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Statement of Larry Bailey - Vietnam Vets for the Truth - Press Conference - Sept. 7, 2004
Larry Bailey - Vietnam Vets for the Truth | September 7, 2004 | Larry Bailey (prepared statement for press conference)

Posted on 09/08/2004 4:57:32 PM PDT by tgslTakoma

Welcome! My name is Larry Bailey, and I am a retired Navy SEAL Captain. I was in Vietnam in 1967 and participated in the Dominican Republic invasion in 1965. I also commanded the SEAL school in Coronado, CA.

I am the President of an organization named Vietnam Vets for the Truth, LLC. Please note the similarity in names with a group much in the news, Swift Boat Veterans for Truth; I wish to emphasize that we are completely different and separate groups that were organized independent of one another. We do, however, support them completely.

We are an incorporated 527 PAC composed of Vietnam veterans opposed to John Kerry.

We will hold a rally we call “Kerry Lied . . . While Good Men Died” on Sunday, September 12, at 2 PM just north of the US Capitol building in the Upper Senate Park. Ten speakers will tell some of the true stories about the virtues of Vietnam veterans and contrast them with the lies told by John Kerry. We will identify those speakers in a few moments.

Much has been said by the news media about the Swiftees being a front for the Bush campaign. We know those guys, and we know that is not true. More importantly from our perspective, we have no connection whatever to the Bush administration or the Bush campaign. In fact, we never even TALK to anyone connected with either the Republican Party or the Bush/Cheny campaign. And regarding fundraising, the most any single donor has contributed is $1000.00, while the least is $2.50. We have raised about just a bit over $70,000, with the average contribution being just under $100.00.

I know this is hard for many reporters to understand or believe, but this is not a matter of politics. We would be doing this same thing if John Kerry were a Republican. And as much as we respect the office of the Presidency, if the President himself called and asked us to cease and desist, we could not do so. This is a matter of honor--a matter of Kerry’s betrayal, a matter of concern for our country. And it is also deeply personal.

The Swiftee officers knew Kerry in Vietnam; they ate with him, slept in the same quarters with him, and watched him on patrol. We will leave to them the comments about his actions in Vietnam, because they observed him there; we did not. Our quarrel with John Kerry is based solely on his actions when he returned from Vietnam. I want to summarize two of those things for you very briefly.

NUMBER 1 - John Kerry joined—no, he FORMED—VVAW, part of the radical left wing of the anti-war movement, and the things he said and did make him responsible, more than any other individual, for the false image of Vietnam veterans as babykillers or violent misfits prone to drug abuse.

John Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971; he told America and the world; and most despicably, he told our wives, our parents, and our children that we were rapists, torturers and murderers. And he told other outrageous lies, as well.

He said America’s actions in Vietnam were criminal.

He said most troops in Vietnam were on drugs.

He said the Vietnamese people didn’t care whether their government was democratic or Communist.

He said America “murdered” over 200,000 Vietnamese every year.

He said he was ashamed of his service, which must have been a lie, because he now says he is proud of it.

These and other things Kerry said were a smear on the laudable service of a generation of young Americans in Vietnam. We have carried the stain of his lies for decades, but the smear on our dead brothers, whose names are carved on a black granite wall, is far worse.

NUMBER 2 - The insult to us and to our dead comrades is not the worst part of John Kerry’s action. The worst part is that he gave aid and comfort to our enemy while America’s sons were still dying. All the false things he said about us encouraged our enemy to be patient, even when their losses were devastating. We believe there are thousands of names on that black granite wall because of John Kerry and others like him.

Kerry went to Paris in 1970 to meet with our enemy’s representative, Madame Nguyen Thi Binh, in violation of US law, while hostilities were ongoing and while he was still a commissioned officer in the US Naval Reserve. Kerry returned to the US and publicly advocated the enemy’s position and decried our own.

Our POWs heard the words of John Kerry from their interrogators as they were pressured and threatened to confess to committing non-existent war crimes.

This is a story of betrayal. John Kerry betrayed us, he betrayed his country, and, because of his status as a Naval officer, we believe his betrayal was far worse than Jane Fonda’s.

But we have never forgiven, we have never forgotten, and America needs to face these facts before the November election.

