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To: TheSpottedOwl; A. Pole
I think people just don't know what to do anymore. We're all frogs in the kettle. Look at the smack down delivered to the militia movement. Were they all crackpots, or did someone just want us sheep to think they were? What could we conceivably do, if say martial law was imposed on this country? Where do you run? How do you keep your possesions safe? Your family? Face it, if you stand up, they'll shoot. I agree with what you're saying, but is it too late to turn it around?

I remember listening to a lot of this stuff in the 1980's and 1990's via shortwave and shows like Chuck Harder and so on, heck, I still hear the same thing over George Noory last night. I do tend to believe that a lot of New World Order theories are overblown but there are a lot of elements of truth in them to where there are movers and shakers out there that want to control or at least influence things to their benefit while people like us tend to get screwed. I do think one day though, their plans will fail, maybe I'm a fatalist or nihilist here, but I do think if we are on our present path, civilization as we know it will collapse either through atrophy or through an atomic war. My father has been telling me this since about 1973.

I don't know what to think, I try not to use a lot of name calling, but I'll be blunt and to the point, there are the "free-traitors" who fail to see beyond making a buck to where they wouls sell out our jobs, security, sovereignty and in the end, our soul out. I do see them as being more unAmerican and dangerous than even Michael Moore and his pack of lefties. I despise the Barking Moonbats, don't get me wrong, but at least they are more honest about it, I guess it is better to get stabbed in the front than in the back, I dunno. Still the free traders fail to see that it will eventually backfire when our standard of living goes down with a lot of our jobs, people will need some sort of alternate means to survive and that means more welfare. I have nothing against a safety net as long as it is used to promote accountibility and responsibility, i.e., a hand up not a hand out, but nautre abhores a vacuum and something will have to rush in to fill the void of a wreck economy and lack of good jobs. Weh ave ap roblem with morals on both sides of the issue, on one hand, you have the free-trade "money is god" crowd and the other hand where "government is god/father" crowd, both sides are wrong. I just think we need to put things in proper perspective and accept that God wants us to live to His teachings and use them to our descretion in life and so on.

That is unless there is another alternative to people who are out of work and seen as useless, that will be the way to "decrease the surplus population" as Scrooge said in Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." There is scuttlebutt that their idea of a worldwide population is 500 million, wheareas we have 6 billion and some change right now. When you do the math, it ain't pretty. As time goes on, I think the tin-foilers do have a point, maybe some of their theories are too "Rube Goldberg" to where if you take out one thing, it does fall, but I do think they have the gist of what is really going on as to their agenda.
162 posted on 07/14/2005 10:19:59 AM PDT by Nowhere Man (Lutheran, Conservative, Neo-Victorian/Edwardian, Michael Savage in '08! - DeCAFTA-nate CAFTA!)
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To: Nowhere Man
Still the free traders fail to see that it will eventually backfire when our standard of living goes down with a lot of our jobs,

No they don't. At least the engineers of the plan don't.

Austerity is their plan. A well educated, financially secure, upwardly mobile middle class is a threat to the elite. As such, educational standards have fallen, consumer debt is at record levels, and most families (if they're even still intact) are busting their humps to remain where they are.

This isn't happening just by chance.

Their goal is for a permanent underclass, a proletariat if you will, which possesses no ability to threaten or enter into the upper crust.

If they ever succeed in eliminating private ownership of firearms and ammunition, it's completely over for the middle class.

Keep your eyes open for some contrived "terrorist act" which will serve as the catalyst for just such a confiscation.

166 posted on 07/14/2005 11:12:22 AM PDT by Freebird Forever (abolish islam)
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