Posted on 07/13/2005 5:03:35 AM PDT by Lindykim
CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada by Phyllis Schlafly, July 13, 2005
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has just let the cat out of the bag about what's really behind our trade agreements and security partnerships with the other North American countries. A 59-page CFR document spells out a five-year plan for the "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community" with a common "outer security perimeter."
"Community" means integrating the United States with the corruption, socialism, poverty and population of Mexico and Canada. "Common perimeter" means wide-open U.S. borders between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. "Community" is sometimes called "space" but the CFR goal is clear: "a common economic space ... for all people in the region, a space in which trade, capital, and people flow freely." The CFR's "integrated" strategy calls for "a more open border for the movement of goods and people."
The CFR document lays "the groundwork for the freer flow of people within North America." The "common security perimeter" will require us to "harmonize visa and asylum regulations" with Mexico and Canada, "harmonize entry screening," and "fully share data about the exit and entry of foreign nationals."
This CFR document, called "Building a North American Community," asserts that George W. Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin "committed their governments" to this goal when they met at Bush's ranch and at Waco, Texas on March 23, 2005. The three adopted the "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" and assigned "working groups" to fill in the details. It was at this same meeting, grandly called the North American summit, that President Bush pinned the epithet "vigilantes" on the volunteers guarding our border in Arizona.
A follow-up meeting was held in Ottawa on June 27, where the U.S. representative, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, told a news conference that "we want to facilitate the flow of traffic across our borders." The White House issued a statement that the Ottawa report "represents an important first step in achieving the goals of the Security and Prosperity Partnership."
The CFR document calls for creating a "North American preference" so that employers can recruit low-paid workers from anywhere in North America. No longer will illegal aliens have to be smuggled across the border; employers can openly recruit foreigners willing to work for a fraction of U.S. wages.
Just to make sure that bringing cheap labor from Mexico is an essential part of the plan, the CFR document calls for "a seamless North American market" and for "the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico."
The document's frequent references to "security" are just a cover for the real objectives. The document's "security cooperation" includes the registration of ballistics and explosives, while Canada specifically refused to cooperate with our Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).
To no one's surprise, the CFR plan calls for massive U.S. foreign aid to the other countries. The burden on the U.S. taxpayers will include so-called "multilateral development" from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank, "long-term loans in pesos," and a North American Investment Fund to send U.S. private capital to Mexico.
The experience of the European Union and the World Trade Organization makes it clear that a common market requires a court system, so the CFR document calls for "a permanent tribunal for North American dispute resolution." Get ready for decisions from non-American judges who make up their rules ad hoc and probably hate the United States anyway.
The CFR document calls for allowing Mexican trucks "unlimited access" to the United States, including the hauling of local loads between U.S. cities. The CFR document calls for adopting a "tested once" principle for pharmaceuticals, by which a product tested in Mexico will automatically be considered to have met U.S. standards.
The CFR document demands that we implement "the Social Security Totalization Agreement negotiated between the United States and Mexico." That's code language for putting illegal aliens into the U.S. Social Security system, which is bound to bankrupt the system.
Here's another handout included in the plan. U.S. taxpayers are supposed to create a major fund to finance 60,000 Mexican students to study in U.S. colleges.
To ensure that the U.S. government carries out this plan so that it is "achievable" within five years, the CFR calls for supervision by a North American Advisory Council of "eminent persons from outside government . . . along the lines of the Bilderberg" conferences.
The best known Americans who participated in the CFR Task Force that wrote this document are former Massachusetts Governor William Weld and Bill Clinton's immigration chief Doris Meissner. Another participant, American University Professor Robert Pastor, presented the CFR plan at a friendly hearing of Senator Richard Lugar's Foreign Relations Committee on June 9.
Ask your Senators and Representatives which side they are on: the CFR's integrated North American Community or U.S. sovereignty guarded by our own borders.
Eagle Forum PO Box 618 Alton, IL 62002 phone: 618-462-5415 fax: 618-462-8909 Read this article online:
Well, I admit that has occurred!
But you know, I have a tiny confession and story to tell. In the mid-60's, my father used to take me to Birch society meetings. Fun stuff: scary movies showing the Soviet Union oozing over Europe, and then the U.S.
