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zot to the zot regarding why saddam did not use his zot against the US or zot
Zot enthusiast, zotted zotfully.

Posted on 12/15/2004 8:17:26 PM PST by bazookamanda

I have been writing to numerous people ever since September 11, 2001. That event changed me. Before September 11, 2001 I assumed our government knew what it was doing in the world and I never questioned anything it did, but after September 11, 2001 i started to think ,why would anybody hate us so much as to try to kill as many Americans as possible. My quest for the truth lead me to one very sobering conclusion.........our policies, even before our independence in 1776, has gradually created a world in which we do not realize what people around the world are really feeling about us and we have not tried to solve problems in the budding stages before they become huge problems which lead to war.

So when i asked the question about Saddam, my intention was to get a response that lead to genuine solutions to future problems we are going to face. My intention is to try to get people to think about life, about saving life and i am sure you agree that peace is a lot better than war. When i look into the eyes of an Iraqi child, i see that our sanctions has caused more harm to that child than it caused harm to Saddam and thats the reason for my quest for solutions that lead to peace.

So my question was, why did Saddam not use his weapons of mass destruction on the US or Israel or hand them over to the terrorists like Al-Qaeda or the terrorists in the West Bank these past 25 years even though we and Israel did things to him that humiliated him and angered him ?

The reason i started asking this question is because of the perception of Saddam that we have received through our politicians and the media and that Saddam is a mad man, he is trigger happy and he would not hesitate to use his weapons of mass destruction against the US or Israel or hand them over to terrorists in the west bank or even to al-qaeda to be used against the US or Israel.

So as i looked at Saddam's history , i could not find any evidence that he was mad, or trigger happy or eager to use his WMD against the US or Israel at a moment's notice and in fact, there is plenty of evidence that he was wanting to be our ally in the middle east and i would like to present some of these facts to you. ACCORDING TO CHARLES DEULFER (PRESENT SPECIAL ADVISER TO THE CIA) SADDAM WANTED WMD FOR PROTECTION AGAINST IRAN.

In the 70s, when Arab states had an oil embargo and did not want to sell oil to the west, Saddam broke the embargo and sold oil to the US .........ANOTHER INDICATION THAT SADDAM WANTED TO BE AN ALLY OF THE US

You stated :

Yes, Israel had destroyed the reactors, but Saddam was trying to get new ones from France, Germany, or Russia

My comment:

Here was an opportunity for Saddam to take revenge by slipping some WMD into the hands of the terrorists in the west bank in the early 80s but he did not

In fact, in the early 80s when President Reagan told Saddam not to support the Palestinian groups in Palestine, Saddam did as President Reagan said and thats when President Reagan removed Iraq from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.

So not only did Saddam not do anything about Israel destroying his nuclear reactors, he listened to President Reagan and stopped supporting the Palestinian groups in Palestine........AN INDICATION THAT SADDAM WANTED TO BE AN ALLY OF THE US

You stated :

Yes, arms were sold to Iran in the 80's in a misguided effort to get our hostages back

My comment:

When Saddam found out that we were sending arms to Iran, he clearly was angry but because of his friendship towards President Reagan he did not do anything about it...........ANOTHER INDICATION THAT SADDAM WANTED TO BE AN ALLY OF THE US

You stated : Yes, we [as a coalition] removed Saddam from Kuwait

My comment:

The reason Saddam did not vacate Kuwait when asked to is because Saddam made the mistake of thinking the UN was going to stop the US from kicking him out of Kuwait and also he did not want to lose face with his people or his allies

Saddam could have used his weapons of mass destruction against the US and/or Israel but he did not use WMD because he was clearly deterred from using them because he knew his country would be destroyed.......HERE SADDAM IS THINKING LIKE A RATIONAL PERSON.....HE WANTED TO PRESERVE HIS POWER AND THE WMD WAS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST IRAN

IN FACT, before the invasion of Kuwait, Saddam had a long conversation with the US ambassador to Iraq about the "treachery" of Kuwait and that the US should be on his side...............ANOTHER INDICATION THAT SADDAM WANTED TO BE OUR ALLY

