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Locked on 08/24/2004 9:07:56 PM PDT by Admin Moderator, reason:
Thread Eighteen: |
Posted on 08/10/2004 12:58:27 AM PDT by JustPiper
![]() Credit: The Cabal The title refers to a daily report given to the president of the United States detailing the most serious terrorist threats against the country. To tackle those threats, the government has formed a top-notch task force to infiltrate the terror cells and cut off the danger. "Every morning, the president receives a list of the top ten terrorist threats - this list is known as the threat matrix." We here at FR are trying to be in conjunction with the daily reports around the world that involve threats. We try to provide a storehouse of information that takes hours of research. YOU be the Judge and get informed. "I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat." Link to Thread Sixteen |
![]() With the nation on high alert for al-Qaida terrorists, the Department of Homeland Security is putting its border officers through "etiquette" classes to soften their image and make them less threatening to arriving foreign immigrants, WorldNetDaily has learned. |
![]() "God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." -- Jewish proverb |
![]() We are the "Stotters" who make ourselves aware of the enemy who wishes to do us harm. ![]() "What good are the color codes at all if we are suddenly hit with a bio or chem attack? There would be no warning and the danger would be instant." "Code Red Implications Code Red - Stay Home and Await Word." by MamaDearest |
![]() Meet It! Greet It! Defeat It! ![]() |
Newsmax needs to get its act together re: headlines. They're looking more and more like amateurs when they put up deceptive headlines like this...
Activity levels are increasing, so I am issuing another summary just so everyone can keep abreast.
Current National Homeland Defense threat level is YELLOW
(8/1/04) Local Threat Level ORANGE for NYC, N. New Jersey, D.C
1. Attack threat windows - (8/3/04) An operative, described as "credible" by British intelligence, told his debriefers that the attack would take place "60 days before the presidential election" which is held on Nov. 2 of this year, according to a former senior National Security Council official. On Sept. 2 (about 60 days prior) President George W. Bush is expected to address the Republican National Convention at Madison Square Garden. It appears that this early September attack window is getting more credibility from government sources to the media.
Secondary window: (8/10/04) No change. Between now and Nov 2, 2004. This window is based upon AQ threats to disrupt our national elections. This window could potentially be extended to Inauguration Day in January 2005.
Attack Indicators
8/13/04 Multiple sources are expecting an OBL tape (audio or video) to be released very soon. Multiple sources are also reporting that OBL has already given the go-ahead for a new international round of attacks.
8/9/04 Press Trust of India/Agence France Presse High-level al-Qaeda operatives from around the world had been traveling to Afghanistan-Pakistan border apparently to hold summits that had an uncanny resemblance to the Qaeda meeting in Malaysia in January 2000 which firmed up plans for September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, a media report said on Monday.
For several months, it said, the US government had been picking up reports from its spies, electronic intercepts, and "liaison services" (friendly intelligence services) of a Qaeda plot to strike the American homeland before the November elections.
OBL / AQ General
8/12/04 (From Jill's site: ) A source in the Pakistani intelligences revealed that Osama Ben Ladin 's alqaeda organism leader issued orders actually for the launch of attacks on targets in The United States and Britain .
And the source that refused the revelation of its name added that Ben Laden gave the green light for targeting the places and the important personalities in The United States and Britain and Pakistan also.
8/13/04 IMHO, I am looking for a video/tape to be released on or about August 15, 2004. This date is the designated date for when the 2 week extension to Europe and particularly Italy is to end and is also a new moon.
08/12/2004 DUBAI, Aug 12 (AFP) - An Islamic website said Thursday an audio message is due to be released by al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden or his number two to declare the end of a truce offered to Europe if it pulls out troops from Iraq.
8/12/04 Shi'ite cleric Moqtada Sadr has reportedly been wounded as a result of fighting in Najab.
8/11/04 Security in Italy's art cities, including Venice, Florence and Rome, will be tightened over the coming holiday weekend after a stream of threats from militants, officials said on Tuesday.
8/7/04 - Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades said in a statement Saturday its cells in Italy were ready to strike if the country did not withdraw troops from Iraq before a 15-day deadline given by the group expired this month. On August 1st, Al Qaedas Abu Hafez Masry Brigades gave Berlusconi 15 days to withdraw 3,000 troops from Iraq or face terror attack on Rome.
