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The Plot to Hijack the CIA ^

Posted on 10/21/2004 7:43:59 PM PDT by TapTheSource

Anti-communist analyst note:

[As the presidential candidate John Kerry already twice stated in his "honest" responses during the presidential debates he wants our nuclear research stopped and he wants to send money to Russia to "protect the 'former' Soviet era nuclear weapons" from being 'lost' or 'stolen' by Russian Mafia. Please consider the following article in that light of the fact even though it has been written 10 years ago - it was as important then as it is today.Published with permission given by Inside Story Communications. HM note].

The Plot To Hijack the CIA

Is nuclear terrorism about to emerge?

Published in October 1994 Inside Story: World Report

Copyright (c) 1994 by Inside Story Communications

In early August, German undercover operatives arrested three foreigners smuggling plutonium out of the "former" Soviet Union. Although the metal was of bomb-grade purity, it was only a fraction of the amount needed to build a bomb. However, over the prior four months, German authorities had made two other arrests for separate acts of smuggling Soviet plutonium or uranium.1

Recent stories leaked by Soviet authorities about a new "Russian mafia" have given the West more reason for nervousness. Mikhail Yegorov, a high official in the new KGB, did his best to heighten the fear: "Crime groups in recent years are demonstrating more and more interest toward defense facilities of the former Soviet Union," he solemnly announced in May.2

The United States is already responding. Soviet personnel have arrived in New Mexico and elsewhere for training in security measures, and in May the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) formally declared it would now open an office in Moscow-to work more closely with Soviet police authorities.3 Meanwhile, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has quietly been setting up a program of cooperation with the Soviet KGB. But behind this facade of international teamwork to prevent terrorism lies another story-a campaign, orchestrated by the Soviet KGB through its agents and arms in the United States, to turn the CIA into a weapon against the United States, using nuclear terrorism as the excuse.

The wolves surround the prey

At the center of the drive to capture the CIA lies the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), a radical think-tank formed in the late 1960s. IPS co-founder and strategist Richard J. Barnet, a former US official, has written books publicly defending Marxist revolution and terrorism, and has called for the dismantling of US intelligence activities against the Communist Bloc.4 The IPS has long been funded by the tax-exempt Field Foundation and its associated Fund for Peace, which pursue the same goal by advocating cooperation with the Soviet Union.5

IPS members have included such prominent leftists as Morton Halperin, the former National Security Council staffer who supervised the drafting of the classified Pentagon Papers-a review of documents related to the Vietnam War. Foreign policy official Leslie Gelb and National Security Council member Anthony Lake illegally authorized the public release of the Pentagon Papers, and later affiliated with the IPS (Lake is now the National Security Advisor for Bill Clinton). Indeed, a number of IPS members were involved in the 1971 Pentagon Papers scandal, causing the FBI to investigate the IPS for espionage.

The IPS has managed to recruit CIA employees who broke with the agency and leaked top-secret information. Several IPS leaders also work with rogue CIA agent Phillip Agee, who has made career of propagating Soviet disinformation while openly acknowledging his own Communist sympathies and the support of Cuban Communists. And former US Senator James Abourezk, founder of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee and an outspoken supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), is an IPS trustee.6

During the past twenty years, the IPS has worked with Communist front organizations in building a network for the neutralization of US intelligence. In 1974, the Fund for Peace established the Center for National Security Studies (CNSS), which has worked closely with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in pursuing political and legal challenges against US intelligence. Staff and leadership for the CNSS have been drawn almost entirely from the IPS and the National Lawyers Guild (NLG); the NLG is the American branch of the Soviet-controlled International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), operates as a front of the Communist Party, USA, and publicly supports dozens of terrorist groups ranging from the PLO to the Irish Republican Army (IRA). IPS member Morton Halperin became head of the CNSS.7

For many years, the IPS, CNSS, and dozens of other organizations in this network scored only partial victories against US intelligence. But this began changing in February of 1988, when the Soviet Union hosted a conference in Moscow, sponsored by the Soviet Peace Committee-an arm of the Communist Party's International Deparment.8 Representing the Soviets were such "citizens" as Igor Beliaev, a correspondent for the Literaturnaya Gazeta (Soviet journalists are usually members of the KGB); representing the Americans were such people as John D. Marks, an IPS member who became a leader of the CNSS and headed its Project on the CIA.9 In other words, both sides of the conference were acting on behalf of the Soviet KGB.

Beliaev and Marks were assigned the task of finding ways to neutralize US opposition to Soviet-sponsored revolutionary movements. They have described the origins of their plan in Moscow:

As much as the Soviet-American relationship has improved, we recognized that our nations still had substantial differences in the Third World-from Afghanistan to Nicaragua to the Middle East. We immediately decided that our best chance to make a difference was to identify a single issue on which effective U.S.-Soviet collaboration might be possible.... After two days of deliberations with the fifteen or so Americans and Soviets who made up our committee, we agreed that terrorism would be our issue.10

Thus was born the "Soviet-American Task Force to Prevent Terrorism." Its first meeting was held in Moscow in January, 1989, and was again co-sponsored by the Soviet Peace Committee. The Task Force quickly gained high-level support in both countries:

The Soviet delegation included officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and key institutes within the Academy of Sciences [read: heavy KGB involvement-Eds.].

Anti-communist Analyst note:

[As a matter of fact any communist country's Academy of Sciences was in hands of communist espionage, in Czechoslovakia for example these were [are] the technology and also recruitment of western scientists operations involving people like today's Czech president Vaclav Klaus [allegedly his real name is Pruzhinskiy] as Klaus was able to travel to the United States and Western Europe during the communist tyranny era without any obstacles as communists gave him the permit to travel abroad without delays even though this kind of permit was impossible to obtain for any ordinary citizen. Klaus was able to enroll in courses on western universities including the Cornell University and so on and the question remains - who paid for it? The same applies to people like German CDU Christian Democratic Party leader Angela Merkel,formerly from East [communist] Germany and also during the communist era active member of the East German Academy of Sciences !!! HM note].

On the American side, more than half of the delegation were current consultants to the U.S. government on counter-terrorism....

...both the U.S. and the Soviet governments were providing at least tacit support to the Task Force...

...the incoming Bush administration and Soviet authorities gave their tacit blessings and asked for full reports. The week before we convened, the KGB's Deputy Director, Lieutenant General Vitaly Ponomarev, declared on Moscow Radio: "We realize we have to coordinate efforts to prevent terrorist acts, including hijackings of planes.... We are willing, if there is a need, to cooperate even with the CIA, the British intelligence service, the Israeli Mossad, and other services in the West."... Within days, James Baker, the new American Secretary of State, testified before Congress: "We ought to find out whether Moscow can be [helpful] on terrorism and if not, why not."11

A subsequent meeting was held at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, California, that September.

Beliaev and Marks were still organizing the event, which now included such KGB officials as Lieutenant General Feodor Sherbak and Major General Valentin Zvezdenkov.

The Americans were represented by former CIA director William Colby and former deputy director Ray Cline.12 As CIA station chief in Rome during the 1950s, Colby had directed the CIA apparatus to work closely with Italian Communists. While on assignment in Vietnam, Colby had secretly maintained contact with a probable KGB agent without notifying his bosses at CIA; upon being named CIA director in 1974, Colby promptly fired the counterintelligence officers who investigated him for that suspicious contact. Also in 1974, while still director of the CIA, Colby participated in the founding conference of the CNSS-alongside various Communists and assorted radicals.13

Once again, both sides of the Task Force were loaded with Soviet agents and sympathizers.

