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CFR's Plan to Integrate US, Canada, Mexico (Americans Being Betrayed)
Eagle Forum ^ | July 13, 2005 | Phylls Schlafly

Posted on 07/13/2005 5:03:35 AM PDT by Lindykim

CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada by Phyllis Schlafly, July 13, 2005

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has just let the cat out of the bag about what's really behind our trade agreements and security partnerships with the other North American countries. A 59-page CFR document spells out a five-year plan for the "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community" with a common "outer security perimeter."

"Community" means integrating the United States with the corruption, socialism, poverty and population of Mexico and Canada. "Common perimeter" means wide-open U.S. borders between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. "Community" is sometimes called "space" but the CFR goal is clear: "a common economic space ... for all people in the region, a space in which trade, capital, and people flow freely." The CFR's "integrated" strategy calls for "a more open border for the movement of goods and people."

The CFR document lays "the groundwork for the freer flow of people within North America." The "common security perimeter" will require us to "harmonize visa and asylum regulations" with Mexico and Canada, "harmonize entry screening," and "fully share data about the exit and entry of foreign nationals."

This CFR document, called "Building a North American Community," asserts that George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin "committed their governments" to this goal when they met at Bush's ranch and at Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005. The three adopted the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" and assigned "working groups" to fill in the details. It was at this same meeting, grandly called the North American summit, that President Bush pinned the epithet "vigilantes" on the volunteers guarding our border in Arizona.

A follow-up meeting was held in Ottawa on June 27, where the U.S. representative, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, told a news conference that "we want to facilitate the flow of traffic across our borders." The White House issued a statement that the Ottawa report "represents an important first step in achieving the goals of the Security and Prosperity Partnership."

The CFR document calls for creating a "North American preference" so that employers can recruit low-paid workers from anywhere in North America. No longer will illegal aliens have to be smuggled across the border; employers can openly recruit foreigners willing to work for a fraction of U.S. wages.

Just to make sure that bringing cheap labor from Mexico is an essential part of the plan, the CFR document calls for "a seamless North American market" and for "the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico."

The document's frequent references to "security" are just a cover for the real objectives. The document's "security cooperation" includes the registration of ballistics and explosives, while Canada specifically refused to cooperate with our Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

To no one's surprise, the CFR plan calls for massive U.S. foreign aid to the other countries. The burden on the U.S. taxpayers will include so-called "multilateral development" from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, "long-term loans in pesos," and a North American Investment Fund to send U.S. private capital to Mexico.

The experience of the European Union and the World Trade Organization makes it clear that a common market requires a court system, so the CFR document calls for "a permanent tribunal for North American dispute resolution." Get ready for decisions from non-American judges who make up their rules ad hoc and probably hate the United States anyway.

The CFR document calls for allowing Mexican trucks "unlimited access" to the United States, including the hauling of local loads between U.S. cities. The CFR document calls for adopting a "tested once" principle for pharmaceuticals, by which a product tested in Mexico will automatically be considered to have met U.S. standards.

The CFR document demands that we implement "the Social Security Totalization Agreement negotiated between the United States and Mexico." That's code language for putting illegal aliens into the U.S. Social Security system, which is bound to bankrupt the system.

Here's another handout included in the plan. U.S. taxpayers are supposed to create a major fund to finance 60,000 Mexican students to study in U.S. colleges.

To ensure that the U.S. government carries out this plan so that it is "achievable" within five years, the CFR calls for supervision by a North American Advisory Council of "eminent persons from outside government . . . along the lines of the Bilderberg" conferences.

The best known Americans who participated in the CFR Task Force that wrote this document are former Massachusetts Governor William Weld and Bill Clinton's immigration chief Doris Meissner. Another participant, American University Professor Robert Pastor, presented the CFR plan at a friendly hearing of Senator Richard Lugar's Foreign Relations Committee on June 9.

Ask your Senators and Representatives which side they are on: the CFR's integrated North American Community or U.S. sovereignty guarded by our own borders.