My fellow Vietnam veteran, Terry Garlock, who first proposed the idea of the “Kerry Lied” Rally, will now share his observations. He will be followed by another “winner” of the Purple Heart, Attorney Dexter Lehtinen of Miami and by VVT’s volunteer Media Affairs Director, Jeff Epstein, who is NOT a veteran. But I’ll let him address that issue.


TOPICS: Front Page News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: dcrally; kerry; kerrylied; realheroes; sbv; vietnam; vietnamvets; vv4truth
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Capt. Bailey (USN-Ret.) emailed his press conference statement to Kristinn today, for posting here at FR. For technical reasons, I'm doing the posting for Kristinn.

My comment to Capt. Bailey: Thank you for your service to our country, past and present. - tgslT

1 posted on 09/08/2004 4:57:33 PM PDT by tgslTakoma
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To: tgslTakoma

The public should know about this.

2 posted on 09/08/2004 4:58:57 PM PDT by BunnySlippers ("F" Stands for FLIP-FLOP ...)
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To: All; kristinn
I'm not sure if any of the other speakers have statements that they would like posted on this thread.


3 posted on 09/08/2004 4:59:36 PM PDT by tgslTakoma
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To: tgslTakoma

"We will hold a rally we call “Kerry Lied . . . While Good Men Died” on Sunday, September 12, at 2 PM just north of the US Capitol building in the Upper Senate Park. Ten speakers will tell some of the true stories about the virtues of Vietnam veterans and contrast them with the lies told by John Kerry. We will identify those speakers in a few moments. "

Details and downloadable flier at :

4 posted on 09/08/2004 5:04:39 PM PDT by QQQQQ
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To: tgslTakoma

Big Veterans for Truth bump!!

5 posted on 09/08/2004 5:04:40 PM PDT by Rabid Dog (Make a difference in your community - Join your local Free Republic Chapter!)
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To: tgslTakoma

Very articulate. Excellent summary and points.

I bet the MSM is going to try to bury this, if they mention it at all.

6 posted on 09/08/2004 5:05:20 PM PDT by QQQQQ
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To: MeekOneGOP; Howlin; Bob J; Miss Marple; Bahbah; Brad's Gramma; kitkat; ohioWfan; ilovew; ...

Press release from Vietnam Vets for the Truth....Let's get the word out.

7 posted on 09/08/2004 5:08:24 PM PDT by hoosiermama (Bush Democrats = Zell's Angels)
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To: BunnySlippers
I saw that Rush Limbaugh gave the upcoming Kerry Lied rally (this Sunday, September 12, 2 - 4pm, in DC) a plug on his show today. Link here.
8 posted on 09/08/2004 5:08:45 PM PDT by tgslTakoma
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To: tgslTakoma
We will hold a rally we call “Kerry Lied . . . While Good Men Died” on Sunday, September 12, at 2 PM just north of the US Capitol building in the Upper Senate Park. Ten speakers will tell some of the true stories about the virtues of Vietnam veterans...hope C-Span has been contacted and plans to have their crew there - for sure none of the other media will cover it......
9 posted on 09/08/2004 5:13:36 PM PDT by Intolerant in NJ
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To: hoosiermama

Big God bless our troops and our vets bump.

10 posted on 09/08/2004 5:14:36 PM PDT by Bahbah
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To: Bahbah

Ditto bump

11 posted on 09/08/2004 5:17:02 PM PDT by hoosiermama (Bush Democrats = Zell's Angels)
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To: tgslTakoma

see you at the rally. anything planned for saturday?

12 posted on 09/08/2004 5:20:06 PM PDT by North Coast Conservative (Never Take a Gun to a Gunfight That Is Less Than .40 Cal)
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To: tgslTakoma


13 posted on 09/08/2004 5:21:46 PM PDT by fedupjohn
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To: tgslTakoma; hoosiermama; Alamo-Girl; onyx; ALOHA RONNIE; SpookBrat; Republican Wildcat; Howlin; ...
Statement of Larry Bailey - Vietnam Vets for
the Truth - Press Conference - Sept. 7, 2004

Please let me know if you want ON or OFF my General Interest ping list!. . .don't be shy.

14 posted on 09/08/2004 5:33:12 PM PDT by MeekOneGOP (There is only one GOOD 'RAT: one that has been voted OUT of POWER !! Straight ticket GOP!)
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To: tgslTakoma

Forwarded to everyone in my email address book. Thanks for sharing.

