Posted on 06/18/2004 10:11:38 PM PDT by doug from upland
Well, how about it? Do the DemocRATS hate President Bush more than they hate al Qaeda?
The question is serious, and I think the answer is yes.
We hear almost everyday the ranting and screaming from the RATS. Are they screaming about the enemy that beheads American citizens? Are they screaming about the animals who are the cause of wars around the world? Are they sccreaming about those so bankrupt that they send their own children out to blow themselves up?
No. The screaming we hear is directed at our president while we are at war. Perhaps the most egregious example was Algore, acting as if he belonged in a straight jacket, screaming "He betrayed this country!!!"
We hear from Pelosi, Ketchup Boy, Dean, and the Drunken Lifeguard of Chappaquiddick.
What is wrong with those people? Is it my imagination, or do that want power so badly that they want Americans to die so that the president can be blamed?
It really would be refreshing to hear Algore and the rest of the RAT gang being animated and using powerful rhetoric against our enemies.
Hey, RATS, they will slit your socialist far leftist throats as joyfully as they would slit ours. They don't care that you would ask permission of the U.N. They don't care that you want to blame America first. They don't care that you would sit around the table and negotiate with them. We are at war. THEY WANT YOU DEAD!
The Anti-American forces include terrorists, communists, leftists, and other haters of truth and freedom. Their objective is (worldwide) power, and America, with its Republican President, is standing in their way.
The hate-Bush people, whether they realize it or not, are teamed up with the Anti-Americans. On the surface, they talk of peace, disarmament, cooperation, and lots of other nice things, but their hidden agenda is domination, terror, oppression and enslavement.
That's why this year's election is so crucial. If Bush loses, who will stand up to the leftist/communist/terrorist coalition? Europe won't. China won't. The UN won't. Kerry won't. Clinton won't.
Yours is a very interesting first post for a brand new member.
Welcome to Free Republic.
Yes they do. I also believe that they want more Americans to die. These nut cases would gladly allow their own throats to be slit just so they could indulge their own sense of self importance.
Now more than ever, good news for America is bad news for the Demonrats. That explains it all.
As for Democrats just hate- yes- and yet they are the first ones out there yelling that disagreeing with them is hateful and mean spirited!
Yes. And for this, and other reasons they are not fit to hold office in our nation (especially since we are at war.) I hope and pray people are seeing this.
President Bush doesn't just need to win this election, he needs to win it in a landslide. Wake up America- send the Democrats a message, give president Bush a landslide victory, tell the RATS you are fed up with them , send them back to their rat holes.
Yes, the DU'ers are sick, that's for sure. But what scares me the most is that we have democrats in political office who are just as sick, and making decisions /voting on issues of national security and the war on terror.
I don't think so myself.
However they DO absolutely DESPIZE the fact that he has achieved the status that he has to date without their permission and absolutely detest the fact that he has gained such a political stature without supporting their dogma to the point of having more hatred for our country with President Bush at the helm than they have for the Al Qaeda terrorists.
This vanity post looks like more of your - not so subtle - satirical humor - it is, isn't it?
Not only do they hate Bush more then they hate Al Qaeda. They also hate their country
I suspect it has more to do with his manner and image, appearance being more important than reality to many on the left. President Bush is from Texas. If there is one state that the left disdains, it is Texas. And why? Cowboy hats, guns, pickup trucks, barbeque - this kind of lifestyle would give the average tofu and brown rice eating leftist a heart attack. In short, they hate President Bush out of snobbery for a place they do not understand, nor do they want to.
That sounds shallow in retrospect, but then again so are the leftists.
Regards, Ivan
Actually, I would appreciate some help on this. I have been trying to come up with a cogent response to actually why the reactionary left has come to despise George W. Bush more than Al Qaeda. I happen to reside in the bastion of liberalism here in the California San Francisco Bay Area, and it just astounds me that millionaires who live around me support the left. Anyhow, the lefties here in the bay give the following argument:
Osama Bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein were supported by Republicans in the eighties. The USA under a Republican administration headed by Ronald Reagan actively gave weapons to Osama to fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, and the same administration support Sadaam's aggression towards Iran during the Iran-Iraq ten year war.
After both wars had been won or settled, the administration headed by George Herbert Walker Bush turned against these allies because Sadaam invaded Kuwait, and Osama renounced the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia. The former allies basically threatened our national security solely based on our dependence of the oil fields in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Regardless of the inaction of the administration of Bill Clinton, the administration of George Walker Bush now actively supports the House of Saud by providing them with the weapons necessary to fight their civil war against Osama's followers, and the Bush administration took over Iraq which is in shambles after the Abu Gharib prisoner abuse.
I must also add that these lefties do acknowledge that the 9/11 attacks were unjustified, but I now hear them justify the be-headings of Americans just because they are employed by US weapon companies like Lockheed. They figure these weapons companies are providing arms against a regime like the House of Saud to suppress freedom, not spread freedom.
The abuse at Abu Gharib was nowhere near the comparison of the brutal action of Al Qaeda beheading Americans, but it's almost impossible to explain to a left wing whiny that the abuse is not as awful, because they firmly believe that the violence is perpetuated by the report of abuse at Abu Gharib.
As for the House of Saud, the lefties take a position that is "sympathetic" to terrorists, just because the US is involved in the military protection of the House of Saud. They think Al Qaeda would not be provoked if the United States did not involve themselves with this civil war.
The arguments I have against these biases do not even make the lefties wink. They'll concede that the events of 9/11 should never happen again, but they honestly believe George W. Bush is perpetuating the atrocities against the US by waging this war against terror.
Is there any hope for a conservative like me to sway them otherwise? I'm beginning to think it is a fruitless cause.
It's really no problem, I think I took it that way...
I just was more mad about not spelling right, ie... if you every come across my posts... i dont allways spell check...
At any rate, we are all friends here...
Great response. That is what it is all about. I didn't believe we had a national interest in Bosnia. But I wanted it to go well and didn't want our guys to die.
I love satire but this is dead serious. The enemy is being emboldened by what the "loyal opposition" is doing. This is not your grandfather's "loyal opposition." Could you imagine Republican leaders talking this way against FDR while we were fighting the Nazis and Imperial Japanese?
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