This is the 6th threat since July 15, the end of a truce issued to Europe by OBL. Other threats issued July 2, 16, 26, 28 , 30 and August 5. Some U.S. officials and some terrorism experts believe Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, lacks credibility and has only tenuous ties to al-Qaida.
8/12/04 The Times of London (thanks, MadIvan!): Al-QAEDA hit teams are planning to assassinate British politicians and other international leaders closely linked with President Bush. These targeted killings would be carried out simultaneously in a number of countries.
A Pakistani intelligence source said last night: Osama has given the go-ahead to target important places and personalities in the US, UK and Pakistan.
8/9/04 VIENNA, Austria (AP) - Iran has told Europe's leading powers that it wants them to back its right to nuclear technology that can be used to make weapons. Diplomats said Monday the move has dismayed the Europeans and strengthens Washington's push for U.N. sanctions against Tehran. Diplomats said Iran's conditions effectively stall the European attempt to convince Tehran to give up the technology that would allow them to make nuclear arms and pushes Europe closer to the U.S. view that Iran should be hauled before the U.N. Security Council for violating the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
8/9/04 Irans defense minister announces test coming shortly of improved Shehab-3 ballistic missile (capable of reaching all parts of Israel.) He warns Israel against striking Irans nuclear facilities.
8/12/04 Islamic postings threaten that Israel will be soon hit by a nuclear attack. There have been no independent confirmations of the sources authenticity whether this is a valid threat or propaganda. Messages can be read at the following link (Thanks Jill!) :
8/10/04 A statement released this morning by the Abu Hafs Masry Brigade claimed credit for this morning's Istanbul bombings.
8/12/04 Islamic radical organizations are ready to attack Athens during the Olympic Games, according to reports. They wait for activation order of the Al-Qaeda leadership in Iran to conduct the attacks, US newspaper "Defense & Foreign Affairs" said. The paper added that the attacks would be led by a terrorist group is comprised of Albanians, Syrians, including well-trained terrorists from other nationalities.
United States
(8/11/04) Discussions on TM seem to concur that the AQ has entered a pre-attack phase and has even set the date and locations and are only waiting the final word from OBL.
8/11/04 From Bill Gertz (Washington Times) U.S. intelligence officials say a high-profile political assassination, triggered by the public release of a new message from Osama bin Laden, will lead off the next major al Qaeda terrorist attack.
2. Attack method.
8/12/2004, WASHINGTON (AP) "Cues from chatter" gathered around the world are raising concerns that terrorists might try to attack the domestic food and drug supply, particularly illegally imported prescription drugs, acting Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Lester M. Crawford says. "While we must assume that such a threat exists generally, we have no specific information now about any al-Qaida threats to our food or drug supply," said Brian Roehrkasse, spokesman for the Homeland Security Department.
8/13/04 IMO. Assassinations of key world leaders are leaking out as a significant part of AQs attack plans. Targets for assassination are leaders of countries supportive of the US, particularly in the ME and Europe but including US. Multiple other countries could be hit with bombing attacks in a coordinated world wide effort. A more significant threat against the Olympics has now arisen. This could be a wild weekend transitioning into next week.
8/12/04 Islamabad - Two top al-Qaeda suspects, a Pakistani identified only as Mohsin linked to attempts on President Pervez Musharraf's life and an Uzbek national known as Mansoor, have been captured in Pakistan, said an intelligence official on Thursday. Both men were close to al-Qaeda's "top leadership".
8/12/04 CROMWELL, Conn. -- Syed R. Maswood, 41, confirmed that he is the unnamed Connecticut resident mentioned last week in a federal affidavit charging a British national with supporting terrorism but denies allegations he offered support to a militant Islamic Web site and said he's being targeted because he is Muslim.
Federal agents last week charged British computer specialist Babar Ahmad with running a fund-raising site for Islamic militants. While dissecting Ahmad's computer files, investigators say they discovered an e-mail seeking help getting money to Islamic rebels in Chechnya and they traced that e-mail to Maswood.
4. Significant meetings canceled:
A. (8/13/04) None I am aware of.
5. Security has been heightened in specific cities
8/12/04 Local hospitals in New Jersey have tightened security after recent warnings of potential terror attacks, including the possible use of ambulances as weapons.