The Task Force's recommendations were predictable. Terrorism was redefined so as to exclude Soviet-sponsored revolutionaries. Instead, various potential anti-Communists were labeled as real or potential terrorists-including Soviet citizens who hijack planes to try to escape their walled-off dictatorship. The PLO-orchestrated intifadeh was specifically defined as non-terrorist, whereas "Israeli extremists" were identified as terrorists.14 Under the category of "religious extremism," the Task Force labeled not only "Muslim fundamentalists" but also Lebanese Christians and "Jewish extremists" as terrorist, while the PLO was never suggested as being terrorist. Indeed, the Task Force recommended that Middle East terrorism be solved by pressuring Israel to make concessions at the negotiating table.15 In addition, the news media has already hinted that Christians in the United States might also be labeled potential terrorists for opposing abortion.

The Task Force named two other categories of terrorism: "narco-terrorism" and "techno-terrorism" (meaning nuclear or other high-technology terrorism). Using these as excuses, the Task Force endorsed or recommended such measures as universal and total gun control, tight controls over the international movement of money (supposedly to hinder the laundering of drug money), and the establishment of an international tribunal to which "terrorists" would be extradited.16 Under such a tribunal, extradited suspects would lose the protection of their legal and constitutional rights of their home countries. In making these recommendations, the Task Force praised Soviet criminal law as a model for international law.

To finish off the CIA completely, the Task Force also recommended that the United States begin training Soviet police agents, and that the two countries begin sharing intelligence information. The former would lead to international US/Soviet teams to fight terrorism, and would allow Soviet agents to enter the United States to move against alleged "terrorists"-potentially even innocent anti-Communists. The latter proposal would provide the Soviet KGB direct access to our intelligence, while allowing the Soviets to hand us carefully-engineered disinformation that US officials would presume to be reliable. The Task Force even called for the US to hand over classified information on security measures protecting our "civilian nuclear facilities."17 The use of such information can only be imagined.

Have the Soviet-dominated Task Force, and the IPS network of Marxist organizations, been succeeding? The answer, unfortunately, is yes. Two months after the Task Force's first conference, "[Soviet] Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze and [US] Secretary of State James Baker agreed to put anti-terrorist cooperation on the superpower agenda. By June, the two governments had opened up official discussion at the working level and had reached their first agreements on superpower cooperation to prevent terrorism." The news media accorded the meetings favorable coverage.

"In December 1989, the KGB formally accepted the [Task Force's] recommendations regarding information sharing. Two months earlier, William Colby and Ray Cline personally presented these same recommendations to CIA Director William Webster.... Then, in October 1990, Webster told the Associated Press that the CIA and KGB were sharing intelligence about terrorist threats and that several times U.S. information had been 'pivotal' to Soviet preventive action."18 As of this year, the US has already begun training Soviets in nuclear security measures. President Clinton is meanwhile arranging to provide additional hundreds of millions of dollars to the Soviets, supposedly to prevent the smuggling of nuclear materials.

During June and July, FBI director Louis Freeh concluded agreements with Russia, "former" Soviet Republics, and Eastern European governments for sharing intelligence and to allow foreign agents to operate throughout the various countries. Speaking to officers of the renamed KGB, Freeh declared that "we are proud to join in this battle with you," and praised the "police-to-police bridge" now being established between the FBI and KGB.

"We have now already joined (forces)," boasted KGB official Sergei Stepashin, head of the Soviet Federal Counterintelligence Service. "When we are together, we're undefeatable."19

Perhaps. But this will not be comforting when the FBI knocks on your door.


1 Whitney, C.R., NY Times, "Russian security services linked to plutonium plot," SF Chronicle, 8-16-94, pp. A1, A13. 2 Sniffen, M.J., AP, "FBI warns of danger of nuclear theft rings in Russia," SF Chronicle, 5-26-94, p. A17. 3 Ibid.; Perlman, D., "Russian nuclear security so bad it almost invites bomb thieves," SF Chronicle, 8-22-94, p. A12. 4 Barnet, Intervention and Revolution (1968), and Barnet, The Economy of Death (1969), as cited in Broken Seals, report of the Western Goals Foundation, Alexandria, VA, 1980, pp. 3-7, passim. 5 McIlhany, W.H., The Tax-Exempt Foundations, Arlington House, Westport, CT, 1980, p. 213; Gannon, F.X., Biographical Dictionary of the Left, Vol. II, Western Islands, Boston, 1971, pp. 97-105. 6 Broken Seals, Op cit., passim; Findley, P., They Dare to Speak Out, Lawrence HIll Books, Chicago, 1989. p. 98. 7 Broken Seals, Op cit., passim; 'Outlaws of Amerika,' report of the Western Goals Foundation, Alexandria, VA, 1982, pp. 51-60, passim. 8 Barron, J., KGB Today, Reader's Digest Press, New York, 1983, p. 61. 9 Marks, J. and Beliaev, I, Eds., Common Ground on Terrorism, WW Norton & Co., New York, 1991, p. 10; Broken Seals, Op cit., pp. 10, 12, 15, 18. 10 Marks & Beliaev, Op cit., pp. 20-21. 11 Ibid., pp. 21-22. 12 Ibid., p. 25. 13 Martin, D.C., Wilderness of Mirrors, Harper & Row, New York, 1980, pp. 183-184, 217; Epstein, E.J., Deception, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1989, p. 100; Story, C., Soviet Analyst 22 (9-10), June 1994, p. 4; Broken Seals, Op cit., p. 17. 14 Marks & Beliaev, Op cit., pp. 53, 56. 15 Ibid., pp. 65, 71-72, 179. 16 Ibid., pp. 139, 152-154, 173, 175 17 Ibid., pp. 168, 171, 174. 18 Ibid., pp. 24-27. 19 Perlman, Op cit.; Smith, R.J., Washington Post, "US-Russia nuclear effort stalls," SF Chronicle, 8-29-94, p. A12; LA Times, "FBI chief vows to aid Russian cops," SF Chronicle, 7-5-94, p. A8.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; Russia; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: abourezk; aclu; agee; agenda21; anslinger; baker; barnet; china; cia; cnss; colby; dea; dos; fbi; freeh; fsb; fundforpeace; haig; halperin; hersh; ips; jamesbaker; johndmarks; kgb; kissinger; lake; marks; mexico; mortonhalperin; napalminthemorning; nlg; northkorea; plo; rand; raycline; russianmafia; sejna; shevardnadze; webster; williamcolby; wod; wot
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To: Askel5; DarkWaters; American in Israel; Luis Gonzalez; SJackson; GSlob; Just mythoughts; Fedora; ...
The article is a period piece that appeals to the specialist and the distant alike. Notice it was written 3 years AFTER the Soviet Union supposedly "collapsed." You will also notice that the carefully laid plans by the Left to both infiltrate the CIA and thus influence US foreign policy in favor of the Soviet Union continued unabated both BEFORE and AFTER the Cold War.
61 posted on 10/22/2004 10:22:17 AM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: TapTheSource

There is something about the usage of the word "Soviet" or communism that causes some eyes to glaze over.

Names change, dates change, and places change but the ideology never changes.

62 posted on 10/22/2004 1:23:58 PM PDT by Just mythoughts
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To: struwwelpeter; Calpernia

Thank you for the pings.

In the 1990's Art Bell got involved in reporting the fact that the KGB was here working with our cops.

He even interviewed the motel that they were in, that was a Phoenix area motel.

There were several reports on his program. this was when Art did the program and it was a good one, now it is garbage to me.

