Posted on 08/12/2004 12:05:29 AM PDT by Lepidopteran
I am a swing voter, neither Republican nor Democrat. I supported President Bush in his response to September 11 and I supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But I like John Kerry's message about the need to do something about the people in this country who have no health insurance. It's a hard choice.
LOL! Good tagline.
Ahhh yes the infamous rice shrapnel...Yes you can get a purple heart with a chicken cluster...;)
I am truly honored to have been awarded a 7-O Level GOOOOOOOD from such a fine specimen of manhood as ye, King Prout.
In other words, thank you. :o)
I nevah saw such sausage!
>>I read a theory a while back that stated that political markets are no different than any other kind of market.
Good theory - I like it.....except the government doesn't earn any money...the only way they get money is by force.
"Because I am in the proccess of moving, and have been all summer.
It's all I do. boxes, and llamas.
I am having to do it slowly and by hand."
Moving llamas by hand must get very heavy after a while :)
[Uses 18 Dexterity to leap aside and avoid wrath of tiamat leaping through monitor :)]
So what have you been up to besides moving llamas and boxes? Done any good RPGing lately?
Thank you, someone who has sense. I wish we would pull out of the UN, it is terrible group...not at all working as intended....they think they should rule the world...HA! However no doubt with people like Kerry they will slowly gain that power until we have an AntiChrist as predicted in Bible.
Absolutely correct-I have no idea what purpose the UN serves. It doesn't stop genocide seems to me it empowers the evil empires of the 21st century and attempts to weaken the Unite States- the most benevolent super power in history.
If you are the person whose username is Lepidoptera on
the The History Channel discussion forum then you are
most definitely a world class-less troll, Lepi. Adding an
"n" doesn't cure bed wetting liberalism. If the username
is a coincidence then my apologies. If not, admit who and
what you are or tell your story walking.
I stand by my original message. I am a swing voter. I am neither Democrat nor Republican. People like me will decide the election whether you like it or not. Have the candidates spent much time campaigning in Oklahoma? No, because they know that Bush has it. Have the candidates spent a lot of time in Michigan and Ohio? You bet. They're called swing states.
I came to this forum because I wanted to hear the conservative viewpoint. I got my answer. The conservative viewpoint does not tolerate people like me. I was called a bed-wetting liberal, a dumbass, a fruitbat, a little popinjay, a loser disrupter, a narcissist, a wuss, a world class-less troll and many other things. Others called for me to be terminated with blasts of lightning and now the keyword ZOTBAIT has shown up on the thread I started.
There are over 40 million people in this country who have no health insurance. That is a problem. I NEVER said it would be free to cover them, but so many of you put those words in my mouth and then attacked me for saying so.
You all have not made a very good impression on me. I have many sources to make my decision in November. This forum is just one of many. No one outside of this forum gives a fig about what the Viking Kitty thinks and neither do I. I can be ZOTted as much as you all like, but I will still be a swing voter. Get over it.
I do want to thank the posters that were somewhat kind to me: Braveman, B JungNan, newgeezer, xzins, OrthodoxPresbyterian, backhoe, A CA Guy, GoLightly, coconutt2000, Lexinom and philman_36 (maybe). I have read your comments about socialized medicine. I just wish we could find a way to help those people who have no access to healthcare because they can't afford it. As the richest country in the world, shouldn't we be able to find a way to help them?
By the way, Watery Tart, that is a female Monarch butterfly. I can tell because it doesn't have the black wing spots that males have.
And no, I am not Lepidoptera. I am Lepidopteran. I guess there's another poster here that also knows something about the insect order.
Praising Kerry's health scare idea is not a good idea.
Stick around then, and get informed.
Kerry is a loser, a liar, and a pathological twit.
The guy he cites as being able to back up his story?
Never served a day under him.
"The conservative viewpoint does not tolerate people like
You said a lot more about yourself, Lepi, than you did about
conservatives. As if this website is representative of the
conservative viewpoint. What it is representative of is peo-
ple who are used to having phonies and pretenders show-up
here to play games.
Sorry, but your thread post gives you away. You never voted
for GW Bush and you're here to gather ammunition for your
other forum endeavors or your skin is too thin. I was also
labeled a "troll" when I dropped in to ask a question a
while back about Kerry's 1992 speech when he told the
Senate that Vietnam service (or the lack of) should not
disqualify Clinton from consideration for the presidency.
