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A Bold Vision to Bring Conservative Common Sense to the United States Senate
Herman Cain for US Senate ^ | July 2, 2004 | Herman Cain

Posted on 07/02/2004 7:26:51 PM PDT by NewLand


A Bold Vision to Bring Conservative Common Sense to the United States Senate

Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate

The United States is being challenged by the war on terror, the war on our moral foundation and the war on our economic infrastructure. But America is still the greatest country in the world because of the bold leadership of the past and the American Dream that is still alive today.

In 1994 we had a vision for a better America and a desire to "restore the bonds of trust between the people and their elected representatives." Ten years later the Republican Revolution that was started right here in Georgia has stalled because too many members of Congress are more concerned with positionship rather than leadership.

July 20th offers the opportunity to bring bold new leadership that will transform the way the United States Senate works. Herman Cain will restart the Republican Revolution that pledged "the end of government that is too big, too intrusive, and too easy with the public's money."

It is time to bring back the ideas born under the Republican Revolution. People need to be shown that government is not the answer, government is the problem. We need to remind America that the Republican Party stands for fiscal conservatism, strong moral values and commitment to pushing our Nation forward. This is a new time, a new day and this is the dawn of a new Republican Party. This is just the beginning. It is morning again here in Georgia.

On the first day of the 109th Congress, Herman Cain will immediately begin working on the following major reforms, aimed at restoring the faith and trust of the American people in their government:

FIRST, Shut down the IRS and replace it with the Fair Tax;

SECOND, Implement mandatory spending caps on all discretionary spending to balance the federal budget;

THIRD, Protect life which begins at conception;

FOURTH, Restructure Social Security so that we continue to provide for our Nation's seniors that are approaching retirement age, but allow for younger taxpayers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in personal retirement accounts;

FIFTH, Further delay BRAC so that we can focus on winning the war on terrorism and determine how each military base can better continue the fight to defend America;

SIXTH, Totally restructure how Medicare is being delivered in order to achieve greater heath care affordability and accessibility for all Americans;

SEVENTH, Fight to protect the definition of marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman;

EIGHTH, Fight to end the Cloture Rule in the United States Senate so that President George W. Bush's conservative judges can be confirmed;

NINTH, Fight to protect our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms;

TENTH, Ensure that our Religious Liberties are not compromised.

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Government; Politics/Elections; US: Georgia
KEYWORDS: axixofevil; cain; conservative; religion; senate; taxes; taxreform
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After Herman gets the nomination, possibly in a runoff election, watch for him to get invited to speak at the Republican National Convention in NYC.

For those who don't know Herman, check out his above or below.

1 posted on 07/02/2004 7:26:52 PM PDT by NewLand
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To: AuH2ORepublican; Veritas_est; WoodstockCat; UlsterDavy; mhking; Tatze; onyx; cyborg; ...

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Go Herman Go! Pray for Herman Cain!

Click Here for the Herman Cain for US Senate Web Site

Click Here to see Herman Cain's Campaign Commercials

Click Here to Speak Up on the Cain Blog Spot

2 posted on 07/02/2004 7:28:50 PM PDT by NewLand (Marx and Lenin are speaking from their graves...thru Hillary!)
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To: NewLand

This is fantastic. Maybe he and Dr. Tom Coburn from OK can be new members of the Senate together. They sure do sound alike!

3 posted on 07/02/2004 7:31:26 PM PDT by PhiKapMom (AOII Mom -- Oklahoma is Reagan Country and now Bush Country -- Win Another One for the Gipper!)
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To: NewLand

Maybe he could consider two major issues at the root of some of our major problems--both private property issues. One is the presence of Federal [and State] Public Access Easements on private land. These easements must be abolished one way or the other. The other is the lack of private property rights in outer space. Establish those rights. The first might cost some money but will only get more expensive as time goes by. The other would be virtually cost free but would provide a hugh impetus to our economic development--really, really hugh, enough to pay for the first action in a big sneeze.

4 posted on 07/02/2004 7:37:08 PM PDT by RightWhale (Destroy the dark; restore the light)
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To: NewLand
FIRST, Shut down the IRS and replace it with the Fair Tax;

Everything stalls right here. You know it ain't gonna happen, at least not without a shootin' war, again.

The IRS exists and functions as it functions because past U.S. Congresses HAVE WANTED IT to exist and function as it functions.

5 posted on 07/02/2004 7:38:59 PM PDT by Lester Moore (Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of All)
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To: NewLand


6 posted on 07/02/2004 8:13:00 PM PDT by Veritas_est (Truth is)
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To: NewLand

I hope you are right: sleazebag Isaakson would be a large disappointment...hope ole' Johnny stays below fifty percent.

