to go on offense and scream and yell, I said best, because the facts are against them. Their empire is dying and soon there will be a majority of conservatives on the court, then they will have no where to go but the dust bin of history.

12 posted on 09/08/2005 9:23:13 PM PDT by KC_for_Freedom (Sailing the highways of America, and loving it.)
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To: Aussie Dasher

The Dean Dream Scream Team is wearing thing on Americans.
They can only say this radical garbage so much before its expected and only plunges them even farther out of the mainstream. Screaming "Bush's fault" at anything at all in total desperation to gain political traction.

13 posted on 09/08/2005 9:26:45 PM PDT by Names Ash Housewares
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To: Aussie Dasher
If it were not for President Bush, tens of thousands more would have died.

New Orleans, a city in a Storm Surge zone, most of which is now below sea level, is surrounded by levies designed only to keep out the Storm Surge of a relatively fast-moving (drier) Category 3 hurricane.

Katrina was forecast as a Category 5.

While the Mayor of New Orleans asked his legal department if he might be sued by nightclub owners for lost income if he ordered an evacuation and the Governor of Louisiana was paralyzed like a deer in the headlights, it took a direct appeal from President Bush for those two idiots to finally announce and evacuation of New Orleans.

Even then, the Governor and Mayor failed their citizens by ignoring their own evacuation plan and leaving 200,000 low-income resident to, literally, sink or swim.

They ignored their own evacuation plan and now thousands may be dead.

NOBODY was supposed to be left trapped in the New Orleans flood bowl death trap as 200,000 low-income residents were as a result of the gross and possibly criminal negligence on the part of the Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, and the Mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, who failed to follow their own evacuation plan prior to the landfall of Katrina.

New Orleans is in a Storm Surge Zone, below sea level, and surrounded by levies that were only designed to withstand storms lass than a slow-moving Category 3 hurricane. That means that any person staying in New Orleans during a Category 3 or higher hurricane is facing a very high risk of death. Katrina was forecast as a Category 5 and hit as a Category 4.

What Is "Storm Surge" and Why It Matters.

The 2004 Hurricane Pam Exercise was modeled on a catastrophic destruction of New Orleans after only a slow-moving Category 3 hurricane. It was based on the assumption that there had been a complete evacuation of New Orleans. Shelters outside of the New Orleans flood bowl had already been identified:

The interagency shelter group identified the need for about 1,000 shelters for a catastrophic disaster. The shelter team identified 784 shelters and has developed plans for locating the remaining shelters.

Hurricane Pam Exercise Concludes.(2004 New Orleans Disaster Prediction)

President Bush requested that Governor Blanco allow the Federal takeover of the evacuation of New Orleans, and Governor Blanco, for political reasons, refused:

Behind the scenes, a power struggle emerged, as federal officials tried to wrest authority from Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D). Shortly before midnight Friday, the Bush administration sent her a proposed legal memorandum asking her to request a federal takeover of the evacuation of New Orleans, a source within the state's emergency operations center said Saturday..........The administration sought unified control over all local police and state National Guard units reporting to the governor. Louisiana officials rejected the request after talks throughout the night, concerned that such a move would be comparable to a federal declaration of martial law. Some officials in the state suspected a political motive behind the request. "Quite frankly, if they had been able to pull off taking it away from the locals, they then could have blamed everything on the locals", said the source, who does not have the authority to speak publicly.

The Southeast Louisiana Evacuation plan supplement, revised in 2000, page 13, read paragraph 5, stated:

5. The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating.

In spite of that, over four hundred New Orleans publicly owned buses, as counted by members of FreeRepublic on post-Katrina satellite images, remained parked in neat rows and 200,000 low-income New Orleans residents were left trapped in the ¡§New Orleans flood bowl¡¨ (as scientists call it) in the face of the incoming storm surge.

Those 400+ buses, at 70 passengers per bus, could have taken 28,000 of those low-income citizens per trip out of New Orleans on the inbound lanes that the Governor and Mayor inexplicably left unused during the evacuation.

As a result, 200,000 of the poorest residents of New Orleans were left trapped din a disaster waiting to happen with no where to go but the Superdome.

While 800,000 of New Orleans' residents with private transportation were being saved, 200,000 of New Orleans', low-income residents were left abandoned by the Governor and the Mayor in the New Orleans flood bowl to face a Category 4 Hurricane Storm Surge.

If the levies had failed catastrophically instead of at a few certain point as they did, the death toll would have reached Hiroshima proportions.

Bottom line: New Orleans died and the Democrats and their liberal news media mouthpieces lied. .

14 posted on 09/08/2005 9:30:44 PM PDT by Polybius
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To: Aussie Dasher

It's beyond disgusting what the dims are doing for their own political gain, but what else would we expect? It's like the words of the song "you knew darn well I was a snake, before you let me in".

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid need a good kick in their backsides into the toxic water in NO.

15 posted on 09/08/2005 9:33:38 PM PDT by Theresawithanh (As long as Dean's the head of the D-N-C, it just looks better for the G-O-P!!)
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To: Aussie Dasher

Special Report tonight had a grapevine comment that after Pelosi said she was surprised at the announcement of a "bipartisan committee" to investigate Katrina recovery, others pointed out that it was discussed at a joint meeting with the President.

She still says she doesn't remember it. I guess she was so busy trying to figure out how to blame Bush for stuff from the meeting that she wasn't paying attention to this meeting?

16 posted on 09/08/2005 9:37:53 PM PDT by CharlesWayneCT
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To: Aussie Dasher
Congressional Democrats yesterday laid the blame for the flawed response to Hurricane Katrina squarely on President Bush, saying he was "oblivious" to the crisis immediately after the storm hit.

The more kooky they get, the better Bush looks. Every time they open their mouths, more people run the other way. All that's left for them are the dysfunctional liberals and social parasites.

17 posted on 09/08/2005 9:40:59 PM PDT by concerned about politics ("Get thee behind me, Liberal.")
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To: CharlesWayneCT

The woman is clearly a loon!

18 posted on 09/08/2005 9:41:16 PM PDT by Aussie Dasher (The Great Ronald Reagan & John Paul II - Heaven's Dream Team!)
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To: Aussie Dasher

Mr. Reid, in a letter to the chairman of the Senate committee that will hold hearings on what went wrong in the hurricane response, asked: "How much time did the president spend dealing with this emerging crisis while he was on vacation?" and "Why didn't President Bush immediately return to Washington from his vacation?"

This is the height of hypocrisy. The whole Congress was also on vacation.

19 posted on 09/08/2005 9:41:28 PM PDT by kaehurowing
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To: Aussie Dasher

""He said, 'Why would I do that?' and I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week. And he said, 'What didn't go right?' "

Considering Pres. Bush stated publicly that things were unsatisfactory, I believe this statement is a lie or Bush was brushing her off.

20 posted on 09/08/2005 9:41:39 PM PDT by imskylark
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