You stated :

Yes, we openly tried to get the Kurds & Shiites to rebel, BUT Saddam DID use both chemical & biological weapons against them in order to put down the uprising

My comment: Since President Reagan told Saddam in the late eighties to stop using chemical weapons, Saddam obeyed President Reagan and in the nineties, during the Kurdish and Shiite uprising Saddam DID NOT USE WMD against the Kurds or the Shiites..........ANOTHER INDICATION THAT SADDAM KEPT HIS PROMISE TO PRESIDENT REAGAN AND WANTED TO BE OUR ALLY

You stated :

We did not destroy these, under the term of the cease-fire they were left alone, and he built even more

My comment:

here is an excerpt from an article from CNN:

"Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq," President Bill Clinton explained on December 16, 1998. "Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs. ... Their purpose is to protect the national interest of the United States and, indeed, the interests of people throughout the Middle East and around the world."

But, according to Ritter, Desert Fox was more than a punitive raid. He believes that intelligence gathered under the auspices of UNSCOM was diverted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to serve the American military. The Pentagon had no comment.

"They were able to isolate that that night, the time of the strike, Saddam Hussein would be with his mistress at one of two locations," Ritter says. "So the first cruise missiles that hit Iraq impacted where Saddam was going to be. ... These were villas, these were residential complexes and the only reason they were struck is because there was a high degree of probability that Saddam Hussein was there." (end of excerpt)

So not only did we try to assassinate Saddam Hussein, we also destroyed some of his palaces.

This would have also angered Saddam Hussein and given him reason to give WMD to Al-Qaeda which in turn would ship WMD to the US (since we only inspect 6% of the millions of containers we get every year) and then use WMD in the attacks on New York on September 11, 2001...........SO WHY DID SADDAM NOT HAND OVER WMD TO AL-QAEDA.......SAME REASON AS WHY SADDAM DID NOT USE WMD DURING THE GULF WAR.........HE DID NOT WANT TO LOSE HIS COUNTRY OR HIS POWER...........ANOTHER INDICATION THAT HE WAS NOT A MAD MAN BUT ACTING RATIONALLY AND WANTED WMD AS PROTECTION AGAINST IRAN.

IN FACT, during the late nineties, even after our assassination attempts on Saddam Hussein and our destruction of some of his palaces, our supplying arms to Iran, our ousting him from Kuwait, our sanctions on him, our restricting him from flying in the no fly zone, our destroying his entire air defense systems, our periodic bombings, he told Charles Duelfer (special adviser to the CIA) that he wanted to start a dialogue with the US and he wanted to be America's best friend in the middle east...........ANOTHER INDICATION HE WANTED TO BE OUR ALLY DESPITE ALL THE HUMILIATION WE PUT HIM THROUGH

You stated :

Yes, there were no fly zones in place. This was done under the cease fire aggerment to protect the citizens from more bio/chem. attacks

My comment:

Since the attacks on halabja in the late eighties, Saddam stopped using his WMD because of his promise to President Reagan..........the no fly zone restriction did anger Saddam and yet he did not hand over WMD to Al-Qaeda to be used in the September 11, 2001 attacks because SADDAM BEING RATIONAL DID NOT WANT TO LOSE HIS POWER OR HIS COUNTRY AND WANTED WMD AS PROTECTION AGAINST IRAN

You stated :

The UN not just the US had the sanctions against Iraq, but as we are finding out it was extreamly flawed, the kickbacks, and outright payoffs were staggering.

My comment:

Saddam was clearly angry about the sanctions and he still did not hand over WMD to the Al-Qaeda terrorists.........indicating he was a rational person who did not want to lose his power or his country and the WMD was for protection against Iran

You stated : Yes we did, but this also done under the terms of the cease fire aggerment, NO attack radar was to be turned on ever. If it was it was going to be destroyed.

