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Laurie Mylroie: Clintonized CIA Blocks Iraq-9/11 Evidence The Connection Between 9/11 and Iraq.
Newsmax and Fox News ^ | Thursday Jan. 30, 2003; 11:24 a.m. EST & Thursday, September 11, 2003

Posted on 03/23/2004 9:49:37 AM PST by april15Bendovr

Thursday Jan. 30, 2003; 11:24 a.m. EST

Laurie Mylroie: Clintonized CIA Blocks Iraq-9/11 Evidence

The CIA is blocking critical intelligence that links Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 attacks, a former top terrorism adviser to ex-President Bill Clinton contends, and by doing so, she says, the agency is weakening President Bush's case for war against Iraq.

Asked about Salman Pak, the terrorist training camp near Baghdad where, according to a number of Iraqi defectors, al-Qaeda terrorists have practiced for years hijacking American airliners using the same methods employed on 9/11, Clinton Iraqi expert Laurie Mylroie told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg:

"There's a huge debate within the [Bush] administration. The Defense Department wants to bring out information like that. The CIA, which is responsible for dealing with terrorism, accommodated Clinton's desire not to hear about Iraq and terrorism, does not want that information to come out. It acts as Saddam's lawyer."

Mylroie served as Clinton's top adviser on Iraq during the 1992 campaign, and she has lectured on Middle Eastern terrorism and its origins at the Naval War College and Harvard University. Mylroie is also author of the book, "The War Against America," which details Baghdad's role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Just minutes before Bush's State of the Union address Tuesday night, Mylroie told Malzberg, "For any official statement to be made by the government, there is an interagency review process and the CIA blocks [the Salman Pak] information. Their response is to say, the defectors are not reliable - because they oppose Saddam you can't believe them."

What about satellite photos backing up accounts from Salman Pak defectors who describe a Boeing 707 parked on the ground, which they say serves as a classroom for Saddam's hijack trainees?

According to Mylroie, the CIA offers the bizarre alibi that the plane "could have been used by the Iraqis for counter-hijacking."

The Clinton terrorism expert says the White House is partly to blame for not forcing U.S. intelligence services to be more forthright about the information they have on Salman Pak, complaining, "Bush has failed to discipline the bureaucracy. And they have put their careers above Bush's career."

Asked to detail the precise role of Iraq in al-Qaeda operations directed against the U.S., Mylroie told WABC, "Al-Qaeda acts as a front for Iraqi intelligence. Al-Qaeda provides the ideology, the foot soldiers and the cover. And Iraqi intelligence provides the direction, training and expertise."

Commenting on reports that the White House would use the State of the Union address to reinforce the argument that Saddam has been working with al-Qaeda for years, Mylroie noted, "I'm glad [President Bush] is going to talk about Iraq and al-Qaeda. I have some concern that because powerful individuals and institutions are even now unwilling to acknowledge their error, the case is going to be a lot weaker than it could be."

The Connection Between 9/11 and Iraq

Thursday, September 11, 2003

This is a partial transcript of Special Report with Brit Hume, September 10, that has been edited for clarity.

Watch Special Report With Brit Hume weeknights at 6 p.m. ET


HOWARD DEAN, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9-11.


SENATOR BOB GRAHAM, D-FLA, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: President knew or should have known that there was no relationship between 9-11. There was no relationship between Usama Been Forgotten and Saddam Hussein.


BRIT HUME, HOST: It's an applause line. And in that case, a laughter line for the Democrats in their presidential debates. There you heard it from Howard Dean (search), from Dennis Kucinich (search) and finally, there from Senator Bob Graham (search) of Florida, the flat out statement…definitive statement, no connection between 9-11 and Iraq.

Well, certainly the administration has never claimed a connection, but is it that clear that it is definite there was not? For more on this, we turn now to FOX News foreign affairs analyst, Mansoor Ijaz, who joins us now from Berlin; the man with the best sources we know of anybody on these kinds of issues.

Mansoor, welcome. And tell us, first of all, your sense about whether it is…whether it can be definitively stated as a fact that there was no…9-11 connection to Iraq.

MANSOOR IJAZ, FOX NEWS FOREIGN AFFAIRS ANALYST: Well, Brit, I'll first…I'll say to you that with regard to Howard Dean and Congressman Kucinich, you have to forgive them because they don't know any better. But I was surprised to hear Bob Graham say that since he sat in a senior position on the Senate Intelligence Committee during the course of these events.