State health officials notified hospitals of new concerns after New Jersey counterterrorism officials issued a series of alerts in the past week and with the Republican National Convention in Manhattan beginning in less than three weeks
The bulletin detailed three suspicious events reported throughout the state in connection with ambulances, including one which involved a Middlesex County rescue squad, which state officials would not identify. The squad members reported being approached by a man claiming to be a doctor from Pakistan who asked questions about the vehicle's operations, including how fast the ambulance could travel.
(8/11/04) NYC, N. NJ and D.C. are still at threat level ORANGE. International Monetary Fund and World Bank in D.C.; Prudential Financial in Northern New Jersey; and Citigroup buildings and the New York Stock Exchange in New York
Additional security has also been implemented the American Stock Exchange, Nasdaq, Morgan Stanley, Lehman Bros., Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve Bank, Bear Stearns, the UN, Wachovia, AIG, MetLife and JP Morgan Chase. The TransAmerica building, the well-known pyramid-topped skyscraper and the Bank of America Bldg in San Francisco also were on the computer files captured. However, threat levels were not raised by the DHS for these buildings.
GENERAL: Boston, Philly, Seattle, LA. Trains and buses searched - Significant development in east coast towns. Some of this is in response to the upcoming republican convention. Other major financial office centers in many cities are taking additional precautions.
Ports are getting a lot more security scrutiny. Diving teams are activity looking for mines, Coast Guard turning away ships as necessary. However, this appears to be in part in line with scheduled increased security posture and not necessarily in response to a specific threat.
6. Military operations.
08/12/2004 PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo., Aug. 12, 2004 -- It was a nightmare worst-case scenario. But that's what U.S. Northern Command officials had intended for "Determined Promise '04." The exercise, which ran from Aug. 5-10, was designed to test NORTHCOM's ability to respond to multiple, simultaneous homeland-defense and federal-relief efforts.
The fleet is deployed conducting various maneuvers and exercises. An additional carrier group is reported to have been positioned in the south China Sea region.
The F-117s are still deployed in S. Korea.
(7/29/04) Elements of the 2nd Infantry division stationed in Korea are deploying to Iraq as scheduled.
7. Dept of Homeland Scty.
The U.S. Government remains concerned that al-Qaida or other terrorist organizations are planning to carry out terrorist attacks in the United States during the summer and fall 2004 time frame. Although the FBI and DHS possess no specific information indicating terrorists plan to use rental vehicles, rental company personnel are encouraged to remain alert for indicators of preoperational activity and immediately report any situation that appears to constitute a terrorist threat to the FBI and DHS offices listed on the first page.
8. Domestic Terror Incidents Currently Not Linked to Jihadists
8/12/04 None specified.
A hurricane and a nuclear accident would be horrific...trees and lines down would impede evacuation of rural areas.
And the pump prices are still dropping.
I question the timing.
Yes. And let's keep in mind that August 17th is a Tuesday, a fav hit day for al qaeda. There is a question of when that 15-day deadine extension was set to begin tolling. It may have been meant to commence August 2, so that is why we should keep an eye out for 8/17. All other eyes on Italy and other mentioned European targets.
And don't you think we should investigate who leaked this price information?
I heard about a refinery blast on CNBC, but there is scarce domestic news about this morning's Indiana oil refinery blast and fire. If anyone finds more, please post it. I can't find details and wonder if TPTB are keeping it mum.
Oil at New High After U.S. Refinery Blast
August 13, 2004 11:53:00 AM ET
By Richard Mably
LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices set new highs on Friday, underpinned by fresh evidence of strong Chinese demand, worries about sabotage in Iraq and fears of unrest in Venezuela ahead of a weekend referendum on the rule of President Hugo Chavez.
News of an explosion at the U.S. Whiting, Indiana refinery spiked U.S. light crude futures to a record $45.93 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. London Brent set a record $43 a barrel, up 71 cents. (snip)
Let's see what the pump prices do...
First off, I have a confession to make: I'm an editor at the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Can you believe it, a conservative editor?! Yes, we do exist ... in fact, a co-worker of mine was the one who initially turned me on to Free Republic. (Don't paint all journalists with the same brush ... you'd be surprised how many conservatives there really are in our business.)