"The United States is already responding. Soviet personnel
have arrived in New Mexico... (SNIP) ...formally declared it
would now open an office in Moscow-to work more closely with
Soviet police authorities.3 Meanwhile, the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) has quietly been setting up a program of
cooperation with the Soviet KGB"

63 posted on 10/22/2004 11:53:00 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (On this day your Prayers are needed!!!!!!!)
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To: nw_arizona_granny; dennisw; Cachelot; Yehuda; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; ...

(Very anyone you think might be interested)

Golitsyn’s Predictions (1980s) re:
The Phony Collapse of the Soviet Union and Its Implications for the West and NATO

“ All warfare is based on deception. Therefore, when capable, feign incapacity; when active, inactivity. When near, make it appear that you are far away; when far away, that you are near. Offer the enemy a bait to lure him; feign disorder and strike him. When he concentrates, prepare against him; where he is strong, avoid him. Anger his general and confuse him. Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance. Keep him under strain and wear him down. When he is united, divide him. Attack where he is unprepared; sally out when he does not expect you. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme skill… Disrupt his alliances…Therefore I say: “[If you] know the enemy and know yourself, in a hundred battles you will never be in peril. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, you chances of winning or losing are equal; if ignorant of both your enemy and yourself, you are certain in every battle to be in peril.”
SUN TZU, The Art of War, Oxford University Press Edition (also published in the Soviet Union in 1950, in Germany in 1957; also published by the East German Ministry of Defense and was prescribed for study in the East German military academies; it was published in China in 1957, 1958, and 1959, and Moa was known to be influenced by the book in his conduct of the civil war.

“A ruling Class which is on the run, as ours is, is capable of every fatuity. It makes the wrong decisions, chooses the wrong people, and is unable to recognize its enemies-if it does not actually prefer them to its friends.”
MALCOM MUGGERIDGE, Tread Softly for You Tread on My Jokes.

“I don’t think Gorbachev is a Leninist anymore…I don’t think we have been deceived—at least, I hope we haven’t.”
MARGARET THATCHER, Personal interview with Christopher Story, former occasional advisor to M. Thatcher and editor of Anatoly Golitsyn’s second book, Perestroika Deception.

Mark Riebling, author of the book Wedge: The Secret War Between the FBI and the CIA, pays tribute to Anatoly Golitsyn by crediting his predictions in regards to the phony collapse of the Soviet Union with “an accuracy record of nearly 94%” [pg. 408].

There has been a recent and very public spate of mainstream news articles attempting to smear Anatoly Golitsyn and his principle sponsor in the CIA, James Jesus Angleton. I can only assume that either the CIA or the KGB, or both, have decided that Golitsyn’s warnings are beginning to catch on, so it has become necessary to dust off the old smear campaign folder and once again spread their lies about these two.

For the purposes of this post, I would like to communicate just how specific Golitsyn’s predictions are, and let the reader decide for himself whether or not they have come to pass. Please note that these predictions are taken from his 1984 book New Lies For Old (the manuscript was completed in 1980, ten years before the events themselves). Golitsyn is no psychic; his predictions are based on his inside knowledge of Soviet long-range strategy. It should also be noted that many of the predictions contained in New Lies For Old date back to the 1960s and 1970s, as the book is based on memos he was writing to the CIA during that time while still under their employ (he defected from the KGB in 1961). Of course, the CIA refused to heed Golitsyn’s warnings about the coming phony collapse of the Soviet Union (the one exception being the head of Counter Intelligence, James Angleton, and his staff…some of which, along with members of MI5 and MI6, took the bold step of writing the Editor’s Forward to Golitsyn’s book). It is my hope that you will read Golitsyn’s predictions, based as they are on his inside knowledge of long-range Soviet strategy, and forward them to as many people as possible.

Golitsyn’s Specific Predictions from his 1984 book New Lies For Old.

Pages 327-328: “The Communist strategists are now poised to enter into the final, offensive phase of the long-range policy, entailing a joint struggle for the complete triumph of Communism. Given the multiplicity of parties in power, the close links between them, and the opportunities they have had to broaden their bases and build up experienced cadres, the Communist strategists are equipped, in pursuing their policy, to engage in maneuvers and stratagems beyond the imagination of Marx or the practical reach of Lenin and unthinkable to Stalin. Among such…stratagems are the introduction of false liberalization in Eastern Europe and, probably, in the Soviet Union and the exhibition of spurious independence on the part of the regimes in Romania, Czechoslovakia and Poland.

Pages 224-226: “It would be worthwhile for the West to study the scenario and techniques of the Czechoslovak experiment [of 1968]—so as not to be taken in again. The scenario could well be repeated in essence, although with local variations…The staging of the ‘quiet revolution’ and its reversal served a wide variety of strategic and tactical objectives. [Among them:]

· To arouse sentiment against military pacts in Europe
· To increase pressure in the West for the convening of a conference on security in Europe, the Communist interest in which is to promote the dissolution of military pacts, the creation of a neutral, socialist Europe, and the withdrawal of the American military presence.
· To rehearse and gain experience for the repetition of ‘democratization’ in Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, or elsewhere in Eastern Europe during the final phase of the long-range policy of the Bloc.”

Pages 241-242: “The creation of a false, controlled opposition movement like the dissident movement serves the internal and external strategic purposes.

Internally it provides a vehicle for the eventual false ‘liberalization’ of a Communist regime; it provokes some would-be opposition elements to expose themselves to counter-action, and others are driven to conformity or despair. Externally, ‘dissidents’ can act as vehicles for a variety of disinformation themes on the subject of the evolution of the Communist system… It sets the scene for an eventual dramatic ‘liberalization’ of the system by heightening the contrast between neo-Stalinism and future ‘socialism with a human face.’ It creates a cadre of figures who are well known in the West and who can be used in the future as the leaders and supporters of the ‘multi-Party system’ under Communism. ‘Dissident’ trade unions and intellectuals can be used to promote solidarity with their Western counterparts and engage them in joint campaigns for disarmament and the reform of Western ‘military-industrial complexes.’ In the long run the Western individuals and groups involved will face the choice of admitting that their support for dissidents was mistaken or accepting that Communism has undergone a radical change, making ‘convergence’ an acceptable, and perhaps desirable, prospect.”

Page 262: “One of the objectives [of Euro-Communism] was to prepare the ground, in coordination with Bloc policy in general, for an eventual ‘liberalization’ in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and a major drive to promote the dissolution of NATO and the Warsaw Pact and the withdrawal of the American military presence from a neutral, socialist Europe.”

Page 323: “The Western strategy of a mildly activist approach to Eastern Europe, with emphasis on human rights, is doomed to failure because it is based on misconceptions and will lead ultimately into a trap when a further spurious liberalization takes place in Eastern Europe in the final phase of the long-range Communist policy. Not the least disturbing aspect of the present crisis in Western assessments and policy is that, if it is recognized at all, its causes are misunderstood. As matters stand the West is acutely vulnerable to the coming major shift in Communist tactics in the final phase of their policy.

Page 331: “The conclusion [is that] the ‘renewal’ in Poland was planned thoroughly, and well in advance, by the Polish Communist Party in cooperation with its Communist allies and with a view to furthering the Communist strategy for Europe. The conclusion is further supported by the evidence of the Polish Communist Party’s involvement in the formation and functioning of Solidarity.”