My comment:

Saddam was clearly angry about us destroying his air defense systems and he still did not hand over WMD to the Al-Qaeda terrorists.........indicating he was a rational person who did not want to lose his power or his country and the WMD was for the purpose of protection against Iran.

IN FACT, When Saddam talked to Dan Rather at length before the Iraq invasion, in between all the arrogance he was indicating he rather debate with President Bush than be in a war with the US............ANOTHER INDICATION SADDAM WANTED TO BE OUR ALLY ...........the reason Saddam sometimes acts like he is arrogant, he does not want to lose face with his people or his allies..........WE SHOULD JUDGE A PERSON BY WHAT THEY DO RATHER THAN WHAT THEY SAY............AND ALL OF SADDAM'S ACTIONS REGARDING WMD in relations to the US or Israel WERE ACTIONS THAT DO NOT INDICATE HE IS A MAD MAN OR SOMEBODY WANTING TO USE WMD AT A MOMENT'S NOTICE OR EVEN FOR REVENGE BUT AS A MEANS OF PROTECTION AGAINST IRAN

You stated :

There are those [ I am one of them] who believe that Saddam had those weapons, and sent them out of the country to protect his secrets.

My comments:

Here are some plausible scenarios:

If Saddam did ship WMD out of the country, seems like he is acting rationally again.......maybe he thinks he will return to power some day and use the WMD as protection against Iran ? and if he did ship it out of the country, what power does he have to get them back ? and why did the US not destroy the WMD convoy that was going out of the country ? did not our surveillance planes detect them ? and Israel has had attacks from terrorists since the WMD was shipped to Syria and yet the terrorists are still not using WMD against Israel ? and why would Saddam lose control over his WMD and have the world blame him for their use ? Saddam is not irrational or mad as evidenced by his past 25 year record of not using WMD against the US or Israel or handing them over to terrorists in the west bank or Al-Qaeda, so i cant see why he would start now ?

So if Saddam did ship WMD out to Syria, does that indicate that he is a mad man or trigger happy or wanting to use his WMD for revenge purposes against the US or Israel ? HE HAD EVERY OPPORTUNITY OR REASON FROM THE 80s TO USE THEM AGAINST US OR ISRAEL OR HAND THEM OVER TO THE TERRORISTS IN THE WEST BANK OR TO THE AL-QAEDA TERRORISTS TO USE THEM IN THE 9/11/01 ATTACKS, BUT HE DID NOT BECAUSE WMD WAS FOR PROTECTION AGAINST IRAN

if Saddam Hussein slipped WMD out of the country, the fact still remains he has not used them against the US or Israel since the early 80s and we can only judge a person by what he has done in the past...........IF WE DON'T GO BY THE PAST, THAN WE WILL BE INVADING COUNTRIES LIKE IRAN AND NORTH KOREA AND CHINA AND WHERE WILL WE STOP.........WE CAN ONLY JUDGE A COUNTRY BY THEIR PAST RECORD.........WE CANNOT BE INVADING ALL COUNTRIES WITH WMD.......CAN WE ?

You stated :

He may not had a lot to do very much damage but he had the tech. to make more.

My comment:

Yes, but i think i have established the fact that he was never going to use them unless his position in power is threatened and even then he would only use it on enemies who are much less powerful than him, like the Kurds and possibly Iran.........THAT WAS THE FINDING OF CHARLES DUELFER.........HE STATED, IRAQ WANTED WMD TO PROTECT ITSELF FROM IRAN

You stated :

The French,Germans,& Russians were suppling him with more & more equipment to make more weapons to kill more people.

My comment:

There is evidence of Saddam's use of chemical weapons in the 80s and once President Reagan told Saddam not to use WMD, Saddam stopped and the evidence of that can be seen in Saddam not using his WMD against the Kurdish and Shia uprisings of the nineties.

You stated :

do the terrorist have these weapons, GOD I (p)ray that they do not, but the world being the way it is, they may have. And are just waiting for the right chance to use them.