I'm actually at work right now. I didn't really want to leave my family alone at home, but my wife - a wonderful trouper - insisted that I do my duty for the company. And I feel better knowing that her cousin and his family (who live in Bradenton) and some friends of his will be staying at our house. If my wife and kids had been alone, I wouldn't have gone to work.
We had to come into work at noon, because the affects of the storm are supposed to start appearing around 2 p.m. They wanted us in early so we wouldn't be in harm's way while driving to work. Once we're here, we can't leave. We're stuck through the duration.
... more coming in another posting ...
Reuters) An explosion and blast at BP's 420,000 barrels per day Whiting, Indiana, oil refinery, the third largest in the United States, slightly injured three people and downed a processing unit Friday, BP said.
The blast shut a catalytic hydrotreater, which removes sulfur from crude oil and distillates before further processing into oil products, but the rest of the refinery was operating normally, British oil major BP said.
continued below
``It appears that hydrogen gas in the unit began to burn,'' BP said in a statement. The company would not elaborate.
BP has 300,000 bpd capacity of catalytic hydrotreating at the plant.
The plant is a big supplier to the Chicago cash oil products market, where traders said BP was seen buying in the market on Friday.
The fire helped push NYMEX September oil futures to a record $45.93 per barrel on Friday morning, the 10th record high hit in 11 trading days. Futures later slipped to trade at $45.51.
BP would not say how long the unit would be down.
Whiting police said one of the injured suffered a minor shoulder wound after the blast which occurred at 6:15 a.m. CDT . BP said two employees were treated at the plant for minor injuries, while a contractor was taken to the hospital for the shoulder injury.
Police said the blast was large. ``I live a mile from the refinery and I could feel my walls trembling,'' said Detective Sergeant Donald Greer about the blast.
The Whiting fire department told Reuters that BP's own squad fought the fire and that it had not been called out to fight the blaze.
I'm suspicious that the pump prices haven't followed the general trend in crude prices. It seems like it almost used to be instantaneous that pump prices followed oil commodity prices up, but very sluggish to go down when crude moderated. Could it be that the reserves are being tapped, and we aren't aware? Election year politics would make it an attractive political move. I know we were building reserves earlier this year, but I haven't caught any recent news about it.
Yup. That's the classic pattern. Clearly there is something going on that we are not privy to.
The reserves are probably too small to affect the prices.
Hang in there!
Remember when Bush sent alot of oil to reserves? Well, in that process, oil companies also stocked up on oil. Also, gas has a shelf live. If alot is refined but doesn't go to market, then prices drop for gas...they need to get rid of it (it can't sit in the tank for too long). Another factor is that China is also acquiring alot of oil. We are not the only country that jacks up the price of oil.
Thanks for the information about the refinery fire. It's interesting that it's not easy to find more on this.
It's just sprinkling right now. There's an eerie calm ... literally, the calm before the storm. It's not even very windy - yet.
On the way in, the streets were pretty deserted. I saw residents boarding up their windows with plywood; there was a line of cars at a gas station near our building. It's amazing that gas stations are even open - nothing else is.
I was surprised to see so many people at work, people who willingly left their families and their homes to come here and put out a newspaper that's supposed to hit residents' doorsteps tomorrow morning - whether those doorsteps will be there is another story. It seems like a futile effort, putting out a newspaper in an emergency like this, but journalists love this kind of stuff; they love being in the thick of things, providing all the latest news for people ... we feel like it's our duty, our way to keep the community calm. You might think it's stupid; maybe it is, but this is the nature of the business - always has been.
UPDATE: Winds up to 125 mph in the eye wall ... holy cow!
Our building is on Tamiami Trail, just a few blocks from Sarasota Bay. Yes, we are in a flood zone - 15 feet above sea level. We're having a staff meeting at 1:15 to access the situation. Most likely, we'll be moved to our press plant, which is further north and can better withstand hurricane-force winds.
I'll update y'all, as long as our power holds out. We're in for a long, long ride.
I'm praying ... I know you're praying, too. You people are wonderful.
Hoping that you and your family are safe during this storm. Glad to see that there are some conservative journalists out there!!
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