Page 334: “The creation of Solidarity and the initial period of its activity as a trade union may be regarded as the experimental first phase of the Polish ‘renewal.’ The appointment of Jaruzelski, the imposition of martial law, and the suspension of Solidarity represent the second phase, intended to bring the movement under firm control and provide a period of political consolidation. In the third phase it may be expected that a coalition government will be formed, comprising representatives of the Communist Party, a revived Solidarity movement, and of the church. A few so-called liberals might also be included. A new-style government of this sort in Eastern Europe would be well equipped to promote Communist strategy by campaigning for disarmament, for nuclear-free zones in Europe, perhaps for a revival of the Rapacki Plan, for the simultaneous dissolution of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and ultimately for the establishment of a neutral, socialist Europe. The revival of other elements of Communist strategy for Europe [such as human rights negotiations] would be timed to coincide with the emergence of such a government.

Page 335: “A coalition government in Poland would in fact be totalitarianism under a new, deceptive and more dangerous guise. Accepted as the spontaneous emergence of a new form of multi-party, semi-democratic regime, it would serve to undermine resistance to Communism inside and outside the Communist Bloc. The need for massive defense expenditure would increasingly be questioned in the West. New possibilities would arise for splitting Western Europe away from the United States, of neutralizing Germany, and destroying NATO.”

Page 338-340: “The intensification of hardline policies and methods in the Soviet Union, exemplified by Sakharov’s arrest and the occupation of Afghanistan, presages a switch to ‘democratization’ following, perhaps, Brezhnev’s departure from the political scene… Brezhnev’s successor may well appear to be a kind of Soviet Alexander Dubcek. The succession will be important only in the presentational sense.

The reality of collective leadership and the leaders’ common commitment to the long-range policy will continue unaffected… The Brezhnev regime and its neo-Stalinist actions against ‘dissidents’ and in Afghanistan would be condemned as Novotny’s regime [in Czechoslovakia] was condemned in 1968.

The economic field reforms might be expected to bring Soviet practice more into line with Yugoslavia, or even seemingly, with Western socialist models… The Party would be less conspicuous, but would continue to control the economy from behind the scenes as before…

Political ‘liberalization’ and ‘democratization’ would follow the general lines of the Czechoslovak rehearsal in 1968. This rehearsal might well have been the kind of political experiment Nikolay Mironov [former head of the Party’s Administrative Organs Department] had in mind as early as 1960. The ‘liberalization’ would be spectacular and impressive. Formal pronouncements might be made about a reduction in the Communist Party’s role; its monopoly would be apparently curtailed. An ostensible separation of powers between legislative, executive, and the judiciary might be introduced. The Supreme Soviet would be given greater apparent power and the president and deputies greater apparent independence.

The posts of President of the Soviet Union and First Secretary of the Party might well be separated. The KGB would be ‘reformed’. Dissidents at home would take up positions of leadership in government. Sakharov might be included in some capacity in government or allowed to teach abroad. The creative arts and cultural and scientific organizations, such as writers’ unions and the Academy of Sciences, would become apparently more independent, as would the trade unions. Political clubs would be opened to non-members of the Communist Party.

Leading dissidents might form one or more alternative political parties. Censorship would be relaxed; controversial books, plays, films, and art would be published, performed and exhibited. Many prominent Soviet performing artists now abroad would return to the Soviet Union and resume their professional careers.
Constitutional amendments would be adopted to guarantee fulfillment of the provisions of the Helsinki agreements and a semblance of compliance would be maintained. There would be greater freedom for the Soviet citizens to travel. Western and United Nations observers would be invited to the Soviet Union to witness the reforms in action.

But, as in the Czechoslovak case, the ‘liberalization’ would be calculated and deceptive in that it would be introduced from above. It would be carried out by the Party through its cells and individual members of government, the Supreme Soviet, the courts, and the electoral machinery and by the KGB through its agents among the intellectuals and scientists…”

Pages 340-342: “The dissident movement is now being prepared for the most important aspect of its strategic role, which will be to persuade the West of the authenticity of Soviet ‘liberalization’ when it comes. Further high-level defectors, or ‘official émigrés’, may well make their appearance in the West before the switch in policy occurs.

The prediction of Soviet compliance with the Helsinki agreements is based on the fact that it was the Warsaw Pact countries and a Soviet [agent of influence] who initiated and pressed for the [negotiations]…

‘Liberalization’ in Eastern Europe would probably involve the return to power in Czechoslovakia of Dubcek and his associates. If it should be extended to East Germany, demolition of the Berlin Wall might even be contemplated…

Western acceptance of the new ‘liberalization’ as genuine would create favorable conditions for the fulfillment of Communist strategy for the United States, Western Europe, and even, perhaps, Japan… Euro-Communism would be revived. The pressure for united fronts between Communist and socialist parties and trade unions at the national and international level would be intensified.

This time, the socialists might finally fall into the trap. United front governments under strong Communist influence might well come to power in France, Italy, and possibly other countries. Elsewhere the fortunes and influence of Communist Parties would be much revived. The bulk of Europe might well turn to left-wing socialism, leaving only a few pockets of conservative resistance.

Pressure could well grow for a solution of the German problem in which some form of confederation between East and West Germany would be combined with neutralization of the whole and a treaty of friendship with the Soviet Union. France and Italy, under united front governments, would throw in their lot with Germany and the Soviet Union. Britain would be confronted with a choice between a neutral Europe and the United States.

NATO could hardly survive this process. The Czechoslovaks, in contrast with their performance in 1968, might well take the initiative, along with the Romanians and Yugoslavs, in proposing (in the Helsinki context) the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in return for the dissolution of NATO.

The disappearance of the Warsaw Pact would have little effect on the coordination of the Communist bloc, but the dissolution of NATO could well mean the departure of American forces from the European continent and a closer European alignment with a ‘liberalized’ Soviet Bloc. Perhaps in the long run, a similar process might affect the relationship between the United States and Japan leading to abrogation of the security pact between them.

The EEC [EU] on present lines, even if enlarged, would not be a barrier to the neutralization of Europe and the withdrawal of American troops. It might even accelerate the process. The acceptance of the EEC by Eurocommunist parties in the 1970s, following a period of opposition in the 1960s, suggests that this view is shared by the communist strategists. The efforts by the Yugoslavs and Romanians to create stronger links with the EEC should be seen, not as inimical to Soviet interests, but as the first step in laying the foundations for the merger between EEC and COMECON. The European Parliament might become an all-European socialist parliament with representation from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. ‘Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals’ would turn out to be a neutral, socialist Europe.

The United States, betrayed by her former European allies, would tend to withdraw into fortress America or, with the few remaining conservative countries, including perhaps Japan, would seek and alliance with China as the only counterweight to Soviet power.”

Page 348: “The timing of the release of the Solidarity leader and the news of the appointment of Adropov confirm… that the ‘liberalization’ will not be limited to the USSR, but will be expanded to Eastern Europe and particularly Poland. The experiment with ‘renewal’ in Poland will be repeated again.

This time, however, it will be with full strategic initiatives and implications against Western Europe and NATO. The appointment of Andropov, the release of the Solidarity leader, and the invitation to the Pope to visit Poland in June 1983, made by the Polish government, all indicate that the Communist strategists are probably planning the re-emergence of Solidarity and the creation of a quasi-social democratic government in Poland (a coalition of the Communist Party, the trade unions, and the churches) and political and economic reforms in the USSR for 1984 and afterward.”

Pages 349-350: “How will the Western German social democrats respond when the Communist regimes begin their ‘liberalization’ by making concessions on human rights, such as easing emigration, granting amnesty for the dissidents, or removing the Berlin Wall? One can expect that the Soviet agents of influence in Western Europe, drawing on these developments, will become more active.