Made me yawn. I was a kid.
But they said one thing in response to a question. A guy asked, "What do you think of Martin Luther King? Is he a commie?". The chapter president said no, that wasn't the JBS position. But they believed he definitely leaned pink.
At the time that would have been treated as an outrageous slur. By '65, King was basically untouchable, especially after Selma in '63. He was on his way to sainthood. So I never said that in polite company, just thought it was one of those occasional "out there" comments by the JBS.
Thirty years later we find out from his private papers and the FBI intelligence (which, if they had admitted it then, would have caused riots...for real) that indeed the guy was a communist sympathizer.
When I first read that, it took me back a few steps. It mean't that a lot of the other "crazy" stuff...just might be true. And then along came Venona....and sure enough, the truth was closer to what they said.
So I dunno. The old joke about "just because you think you're being followed, doesn't mean you aren't!" might apply here. The Ultra-Right Wing Crazies turned out to be not so crazy. Hard to tell what is and isn't.
It's starting to look that way. My mom used to talk about CFR, One World Order, and all that. I'm starting to wonder if there's anything to it. If Bush wanted to close the border, he'd do it. He decided to wage war on terrorism, and is doing it. I wish he could do as good a job on real homeland security.
Yes, indeed it is. Couple this with other interesting developments, such as the proclamation from the AMA. They've expanded the definition of when a life isn't worth living. That will go along way in keeping the Social Security pyramid scheme afloat, as will bilking illegal foreign nationals. Sometimes I get the feeling that I just fell down the rabbit hole.
I saved it to "favorites" to read or print out later. You know just because it sounds so far fetched, doesn't necessarily mean it is. My mom preached this stuff for years. I could see it happening, but it mostly sounded like a Robert Ludlum novel to me. What I'm seeing now is unbelievable. It's a shame when intelligent conservatives, cannot sit down and give serious thought about what has happened. At least consider the possibility and dig up your own information.
I think people just don't know what to do anymore. We're all frogs in the kettle. Look at the smack down delivered to the militia movement. Were they all crackpots, or did someone just want us sheep to think they were? What could we conceivably do, if say martial law was imposed on this country? Where do you run? How do you keep your possesions safe? Your family? Face it, if you stand up, they'll shoot. I agree with what you're saying, but is it too late to turn it around?
Post #20 --has the article about the highway.
It is.
This is frightening. I don't remember anyone asking me to vote on whether I want to join this North American Community. I guess they knew what my vote would have been.
Okay, I sifted through the whole list. Why? Because guess who was on it...Joseph Cardinal Bernardin. Now wth is a Catholic Cardinal doing there???? So naturally, I had to see who else was there. Not many surprises. I just have to ask who are the rest of these people? Kroen Chocolatier? What does candy have to do with anything? Is Joseph Califano jr. one of THOSE Califanos? Of course Jesse L. Jackson is there representing the poor and disenfranchised.
It's tempting to google each and every one of them, and see what comes up. It would be even sweeter if someone could ferret out an up to date list. I'll bet Roger Cardinal Mahoney would be on it. Pope Benedict needs a heads up on that rascal.
My mom gave me a tinfoil education in conspiracy theories early on : ) How about the World Bank? There were so many shady organizations, that I can't remember most of them.
Remember, Hillary is not one of them, yet.
It was you, not I, who wrote that the CFR would keep Tancredo out of the White House.
What you mean "we"? RU1?
But Bill has been since before 92.
I wrote that Tancredo won't have a shot at the WH not what you wrote that he has been kept out, as he has yet to attempt a run at it (the Presidency). A simple nuance but for those who have not followed the political scene, important.
Government's unelected bureaucracy is a HUGE industry.
If you ran a business, wouldn't you be doing your best to expand your client base?
The World Bank and the IMF are organs of the UN. But there certainly is some overlap between these agencies and the CFR. For instance, Paul D Wolfowitz, current head of the World Bank is CFR, as was his predecessor James Wolfensohn.
Journalist and author Joan Veon has done some outstanding work in exposing how the UN coordinates with other globalist organizations to achieve their nefarious ends.
Another interesting book on international lending, written by a low level insider is Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
You're not alone.
My Pleasure!
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