7 posted on 07/02/2004 8:32:51 PM PDT by Meldrim
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To: NewLand
Daily prayers for Herman Cain.

8 posted on 07/02/2004 8:38:11 PM PDT by onyx (Be a monthly or a $1 a Day donor to FR -- I am.)
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To: NewLand
A "click on the Pic" bump:

9 posted on 07/03/2004 1:08:38 AM PDT by backhoe
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To: Lester Moore
You know it ain't gonna happen...

True, if we keep electing the same-old same-old to The House and Senate...if we elect more folks like Cain, eventually it becomes the standard.

Have faith...I know you do!

10 posted on 07/03/2004 7:45:50 AM PDT by NewLand (Marx and Lenin are speaking from their graves...thru Hillary!)
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To: NewLand; *Taxreform; Taxman; Principled; Bigun; EternalVigilance; kevkrom; n-tres-ted; Poohbah; ...
A Taxreform bump for you all.

If you would like to be added to this ping list let me know.

John Linder in the House & Saxby Chambliss Senate, offer a comprehensive bill to kill all income and payroll taxes outright, and provide a IRS free replacement in the form of a pure consumption tax:

H.R.25, S.1493
A bill to promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national retail sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.

Refer for additional information: &

11 posted on 07/05/2004 8:36:22 AM PDT by ancient_geezer (Equality, the French disease: Everyone is equal beneath the guillotine.)
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To: NewLand

FIRST, Shut down the IRS and replace it with the Fair Tax;

From testimony of Herman Cain before House Ways & Means Commitee May 2002:

The challenge:

Oral Statements: Americans for Fair Taxation, T.H.E., Inc., and Godfather's Pizza, Inc., Herman Cain

"The third point that I would like to leave with you is something that is very disturbing to me personally as a citizen of this country. Many Americans simply do not believe that we will replace the system. They do not believe we can fix this mess. They have simply given up on Congress' ability -- not all, but some Members' ability -- to address the real solution, which is to install a brand-new system.

This is about reinvigorating the belief that our Founding Fathers had. When I tell people that I believe that the fair tax, which is a national sales consumption tax, is the best way to go at this point in terms of eliminating all of the problems that you are dealing with, even with respect to the Subcommittee, they say they don't believe it can be done. I simply remind them, where would we be today if George Washington and our Founding Fathers didn't believe that we could defeat the British? We simply wouldn't be here.

So, in summary, we must replace the current structure with the fair tax; number two, let us not shoot the dog before the hunt is over, we can work out all of the issues relative to how we get there; and number three, let us restore believability on the part of the American people."

The advantage:

Written Statements: Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures, 5-9-02 Testimony

"The current income tax system cannot be reformed.  It creates disadvantages for multinational businesses, domestic businesses, individuals, and our government.  No amount of tinkering with a portion of the tax code is going to fix it.  It is too complicated.  It inflates the costs of US goods and services to other nations.  It is too unfair and inefficient.  It discourages people from working harder to achieve upward economic mobility, which destroys hope and opportunity.  The current tax system needs to be replaced.  It can be replaced with The FairTax (H.R. 2525), which was reintroduced in the House in 2001 by Congressmen John Linder of Georgia, and Colin Peterson of Minnesota.

Several commissions over the last 20 years, including the one I served on in 1995 (The National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform), have all concluded that a replacement tax system should satisfy six principles.  First, it should promote economic growth by reducing marginal tax rates and eliminating the tax bias against savings and investments.  Second, it should promote fairness by having one tax rate and eliminating all loopholes, preferences and special deductions, credits and exclusions.  Third, it should be simple and understandable.  Simplicity would dramatically reduce compliance costs and allow people to truly comprehend their actual tax burden.  Fourth, it should be neutral rather than allowing misguided officials to manipulate and micromanage our economy by favoring some at the expense of others.  Fifth, it should be visible so it clearly conveys the true cost of government and so people would not be subjected to hidden changes in the tax law.  Sixth, it should be stable rather than changing every year or two so people can better plan their businesses and their lives.  Before expanding on each principle, consider the compelling advantages of replacing the current income tax code with The FairTax.

