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The real deal
San Diego Union Tribune ^
| 09/15/2004
| George Varga
Posted on 07/20/2004 9:00:00 AM PDT by Patriot62
The real deal
Linda Ronstadt's current tour 'a history lesson of music' reflects her dedication to authenticity, and quality By George Varga July 15, 2004 Other singers may have a greater passion for music than Linda Ronstadt. But few have a greater passion for more types of music, or the willingness to perform them, even at the risk of falling on her face.
"My career has befuddled other people, and it's befuddled me," admitted Ronstadt, 58, who finds her fans are polarized by her nightly on-stage salute to "Fahrenheit 9/11" filmmaker Michael Moore.
"I've been dedicating a song to him I think he's a great patriot and it splits the audience down the middle, and they duke it out," she said.
"This is an election year, and I think we're in desperate trouble and it's time for people to speak up and not pipe down. It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know."
"I saw a movie recently about a camel and these people in Mongolia, and I relate to them better than people here in this country. It looks like (Germany's) Weimar Republic to me here."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: activistactors; antiamericanism; antichristian; antichristianbigotry; bigot; boycott; boycotthollywood; chrisitanity; christianbashing; christians; conservativebashing; defundtheleft; dumbbrunette; farenheit911; fatchick; fattypigface; hollywood; lefties; liberalbigot; liberalbigots; lindaronstadt; michaelmoore; mooresmistress; performers; religion; religiousintolerance; republicanbashing; ronstadt; shutupandsing; slimfast; slut
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In a recent interview with the San Diego Union Tribune Linda Ronstadt was quoted as saying in that she feels uncomfortable performing for Christians and Republicans. She said "It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know."
posted on
07/20/2004 9:00:00 AM PDT
To: Patriot62
Too bad, I used to be a big Ronstadt fan. She'll get no more of my money.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:02:27 AM PDT
( "Remember your regiment and follow your officers." Captain Charles May, 2d Dragoons, 9 May 1846)
To: Patriot62
I wonder how long Ronstadt has been keeping that little gem to herself.
To: Patriot62
this lady should leave America if she feels that conflicted.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:02:49 AM PDT
(Calling abortion a women's issue is like calling war a men's issue!)
To: Patriot62
Well then go to Mongolia or shut up and sing.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:03:13 AM PDT
AD from SpringBay
(We have the government we allow and deserve.)
To: Patriot62
She seemed nonplussed when Mrs. Chummy and I saw her in '81 in "Pirates" on Broadway....
What a cur, Ronstadt, that is.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:04:10 AM PDT
( "A vote 4 Kerry is a vote for Osama")
To: Patriot62
Ah, liberal tolerance on display.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:04:26 AM PDT
(A Judge not bound by the original meaning of the Constitution interprets nothing but his own mind.)
To: Patriot62
I don't see the problem. Republicans and christians don't want to hear that fat lady sing anyway.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:04:38 AM PDT
(John kerry is unbalanced)
To: ladtx
posted on
07/20/2004 9:04:52 AM PDT
(<a href="http:\\>Maggot</a>)
To: Patriot62
I think it's time to speak up, too. I hope Ms. Ronstadt will agree I have the right to speak up against her causes, just as she has the right to speak up for her causes? And, of course, to not buy products produced by people like her?
posted on
07/20/2004 9:04:52 AM PDT
(First, the journalists, THEN the lawyers.)
To: Patriot62
posted on
07/20/2004 9:04:57 AM PDT
(Make love not war! ~ Lynndie England)
To: Patriot62
It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know.Believe me, the feeling is mutual lady.
Now that we know we can avoid your ample butt.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:05:09 AM PDT
To: Patriot62
posted on
07/20/2004 9:05:16 AM PDT
(Nobody "inadvertently" takes sensitive docs in their pants.)
To: Patriot62
well, the guy in the red suit got to her. he's friends with al gore too.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:05:16 AM PDT
floriduh voter
(http:// (FV) to Defeat Greer)
To: Patriot62
In a recent interview with the San Diego Union Tribune Linda Ronstadt was quoted as saying in that she feels uncomfortable performing for Christians and Republicans. She said "It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know." She really should seek some help for that heavy hate problem she has. Perhaps it will be covered in Kerry's health care proposals.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:05:30 AM PDT
To: Patriot62
"She said "It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment. I'd rather not know."
The people paying to herar you sing would rather not know where you stand on the issues.
Just Sing!
posted on
07/20/2004 9:05:34 AM PDT
Nasty McPhilthy
(When the levy breaks…..there’ll be no place to run.)
To: Patriot62
Hey Linda!
Don't let the door hit your fat arse on your way out.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:05:51 AM PDT
( The LORD watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy. Psalm 145:20)
To: Patriot62
It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. Well, 50% of the country is Republican. And about 80% of the country considers themselves Christian (though perhaps not Fundamentalist).
With odds like that, she ought to assume that some of "those people" are always present. We are not a minority -- she is.
posted on
07/20/2004 9:06:13 AM PDT
(The Fourth Estate is a Fifth Column)
To: votelife

Get out fat ass!
posted on
07/20/2004 9:06:24 AM PDT
My Favorite Headache
(Rush 30th Anniversary Tour Tickets On Sale Now!)
To: Patriot62
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