Posted on 01/07/2005 9:40:03 AM PST by hipaatwo
That would be the very one. I get a little feeling of pleasure every time I think about the fact that I was watching the event live and heard said booing with my own ears.
While President George W Bush is doing everything he can to Protect the American People, the ComuCrats are doing everything they can to Protect the Terrorists. Their stand makes you continue to understand which side they are on? The Party that sided with Russia, Pol Pot, Castro and Mao and every other tinpot Madman has suddenly decided that we have to protect the rights of Terrorists.
If we have a Terrorist who is suspected of wanting to kill Americans in the most hideous method possible then he gets what he gets. If they hang him by his thumbs to find out the plans of Al Queda, well too bad his head is still attached. If he gets to star is some perverted homemade photofest, well maybe he shouldnt have become a Terrorist. The LibeRats want to give him all the rights that OJ Simpson had. They would require free legal advice as well as plenty of ice for his Strawberry Lemonades.
Americans know that the Rats do not have our safety or Americas strength at heart. These power starved elitists are the enemy of America and have the same goals as the Terrorists. These people hate America and everything she stands for as well as a special hatred for Believing Christians and Zionists. As the election showed, the American People are sick and tired of their constant knee, jerk heavy on the jerk; attack on America with any and every issue. From Abu Grabass to the Tsunami, these people will criticize and denigrate America no matter what we do. We are the evil to these people and the Terrorists are their last hope since their other Comrades are on the Ash Heap of History.
Miguel Estrada is a fine man who happens to be the wrong shade to be a Republican. The last thing that ComuCrats can tolerate is a minority that does not believe quotas are their only way out of poverty. Hispanics are already anti-abortion and anti-homomarriage, another words too sensible to vote for the Commies. Because Estrada oversaw a note about torture techniques for Terrorists he is being Lynched by a bunch of Angry Old White Men. Writing about the legality and rights to be given to Terrorists in a Country that routinely cut peoples tongues out and Stone shrouded women, is now a lynchable crime?? Imagine that strained logic if we had a fair or inquisitive Press rather than a DNC megaphone? Sorry, but the Abu just doesnt Grab me.
Why should any Hispanic or any other Real American vote for the Rats?? If they only fought just half as hard for America and Our Troops as they fight for Rapists, Murderers or Terrorists they would have a chance of returning to power in the next 20 years. Of course we dont have to worry about that, since they are so reflexive and eager to bash Bush and America that they will continue to be Freakish Characters in some Mikey Mooreon Crockumentary! If anyone has any question you only have to hear the drivel about Terrorist rights and the 20 UFOhio Electors. Leopards, Zebras, Rats will never change, America is Always wrong.
The good news is that America is far more intelligent than the Rats. They can see through the lies that they spew. We understand that these people have no business being anywhere close to the protection of our families. They think that we Red Staters are too stupid to remember what they do as opposed to what they say. We know whose side of the war that they are on. We know that there have been far too few instances where they have condemned Terrorists as opposed the numerous times they supported and defended these Bloodthirsty Animals. The only enemy of America they have condemned is Saddamn....oh yeah, never mind!
Pray for W and Our Troops
Cheered, jeered, what's the difference?
No matter he LOST Bwahaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahaha
I forgot the MSM considers Islamic terrorists as soldiers & freedom fighters. The SF Chronic. just didn't tell which soldiers were cheering.
This is the most telling sentence in the whole piece. During the election cycle, Kerry was always ready with (an) "informed" opinion(s) about how the war was actually going, or what we should do next. Only now does he admit that he was "shooting from the hip" with his constantly changing musings.
There's that 'your for you're' missusage again.!
LOL. Actually I think it's a grammatical confusion: The author meant that Kerry was "cheered" as in "cheered up."
Example: "Down in the dumps ever since his electoral defeat, Kerry was cheered when the troops brought him a steaming bowl of plastic turkey soup."
ummm..bite me...LOL..
Nobody in that pic looks happy about the situation.At best, Kerry looks "resigned."
Probably should've tried some other army, eh? :)
No kidding. Here in Southern California (Los Angeles, specifically), I'm half expecting to see Noah's Ark floating down Century Park East.
As for Florida...heck, they've been through enough. Four hurricanes in a row? That's quite enough for anyone.
Wherever you are, be careful. And thanks for your service!
I was just thinking how could any soldier not want to spit at him.
My best friend was (ordered) invited to be in the crowd. There were few cheers, so few they were like the guy who starts the slow poignant clapping at the wring time, and you just look at him like he's an idiot. The low murmers of "traitor" were much more audible but will not be reported anywhere.
Greeted Warmly = served a "hot" lunch
I am telling you Senator, don't go out there and take questions.
Those Troops think that you have a lot of splaining to do!
Great minds . . . LOL.
This title is misleading. It says he was cheered by the troops, then doesn't even describe anything similar to it in the body of the article. It says he was greeted warmly, but then, that could be greeted warmly as a pile of $hit or a pail of panther pi$$. What a joke.
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