15 posted on 09/08/2004 5:35:15 PM PDT by lilylangtree (Veni, Vidi, Vici)
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To: conspiratoristo
Kristinn posted a Hospitality Thread for FReepers Coming to the Kerry Lied Rally in D.C. this Weekend, with lots of information on it; including a link to VVT's welcome reception Saturday evening, for folks in town for the rally.

We don't want to step on their reception (I'm sure more than a few of us will attend that, and make a donation to their organization, too), so the DC Chapter is inviting all Freepers and friends (new VVT friends, too) to meet for Sunday brunch before the rally, at a hotel near the rally site. Does this all make sense?

See you Sunday at the rally and/or Saturday evening at VVT reception!

16 posted on 09/08/2004 5:41:24 PM PDT by tgslTakoma
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To: tgslTakoma

Ker-THUNK!! Whack! Whack! Whack!

(Another shoe drops . . . . . . another nail in Kerry's coffin)

Before this show is over, Kerry will regret that he ever made Vietnam the cornerstone of his candidacy. He has awakened a sleeping giant . . . . . .

And, that's the point. If he makes such a huge miscalculation as a candidate, how much worse would he be as a president? What miscalculations would he or his staff of 20,000 advisors make that would cause harm to the US?

I shudder to think.

17 posted on 09/08/2004 5:46:29 PM PDT by DustyMoment (Repeal CFR NOW!!)
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To: tgslTakoma
What a powerful statement by Capt. Bailey ... and God bless him for having the courage to speak up. My prayer is that out of this turmoil we are going through now will come the healing that wouldn't be necessary if it weren't for the words and actions of Kerry and his ilk decades ago. May the presentation of the truth now be a balm to the wounds that our Viet Nam vets have carried for so many years.

A cousin of my husband's served in Viet Nam in the US Army. We have never talked to him about his experiences and feelings because most Nam vets have preferred to keep their feelings to themselves.

However, today, he sent out an email to all in his address book. We have his permission to send his words out to others, through email or otherwise.

This Veteran’s Opinion

It is good to know that Senator John Kerry is a fellow Viet Nam Veteran, a medal winner. It is also interesting to remember that he testified before Congress against that War. He testified that he committed atrocities, witnessed atrocities, and that thousands of American soldiers committed atrocities. I do not find fault with his speaking against the War; that was his right. It is only Mr. Kerry’s last allegation, that thousands committed atrocities, with which I have an issue.

I remember Viet Nam too clearly. I never saw an American soldier commit an atrocity. To the contrary, I saw dead tired GI’s stop, smile, and gladly give their rations to hungry children. I saw American soldiers write home to get clothing for poor families. I saw our medics spend more time healing civilians than they did repairing us. I saw GI’s lay down their lives trying to save a nation under attack.

I also remember coming home clearly. We soldiers were labeled baby-killers, village-burners, dirt -- the lowest form of human excrement. John Kerry was young then; perhaps in his testimony before Congress he was anxious to make a political point. I could forgive young Kerry’s “thousand of atrocities” statement had he since said that maybe he misspoke. Maybe thousands upon thousands of Viet Nam Vets and the 50,000 American soldiers who died in Viet Nam are innocent of his charges. Maybe its time for John Kerry to correct the statements that helped label soldiers baby-killers, village-burners, dirt.

While I respect Senator Kerry’s record as a Naval Officer and appreciate his years in the United States Senate, he is not the kind of man that I could willingly call Mr. President, Commander-in-Chief of our military. Mr. Kerry’s words of thirty years ago hold meaning, deep meaning. Senator Kerry, you cannot verbally spit on a group of people and then expect to court them as a constituency.

18 posted on 09/08/2004 5:52:54 PM PDT by kayak (JFKerry "has fewer days at work this year than he has houses" - Tom DeLay)
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To: tgslTakoma

see you at the rally. anything planned for saturday?

19 posted on 09/08/2004 5:53:33 PM PDT by North Coast Conservative (Never Take a Gun to a Gunfight That Is Less Than .40 Cal)
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To: DustyMoment

Bump! - (Like your tagline.)

20 posted on 09/08/2004 5:54:03 PM PDT by Molly Pitcher
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