It is more than likely that these cosmetic steps will be taken as genuine by the West and will trigger a reunification and neutralization of Western Germany and further collapse of NATO. The pressure on the United States for concessions on disarmament and accommodation with the Soviets will increase.

During this period there might be an extensive display of the fictional struggle for power in the Soviet leadership. One cannot exclude that at the next Party Congress or earlier, Andropov will be replaced by a younger leader with a more liberal image who will continue the so-called ‘liberalization’ more intensively…

In is not inconceivable that the Soviets will make concessions on Afghanistan in order to gain new strategic advantages.”

Additional Predictions on ‘perestroika’ in Golitsyn’s memoranda to the CIA(Taken from declassified memos published in Golitsyn’s second book The Perestroika Deception, 1995)

July 4, 1984: ‘At this time, the Soviet Strategists may replace the old leader, Konstantin Chernenko, who is actually only a figurehead, with a younger Soviet leader who was chosen some time ago as his successor, namely Comrade Gorbachev. One of his major tasks will be to implement the so-called liberalization. The strategists may also replace the old ‘hardliner’ Andrei Gromyko with a younger ‘soft-liner’…The new Soviet leadership may introduce economic reforms and striking political initiatives in order to project a clear message that the changes in the Soviet leadership and in Soviet policy require changes in US leadership, in US military policy and in the US budget. Inasmuch as both conservatives and liberals are confused by strategic disinformation about Soviet strategic intentions, it is possible that these manoeuvres, assisted by Soviet agents of influence, will be successful.’

July 5, 1985: ‘The changes in the Soviet leadership should be seen, not as indicating the consolidation by Gorbachev of his personal power, but as meeting the requirements of strategy. The appointment of Gromyko as President and of Eduard Shevardnadze as Minister of Foreign Affairs should be viewed as preparation for the coming programme of calculated economic and political reform which has already been described. Shevardnadze was chosen because of his experience as Minister of Internal Affairs in Georgia during the 1970s. His role will be to link the strategy of so-called “liberalization” with the strategies of Europe and disarmament. In all probability, the model for his appointment was Janos Kadar in Hungary. It was Kadar, the Minister of the Interior under the old regime, who launched the so-called liberalization in Hungary. Gromyko’s image as an old Stalinist would have made him unsuitable for the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs during “liberalization”. But his promotion to the Presidency is very important. It is a mistake to regard the position of President of the Soviet Union as purely ceremonial. Since the adoption of the present long-range policy in 1960, the Soviet President, then Brezhnev, later Podgorniy, has played an important role in the execution of that policy. As a member of the Politburo, Gromyko will provide Gorbachev with important advice on strategy. As President, he will use his exalted position to give guidance to Soviet agents of influence among heads of state in Europe and the Third World’.

August 1985: ‘There are no valid grounds for favourable illusions or for the euphoria in the West over the Gorbachev appointment and the coming ‘liberalisation’. In fact, these developments may present a major challenge and serious test for the United States’ leadership and for the West. The liberalization will not be spontaneous nor will it be genuine. It will be a calculated liberalization patterned along the lines of the Czechoslovak ‘democratisation’ which was rehearsed in 1968. It will be initiated from above and will be guided and controlled by the KGB and the Party apparatus. The ‘liberalisation’ will include the following elements:

(a) Economic reforms to decentralize the Soviet economy and to introduce profit incentives on the lines of those in Hungary and China. Since Gorbachev is a Soviet agricultural expert, one can expect a reorganization of the kolkhozy or collective farms into sovkhozy or state farms. In fact, Lavrentiy Beria was already planning the liquidation of the kolkhozy in 1953.
(b) Religious relaxation along the lines of Iosif Stalin’s relaxation during the Second World War. The recent sensational Soviet invitation to the Reverend Billy Graham to preach in Soviet churches indicates that the Soviet strategists have already introduced this element and have not waited for the formal installation of Gorbachev as Party leader.
(c) Permission for a group of Jewish émigrés to leave the USSR.
(d) Relaxation of travel restrictions to allow Soviet citizens to make visits abroad. This will be done to impress the West with the Soviet government’s compliance with the Helsinki agreements.
(e) Some relaxation for Soviet intellectuals and cultural defectors. Soviet writers and producers will be permitted to write books and produce plays on controversial subjects. Cultural defectors, musicians and dancers will be allowed to perform in the USSR and to travel abroad, thus getting the best of both worlds. One can expect that amnesty will be declared for the so-called dissidents.
(f) Some reduction in the military budget and the transfer of some military funds to improve the state economy’.

‘If presented and advertised by the innocent and uninitiated media as major radical change in the Communist system, the “liberalization” will allow the Communist leaders immediately to regain the political initiative and to revive the political and diplomatic détente which was so disastrous for the West and so beneficial to the Communists in the past. The charismatic personality of Gorbachev may play an important role in the over-reaction of the Western media’.

‘The Soviet “liberalization” is a major part of the strategy of the whole Communist Bloc, and particularly of Poland and East Germany, against the West. The main objective is to launch a political offensive against the United States and NATO and to develop a military détente in Europe by changing the political and military situation. This strategy is designed to accomplish the following:
(a) To bring about a “German Confederation” of East and West Germany and withdrawal from both the Warsaw Pact and NATO.
(b) To break up NATO and force a United States withdrawal from Europe’.

‘One can expect that, in order to accomplish their objectives, a similar “liberalisation” will be introduced in Poland and East Germany.

‘Presented and advertised as a new reality in Europe, the Soviet, Polish and East German “liberalization” will have a stunning and mesmerizing effect on both West Europeans and Americans. The resulting confusion will be exploited by the Soviet, Polish and East German leaders through their activist diplomacy especially towards West Germany. Czechoslovak, Hungarian and Romanian leaders may actively contribute to this strategy…’

‘The “liberalization” in the USSR, Poland and East Germany may set off a chain reaction in the West and inflict irreparable damage particularly on the NATO countries and the US military posture unless its true nature and role in Communist strategy are realized.’

‘The “liberalization” and its strategic manipulations, combined with overt and covert Communist operations, will also present problems for the leadership of the West. It will be aimed at confusing the Western leaders, splitting the West European allies from the United States and then splitting the people from their elected leaders. The leaders who are taken in by the “liberalization” can be expected to make erroneous and costly decisions, albeit unwittingly, in the interests of the Communists’.

Winter 1986: ‘The essence of the strategy is to introduce a calculated and controlled false democratization and to revive a discredited regime by giving it an attractive aspect and a “human face”. Its strategic objective is to generate support, good will and sympathy in the West and to exploit this sympathy in the West and to exploit this sympathy in order to shape new attitudes and new political realities which will favour Soviet interests. Another objective is to undercut and isolate traditional political parties and their leaders, particularly the conservatives and the realists in the West. A further objective is to shape new attitudes towards the Strategic Defence Initiative, the budget and the US military and to disarm the United States, basing these new attitudes on the premise that “the new regime which has emerged in the USSR is liberal and no longer poses any threat to the United States”. Given the surprise aspect of the Soviet Strategy, it may succeed. The possible implications of a failure to understand the essence of this strategy would be damaging to both the United States and Western Europe. The Americans, the West Europeans, their leaders and their military strategists would be influenced and misled by these developments all to the detriment of the national interests of the democracies. The probable impact on the West of such a Soviet revival would be equal to or greater than that of the October Revolution’.

