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FReepers vs. Code Pink at Walter Reed, July 8 (Heavy graphics, Join us July 15!)
DC Chapter ^ | July 12, 2005 | BillF

Posted on 07/12/2005 3:08:44 PM PDT by BillF

On the heels of an historic rout of the Code Pinkos on July 1, FReepers  continued to frustrate the hate-filled Pinkos and their evil scheme as police ordered a stunned and distraught DC Chief Pinko, Gael Murphy, back to her side.  FReepers of the DC Chapter and FReepers from elsewhere achieved the decisive victory on Friday night, July 8.

This was the 13th FReep of the unlucky Code Pinkos as FReepers hinder the Pinkos' evil scheme: to fake friendship with soldiers in hopes of finding one or more who, vulnerable in their wounded state, can be manipulated into joining the anti-war movement and breaking faith with their fellow troops. Many of the most severely wounded troops from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan are taken to Walter Reed for continued treatment and rehabilitation. The Pinkos other goal is too demoralize those wounded troops.

Will you stand up against the leftists by peacefully opposing them next Friday night? Or is that Friday night movie, TV show, or ballgame too important?

As we have done on a number of these FReeps, we ate pizza on site before the FReep was under way.

The honor roll of those in attendance: upchuck (from South Carolina), his dog Snoopy, tgslTakoma, Albion Wilde, Justanobody, Apple Blossom, bmwcyle, daughter of bmwcyle, Christopher Lincoln, Nina0113, Steve0113, Jimmy Valentine's brother, kristinn, a neighborhood resident  D (who joined us after talking a while!), and BillF. 

The remainder of the report is in two parts.


Opposed to our fifteen patriots (including Canine-American Snoopy), the leftists peaked at twelve America-hating traitors. They were more organized than their laughable effort last time. The first Pinko and the signs arrived on site only 8 minutes late, as opposed to the last few weeks' start of 15 minutes after their announced starting time. They also were able to get most of their Pinkos on site near the start and staying until their designated quitting time. However, they really lost it in more ways than one, giving us laughter in the process.  Will you help us continue to demoralize the leftists and prevent them from demoralizing our brave, war-wounded troops in Walter Reed?

This was the sixth week in a row that we outnumbered the Pinkos for most of the two hour window that their protest is scheduled for, but we need to do more.

Photos will be interspersed in the report. As it got progressively darker, the telephoto lens shots became less clear requiring software enhancement. You will notice that the leftists look more like cartoon characters in the later telephoto lens photos.

CLICK ON ANY PHOTO (except the photo of Snoopy) TO OPEN A LARGER VERSION IN A NEW WINDOW. Click on another photo and its larger version should open in the same window that the first enlarged photo did. Note that some of the wider photos may open in a window wider than your screen and you can use a horizontal scroll bar to see parts.

(L-R) Christopher Lincoln, Albion Wilde, upchuck, Snoopy, Steve0113, Justanobody, tgslTakoma, and kristinn.The huge
banner is one of tgslTakoma's great MOABs (Mother of all banners).


Albion Wilde, Christopher Lincoln, and Nina0113

upchuck, Snoopy, and Steve0113


Albion Wilde, Christopher Lincoln, and Apple Blossom

tgslTakoma, kristinn, and Justanobody




This neighborhood man D joined us
and held Flora McDonald's classic
Code Pinko sign

Jimmy Valentine's brother later held
Flora McDonald's ever popular sign

The young neighborhood man (center photo above) talked to us about 5 minutes and wanted to join us. He told me his name, but I'll call him D here. I gave him a choice of signs & he chose Flora McDonald's great Code Pinko sign. He planned to stay as long as we were there, but got a phone call after about 15 minutes and had to go somewhere. We invited him to join us next Friday and beyond.


Nina0113 and tgslTakoma directly across from
the Pinkos and across the side street from our main

Pinkos near their start


Pinkos put various signs on the truck that brings their collection of signs. Here the sign on the truck is
"Support is More Than a (yellow ribbon) Bumper Sticker." I guess support is a sign like theirs.