The fact of the matter is that as early as 1994, but certainly proof positive as of 1998, the connection between Al Qaeda (search) and Saddam Hussein was very clear. In February and March of 1998, bin Laden's No. 2 guy visited Baghdad at the request of the intelligence services of Iraq.

And he was living in Khartoum at the time at the very moment that the Sudanese intelligence chief was begging the FBI in hand written notes that were carried back and forth to come to the Sudan and look at what the data was that they had, who they were dealing with, how bin Laden's people were moving around, which ones were moving where and what they were doing.

There is no and, if's, or but's about the fact that there was a connection between al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein that early.

Now, the real question is what did they do in that two and a half weeks that they sat there and planned and plotted with each other?

We know that exactly six weeks after the meetings took place, a letter came from the FBI to the Sudanese saying we can't help you. We're not allowed to come and look at this stuff. And then six weeks after that, the embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed and the Sudanese Embassy was cased.

So I would say that these people who make that kind of an argument have really no idea what the facts are. Nor do they understand what the mendacity of Saddam was to use al Qaeda for his benefit and his purposes in carrying out terrorist attacks in other parts of the world.

HUME: Well, certainly that makes pretty good circumstantial evidence on the attacks on those embassies. And it does suggest from what you have said that there have been contacts at a high level, important level, between al Qaeda and the Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein. But what about something that would suggest a connection to 9-11, is there evidence there of any consequence?

IJAZ: Absolutely, and now let's take it a step further after the 1998 bombings. We then know there was a training camp called Salman Pak, which we've been able to identify the aircraft that they trained, the hijackers on. We've been able to identify other contacts between Iraqi intelligence services and directly with the 9-11 hijackers.

People would love to shove that evidence under the carpet, but the fact of the matter is that the meetings did take place, planning was going on. The Iraqi diplomatic pouch was the tool of choice to pass al Qaeda's messages around the world in different parts of the world.

There was…we know for a fact that the Philippines' embassy of Iraq in manila was used for purposes of planning what was then a thwarted effort to try and hijack airplanes across the Pacific. We know that the Pakistani…I mean, the Iraqi Embassy in Islamabad was used to facilitate contact between the Taliban, bin Laden's people, and Iraqi senior scientists to collaborate on chemical and biological weapons. I know that for a fact myself that that was going on.

So, there is just no way that anybody can convince me that there is no connection. We have not yet found the forensic tie. That may be true. But to say that there's no connection whatsoever, that is absolutely not true.

HUME: Why is it that the Bush administration, in your view, has not stressed this terrorist connection more? It did for a while, but since the appeal that was made for the U.N. resolutions back last fall, you haven't heard much from the administration on this connection from.

IJAZ: You know, Brit, that's sort of a tough question to answer in one sense. But let me give you my opinion about that. That is, the Bush administration has their hands full trying to solve the problems on the ground in Iraq right now.

They did the best that they could to and try to lay everything out. They tried to make the case to the American people. I think they made a darn good case. And when they executed what they needed to and the evidence was there. The fact is that we found evidence after the war was over that this was going on.

And so for me, it's very clear what was happening. If the Democrats don't want to accept that, they're not going to win office next time if they keep this up, because the American people are too smart to let this go on forever.

HUME: Mansoor, thank you. Always a pleasure to have you.

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TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: alqaedaandiraq; ijaz; lauriemylroie
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Would the liberal elite media and 9/11 commission read this? Could Laurie Mylroie and Mansoor Ijaz perchance get as much equal attention as Mr. American Grandstand Dick Clark?
1 posted on 03/23/2004 9:49:38 AM PST by april15Bendovr
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To: april15Bendovr