  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would increase 10.5% in the first year and level off in succeeding years at approximately 5% annually.  (Dr. Dale Jorgenson of Harvard University)
  • Consumer prices would decrease 20 to 30 percent by eliminating the nearly 250 billion dollars in annual compliance costs, and eliminating the taxes on corporate profits and labor (payroll taxes), which are imbedded in what we pay for goods and services.  (Dr. Dale Jorgenson and other economists)
  • A single national sales tax rate on all new goods and services of approximately 24% (to be revenue-neutral) would replace the 1.7 trillion dollars of taxes on income.
  • Annual uncollected taxes of 210 billion dollars (IRS estimates) would not escape The FairTax.  This amount grows by 12 billion dollars each year.
  • Taxes of 35 billion dollars on expenditures by non-residents would be collected.
  • Taxes from the “underground” economy would be a bonus to the federal treasury.
  • Imported goods would be treated the same as domestically produced goods.  This means US businesses would be much less likely to locate their plants overseas.
  • All taxpayers would have an equal voice, not just people who can afford tax lobbyists and skilled tax accountants.
  • No taxes on the “poor” because basic necessities, as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services, would not be taxed by utilizing a rebate.
  • No taxes on earnings from a second job for someone who is trying to “get ahead.”
  • No taxes on education.
  • More time for Government to focus on national and international issues.

These advantages of a national sales tax on consumption have been well researched, analyzed and documented by some of the most respected business people, economists, and academicians in the country.  Hundreds of thousands of citizens are now actively supporting a change from an income tax to a national sales tax on consumption.  We are now seeking the political leadership and courage to make the greatest country in the world even greater."


"In summary, The FairTax would be a “win, win, win” for businesses, citizens, and government.  Just consider the compelling nature of the advantages discussed earlier. 

I realize that there are political and public hurdles to making such a change to how we fund our government.  In fact, many people simply don’t believe that it can happen.  They have given up on our government’s ability to do what is in the best interest of its people and our nation.  To those people I ask, where would we be today if George Washington and the founding fathers had given up the fight to become an independent nation?  We owe it to them, to ourselves, and most importantly to our children to correct a system that has gotten out of control.


People want to be able to dream and to pursue their dreams.  People want the liberties for which our founding fathers fought and DIED.  People want to pay their fair share to keep this Country safe and great.  As Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, late President Emeritus of Morehouse College said, “It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity to have no dreams.”  The current tax system not only destroys the ability of people to dream and make their dreams real, it causes too many people to just give up.

We need The FairTax -- a tax system more appropriate for a free society. The current tax code CANNOT BE REFORMED to achieve the stated objectives. It MUST BE REPLACED.  Please use the power of the Congress to replace our current income tax code. "

12 posted on 07/05/2004 8:37:16 AM PDT by ancient_geezer (Equality, the French disease: Everyone is equal beneath the guillotine.)
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To: ancient_geezer
Thanks for the PING! Put me on, please! If anyone on your PING list wants to be added to The Cain PING list, please let me know!


FReepMail me if you want to be ON or OFF this list

Go Herman Go! Pray for Herman Cain!

Click Here for the Herman Cain for US Senate Web Site

Click Here to see Herman Cain's Campaign Commercials

Click Here to Speak Up on the Cain Blog Spot

13 posted on 07/05/2004 8:39:19 AM PDT by NewLand (Marx and Lenin are speaking from their graves...thru Hillary!)
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To: NewLand

Get the U.S out of the U.N

14 posted on 07/05/2004 8:42:20 AM PDT by take
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To: NewLand


15 posted on 07/05/2004 8:43:32 AM PDT by nickcarraway
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To: NewLand
After Herman gets the nomination, possibly in a runoff election, watch for him to get invited to speak at the Republican National Convention in NYC.

Right, then listen as the RATS whine that he's not a REAL Black man.

16 posted on 07/05/2004 8:45:09 AM PDT by JimRed (Fight election fraud! Volunteer as a local poll watcher, challenger or district official.)
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To: take

17 posted on 07/05/2004 8:45:51 AM PDT by NewLand (Marx and Lenin are speaking from their graves...thru Hillary!)
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To: NewLand

You're on the Taxreform pinger :O)

18 posted on 07/05/2004 8:59:16 AM PDT by ancient_geezer (Equality, the French disease: Everyone is equal beneath the guillotine.)
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To: Lester Moore
The IRS exists and functions as it functions because past U.S. Congresses HAVE WANTED IT to exist and function as it functions.

Yes - and the Congressmen who do not support the Fair Tax are finding new jobs after each election. Ask Bob Barr.

There are now 53 cosponsors of HR 25 in the House (IIRC). After this election, that number will grow IMHO.

19 posted on 07/05/2004 9:13:39 AM PDT by Principled
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To: Lester Moore

You should be ashamed that you can put up that tag line after failing to have enough faith to try to enact real reform. God's hand has been on our nation since it's founding. Perhaps if you acted, instead of whining, with His help, we would get this done.

You claim that Christ is Lord, but you act as though Congress is.

20 posted on 07/05/2004 10:09:52 AM PDT by Badray (Stay well - Stay safe - Stay armed - Yorktown. RIP harpseal.)
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