Notice that the leftists have added a "SAVE WALTER REED" sign to their pack of self-serving positions.

I wish the guy in the white shirt would hold his sign higher so that more people could see it and laugh at him

"Enlist Here to Die for Halliburton" sign is how the leftists demonstrate their support of war-wounded troops.

Their full line with a huge array of signs about a huge array of issues

The leftists have their "SUPPORT THE TROOPS, BRING THEM HOME NOW" banner (photo above) that sauropod has previously referred to as a MOAB with ED. When the Pinkos first used that banner weeks or months ago, bmwcyle immediately shouted across the street "ours is bigger than yours!"

Looking at the full array of Pinko signs you will notice that they are all over the place with different, often unrelated, messages.

One of the FReepers (I can't remember who) had remarked that the Pinkos are acting like a general election candidate who runs to the center. They won't hold signs supporting the Iraqi resistance even though Code Pink does support those who wounded the troops in Walter Reed and killed their fellow troops (see here and here).  Instead they try to disguise their real agenda, even as their hate-America, hate-the-troops DC leader, Gael Murphy, pretends to be a pacifist or near-pacifist, instead of a revolutionary.

They add signs like "SAVE WALTER REED" that can appeal to people across the board. (Base Closing Commission has recommended closing WR and consolidating its functions with nearby Bethesda Naval Hospital.) They have numerous signs about Veteran's benefits, which they are pretending to support in order to befriend wounded soldiers or Marines and convert them to their side. (Code Pink calls our troops "killers" and gives money to the other side so it's hard to believe that they care about the troops.)

In addition to the signs proclaiming support for veteran and military benefits, they mix in anti-war signs. They also flatter themselves with a sign saying "Blessed are the peacemakers." Apparently, they foolishly believe that they, rather than the soldiers and Marines in the hospital, are peacemakers. Yet, without the U.S. military, there would be wars all over the planet that are not occurring now.

They have an "Enlist Here to Die for Halliburton" sign. That must work wonders with troops who've lost limbs or been severely injured at the same time their soldier or Marine buddies were killed.

In about the middle of the third photo above, the guy has a funny sign. The sign says "Terrorist Act Follows Popularity Nose Dive and Yet More 911 revelations . . . DUH!" This tin-foiled hat loony believes that Bush caused or helped the London bombings in order to improve his popularity or divert attention from 911 revelations. I don't want to say that this guy works for us, but considering the sign that he held this Friday and the other laughable one he held the week before, I'd have to give him a bonus (maybe Halliburton stock) if he did work for us. Of course, unlike the sleazy Code Pinkos, we don't try to infiltrate other groups with stupid signs, designed to embarrass the other group.

Importantly, they have only one sign in the whole full line photo above that arguably relates to their reason for protesting at Walter Reed. That reason was that troops were being brought in to Walter Reed at night and the Pinkos claimed that the night-time admissions was part of a military plan to hinder coverage of the casualties. The one sign very indirectly related to their primary purpose says "Front Line to Back Door, How Many Wounded?" It doesn't mention the nightly admissions, but that sign, which rarely has been used lately, at least relates tangentially to the idea that casualties are being downplayed.

The fact that only one of the signs related slightly to their protest of night-time admissions, demonstrates that the complaint was simply a sham for them to torment our wounded troops. The night admissions complaint was simply the excuse used by these traitors to inadvertently reveal the depth of their hatred for our brave war-wounded troops. You have to really hate someone to demonstrate at their hospital in order to tell a person that they suffered for nothing or that his buddy in the service died for Halliburton. Decency dictates against such demonstrations, but hate group Code Pink has no decency.

As before, the honks of support from passing motorists clearly favored us, although it was less lop-sided then in the last few weeks. Possibly, there are more honks for them than earlier weeks because motorists saw the Pinkos "SAVE WALTER REED" sign, quite prominently displayed. A bus honked repeatedly to indicate support for us.

I heard someone in a car shout "traitors!" at the Pinkos as he drove by.