2 posted on 03/23/2004 9:56:59 AM PST by JohnGalt ('Who cares about a little terrorist in Afghanistan?'--Paul Wolfowitz 4/2001)
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To: april15Bendovr
Why isn't she testifying today. This 911 commission is a farce. I thought my head would blow up. Just seeing the ex-Clintonistas makes me grind my teeth! At this rate I'll need dentures soon. Gotta take a break before Rummy testifies.
3 posted on 03/23/2004 10:14:20 AM PST by lainde (Heads up...We're coming and we've got tongue blades!!)
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To: april15Bendovr
Your link didn't open.
4 posted on 03/23/2004 10:14:27 AM PST by Piranha
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To: april15Bendovr
Exactly. Mylroie's been out there for years sounding the a former member of the Clinton administration, and yet the media never showed her the same reverence they did Clarke.
5 posted on 03/23/2004 10:17:13 AM PST by cwb (Kerry: The only person who could make Bill Clinton look like a moderate)
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To: lainde
I can't believe that Jamie Gorelick...a former Clinton deputy AG is actually on this commission questioning others. She, and other members of her Justice Department, should be witnesses, being asked why the Clinton DOJ thought it more important to treat terrorism as a law-enforcement issue and pander to PC critics. This is a partisan joke.
6 posted on 03/23/2004 10:21:49 AM PST by cwb (Kerry: The only person who could make Bill Clinton look like a moderate.)
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To: JohnGalt
What's your point?
7 posted on 03/23/2004 10:26:31 AM PST by hobson
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To: april15Bendovr
I'm sure both will be given equal time on 60 Minutes like Clarke and O'Neil were. Ok, you caught me I was being sarcastic.
8 posted on 03/23/2004 10:34:25 AM PST by Dr Snide
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To: april15Bendovr
And he was living in Khartoum at the time

This was also confirmed last night by Gerald Posner (with his own research) on the O'Reilly Factor. He said Bin Laden was working out of an office building in downtown Khartoum, he was not hiding and Clinton could have found him at any time.

9 posted on 03/23/2004 10:34:29 AM PST by ravingnutter
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To: hobson
Laurie Mylroie is sub-Jason Blair. Thin gruel to be promoting to rationalize the death of fellow countrymen.
10 posted on 03/23/2004 10:37:37 AM PST by JohnGalt ('Who cares about a little terrorist in Afghanistan?'--Paul Wolfowitz 4/2001)
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To: april15Bendovr
The History channels 5 hour broadcast on Sunday about the Iraq war had a very interesting tidbit. They said that one of the harder battles was around Salmon Pak, where the foriegn terrorists at the training camp gave the Army some real fight.

Apparently, because several battles occured with units with no imbedded reporters, they didn't get much media attention at all. I think this was one of those.

11 posted on 03/23/2004 10:45:03 AM PST by narby (Who would Osama vote for???)
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To: hobson
Just ignore Mr. Galt...even if you hit him with solid evidence, he just keeps raising the bar.
12 posted on 03/23/2004 10:49:24 AM PST by ravingnutter
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To: april15Bendovr
Why would the media start slobbering all over Clarke now when in Richard Miniter's book 'Losing bin Laden' Clarke was sounding the horn on clinton's inaction? /rhetorical question.
13 posted on 03/23/2004 10:57:02 AM PST by BigWaveBetty (Have you forgotten - - How we felt that day?)
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To: ravingnutter
Oh, one of thoooose people. Thanks for the warning.
14 posted on 03/23/2004 10:59:04 AM PST by hobson
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To: april15Bendovr; Kenny Bunk; Jeff Gannon
"Clintonized CIA"

Really, what does that mean? Does she mean the "CIA" was folowing in the supposed tradition of hiding Iraqi OKC connections?

BTW, if the "CIA", or a faction within it, were obsessively downplaying Iraq, worried that the Bush might end the Gulf War and the sanctions regime...whose, or what countries', interests would that serve?
15 posted on 03/23/2004 11:12:48 AM PST by Shermy (Stirring the pot...)
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To: april15Bendovr
Laurie Mylroie is the Kerri Dunn of War on Terror experts.
16 posted on 03/23/2004 11:47:42 AM PST by DentsRun
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To: Thud
17 posted on 03/23/2004 12:40:33 PM PST by Dark Wing
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To: ravingnutter; hobson
If either of you are privy to evidence, let alone "solid evidence" linking Iraq to 9/11 please get it to the White House ASAP.

FreeRepublic is not a place for conspiracy theorists to undermine the administration who made it clear that there is no link.
18 posted on 03/23/2004 2:02:31 PM PST by JohnGalt ('Who cares about a little terrorist in Afghanistan?'--Paul Wolfowitz 4/2001)
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To: JohnGalt
Dr. Mylroie is solid.
19 posted on 03/23/2004 2:07:47 PM PST by RightWhale (Theorems link concepts; proofs establish links)
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To: RightWhale

The only source she has given for her conspiracy theories is the convicted felon and completely discredited Ahmed Chalabi and his INC. On such thin gruel we send our countrymen to war? I should hope not and to suggest as much is appalling.
20 posted on 03/23/2004 2:10:21 PM PST by JohnGalt ('Who cares about a little terrorist in Afghanistan?'--Paul Wolfowitz 4/2001)
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