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TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Government
KEYWORDS: cfr; communismwins; crimeagainstamerica; enemywithin; lossofcountry; openborder
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To: Designer
That entirely depends upon your definition of the letter R.
161 posted on 07/14/2005 10:01:49 AM PDT by Dr.Zoidberg (Join islam, see the world. Blow up unrepentant infidels. Uncle Bin Laden wants you.)
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To: TheSpottedOwl; A. Pole
I think people just don't know what to do anymore. We're all frogs in the kettle. Look at the smack down delivered to the militia movement. Were they all crackpots, or did someone just want us sheep to think they were? What could we conceivably do, if say martial law was imposed on this country? Where do you run? How do you keep your possesions safe? Your family? Face it, if you stand up, they'll shoot. I agree with what you're saying, but is it too late to turn it around?

I remember listening to a lot of this stuff in the 1980's and 1990's via shortwave and shows like Chuck Harder and so on, heck, I still hear the same thing over George Noory last night. I do tend to believe that a lot of New World Order theories are overblown but there are a lot of elements of truth in them to where there are movers and shakers out there that want to control or at least influence things to their benefit while people like us tend to get screwed. I do think one day though, their plans will fail, maybe I'm a fatalist or nihilist here, but I do think if we are on our present path, civilization as we know it will collapse either through atrophy or through an atomic war. My father has been telling me this since about 1973.

I don't know what to think, I try not to use a lot of name calling, but I'll be blunt and to the point, there are the "free-traitors" who fail to see beyond making a buck to where they wouls sell out our jobs, security, sovereignty and in the end, our soul out. I do see them as being more unAmerican and dangerous than even Michael Moore and his pack of lefties. I despise the Barking Moonbats, don't get me wrong, but at least they are more honest about it, I guess it is better to get stabbed in the front than in the back, I dunno. Still the free traders fail to see that it will eventually backfire when our standard of living goes down with a lot of our jobs, people will need some sort of alternate means to survive and that means more welfare. I have nothing against a safety net as long as it is used to promote accountibility and responsibility, i.e., a hand up not a hand out, but nautre abhores a vacuum and something will have to rush in to fill the void of a wreck economy and lack of good jobs. Weh ave ap roblem with morals on both sides of the issue, on one hand, you have the free-trade "money is god" crowd and the other hand where "government is god/father" crowd, both sides are wrong. I just think we need to put things in proper perspective and accept that God wants us to live to His teachings and use them to our descretion in life and so on.

That is unless there is another alternative to people who are out of work and seen as useless, that will be the way to "decrease the surplus population" as Scrooge said in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." There is scuttlebutt that their idea of a worldwide population is 500 million, wheareas we have 6 billion and some change right now. When you do the math, it ain't pretty. As time goes on, I think the tin-foilers do have a point, maybe some of their theories are too "Rube Goldberg" to where if you take out one thing, it does fall, but I do think they have the gist of what is really going on as to their agenda.
162 posted on 07/14/2005 10:19:59 AM PDT by Nowhere Man (Lutheran, Conservative, Neo-Victorian/Edwardian, Michael Savage in '08! - DeCAFTA-nate CAFTA!)
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To: Freebird Forever
Perkins spent the 1970s working as an economic planner for an international consulting firm, a job that took him to exotic locales like Indonesia and Panama, helping wealthy corporations exploit developing nations as, he claims, a not entirely unwitting front for the National Security Agency. He says he was trained early in his career by a glamorous older woman as one of many "economic hit men" advancing the cause of corporate hegemony.

Pamela Harriman?

I saved the page to my favorites. There are so many books out there that I would love to read. This book sounds great. I used to read a lot of Robert Ludlum, and John Le Carre. Truth is stranger than fiction.

While I thought readers would welcome this information for all of the right reasons, I was dead wrong. The responses I received constituted “Shock and Awe” hate email. I was called things that I have not been called before. Then a nationally syndicated conservative Christian radio host called me a “Bush Basher.” I have not been on his show since. By the way, I am a registered Republican and voted for Bush in 2002.

Joan wrote this in her article about a coming VAT. Boy, that sounds familiar :/ This is a great website.

Thanks for the links. Very informative.