As tgslTakoma and Nina0113 were holding signs on the corner directly opposite the Pinkos and our main force was on the corner diagonal across from the Pinkos, Code Pink co-founder and DC leader Gael Murphy came across the street to confront them. bmwcyle and I immediately moved to that corner. I wanted to photograph the ensuing verbal confrontation. It was like McLaughlin Group on steroids.

Soon, upchuck, Snoopy, and kristinn joined us. I hope I didn't leave anyone out. This was quite intense and I'll ask others to fill in their recollections.


Gael Murphy comes over to confront us

Back of Nina0113 as she tells Gael Murphy off, tgslTakoma in the middle


Gael Murphy and bmwcyle raining truth down upon her



bmwcyle listens as Gael Murphy lies and spews hatred

Gael Murphy came over and refused to return to her side despite repeated requests. Two other Pinkos joined her, but kept quiet.

We kept mentioning Code Pink's endorsement of the Iraqi resistance. The word "traitor" was used many times.

She demanded to know how many of us have kids in the military. tgslTakoma said "how many of you even have kids? You don't even have children, you evil b****!" Murphy says, "So now you're evil if you don't have children?" tgsl responded by pointing out that Murphy is saying we're no good if we don't have children in the military, but Murphy obviously doesn't have children in the military (because she has no children) and the reason that Murphy is evil is her traitorous activities.

(Of course, the truth is that most of us had or have a family member in the military, but would not want to get into specifics with this traitor. I've had a close relative go to Iraq in our military.)

bmwcyle pointed out that he had been in the military and served in the Bosnian operations. She demanded that he rejoin and serve in Iraq. It's laughable.

Murphy repeatedly vented her hatred of us by saying that we should be in Iraq. "Bring the children home and send you to Iraq," Murphy said, as if we're forcing eleven year olds to go to war, instead of people who have reached adulthood and signed up for the military.

At one stage, I tried to lighten things up by pointing to Snoopy (photo left), upchuck's great, but quite small, dog. I said "let slip the dog of war. Sic 'em!"

After laughter, a FReeper (I've not sure who) said, "keep the dog away from Gael, she's got rabies."

Murphy said, "I'll bet your dog is nicer than the rest of you."

tgslTakoma responded, "go back over and continue your blood dance."


Gael Murphy points in hatred at FReepers

Backs of tgslTakoma, Gael Murphy, and another Pinko turn
as police officer, not shown, orders the Pinkos back to their


I have a sound file of the almost ten minute confrontation, but don't have time to process more sound bites than the one below at this stage. If there is enough demand, I will try to process more as time permits.

CLICK TO HEAR SOUND FILE (OR RIGHT CLICK TO SAVE AND LISTEN LATER) (76 sec, 826 K): This starts with Murphy accusing us of being filled with hate. (Laughable. She is so filled with hatred of us that she has to come over to get in our faces, but we try to keep away from her.)  At one stage, she tells me to "shut up."  (Right, not too much hate there.)  I argued that we supported the troops, but the only troops they support are the "Iraqi resistance, the terrorists." bmwcyle is also in the sound file.

(Their website accuses our troops of being killers, has songs describing our troops as killers, they endorse the Iraqi resistance, and then they demonstrate at a hospital where troops are being treated and tell the troops that their sacrifice for their country was worthless. Code Pinkos repeatedly slander our troops by falsely accusing them of using Iraqi children as shields in combat or of murdering civilians. Code Pink co-founder Jodie Evans, among other Pinkos, made the murder charges on Michael Medved's radio show. The Pinkos clearly hate our brave troops.)

Shortly after the above exchange, a police car happened by. The officer talked briefly and ordered the Pinkos back to their side of the street. A clearly dispirited Murphy slinked back to her side of the street.

At about their appointed stopping time, the Pinkos packed it in and left the corner.

After they had left the corner, we started packing up. Two police cars then pulled up. They were responding to a complaint that there were 300 yelling protestors at Walter Reed. They laughed about the difference between the report and the reality.

