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To: Nowhere Man
Still the free traders fail to see that it will eventually backfire when our standard of living goes down with a lot of our jobs,

No they don't. At least the engineers of the plan don't.

Austerity is their plan. A well educated, financially secure, upwardly mobile middle class is a threat to the elite. As such, educational standards have fallen, consumer debt is at record levels, and most families (if they're even still intact) are busting their humps to remain where they are.

This isn't happening just by chance.

Their goal is for a permanent underclass, a proletariat if you will, which possesses no ability to threaten or enter into the upper crust.

If they ever succeed in eliminating private ownership of firearms and ammunition, it's completely over for the middle class.

Keep your eyes open for some contrived "terrorist act" which will serve as the catalyst for just such a confiscation.

166 posted on 07/14/2005 11:12:22 AM PDT by Freebird Forever (abolish islam)
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To: Freebird Forever
What I mean is eventually it will collapse in some form, maybe we may not live to see it, I'm talking about the long run although I could see them succeeding in the short run. I see it like the story in the Bible where Emperor Nimrod was building the Tower of Babel, I see this New World Order much like a 20th or 21st Century version of it. Also, if you're enclined to believe stories like Atlantis, the people who ran Atlantis got so arrogant they destroyed themselves. In the short to medium run, they will be causing a lot of Hell in the meantime, but there will be something that will give them the total smackdown. Like Hitler and many others of that ilk, they will bite off more they can chew and something will come along, bad luck, overplaying their hand, God perhaps. Perhaps once they consolidate power factions will develop and fighting will develop and things will atrophy or blow up. It can happen a lot of ways.

Still though, I do believe if they get their way, you are correct in the short to medium run but we must still do the right thing and fight for what is right. A lot of innocent people will get hurt though and that is what pains me the most. I think one of the first things we need to do is stop these stupid free-trade bills and cut back the Patriot Act when it is up for renewel. I can see some elements like profiling and so on, but it goes too far when they snoop in library records and the like.
168 posted on 07/14/2005 2:44:12 PM PDT by Nowhere Man (Lutheran, Conservative, Neo-Victorian/Edwardian, Michael Savage in '08! - DeCAFTA-nate CAFTA!)
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To: Freebird Forever
Their goal is for a permanent underclass, a proletariat if you will, which possesses no ability to threaten or enter into the upper crust

In short, Mexico.

The entire document is geared toward "how do we hand over enough power to the Mexican Caudillos so that we can get access to their vast pool of slaves (and convert the U.S. into the same Gulag)". Formerly called the Encomienda, or Repartimiento: a system of debt slavery, where the Patrons lord over the Peons.

This link contains an excerpt from Barry Goldwater's famous speech on the CFR. The full speech, made in 1979, nailed everything about it.

182 posted on 07/15/2005 2:46:06 PM PDT by Regulator
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