163 posted on 07/14/2005 10:37:51 AM PDT by TheSpottedOwl (UR 0wN3D: USSC-2005)
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To: Dr.Zoidberg
Yes, we are now known as "The Conspirators Formerly Known as The Illuminati"

164 posted on 07/14/2005 10:55:06 AM PDT by Tlaloc
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To: Tlaloc


165 posted on 07/14/2005 10:56:35 AM PDT by Dr.Zoidberg (Join islam, see the world. Blow up unrepentant infidels. Uncle Bin Laden wants you.)
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To: Nowhere Man
Still the free traders fail to see that it will eventually backfire when our standard of living goes down with a lot of our jobs,

No they don't. At least the engineers of the plan don't.

Austerity is their plan. A well educated, financially secure, upwardly mobile middle class is a threat to the elite. As such, educational standards have fallen, consumer debt is at record levels, and most families (if they're even still intact) are busting their humps to remain where they are.

This isn't happening just by chance.

Their goal is for a permanent underclass, a proletariat if you will, which possesses no ability to threaten or enter into the upper crust.

If they ever succeed in eliminating private ownership of firearms and ammunition, it's completely over for the middle class.

Keep your eyes open for some contrived "terrorist act" which will serve as the catalyst for just such a confiscation.

166 posted on 07/14/2005 11:12:22 AM PDT by Freebird Forever (abolish islam)
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To: TheSpottedOwl
Pamela Harriman?

The author never revealed who the woman was.

But she was eminently qualified to initiate him into the fold.

167 posted on 07/14/2005 11:16:36 AM PDT by Freebird Forever (abolish islam)
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To: Freebird Forever
What I mean is eventually it will collapse in some form, maybe we may not live to see it, I'm talking about the long run although I could see them succeeding in the short run. I see it like the story in the Bible where Emperor Nimrod was building the Tower of Babel, I see this New World Order much like a 20th or 21st Century version of it. Also, if you're enclined to believe stories like Atlantis, the people who ran Atlantis got so arrogant they destroyed themselves. In the short to medium run, they will be causing a lot of Hell in the meantime, but there will be something that will give them the total smackdown. Like Hitler and many others of that ilk, they will bite off more they can chew and something will come along, bad luck, overplaying their hand, God perhaps. Perhaps once they consolidate power factions will develop and fighting will develop and things will atrophy or blow up. It can happen a lot of ways.

Still though, I do believe if they get their way, you are correct in the short to medium run but we must still do the right thing and fight for what is right. A lot of innocent people will get hurt though and that is what pains me the most. I think one of the first things we need to do is stop these stupid free-trade bills and cut back the Patriot Act when it is up for renewel. I can see some elements like profiling and so on, but it goes too far when they snoop in library records and the like.
168 posted on 07/14/2005 2:44:12 PM PDT by Nowhere Man (Lutheran, Conservative, Neo-Victorian/Edwardian, Michael Savage in '08! - DeCAFTA-nate CAFTA!)
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To: Final Authority

I think we both agree that Tancredo has no chance of becoming president. He doesn't dare run, because if he does, the CFR black helicopters will be on their way.

169 posted on 07/14/2005 6:26:56 PM PDT by Fiji Hill
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To: Lindykim


170 posted on 07/14/2005 6:42:23 PM PDT by PGalt
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To: Tax-chick


171 posted on 07/15/2005 3:02:25 AM PDT by Tax-chick (No! I don't want a socialist muffin in a boat!)
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To: Dr.Zoidberg
"..definition of the letter R.."

Oh, right. Even if we were one, and I'm not saying we are, we wouldn't admit it. See? The Clinton legacy lives on!

172 posted on 07/15/2005 5:47:55 AM PDT by Designer
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To: Fiji Hill

No; I thought the black helicopters were for scaring the people living in the flyover states into submission when the new world order troops set up bases in which to control out thoughts and actions looking down the barrel of a gun.

I think for Tancredo, a simple plane crash would do.