My comment:

Even when Saddam had nuclear material before he was kicked out of power in Iraq, there is no evidence he handed any to the terrorists. Since the early 80s, when Saddam had every reason or excuse to hand over WMD to the terrorists, there has not been one incident in the west bank or anywhere else in the world that WMD had been used these past 25 years against the US or Israel..........SO SADDAM BEING RATIONAL WANTED ALL THE WMD TO HIMSELF AND PROBABLY WANTED WMD TO USE AGAINST IRAN, IF ATTACKED BY IRAN, ACCORDING TO CHARLES DEULFER

WMD IS SOMETHING DICTATORS USE ONLY IF THREATENED BY A LESSER FOE... IRAN, IRAQ, NORTH KOREA AND CHINA WOULD NEVER USE WMD AGAINST THE US OR ISRAEL BECAUSE OF THE TERRIBLE CONSEQUENCES IF THEY DID but using WMD against a lesser foe like in state rebellions is a possibility or against a neighboring foe that is not as powerful or equal in power.

You stated :

Why don't you send an e-mail to Admin Mod's at the Freeps and ask them about this.

My comment:

I have tried to contact the mods and they never reply.........could you post this letter in the forum and get some feedback.........i am afraid if you do, they will kick you out too

TOPICS: War on Terror
KEYWORDS: allisvanity; americans; antiamericanism; antisemite; antisemitism; bedwettingliberal; begforazot; bigfatzot; biologicalweapons; callingallkitties; callingallzots; chemicalwarfare; chemicalweapons; crocodiletears; dajooz; destruction; dictatorship; eurotrash; euroweenies; eversozotly; getthezot; gofetchzot; government; hastalavistababy; herekitty; holocaustdenials; iran; iraq; iraqzot; islamofascist; islamonazism; israel; kittenchow; liberalbigot; livinginadreamworld; longboringdrivel; mobydickless; moosedroppings; mydoggiezot; nitwitzot; nitzotwit; ozone; pantload; peace; plonk; policies; projihad; prosaddam; proterrorist; rateatroll; reddiaperdoperbaby; saddam; saddamfundedhamas; saddamite; saddamsmysterydate; saddamzot; seezotrun; sichimkittys; socialist; stalinist; studentholidaysbegin; suicidebombers; suicidebombs; terrorist; terroristbombers; terroristbombings; thynameisbore; thynameisdrivel; thynameisvanity; thynameiszot; troll; trollbridge; trollzot; vikingkitties; war; wattanitwit; wattatwit; whydotheyhateusso; wmd; wmzot; zot; zotenfreud; zotgeist; zotme; zottedonpotty
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To: international american

Ahh, I see.

201 posted on 12/15/2004 10:07:41 PM PST by Jet Jaguar
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To: international american

GREAT idea.

202 posted on 12/15/2004 10:08:06 PM PST by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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To: A CA Guy; All

Night Y'all

203 posted on 12/15/2004 10:09:27 PM PST by international american (Generation Jones: "I need, I need someone to set a pick for me at the free-throw line of life)
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To: international american

See ya! Was a bit cold, decided to snack in after all.

204 posted on 12/15/2004 10:10:32 PM PST by A CA Guy (God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
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To: bazookamanda

WTH was all that? Medication Time.....

205 posted on 12/15/2004 10:24:00 PM PST by Dallas59 ("A weak peace is worse than war" - Tacitcus)
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To: bazookamanda; rdl6989; 4mycountry; TheBigB; VRWCmember; Zavien Doombringer; jriemer; mhking; ...
Oh, lookie here! Michael Moore signed up to FR now:

I have been writing to numerous people ever since September 11, 2001. That event changed me. Before September 11, 2001 I assumed our government knew what it was doing in the world and I never questioned anything it did, but after September 11, 2001 i started to think ,why would anybody hate us so much as to try to kill as many Americans as possible. My quest for the truth lead me to one very sobering conclusion.........our policies, even before our independence in 1776, has gradually created a world in which we do not realize what people around the world are really feeling about us and we have not tried to solve problems in the budding stages before they become huge problems which lead to war.

