Today: May 26, 2004 at 12:11:42 PDT
Gore: Rumsfeld, Rice, Tenet Should Resign
NEW YORK (AP) - Al Gore issued a fiery denunciation Wednesday of Bush administration policy in Iraq and demanded the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, CIA director George Tenet and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice.
In a speech at New York University, the Democratic former vice president said the situation in Iraq is out of control.
"I am calling today for Republicans as well as Democrats to join me in asking for the immediate resignations of those immediately below George Bush and Dick Cheney, who are most responsible for creating the catastrophe we are facing in Iraq," Gore said, drawing strong applause from the partisan crowd.
"Donald Rumsfeld ought to resign immediately!" Gore bellowed. "Our nation is at risk every single day Rumsfeld remains as secretary of defense. We need someone with good judgment and common sense."
Rice "ought to resign immediately. She has badly mishandled the coordination of national security policy. This is a disaster for our country," he said.
The former presidential candidate was gentler on Tenet, describing him as a friend and "honorable man" who should still leave his position for intelligence failures.
"Consensus" is a DNC synonym for "unilateral". Both mean "Bribe France"
How did we get from September 12th , 2001, when a leading French newspaper ran a giant headline with the words "We Are All Americans Now"
Because, on September 12th 2001, France saw a United States that was bloodied and hurting, and they could relate, having been subjected to large scale evil in their own homeland. They felt a kinship with that.
But after that, we got up, dusted our national self off and systematically began killing the people and regimes that were determined to harm us. When most of the world refused to help, we resolved to do it by ourselves if necessary.
Our reaction to attack subliminally made them hate their own history of sniveling cowardice, which they channeled into resentment and expressed as disdain.
We are foreign to them, and they to us.
I don't feel humiliated.
Anybody here feel humiliated?
What a loon.
This is a send-up, isn't it? Al's unhinged....
He seems to be assisting the process of his own marginalization.
"Paging Belleview Hospital...send
team with large net for a capture,
backed up by a tranquillizer gun
with large dart supply...STAT!!!"
Aww, he just wanted to be on Hannity's show again. And Sean has complied, it was the first thing I heard on his show today.
After the speech Al Gore resumed his duties as restroom attendant at the bus station.
They are the last ones on earth who should be mouthing off about the Bush administration.
Reasonable people will take what they have to say to strengthen their resolve to never vote scum like this into the White House again.
It is an obsession of the Clintons and their ilk that they never be 'worse than Nixon'.
Sounds like Gore is angling for an invitation to the rumpus room at the new Clinton Liebrary.
I cannot believe that this man is allowed outside an institution with padded walls. This nincompoop is as batty as Mexican cave! What is really scary is the APPLAUSE AND CHEERING from the crowd. Those people are dangerous to freedom and liberty.......................and our beloved military.........
Audio Link that doesn't cater to moveon.crap?
Gore has been undergoing a slow meltdown for 3 years and has finally flipped his lid.
Inhinged doesn't begin to describe this man. We must never stop thanking g-d that he isn't in charge.
Aaaahhh.... Al's (and the left's) fondest wish... America as victim, with everyone feeing sorry for us.
Those were the days, huh Al? Go f*ck yourself, creep.