173 posted on 07/15/2005 7:13:18 AM PDT by Final Authority
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To: Iron Matron

The fastest growth industry in the USA now is the small business, usually one person, a professional engineer, accountant, programmer, etc or even a person with a truck and a mower, who was working for some fortune 500 company with vacation and tons of paid benefits where the mom could stay home and care for children and make the home but since the layoffs we have had to find work, often going back to the company who fired us to work as a consultant at a higher hourly rate but without and benefits. I was going to say, without any security but since I have been on my own I have never been fired because if I was fired I would be firing myself.

BTW, as this industry of small businesses grows further, it becomes harder for the government to collect all the taxes owed besides the government never meant to allow a large number of workers to be able to file for so many business deductions thereby lowering ones tax rate effectively. I think this will force the government to dump portions of the income tax code and add an additional tax by way of a national sales tax and/or a VAT (value added tax). The purposes of this would be threefold, one, to add revenue by way of taxing the criminal aliens when they spend money. Two, collect a percentage lost when individuals who have filed deductions become more a part of the economy. And three, collect taxes on the Boomer generation who are retiring and have investments and retirement accounts that otherwise would not be taxed by way of the income tax code presently but would be taxed with a national retail sale tax (NRST) when they spend it. Why? Because congress needs our money.

174 posted on 07/15/2005 7:29:15 AM PDT by Final Authority
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To: Designer

Indeed brother, some things are better left unspoken.

175 posted on 07/15/2005 8:40:51 AM PDT by Dr.Zoidberg (Join islam, see the world. Blow up unrepentant infidels. Uncle Bin Laden wants you.)
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To: Kewlhand`tek
"Good ole john birch society "

I have to say one thing for the JBS, though. They were right about the UN all along, well before anyone else had courage enough to say it.


176 posted on 07/15/2005 8:56:34 AM PDT by CDHart (The world has become a lunatic asylum and the lunatics are in charge.)
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To: chris1
"GWB should rot in hell for eternity if he agreed to this."

Don't forget that it was his father who first used the phrase "new world order" publicly (aside from the tinfoil hat bunch, anyway).


177 posted on 07/15/2005 8:57:53 AM PDT by CDHart (The world has become a lunatic asylum and the lunatics are in charge.)
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To: CDHart

The GOP and GWB waterboys simply amaze me. They would sell our country out just as fast as the RATS so long as GWB and the GOP told them it was good for them.

This CAFTA deal is really a blow to any future immigration enforcement, and was probably intended as such.

All I know is that things definately are going in the wrong direction as far as soverignty and freedom are concerned.

Freedom for Iraqis, chains for U.S. taxpayers.

178 posted on 07/15/2005 9:19:06 AM PDT by chris1 ("Make the other guy die for his country" - George S. Patton Jr.)
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To: chris1
"All I know is that things definately are going in the wrong direction as far as soverignty and freedom are concerned. "

Truer words were never spoken -- I find it frightening that most people don't even see it. If Clinton had done what this administraton has done, there'd be a militia on every street corner.


179 posted on 07/15/2005 9:37:59 AM PDT by CDHart (The world has become a lunatic asylum and the lunatics are in charge.)
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To: Final Authority
Good post. Thanks.

Tax Reform and Social Security Reform is badly needed, yet, I do not trust this particular administration to do it.

I remember how they got drilling in ANWR (which I support) was tacked onto a bill dealing with National Security issues and taken out of the Energy Bill.

I know that the Bush Administration desires, and is willing, to providing illegals with Social Security. So S.S. Reform would be the perfect vehicle for him to sneak in benefits for illegals. Therefore, I do not support Social Security Reform at this time, with this President.

Same with tax reform. National Sales Tax, Flat Taxes, Value Added Taxes, These can rise and fall at any Congressional whim. Maybe they'd start with 10% National Sales..that'd be 13% in a year, 14% in 5 years, 25% by the time 10 years go by..this Government wants to support Mexico and South America on the backs of Taxpayers. I believe they will do any under-handed deal necessary to make it so.

So, call me a cynic...
180 posted on 07/15/2005 11:16:41 AM PDT by Iron Matron (Illegals should be Caught and Deported; not Released and Supported!)
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