And now he is ZOTTED!!!!

He's dead, Jim!

He's dead, Jim.
(Click here or on the pic).

Please let me know if you want ON or OFF my Viking Kitty/ZOT ping list!. . .don't be shy.

206 posted on 12/16/2004 2:01:27 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP! ©)
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To: Admin Moderator; bazookamanda

I have tried to contact the mods and they never reply . . .

Coming up, though perhaps not what you had in mind.

Well he finally got the attention he so deserves!! :^D

207 posted on 12/16/2004 2:09:48 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP! ©)
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To: Jet Jaguar; bazookamanda

Seems this man is having problems with his girlfriend?
I could be mistaken.

208 posted on 12/16/2004 2:20:46 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP! ©)
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To: bazookamanda

209 posted on 12/16/2004 2:48:21 AM PST by dansangel (Thank you Veterans past and present!)
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To: bazookamanda; All; Admin Moderator
I have been duped. This [person had sent me a email requesting information on why they were banned and had posted, to me these comments! I was being a "nice" person and had answered them back. Now I find my own words be used as an argument, and posted as falsehoods for truth! I am so enraged right now that I have to watch what I put down, so I may keep it civil!
Please get this so called person iep and ban him for life. If and when I ever see this person I'll ZOT him for what ever life he has left.
I am also calling this person out for a dual! .45 long colt "Peacemakers" at 10 paces, or how about sabers at dawn! Please let me end this miserable piece of filth's......... I will fall on my own sword for this !!
210 posted on 12/16/2004 4:39:46 AM PST by TMSuchman (American by birth,rebel by choice, MARINE BY GOD!)
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To: MeekOneGOP

That isn't Moore. This dude is seriously disturbed.

Moore ain't crazy; he's just evil.

211 posted on 12/16/2004 4:50:16 AM PST by dsc
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To: bazookamanda
Blah blah blah, it's our fault, blah blah blah blah, I'm sorry, blah blah blah, evil America, blah blah blah blah.

There now leave this evil country before its too late. Ooops you've been zotted. I'm stuned!
212 posted on 12/16/2004 4:50:31 AM PST by Conspiracy Guy (Boycott Boycotts Warrior. If you aint buying call me!)
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To: bazookamanda
Since 2004-12-16

1 posted on 12/15/2004 10:17:27 PM CST by bazookamanda

Your time machine turned you into a ZOT!!!

213 posted on 12/16/2004 4:59:10 AM PST by Arrowhead1952 (Lose the embedded reporters in our military.)
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To: TMSuchman

What, what, are you saying you're "you"?

214 posted on 12/16/2004 5:10:06 AM PST by Nataku X (For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?)
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To: Nakatu X

That sob sent me and email, requesting information. I answered it. Now I find my own words used in this post! If I ever find then I'll ZOT them for life or what ever is left of it, when I get through.

215 posted on 12/16/2004 5:17:20 AM PST by TMSuchman (American by birth,rebel by choice, MARINE BY GOD!)
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To: RedBloodedAmerican

It's a meerkat ~

Meerkats know a lot

about ZOT

216 posted on 12/16/2004 6:08:53 AM PST by Zacs Mom ("In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." Jefferson)
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To: Zacs Mom
Thats it! I couldn't think of the name but I sort of recognized it. Almost looks like the modeled "Sid The Sloth" on Ice Age after it.

217 posted on 12/16/2004 6:28:21 AM PST by RedBloodedAmerican
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To: Zacs Mom

I just noticed you found the exact photo somoene used in that animated gif. Good job!

218 posted on 12/16/2004 6:29:13 AM PST by RedBloodedAmerican
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To: dsc
Moore ain't crazy; he's just evil.


219 posted on 12/16/2004 6:35:23 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP! ©)
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To: bazookamanda

I feel so badly now. Saddam was our friend and we mistreated him so.

We should give him a country to govern so he'll feel better.

California sounds like a good choice.

220 posted on 12/16/2004 6:42:56 AM PST by VeniVidiVici (Got Wood?)
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