These police were real nice to us. We mentioned the earlier problem with Murphy coming over to start something with us. The officer discussed the situation with us asked that we call right away next time and said that they would come and straighten out any problems.

The same FReepers are doing almost all of the these FReeps. We do so gladly as a labor of love for our brave troops fighting terrorists over there, instead of waiting for them to come here. We do it especially for those wounded in combat.  However, some FReepers' family vacations or other obligations may prevent some of them from coming this next Friday. Will this be the time that you get out from behind the keyboard and FReep in person?

FReepers are winning the public relations battle with Code Pink at Walter Reed, a location that should not be used for war protests. We need your help to continue.

We absolutely must keep the pressure on Code Pink and keep showing the wounded soldiers at Walter Reed that Code Pink doesn't speak for the nation. If you live in the DC area and haven't yet come out for one of these FReeps, please do so this next Friday. Injured Walter Reed patients, including amputees, have repeatedly told us how important it is for us to be there to counter Code Pink.

If we can sufficiently outnumber the leftists often enough, embarrassment may cause the leftists to stop these outrageous morale-damaging ("Maimed for a lie" is one of their commonly-used signs) demonstrations at the hospital. What about you? Can you spare a few hours on a Friday night?  

Can you give up next Friday night at the movies to support troops who've given up limbs for your freedoms? Will you?

This FReep is rewarding, fun and important for our troops and our nation.

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Foreign Affairs; US: District of Columbia; US: Maryland; US: Virginia
KEYWORDS: aar; code; codepink; codepinkdc; dcchapter; gaelmurphy; lefties; pink; supportourtroops; walterreed
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To: BillF

Hey, that's a pretty cool trick there, Bill! How'd you do that?

81 posted on 07/13/2005 6:21:18 PM PDT by tgslTakoma
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To: BillF
It was great to have you and Snoopy FReeping with us.

Bill I was very proud to stand with y'all Patriots against the Pinko Commies. Having the opportunity to tell off Gael to her face was priceless. I'd been saving comments since she pissed me off in Fayetteville back in March.

Given Snoopy's size and his disposition, your comment, "let slip the dog of war. Sic 'em!" was hilarious!!

tgslTakoma and Kristinn, thanks for the hospitality.

Justanobody, thanks for taking the point ;)

As mentioned before, I will be back in DC for the Sept 24th "battle" with A.N.S.W.E.R. et al. If this FReep is still being done then I'll be there.

Snoop and I had a great time. BillF, thanks for the kind words. And thanks for all the time you spend preparing these after-FReep reports. I know from experience something like this does not get thrown together in five minutes :)

82 posted on 07/13/2005 6:33:00 PM PDT by upchuck ("If our nation be destroyed, it would be from the judiciary." ~ Thomas Jefferson)
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To: BillF

83 posted on 07/13/2005 6:37:21 PM PDT by reagan_fanatic ("We must be tolerant and understanding of those trying to blow us to pieces" - Ted Kennedy & Co.)
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To: BillF

Proof that cowboys F***** TROLLS.

84 posted on 07/13/2005 6:42:58 PM PDT by jetson (throne)
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To: reagan_fanatic

LOL !!

85 posted on 07/13/2005 6:43:13 PM PDT by tgslTakoma
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To: tgslTakoma

On the web page for the album, I clicked on view source of my browser program. It opens up the html for that page in the text editor program Notepad.

Then I identified the html for the table of the photos. I copied the html that webshots uses and pasted it into a new Notepad text file. I left out the bottom couple of rows and modified the table so that it was not limited to 99% of the width (not sure why they set up the table that way).

Importantly, Webshots uses relative addresses for the thumbnail photos and they have to be converted to absolute addresses. For example, they have photos by an expression within suitable tags like "img src=/photos/654789/suyrws.jpg" and that only works on the community Webshots web site. I used a find and replace to change that to "img src=" [DON'T CLICK ON THIS, IT'S NOT A REAL ADDRESS] such that now all the links or sources for the images had absolute addresses, not relative ones.

