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More copyright complaints
Free Republic
| April 8, 2004
| Jim Robinson
Posted on 04/08/2004 9:19:34 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
As most of you are aware, we've recently received several copyright complaints. In the last few weeks, we've received complaints from the SJ Mercury News, Independent (UK), SF Chronicle and The Boston Globe. Just a couple days ago the Post-Gazette send a cease and desist notice and yesterday I heard from the Tribune-Review.
Tonight, I got a call from Amy and there were two more registered letters at our PO Box. The McClatchy News (Sacramento Bee) and USAToday are now added to the list of publications that have complained about copyright violations.
Well, folks, the handwriting is on the wall. The complaints are now coming in faster than I can respond to them. John is currently in the process of writing programs to search out and automatically excerpt all existing threads from these sources.
I think we're gonna have to go to excerpt and link for all news sources very soon unless we have written permission on file.
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 1stammendment; 2004electionbias; adminlectureseries; bigmedia; bozos; ccrm; complaints; constitution; copyright; copyrightlaw; donotpostlist; excerpt; excerptingarticles; excerpts; fairuse; fr; freerepublic; freerepubliczotted; freespeech; frinthenews; lexicon; mediabias; silencingcritics; zot; zotfreerepublic
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To: CatOwner; Ingtar
Could be lefties, could be major media, could be banned trolls, or it could just be one very upset anti-FReeper taking his revenge (don't want to sound paranoid or anything though, LOL). In any case, we knew a long time ago that it would be just a matter of time before we'd get whacked. Looks like the time is upon us.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:29:22 PM PDT
Jim Robinson
(Thank you all very much!!)
To: Jim Robinson
The forces of darkness are once again trying to stifle the free flow of ideas. Hitler, Stalin, Mao and their ilk must be smiling.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:29:30 PM PDT
(I despise presstitutes!)
To: Jim Robinson
Sorry for all the trouble you're going through, Jim. This is waaaay beyond coincidence. I hate to disappoint that person who's probably gleefully reporting FR to all these media sources; this won't slow us down - frankly most of the time there's far more interesting stuff in the responses than in an article itself!
posted on
04/08/2004 9:29:51 PM PDT
(Imagine our country under the "leadership" of a President Kerry. Scary, isn't it?! Vote W in 04!)
To: Pan_Yan; nuconvert; Excuse_My_Bellicosity; DoctorZIn; F14 Pilot
posted on
04/08/2004 9:30:00 PM PDT
Pan_Yans Wife
(Help bring the end to Freepathons. Donate monthly.)
To: Jim Robinson
Tonight, I got a call from Amy and there were two more registered letters at our PO Box. The McClatchy News (Sacramento Bee) and USAToday are now added to the list of publications that have complained about copyright violations.
maybe you should FiRe Amy ? just a thought. ;-) lol
So the Suc Bee swims wid da fishies.. Got it! There are still a few fish left in the deeper waters. ;-)
posted on
04/08/2004 9:30:17 PM PDT
(Semper Fi Mac ... Become a FR Monthly Donor ... Kerry thread archive @ /~normsrevenge)
To: Jim Robinson
You might want to check, but what I understand, Gov't web sites and pubs are NOT protected under copyright laws.
That means White House, NASA, and still a whole host of information sites can still be used.
My 2 cents.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:30:39 PM PDT
(All typos and spelling errors are mine and copyrighted!!!!)
Comment #27 Removed by Moderator
To: Jim Robinson
What about if it is linked from Newsmax,Drudge, or another site that is legally hosting that article?
posted on
04/08/2004 9:31:25 PM PDT
My Favorite Headache
(Rush 30th Anniversary Tour Tickets On Sale Now!)
To: Jim Robinson
Just pondering, Jim,
Any possible merit to all of us writing (A) complainers and/or (B) those not yet complaining
and, in the interest of freedom of speech and the free exchange of ideas--supposedly very American values--they agree to allow our posting of docs as long as a link is included.
Perhaps copies to legislators requesting a change in the copyright law???
Blessings for all your hard work. This is distressing.
One is tempted to blame cheeky folks who hate the truth getting around . . . and/or simply greedy folks.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:33:03 PM PDT
(Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
To: Chad Fairbanks
Well welcome to the fight, copy rights are a money making scam. Do you know that I have to pay a bunch of lawyer if a band in my bar happens to sing an old Elves song. Copy rights are just a legal shake down lawyer scam.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:33:05 PM PDT
(Nominated 1994 "Worst writer on the net")
To: eddie willers
posted on
04/08/2004 9:33:09 PM PDT
(There is no problem so great that it cannot be solved with high powered explosives.)
To: Chad Fairbanks
We need to find someone ...Paging Mr. Scaife.
To: Jim Robinson
Maybe we should put together a way to get that written permission on file? A standard how-to that the average Freeper can do to get a source to send you that written permission?
posted on
04/08/2004 9:33:16 PM PDT
(Voting Bush for lack of reasonable alternatives)
To: Richard Kimball
Sounds like we'll have to take control and keep hard copies and/or copies of important stuff on hard drive, for archival and research purposes.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:34:26 PM PDT
(Never Forget - And Never Again)
To: Jim Robinson
I know it sounds paranoid, but I wonder if this represents a coordinated attempt to render FR less useful. I mean, part of the beauty of this forum is exposing media bias and other less than honest reporting, e.g. "free rides" given to the leftist media darlings. Do you think it's orchestrated?
If you go to an all excerpted version where you link the source, you should at least capture the original and report when it changes (excerpt the changes?). I'm tempted to do this for all of the news I read, just for the heck of it. It's too tempting for some folks out there to change what they say. They act as if copyright gives them the power to rewrite history.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:34:44 PM PDT
To: eddie willers
It felt real strange getting a cease and desist letter from the Tribune-Review.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:35:44 PM PDT
Jim Robinson
(Thank you all very much!!)
To: jpsb
The traditional "Happy Birthday" song is copyrighted.
I understand that Donald Trump is trademarking "Your Fired".
posted on
04/08/2004 9:35:55 PM PDT
(All typos and spelling errors are mine and copyrighted!!!!)
To: GeronL
***I know there are liberal groups sending them e-mails and letters. It will be interesting to see if DU and other websites are allowed to post their articles.***
Absolutely, we may have to UGH review the lib sites to see.
posted on
04/08/2004 9:36:16 PM PDT
To: FreedomCalls
It smells like an organized campaign. Because it is (IMO)
posted on
04/08/2004 9:38:17 PM PDT
(Make Michael Moore cry.... DONATE MONTHLY!!!)
To: Jim Robinson
Um...never thought I'd say this but; Shouldn't this be IN Breaking News?
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