‘The impact would in fact be greater and deeper because it would not be alarming but disarming for the West. The revival would become a significant influence in the political life of the United States and Western Europe. The revival might have a disproportionate influence on the attitudes of the democracies towards their military strategy, the NATO alliance and the Strategic Defence Initiative, all to the detriment of their national interests. It might eventually lead to the realization of the final goal of Soviet strategy, namely the convergence of the capitalist West with the Communist East on Soviet terms and the creation of a World Government as a solution to the arms race and nuclear confrontation’.

March 1987: ‘The USSR, China, Poland and probably East Germany are now in a position to launch a political and diplomatic offensive against the West to shatter its structure and its foundation…The next strategic moves will include: (a) Mass Jewish emigration intended to swing Western public opinion towards an acceptance of “democratization” as genuine; (b) The revival of “liberalization” in Poland and the introduction of economic reforms there; (c) New initiatives around the time of the Pope’s visit to the USSR; (d) An initiative leading towards German federation’.


March 1989 ‘The great majority of the predictions both in New Lies For Old and in my subsequent Memoranda to the CIA have proved accurate both in substance and in detail. The question arises: why were these predictions correct and why did Western experts fail to predict these developments? The answer lies in the different methods of analysis. The new method takes into account the adoption by the leaders of the Communist Bloc in the period 1958 to 1960 of a long-range strategy of which ‘perestroika’ is the logical culmination.’

‘The new method incorporates the following elements:

(a) The Author’s inside information on the adoption of the strategy, the essence of which was the revitalization of Communism through the economic and political reform of the earlier repressive Stalinist system.
(b) The Author’s inside information on Shelepin’s 1959 report allotting the KGB a crucial role in the new strategy, in particular the task of creating a controlled political opposition which would give the Soviet and other Communist regimes a more liberal image.
(c) The Author’s inside information that the Party and the KGB launched a programme of strategic disinformation to support their strategy.
(d) The Author’s twenty-eight years of experience in interpreting developments in the Communist world in the light of this knowledge.
(e) Study of the official documents of the 1958-60 period in which the long-range policy was openly expressed and approved.’

‘In addition to predictions on forthcoming ‘liberalisation’ in the Soviet Union, New Lies for Old contained a critique of Western methods of analysis and an account of the new method. It is worth mentioning that the late Sir John Rennie, at that time head of the British Secret Service, read the whole of the chapter on this subject in New York in 1968 and expressed the opinion that it should be published. He offered to help in arranging this through his friendship with Mr. Armstrong, then editor of Foreign Affairs. The Author acknowledges that he mistakenly declined this offer. When New Lies for Old was published in 1984, its message did not attract the attention of the American media and public.’

‘Only the late Mr. James Angleton and his colleagues in the ‘Intelligence and Security Foundation’ realized the importance of the book as the basis for understanding ‘perestroika’ and devoted three special reports to a review of the main ideas in the book on long-range strategy. In subsequent Memoranda to the CIA, the Author emphasized that ‘perestroika’ is not Gorbachev’s invention but the logical culmination of the long-range strategy of 1958-1960’ (these dates fly in complete contradiction to the notion promoted by Soviet agents of influence and the naïve Western media that glasnost and perestroika were desperate last-ditch efforts initiated by the Soviet elites to save themselves from collapse—eds).

‘The new method applies ‘creative Leninist thinking’ to the analysis of Soviet strategy. Leninist thinking, freed from Stalinist dogma and stereotypes, continues to be a principal source of inspiration in the Soviet strategic approach to national and international problems. The new method augments Leninist thinking by taking three factors into account in its analysis: Vladimir Lenin’s introduction of a limited form of capitalism into the Soviet system in the 1920s in order to strengthen the drive for world Communist revolution; Felix Dzerzhinskiy’s creation of GPU-controlled ‘political opposition’ in the USSR in the same period and its introduction to Western intelligence services and general staffs for strategic political deception purposes; and the thirty years of Soviet experience in applying the strategy culminating in ‘perestroika’.


‘It was not in 1985 but in 1958 that the Communist leaders recognized, after the Hungarian and Polish revolts, that the Stalinist practice of mass repression had severely damaged the system and that radical measures were necessary to restore it. It was then that they decided to transform the Stalinist system into a more attractive form of ‘Communist democracy’.

‘It was not in 1985 but in 1958 that the Communist leaders accepted that their economic system was ineffective and lagging behind the West in productivity. It was then that they decided that it would have to be revived through the introduction of market incentives.’
‘It was then that the Communist leaders realized that Communism could not be spread abroad against a background of fear and mass repression and that world Communist victory could only be achieved by transforming the Soviet and other Communist regimes into a form more attractive to the West.’

‘It was during 1958-1960 that the Communist leaders envisaged the convergence of restructured and transformed capitalist systems leading ultimately to one system of World Government. Taking account of the military strength of NATO, the Communist leaders decided to build up their military strength as a guarantee of the success of their programme of domestic ‘reform’ and as a pressure weapon for disarmament negotiations with the West and the execution of their strategy of convergence.’

‘Accepting the necessity for stability in the political leadership of the USSR for the execution of the long-range strategy, the Soviet leaders rejected Stalin’s practice of eliminating his rivals and reverted to Lenin’s style of leadership. They solved the problem through the selection by the Central Committee of Nikita Khrushchev’s successor in advance of Khrushchev’s own retirement. Leonid Brezhnev had already been chosen in this way in July 1960 when he was made President and was given a special briefing by the Chairman of the KGB in preparation for the new responsibilities he would be assuming when Khrushchev stepped down.’

‘A common commitment to the long-range strategy itself became a factor in the prevention of further power struggles. Western experts failed to understand this because Khrushchev’s retirement was deliberately misrepresented by the Soviet leaders to the West as his dismissal.’

‘In this and in other ways, the origin of the long-range deception strategy of ‘perestroika’ was successfully concealed.’

(I am skipping Golitsyn’s rather lengthy review of Soviet research and preparation for the new long-range strategy, or perestroika. Instead, I pick up where Golitsyn talks about experiments and rehearsals for perestroika).


‘Since 1959 the Communist bloc Parties and governments have been involved in practical experiments and rehearsals for separate elements of ‘perestroika’ in different countries in preparation for its introduction overall.’

‘The most important of these experiments and rehearsals were:

· An attempt at ‘liberalisation’ in the early 1960s under Khurshchev.
· Publication of an article about market economics by Professor Yevsei Liberman and experiments with firms and ‘trusts’ in 1962 (along the same lines as Lenin’s NEP experiments in the 1920s—eds).
· Alexei Kosygin’s economic reforms in 1965.
· Alleged ‘Romanian independence’ from the early 1960s onwards.
· The ‘Cultural Revolution’ in China—in fact a campaign of ideological and political re-education and a preparation of the inexperienced and inept Chinese Party bureaucracy for détente with the capitalist West.
· ‘Democratisation’ in Czechoslovakia in 1968.
· Legalisation by the Polish Communist Party of Solidarity in 1980.
· The introduction of capitalist incentives in China and Hungary during the 1070s and the 1980s.’

‘The Soviet strategists studied the performance, outcome, lessons and mistakes of these experiments and rehearsals. No doubt, they drew proper, practical conclusions from the excesses of the ‘Cultural Revolution’ in China and the loss of control over the experiments with ‘democratisation’ in Czechoslovakia and Solidarity in Poland. They probably also drew conclusions from the painful experiences of Yugoslavia. The experience gained was of enormous benefit for influencing the introduction of ‘perestroika’ in all its elements in their totality in the USSR.’

‘The development and execution of the strategy over a thirty-years period has strengthened Soviet power militarily, politically and, with Western help, economically. The Author strongly disagrees with Brzezinki’s assessment that the USSR is collapsing. The execution of the strategy has broadened the political base of the Communist Party in the Russian and other national Republics.’