I basically copied that html into the reply box. When I hit preview, there was a problem with the last caption. It wasn't showing and I still don't know why. I just added the caption again.

Took me longer to explain it than it took to do it. Remind ME sometime and I can show you in person.

86 posted on 07/13/2005 6:58:02 PM PDT by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: reagan_fanatic

You're really out of control tonight. The license plate is a nice touch.

Careful, if you make them mad, they might endorse the "Iraqi resistance" (as they call the terrorists), claim that American troops are killers, and send money to the "other side." Oh, wait, they've already done all that.

87 posted on 07/13/2005 7:07:00 PM PDT by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: jetson

Gail Murphy
Original Gangsta

88 posted on 07/13/2005 7:42:44 PM PDT by Doctor Raoul (Support Our Troops, Spit On A Liberal Reporter)
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To: tgslTakoma; nina0113
Found something for you two after your tangle with Murphy:

89 posted on 07/13/2005 9:29:56 PM PDT by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: jetson

I'll repeat what I told Reagan_fanatic.

Careful, if you make them mad, they might endorse the "Iraqi resistance" (as they call the terrorists), claim that American troops are killers, and send money to the "other side." Oh, wait, they've already done all that.

90 posted on 07/13/2005 9:33:19 PM PDT by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: Doctor Raoul
She will never understand how anyone could stand against her cause. She does not have the guts to protest anyone who will physically fight. She is a mental bully.
91 posted on 07/14/2005 7:06:53 AM PDT by bmwcyle (Washington DC RINO Hunting Guide)
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To: tgslTakoma

as the islamofascists terrorists like to proclaim that there are no civilians in this war, some of us have children in this battle... others just care about their pink little assets...

well done dc elite... keep those banners flying and try restraint in using vulgarities... it drives them even more crazy...


92 posted on 07/14/2005 9:07:08 AM PDT by teeman8r
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To: BillF; sauropod; hellinahandcart; kristinn; Angelwood; Justanobody; boxerblues; Albion Wilde; ...

At the risk of being repetitive (haven't read through the entire thread yet), the Woodrow Wilson bridge will be shut down (all but one lane) from 8pm Friday until Monday morning. It's gonna be a mess. Keep that in mind for the drive home. See you there tomorrow!

93 posted on 07/14/2005 10:41:24 AM PDT by Coop (
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To: Doctor Raoul; bmwcyle

Sorry for the unintended slight. See above traffic info.

94 posted on 07/14/2005 10:42:18 AM PDT by Coop (
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To: reagan_fanatic


95 posted on 07/14/2005 10:51:07 AM PDT by Just A Nobody (I - LOVE - my attitude problem!)
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To: Coop; BillF

Will this bridge affect my route?

96 posted on 07/14/2005 10:56:13 AM PDT by Just A Nobody (I - LOVE - my attitude problem!)
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To: Justanobody

Not directly. It's the bridge as I-95/I-495 goes into Maryland (to the east). However, people going around the other way on the Beltway could lead to heavier traffic. So you may take longer getting back to I-95. But the good news is it will be rather late in the evening, so keep your fingers crossed!

97 posted on 07/14/2005 11:01:42 AM PDT by Coop (
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To: Justanobody
Will this bridge affect my route?

Sure, it's all about you. :)

Coop has it right. It just might mean more traffic (probably only slightly more) as you proceed from Walter Reed to the point where 95 goes off the Beltway AFTER the FReep. Probably a neglible effect, time-wise.

98 posted on 07/14/2005 2:05:20 PM PDT by BillF (Fight terrorists in Iraq & elsewhere, instead of waiting for them to come to America!)
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To: BillF

Famous last words. :-)

99 posted on 07/14/2005 3:19:46 PM PDT by Coop (
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To: BillF; kristinn; tgslTakoma; Angelwood; Justanobody; nina0113; Albion Wilde; Doctor Raoul; ...
Here's our new traitor. You may be familiar with this group. :-)

100 posted on 07/14/2005 3:29:06 PM PDT by Coop (
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