Posted on 11/06/2004 5:39:38 PM PST by CHARLITE
(AgapePress) - A freelance writer from Virginia is protesting what he calls the Islamic indoctrination of grade school students in one of the country's largest public school districts.
During the ongoing month of Ramadan, children in the third through fifth grades in Herndon, Virginia, schools are being taught about the Muslim holiday and about other Islamic customs and practices. With the help of so-called "multicultural trainer" Afeefa Syeed," the young students are reciting Muslims' sacred words and imitating their faith practices." Prayer rugs are given out, Islamic prayers are recited, and as columnist Dave Gibson recently commented, "a happy face is put on the most dangerous religion the world has ever known."
Gibson, who writes for, is outraged that the Fairfax County school district prohibits recitation of the Lord's Prayer but encourages students to pray to Allah. "We have chased those Christian ideals out of our school system, and now we're bringing in Muslim ideals. It's most troubling that these children are not being given the whole story -- the true face of Islam."
The conservative columnist says secularists who want God removed entirely from schools are also noticeably silent about the Islamic indoctrination occurring in the Virginia public school system. Where, he wonders, are the American Civil Liberties Union lawsuits and the public indignation so often unleashed on any expression of Christian faith in the public schools?
"What angers me," Gibson remarks, "is the ACLU has not been heard from on this. I can guarantee you, if someone had brought in Christian Bibles or wanted to teach about Judeo-Christian beliefs, the Herndon school district would be sued immediately."
Instead of showing indifference toward the brainwashing of their children, Gibson says Herndon parents should be pulling their kids out of the city's schools and suing the school district over its Islamic indoctrination program. Jack Dale, chief of Fairfax County Schools, declined to comment
....but can the children READ?
Where are the parents? Are children not asked "what did you do in school today," anymore?
The good news? They can read fluently...
The bad news? ...only in Arabic.
I hope he isn't holding his breath waiting for the Anti Christian Litigation Union to do something.
"What angers me," Gibson remarks, "is the ACLU has not been heard from on this. I can guarantee you, if someone had brought in Christian Bibles or wanted to teach about Judeo-Christian beliefs, the Herndon school district would be sued immediately."
[sarcasm alert] Hey, what kind of neanderthal are you? Don't you know that this is a secular country, and that the whole purpose of a secular country is to be open to the otherness of peoples who make your own fundamentalists seem like secular humanists in comparison? Why, if we didn't allow moslems to teach our children their fundamentalist beliefs in our public schools, that would be proof that we are a chr*stian theocracy! If we didn't allow moslems to attack evolution in the public schools, next thing you know we'd have all these rednecks attacking evolution in the public schools!!! [/sarcasm]
You know, I think all these secularist liberals who hate "religion" so much (when it isn't "someone else's") should go to Saudi Arabia where then could cream in their pants in ecstasy while being beheaded for their degeneracies.
This parent asks every day and if I was told about this by one of my kids I would be at that school and in their face everyday along with alerting all print media and news organizations.
Our kids can't celebrate Christmas but Muslim kids get Fridays off for prayers, special menus for lunch,etc.
Remember "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" This really has to be stopped now or Christian kids get to say prayers in school, celebrate Christmas,not winter holiday, celebrate Easter, and every other Christian holiday know to man.
Read? As in "Reading, Writing & Arithmetic"???
We must first consider if forcing these young, impressionable minds to concentrate on the rigors of learning to grasp the fundamentals of an education is too stressful for them- too competitive. We must do studies and determine what the impact of early learning may have on a child's later development. (smirk)
Multiculturalism, moral relativism, and nobody's going to mention Van Gogh's great, great, grand nephew slaughtered in the street in Amsterdam or that 'thou shalt not kill' was removed from a wall near a mosque because it was 'racist'. This is more idiocy from the Left, like sheep to the slaughter.
A friend of my mom is raising her grandson. SHE was deeply concerned about this issue but couldn't get any other parents to care. In the end, she had to simply had her grandson given an alternate assignment.
Can't happen to my boys in their school. It's upstairs.
Where is the ACLJ? They really need to get on this ASAP.
It's crap like this that makes me embarassed to be a teacher. What ever happened to teaching the facts, and encouraging students to love the US? I hang my head in shame at what has happened to my profession.
So maybe it's the way it's presented to the parents, they don't realize the dangers. Well, maybe a class action will open eyes.
Sounds like a plan to me.
I guess I am just full of fight because I wouldn't need anyone else to go along with me - I would make sure a reporter was with me and go to the school and demand equal time for my Christian kids - to many PC parents not wanting to look uncaring of other peoples feelings - bull!!
Our kids are told they can't show their Christianity because it might offend someone - well this school has offended Christian families and they better stand up and be noticed before it is too late.
I've had my kids in public school and homeschooled. I now am sending my oldest grandson to private school. To me, it's what works best for you and your kids. IMO it's not what happens at any of these but about what the parents allow. Homeschool and private school kids can still get access to this stuff from friends, tv, webb sites etc. Parents must be parents.
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