‘Careful preparation has created the conditions for overall ‘perestroika’ and the transition of the regime in the most powerful and experienced of the socialist countries to a phase of ‘Communist democracy’.

‘Naturally, the Soviet leaders seek to avoid alerting the West to what is happening by describing the process in these terms.’

‘From the time the strategy was adopted, the Party leadership made it clear to its technocrats, bureaucrats, military and intellectuals that the requirements of the strategy are paramount for their activities and the assessment of their performance. Because of these demands and Party discipline, there can be no genuine opposition among conservatives in the Party, the military or the technocracy.’

‘Bold experiments and successful execution of the strategy in the USSR, Eastern Europe and Communist China have given Party leaders, KGB officials, generals, technocrats and leading intellectuals a political maturity and sophistication which they have revealed in ‘perestroika’.

‘Because of their longer historical experience, their greater political, economic and military potential and their thorough preparation, the Communist strategists and the ruling elite are confident that they can guide and lead their people without the loss of control which occurred in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and in Poland (1981). However, in the event of control nonetheless being endangered in given contexts, the situation will be retrieved in the usual manner—by means of military repression.’


‘The new method sees ‘perestroika’, not as a surprising and spontaneous change, but as the logical result of thirty years of preparation and as the next and final phase of the strategy: it sees it in a broader context than Soviet ‘openness’ has revealed.’

‘It sees it, not only as a renewal of Soviet society, but as a global strategic design for ‘restructuring’ the entire capitalist world.’

‘The following strategic objectives of ‘perestroika’ may be distinguished:

For the USSR
(a) ‘Restructuring’ and revitalization of the Soviet socialist economy through the incorporation of some elements of the market economy.
(b) ‘Restructuring’ of the Stalinist regime into a form of ‘Communist democracy’ with an appearance of political pluralism [= ‘democratism’, or false democracy].
(c) ‘Reconsructing’ a repressive regime with a brutal face into an attractive socialist model with a human façade and seeming similarity to the Swedish social democratic system.’

For Eastern Europe

‘Economic and political ‘restructuring’ of the existing regimes into pseudo-social democratic models while preserving specific national historical features such as the strong Catholic Socialist tradition in Poland and the pre-war democratic tradition in Czechoslovakia.’

For Western Europe

(a) ‘Bringing about a new political alliance between the pseudo-social democratic regimes in the USSR and Eastern Europe and the Euro-Communist parties and genuine social democratic parties in Western Europe.
(b) ‘Restructuring’ political and military blocs—NATO and the Warsaw Pact—and the creation of a singe ‘Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals’ incorporating a reunited, neutral Germany.’

For the main US alliances

(a) ‘Splitting the United States, Western Europe and Japan.
(b) Dissolution of NATO and the US-Japan security pact, and the withdrawal of US troops from Western Europe and Japan.’

For Third World countries

‘The introduction and promotion of a new Soviet model with a mixed economy and a human face in Latin America, Africa and Asia through a joint campaign by the pseudo-social democratic regimes of the USSR and Eastern Europe and the genuine social democrats of Western Europe led by the Socialist International.’

For the United States

(a) ‘To neutralize the influence of the anti-Communist political right in the American political parties and to create favourable conditions for a victory of the radical left in the 1992 US presidential elections (In this context, Clinton’s stay with top Communists in Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union during the latter part of the Vietnam war has profound and disturbing implications--eds).
(b) To ‘restructure’ the American military, political, economic and social status quo to accommodate greater convergence between the Soviet and American systems and the eventual creation of a single World Government.’

The paramount global objective

‘The paramount global objective of the strategy of ‘perestroika’ is to weaken and neutralize anti-Communist ideology and the influence of anti-Communists in political life in the United States, Western Europe and elsewhere—presenting them as anachronistic survivors of the Cold War, reactionaries and obstacles to ‘restructuring’ and peace. Anyone who warns about Moscow’s true objectives is automatically branded a ‘Cold Warrior’, even by people who have doubts about Moscow’s motives.’


‘The new method penetrates the façade, tears the verbal mask off ‘perestroika’ and reveals its true meaning—which Gorbachev and ‘glasnost’ have failed to do. Lenin’s teaching and the experience of the New Economic Policy [NEP] are keys to understanding the essence of ‘persestroika’ and the reasons for Gorbachev’s downgrading and renunciation of elements of ideological orthodoxy like the class struggle and his emphasis on common interests and the benefits of close cooperation.’

‘Lenin advised the Communists that they must be prepared to ‘resort to all sorts of stratagems, manoeuvres, illegal methods, evasions and subterfuge’ to achieve their objectives. This advice was given on the eve of his reintroduction of limited capitalism in Russia in his work ‘Left Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder’.

‘The new method sees ‘perestroika’ as an application of Lenin’s advice in new conditions. Another speech of Lenin’s in the NEP period at the Comintern Congress in July 1921 is again highly relevant to understanding ‘perestroika’. ‘Our only strategy at present’, wrote Lenin, ‘is to become stronger and, therefore, wiser, more reasonable, more opportunistic. The more opportunistic, the sooner will you again assemble the masses around you. When we have won over the masses by our reasonable approach, we shall then apply offensive tactics in the strictest sense of the word.’

THE WORLDWIDE COMMUNIST FEDERATION (should they succeed…taken from Golitsyn’s book New Lies For Old, 1984)

‘Integration of the Communist Bloc would follow the lines envisaged by Lenin when the Third Communist International was founded. That is to say, the Soviet Union and China would not absorb one another or other Communist states. All the countries of the European and Asiatic Communist zones, together with new Communist states in Europe and the Third World, would join a supranational economic and political Communist federation (this is precisely what the Soviets have in mind for the impending EU collective--eds). Soviet-Albanian, Soviet-Yugoslav, and Soviet-Romanian disputes and ‘differences’ would be resolved in the wake, or possibly in advance of, Sino-Soviet reconciliation (Golitsyn goes to great lengths in previous chapters to show how the split between the Soviets and the Chinese was completely healed immediately after Stalin’s death…however, they continued the illusion of a split to dupe the West into backing alternating sides, depending on circumstances—eds). The political, economic, military, diplomatic, and ideological cooperation between all the Communist states, at present partially concealed, would become clearly visible. There might even be public acknowledgment that the splits and disputes were long-term disinformation operations that had successfully deceived the “imperialist” powers. The effect on Western morale can be imagined’ (the Soviets have employed this tactic on numerous occasions—eds).

‘In the new worldwide Communist federation the present different brands of Communism would disappear, to be replaced by a uniform, rigorous brand of Leninism. The process would be painful. Concessions made in the name of economic and political reform would be withdrawn. Religious and intellectual dissent would be suppressed. Nationalism and all other forms of genuine oppositions would be crushed. Those who had taken advantage of détente to establish friendly Western contacts would be rebuked or persecuted like those Soviet officers who worked with the Allies during the Second World War. In new Communist states—for example, in France, Italy, and the Third World—the “alienated classes” would be reeducated. Show trials of “imperialist agents” would be staged. Action would be taken against nationalist and social democratic leaders, party activists, former civil servants, officers, and priests. The last vestiges of private enterprise and ownership would be obliterated. Nationalization of industry, finance, and agriculture would be completed. In fact, all the totalitarian features familiar from the early stages of the Soviet revolution and the postwar Stalinist years in Eastern Europe might be expected to reappear, especially in those countries newly won for Communism. Unchallenged and unchallengeable, a true Communist monolith would dominate the world.’

