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Air France Aircraft on Fire at Pearson Airport (Toronto) (Update: Minor injuries)
CFRB 1010AM Radio ^
| Aug 2 2005
Posted on 08/02/2005 1:28:25 PM PDT by mitchbert
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To: syriacus
Its still HARD to believe that two American Airlines Pilots tore the Tail and Rudder off while encountering wake turbulance in that case.Boeings don't fall out of the air like that.
To: True Republican Patriot
they fought the computer...pilot error.
To: WestCoastGal
I used to live somewhat below the flight path of John Wayne Airport and have traveled in and out of that as well as Burbank. I don't think either of them have much of a buffer zone particularly at the end of the runways. I think John Wayne also has a busy street and office buildings down at the end and the 5 freeway at the beginning of the runway. Nothing quite like being on the 405 when a jumbo jet flies overhead on final.
posted on
08/02/2005 3:57:37 PM PDT
Not A Snowbird
(Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
To: datura
You're no longer the pilot, you're a passenger with a front window. What an image!!
posted on
08/02/2005 3:57:44 PM PDT
(Embryos -- Special enough that researchers want a lot of them; not special enough to deserve to live)
To: SandyInSeattle
"I wonder if Toronto was its final scheduled destiination, or if it was continuing on here? Toronto is one of our immigration preclearance airports..."
Doubtful. There's enough demand between both cities that a continuing flight would probably not be necessary - i.e. most AF flights between CDG and the US are direct.
posted on
08/02/2005 3:58:03 PM PDT
To: WestCoastGal
"John Wayne Airport"
I flew in and out of there a few times in the 1980's, and - you're right - there wasn't much of a buffer zone around that place. I think the regular city street went past about 50-60 yards in front of the terminal.
To: syriacus
You want the wings to flex!
I've been on some flexi winged 747's!
posted on
08/02/2005 3:59:48 PM PDT
Central Scrutiniser
(Apply generously to sunburned or irritated skin as needed)
To: SandyInSeattle
Don't know if the CVR data was released yet, know there was some discussion on what actually was in place onboard the Challenger.Probably the data hasn't been released yet.
To: HoustonCurmudgeon
That would make me nervious also. Glad you made it.
posted on
08/02/2005 4:00:34 PM PDT
(reality is for people who can't face science fiction)
To: True Republican Patriot
All landings are a controlled crash.
To: syriacus
The wings droping off is not the problem, the aircraft dropping off of the wings is the problem.
posted on
08/02/2005 4:01:19 PM PDT
U S Army EOD
(Pray For the EOD Folks Working in the Middle East)
To: Steve_Seattle
I flew in and out of there a few times in the 1980's, You should see it now. Back in the 80's there was one parking lot (with meters), one place to hang out and have a beer overlooking the runway (singular), and you had to walk out to your plane.
Now it looks like LAX, and the planes come screaming in over the 405 freeway. It looks sometimes like they're going to puddle jump off the tops of cars, they're so close.
posted on
08/02/2005 4:01:22 PM PDT
Not A Snowbird
(Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
To: sofaman
"it's pretty unbelievable that everyone got out of this..."
I think the stewards/flight crew were up todate on their training and remained calm. Passengers owe their survival to them.
posted on
08/02/2005 4:01:27 PM PDT
( Report every illegal alien that you meet. Call 866-347-2423, Employers use 888-464-4218)
To: True Republican Patriot
It'll be interesting to find out what really happened. I get "pilot chatter" on my end, and it's usually pretty accurate, but who knows?
posted on
08/02/2005 4:02:30 PM PDT
Not A Snowbird
(Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
To: mitchbert
posted on
08/02/2005 4:02:57 PM PDT
(US descendant of French Protestants_"Where there is life, there is hope"..Terri Schindler)
To: Steve_Seattle
I love flying out of John Wayne.
Its noise restrictions are fun, the people who bought houses near the airport don't want noise (of course they should know..). The take off consists of sitting on the end of the runway, full brakes, engines in full rev, then you zoom down the runway, take off at a much higher angle than at most airports till you get a few thousand feet, and then.....
The engines throttle way back, for a moment you feel almost weightless (we would put our hands out in front and watch them go up), and you just lose altitude till you get over the ocean, and bam! Engines go back on, and you are on your way.
Best felt in the last row of an empty 757!
posted on
08/02/2005 4:03:06 PM PDT
Central Scrutiniser
(Apply generously to sunburned or irritated skin as needed)
To: True Republican Patriot
Mine told me that you're doin' fine so long as your landings equal your takeoffs.
Later, a smoking XO scoffed at someone who told him he should quit: "A helo pilot who worries about dying of lung cancer is an optimist!"
posted on
08/02/2005 4:03:14 PM PDT
(Et alors?)
To: advance_copy
I would be having a very serious meeting with Jack Daniels. Jim Beam, Poppa Kessler, Johnny Walker, they'd all be invited. Even throw in Canadian Mist for good measure.
posted on
08/02/2005 4:03:45 PM PDT
(The Constitution only guarantees the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.)
To: KylaStarr; Cindy; StillProud2BeFree; nw_arizona_granny; Velveeta; Dolphy; appalachian_dweller; ...
posted on
08/02/2005 4:03:49 PM PDT
To: Paleo Conservative
posted on
08/02/2005 4:04:04 PM PDT
(Stomping on "PC," destroying the"and Left, and smoking out faux "conservatives" - Take Back The GOP!)
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