The fact sKerry is now using his Vietnam service as the
"centerpiece" of campaign should trump healthcare consider-
ations in the mind of anyone with three brain cells to
juggle. The man is a flip-flopping liar and the difference
between you and I is that what people say to or about me
on this or any other forum says nothing about conservatism
or liberalism. Hell, healthcare was an issue when GW ran
against Gore but you still claim to have voted for Bush.
In your case the regulars have reason to be suspect.
Sivad, I think I can respond to you. It's much easier than being expected to respond to a few hundred angry responses all at once.
You are right about one thing. I did not vote for Bush in 2000, even though I had little respect for Al Gore either. But then came September 11. I am enormously grateful to President Bush for how he handled the worst attack on our soil in history. I am not playing games. If I have a hand in removing him from office, it will most definitely not be out of malice.
I think I have more than three brain cells, though I am becoming accustomed to the conservative viewpoint that I am stupid if I don't agree with them. The liberals tell me the same thing. I am stupid if I would even consider voting for Bush. In my view, these are the real games and that is why I remain independent.
I have so much goodwill toward President Bush that all it would take would be for him to confront John Kerry on the issue of healthcare with a realistic proposal and he would have my vote right away. I too am suspicious of John Kerry touting his Vietnam record, but I don't think the man is a liar. He has elected by Americans and I don't believe that Americans are stupid.
Thanks for your response.
The pathological GROWTH of the trial lawyers-- with their frivolous law suits-- have directly impacted the ENTIRE health care system!
As a licensed health care professional, for many years--It's disgraceful to see the DEFENSIVE and COSTLY medicine which has given rise, to the shameful,confiscatory ,greedy travesty--foisted on the entire medical profession---and the ancillary services--ie--Hospitals, Laboratories,Nursing Homes,Emergency Rooms etc etc.
Kerry and Edwards are both lawyers!--Edwards has BILKED the above referenced entities--SHAMELESSLY--!
May I suggest that you EDUCATE yourself in a comprehensive manner--and we'll all be better off!
"He (Kerry) has (was) elected by Americans and I don't believe
that Americans are stupid."
People don't have to be stupid to be lied to. Bill Clinton
lied about Gennifer Flowers and also under oath. Regard-
less of what one may think of Clinton, the fact that some
people believed those lies does not make them stupid. If
anything makes them stupid IMO it is their failure to demand
that Clinton be held accountable once they learned the truth.
True, neither Bush, nor Kerry has addressed healthcare in a
meaningful manner. Apparently, Bush would prefer to cut costs
by, among other things, putting a crimp in mal-practice law-
suits. Kerry claims to believe that tax cuts to the wealthy
could be diverted to healthcare and that government should
have a major role in healthcare; more bureaucracy, lower
quality, government interference in healthcare choices but
everyone gets healthcare in some manner.
You could vote for Bush and work for tort reform. Or, you
could vote for Kerry and his "band of attornies" and get
government subsidized healthcare or, at least, a lot of
bluster in that direction.
Yeah Sivad, I realized my typo as soon as I posted it. I'm glad you understood what I was trying to say.
I have no interest in Gennifer Flowers or any other of Clinton's love interests. I don't even care if Clinton lied to protect himself. People do things like that when it comes to personal stuff.
But I do care about policy for this nation. Tort reforms are good and I support Bush on that. But what good will that do right now for the people in this country without health insurance who cannot see a doctor unless it becomes a crisis serious enough to send them to the local hospital emergency room? These people have no access to preventative medicine. Can you say that is a good thing as long as your political objectives are on track? The idea of providing every American with access to healthcare is not a socialist plot. It is something we as a nation should decide is the right thing to do. That's what I think.
The reason some people can't afford health insurance is because it is so expensive. The reason it is so expensive is because of all the government dollars we have poured into "free" health care in the past 35 years, increasing the demand on health care providers. High demand equals high cost. Another factor is the overwhelming cost of liability insurance as a result of the kinds of lawsuits brought by John Edwards. In the old days, health insurance only covered long term hospitalization. Now it covers everything.
I don't have the answer to the healthcare questions. I believe that the government is definitely not it.
If healthcare is handled by the government then instead of 40 million people not having access there would be 300 million with mediocre healthcare.
"I have no interest in Gennifer Flowers or any other of
Clinton's love interest."
If that is your position then you have already swallowed the
Kool-aid. If you chose to pretend that this was about Clin-
ton's love life and not about lieing under oath before a
grand jury then you really need to vote for Kerry. Please
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