64 posted on 10/23/2004 5:12:58 PM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: TapTheSource

Also from Riebling's "Wedge", 1994 edition, p. 224:

". . .Hoover had come to suspect that the main source of the mole allegations, Anatoily Golitsyn, might himself be a disinformant under KGB control. . .the Director of the FBI had stated that in his opinion Golitsyn himself was a provocateur and a penetration agent."

65 posted on 10/23/2004 5:26:41 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: Fedora

Yes, I am aware of Hoover's assessment. But in the end, Golitsyn's predictions proved correct, whereas the defectors Hoover relied on to discredit Golitsyn proved to be phony.

See link:

66 posted on 10/23/2004 5:36:47 PM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: Fedora

PS Have you read Golitsyn's books?

67 posted on 10/23/2004 5:38:15 PM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: TapTheSource; dennisw
I remember about 2 years ago when all hell broke loose around here when I suggested Russian 'NUKECASES' were being sold by the Russians to Islamic terrorists.

My, my, my how times have changed.

68 posted on 10/23/2004 5:44:20 PM PDT by Happy2BMe (Just 10 Days Until November 2nd, 2004)
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To: Happy2BMe

"My, my, my how times have changed."

Thus the title of Golitsyn's book: New Lies For Old!

69 posted on 10/23/2004 5:45:46 PM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: TapTheSource

"Yes, I am aware of Hoover's assessment. But in the end, Golitsyn's predictions proved correct, whereas the defectors Hoover's relied on proved to be phony."

So some argue. I would argue differently. In any case, part of my point is that because of this type of issue, it's unadvisable to rely too heavily on defectors' claims. I prefer to start with data that can be established independently of what defectors allege. The whole subject you're broaching can be studied productively independently of the Golitsyn controversy.

70 posted on 10/23/2004 5:46:21 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: TapTheSource
I'm familiar with The Perestroika Deception. Haven't read his other stuff yet. Will try to get ahold of it soon for future discussion--after the election, since I'm a bit wrapped up in that right now.
71 posted on 10/23/2004 5:51:13 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: Fedora

Selected Quotes I thought you might be interested in:

“Federation is a transitional form towards the complete union…of all nations”
Thesis on the National and Colonial Questions adopted by the Second Comintern Congress, July 28, 1920

“The aim of socialism is not only to abolish the present division of mankind into small states, and all national isolation, not only to bring the nations closer to each other, but also to merge them…The merging of states is inevitable.”
V.I. Lenin, Imperialism and the Right to Self-determination, cited in a paper by the British Communist R. Palme Dutt, published in 1949 by International Publishers, New York.

“The right of self-determination, the stage of possible separation or alternatively federation is, Lenin insisted, only a prelude or transition to the ultimate aim of the merging of nations.”
R. Palme Dutt, British Communist, International Publishers, New York, 1949.

An example…is what is happening in the Soviet Union. Separation must come before integration.”
The United Nations in the 1990s: A Second Chance?, Max Jakobson, Twentieth Century Fund [UN front group], 1993, page 123.

“The Soviet United States of Europe is the only correct slogan pointing the way out from European disunity, a disunity which threatens not only Germany but the whole of Europe with complete structural and cultural decline.”
Leon Trotsky, writing in his journal The Bulletin of the Opposition, Number 17-18, November-December 1930, page 53.

“[The aim is to] carry forward the ideas of the New World Order.”
Karl Marx, cited in Karl Marx and the United States, James E Jackson, International Publishers, New York, July 1983.

“The transition step to the New World Social Order involves merging the newly captive nations into regional governments.”
F. Petrenko and V. Popov, Soviet Foreign Policy, Objectives and Principles, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1985.

“The objective of Communist strategy is [to set up] the New World Social Order.”
William Z. Foster, Toward Soviet America, 1932

“We set ourselves the ultimate aim of destroying the state.”
V.I. Lenin, State and Revolution, International Publishers, New York, 1961 Edition, page 68.

“Our vision of the European space from the Atlantic to the Urals is not that of a closed system. Since it includes the Soviet Union [sic: he said this six month after the USSR had ‘ceased to exist’], which reaches to the shores of the Pacific, it goes beyond nominal geographical boundaries.”
Mikhail Gorbachev, Nobel Peace Prize Lecture, Oslo, June 1992.

72 posted on 10/23/2004 6:02:07 PM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: TapTheSource; Calpernia; Velveeta; Alabama MOM; Revel; lacylu; SevenofNine; Letitring; Honestly; ...

Your post #64 and the Communist Manifesto 1963, makes a full game plan, for the take over of the entire world.

Thank you for the work that you have put into this post, my wish is as yours is, that many will read and understand what it really means to our country.

73 posted on 10/23/2004 6:07:07 PM PDT by nw_arizona_granny (On this day your Prayers are needed!!!!!!!)
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To: TapTheSource
Selected Quotes I thought you might be interested in:

Thanks. Destroying the nation-state is certainly a long-term goal of Communism. Speaking of Gorbachev, his work with the Green Cross International ( is of interest in this context. I think one of Communism's post-Gorbachev strategies was to regroup around the environmentalist movement and penetrate the Euro-American left through the Green Party in esp. the former East Germany.

74 posted on 10/23/2004 6:12:54 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: nw_arizona_granny

Thank you NW Granny!

Just trying to do my part to inform the electorate :o)

75 posted on 10/23/2004 6:13:34 PM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: Fedora

"I think one of Communism's post-Gorbachev strategies was to regroup around the environmentalist movement and penetrate the Euro-American left through the Green Party in esp. the former East Germany."

Good link. I have often wondered why Putin has suddenly reversed himself and agreed to sign the Kyoto protocol. Strikes me as a bald-faced attempt to increase pressure on Pres. Bush to sign. After all, unlike the US, Russia will be able to violate Kyoto with relative ease...whereas the US economy will be significantly hampered by the same.

76 posted on 10/23/2004 6:19:23 PM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: TapTheSource

I think Kyoto is certainly aimed at the US economy. Besides the Communist movement, it also benefits capitalist rivals of US corporations.

77 posted on 10/23/2004 6:35:55 PM PDT by Fedora
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To: TapTheSource
Reading old articles on the Swift Boat and WinterSoldier websites, I believe I read that one of Kerry's objectives even back in the late 60's and 70's was to rid us of the CIA. We all know what high regard he has for his fellow comrades as well.
78 posted on 10/23/2004 6:50:53 PM PDT by ladyinred (John Kerry is flipping off America!)
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To: ladyinred

"I believe I read that one of Kerry's objectives even back in the late 60's and 70's was to rid us of the CIA."

Not only that, Kerry has a history of supporting Communist revolution in Vietnam, Grenada, Nicaragua, Haiti, etc. No wonder he wants to gut the CIA.

79 posted on 10/23/2004 6:54:09 PM PDT by TapTheSource
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To: FairOpinion
I personally think that McCarthy was right.

Today, the "left-over" communists who have infiltrated the CIA, the State Department, not to mention the Democratic Party are continuing to work towards the communist ideals of world government and destroying the US. The Democrats have become their useful idiots.

Some may be handing me a tinfoil, about now, but I read some books from former Soviet and other E. European agents, who outlines some of this strategy in detail.

I'll tip my tin foil hat to you any day. You are dead on accurate about the commies infiltrating every aspect of our government and they have most certainly taken over the democrat party. The sad part is that only you and I, along with a few other FReepers will acknowledge this truth....
80 posted on 10/23/2004 7:00:57 PM PDT by demkicker (I'm Ra th er sick of Dan)
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