Posted on 08/11/2005 8:52:19 AM PDT by Cincinatus' Wife
Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, 24, was killed in Sadr City, Iraq, on April 4, 2004. Now, to add insult to death, his mother is embarrassing herself and his memory by protesting the Iraq occupation near the ranch of President Bush, her deceased son's commander in chief.
My heart aches for this man's memory and what his mother is doing to lessen it following his death
Cindy Sheehan evidently thinks little of her deceased son, his sacrifice or of those left to do the noble work in his absence. How could she? Is the proper answer to her bitterness really to belittle and undermine public support for the efforts of those still serving?
The insurgents were Casey's enemy. The president of the United States is his mother's. What is wrong with this picture? Would he be proud of her near-treasonous actions? Hardly.
This woman is a representative example of typical, illogical anti-war activists. She thinks Bush, not the terrorists, killed her son. She supports those who killed Casey by wanting to pull out and let them kill more innocent people, unhindered. The lady is on the wrong team. She's disgraceful.
If Sheehan wants to continue to make a fool out of herself, I suppose that is her business as a free American. Her son and our brave troops have given her even the right to orderly protest against the very actions providing the freedom that allows her to speak out.
My suggestion to her, however, is that she think about the lives of those still in Iraq. Undermining public support for our efforts in Iraq helps the enemy, her son's murderers. They love people like her, but hate those like her heroic son.
We all can feel bad for the loss Sheehan has experienced. But it is unthinkable that anyone with a child or relative in Iraq should make statements such as she has. Sheehan has said, "I want to ask the president, 'Why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?'"
Imagine having had a loved one thousands of miles away in harm's way, and being so disinterested in what he was doing before his death that you did not even know why he was there. She obviously didn't care about the occupation while he was alive; why now? I don't get it.
I suppose I should be more understanding in this matter, yet I am not. Thousands of other mothers have sons and daughters overseas, and I am unwilling to let this particular woman do and say things, unhindered, that might lessen their chances of ever returning home safely. The relatives of those in Iraq, and of those who have perished there, should explain a thing or two to this woman. It is disgraceful to support the enemy, especially when they killed your son.
Compare and contrast the way the media is treating this single, narcissistic dim bulb, and the way they ignored the Swift Boat Vets. And the media's not biased?
...Sheehan continued, 9/11 was Pearl Harbor for the neo-conservatives agenda and declared the U.S. government a morally repugnant system. Then she raged:
"We have no Constitution. Were the only country with no checks and balances. We want our country back if we have to impeach George Bush down to the person who picks up the dog sh-t in Washington! Let George Bush send his two little party animals (Jenna and Barbara) to die in Iraq. Its OK for Israel to have nuclear weapons but we are waging nuclear war in Iraq, we have contaminated the entire country. Its not OK for Syria to be in Lebanon. Hypocrites! But Israel can occupy Palestine? Stop the slaughter!"
She's a selfish human being.
Sheehan's got problems, alright, not the least of which is that dem libs have pegged her as this year's "Summer Vacation" stunt.
Remember last year about this time...Max Cleland, waiting with his letter at the ranch gate? And next year and the next year and the next year they'll have other "victims" out there in the ditch with other bellyaches, or maybe the same one. It's the demwits only plan: blame Bush. And the MSM reports on it breathlessly, as if it's something new & exciting instead of just another summer rerun.
She undermines the good that our people are doing in Iraq. I heard her on a talk show say that we just slap some paint on a school and call it re-building. Tell that to the Seabees!
This was actually in the Urinal-Constipation?
MSM bias is as broad as Hillary's beam.
She's pathetic.
The poor used, misguided woman.
I think her son enlisted to make amends for his mother. I think she knows it, can't handle the guilt and has lost it.
She's probably been projecting blame on others all her life.
Her son was over 18. He made his own decisions for his own life. I have two young sons, and an active duty military spouse who is set to deploy in the next 6 months. My husbands' mother calls me alot, and she is very upset about his next deployment. My father-in-law is disgusted with the Bush administration and clearly states "we are there for the oil." My husband respects the parents who love him and raised him, but politically, they do not agree. I told my mother in law just yesterday to stop pre-worrying about the upcoming deployment.
I know this woman will never get over the loss of her son. I don't think any parent can. But, bottom line, his death is the fault of the person who killed him.
Hey, Cindy. There's a reason that the uranium used in much of our ammunition is called depleted uranium.
It's called DU because it's been depleted of the radioactive content it originally had, kind of like DU (and the rest of your fellow idiots) is depleted of any semblance of intellect.
Interesting...I don't see the father mentioned at the bottom along with the other family members. Anyone read anything baout where he stands?
That's an important fact. He already knew what he was in for yet volunteered to do it again.
Ask yourself an honest question: Does all of this crap from the left effect you as much as it once did?
I say "No" and the reason is that they have slipped from;
dangerous enemies to people to be concerned about, to where they are now, boring little fleas that really don't amount to very much. Their day is gone. They can change nothing and that fact seems to have sunk in for them more quickly then it has for those on our side. We have won this round. Oh there will always be America hating people in this world and some of them will be in this country, but for now this bunch has petered out and fallen on its face.
They don't rise above BORING anymore.
Even more disgraceful is the people supporting her are the same ones who say they support our troops when they shoot each other, the same ones who rejoice in dead American soldier body counts and revel in the number of American casualties.
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