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Gay Marriage Issue Death for Democrats
| 2-19-04
| Rush Limbaugh
Posted on 02/19/2004 6:27:40 PM PST by jmstein7
Ladies and gentlemen, let me set this up by saying that many of you I know are beside yourselves. You cannot believe what is happening to our culture; you cannot believe what's happening to the country; you can't believe that the law can be so wantonly violated and nobody stand up and do anything about it. This is a political movement that's taking place, this is a political issue, it's not a civil rights issue, it's not a legal issue, well, it's a legal issue but that's not the predominant manner in which it's being played out. It's being played out as a political issue.
Now, one thing that conservatives and Republicans know is just leave this alone and the Democrats will implode themselves on it. They will destroy themselves on this. Let me give you some numbers. California. Everybody has this impression of California, it's all liberal, there may be one or two conservatives for every 100 people out there, they are fringe, wacko conspiracy nuts so you can't count 'em, that whole state is gone; it's gone totally to the left. It's not true. It's totally not true.
Now, it is true that the Republican registration in California is 34%, but there was a ballot initiative recently, within the last two to three years. And the ballot initiative proposed making gay marriage illegal. It did so by stating that marriage will be that and continue to be that, an institution entered into by a man and a woman. This gay marriage ban voted on by the public in a ballot initiative, not the California legislature, won with 61% of the vote in a state with 34% Republican registration. This ballot initiative carried 52 of 58 counties.
It lost in San Francisco and Yolo County, which is where the People's Republic of Davis is. Davis is dangerously close to Sacramento. It's where the University of California Davis is. Most of the people there wear Birkenstocks and they drive bicycles all day and they shop for vegetables at the commune. I mean, its own little people's republic, and San Francisco is what it is, in those two counties the gay marriage ban was defeated, but in 52 of the 58 counties it passed. Even in San Francisco the gay marriage ban got one-third of the vote which is a lot in San Francisco. In the year 2000 presidential race, George Bush got 13% of the vote in San Francisco. The gay marriage ban got about a third of the vote. This issue is death for the Democrats, and particularly among minority voters, black and Hispanics and particularly when you subdivide the black and Hispanic voters in California into churchgoers, it really is a losing issue for the Democrats.
Now, the California state agency that records marriages said yesterday that forms that have been altered, which San Francisco has done on its homosexual marriage licenses, will not be registered. California has a standard application form for marriage licenses, and if it has been altered in any way, then it will not be registered and recorded. It will be sent back to the county of origin. These are the words of Nicole Evans, who is a spokeswoman for Kim Belshe, the California Health and Human Services secretary. "More than 2600 homosexual couples who have been quote, unquote, married since last week with the help of San Francisco's city and county officials have been crossing out 'groom and bride' as printed on the standard application and writing in phrases such as 'applicant number 1' and 'applicant number 2' or they've been writing in 'spouses for life.'" They are altering the form, they are invalidating the form and thus making the form illegal, every one of them. None of these forms will be accepted. This is all symbolic which makes it even worse for the Democrats. This issue is to the Democrats what Howard Dean was to the Democrats. Howard Dean had to be taken out because Howard Dean is an unapologetic liberal, and he is exactly what these people do not want to be known as. This issue of gay marriage, the Democrats themselves are going to have to take this out, because they cannot, they cannot allow for their party to be defined by this kind of issue or behavior.
TOPICS: Editorial; Politics/Elections; US: California
KEYWORDS: 2004; aids; anarchy; anarchyinamerica; anarchyincalifornia; counterfeitmarriage; cultureofdeath; democrats; democratsimplode; fraudmarriage; gwb2004; homosexualagenda; issues; lawlessness; leftsagenda; marriage; protectthefamily; romans1; rush; samesexmarriage; sanfrancisco; sf; stunt; westerncivilization
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posted on
02/19/2004 6:27:41 PM PST
To: jmstein7; Carry_Okie; forester; sasquatch; B4Ranch; SierraWasp; hedgetrimmer; knews_hound; ...
Short list.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:36:27 PM PST
( Isaiah 55:10,11)
To: jmstein7
But the main Dem politicians, like Kerry, will get around it by saying they are against legalizing gay "marriage" which most of their supporters understand as a wink and a nod. Meantime, they let the courts, using judges they appoint, and a few radical local legislators do the dirty work for them. Voila, it becomes law, and then of course we all must uphold the law no matter how we feel personally. They will work this the same way they worked abortion.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:42:04 PM PST
To: jmstein7
If it's so unpopular, then why are the politicians afraid to touch it?
posted on
02/19/2004 6:49:01 PM PST
To: jmstein7
Every single one of the Rat Party supporters left wing wacko ideas will not and cannnot be made to work. We have seen what happens in CA when they run all three branches of government. And now we see what happens when they decide social issues.
Rule number one in ANY situation: When your enemy is determined to destroy themselves with their own ineptitude, stand back and let them.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:49:39 PM PST
Blood of Tyrants
(Even if the government took all your earnings, you wouldn’t be, in its eyes, a slave.)
To: Brilliant
What? Homosexual "marriage" or illegal immigration?
posted on
02/19/2004 6:50:42 PM PST
Blood of Tyrants
(Even if the government took all your earnings, you wouldn’t be, in its eyes, a slave.)
To: jmstein7
The judges will go along with this, unless overwhelming political pressure is dropped on their heads. Such as impeachment, recall, and refusal of the executive to obey their illegal directives. Nothing less will stop them.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:50:50 PM PST
(Marcus Tullius)
To: speedy
I believe a solution to the anarchy that seems to rule SF has allready been found some years ago by Hollywood. A movie called "Escape from New York" comes to mind.
posted on
02/19/2004 6:50:53 PM PST
(you win wars by making the other dumb SOB die for his country)
To: jmstein7
To: jmstein7
All the talking heads are talking about this--about whether or not the Mayor of SF was rigbht or wrong; because he relies on the CA Constitution and the US Constitution under the equall protection clause. My question is this. Since marriage is and always has been between a man and a woman, how can the equal protection clause be invoked? If a man and a woman of different color, ethnic origin, etc. were refused license to marry, the clause could be invoked. Two men or two women should not be allowed to marry because it interferes with their equal protection under the law. The Const. cannot make either set of applicants into a man and a woman.
These activist judges have gone so far, as in Mass. that I believe it will be a fight among the judiciary. I am afraid there have been too many Dem judges appointed, and just one judge on any court can turn our cultural heritage, the law, and the three branches of govt. on its ear.
vaudine .
posted on
02/19/2004 7:03:49 PM PST
To: jmstein7
the Democrats themselves are going to have to take this outGood point. And the screaming and gnashing of teeth when they do it is going to be on top of the Deaniacs' cries of betrayal by the Paarty.
posted on
02/19/2004 7:10:28 PM PST
To: jmstein7
They are altering the form, they are invalidating the form and thus making the form illegal, every one of them. None of these forms will be accepted. This is all symbolic which makes it even worse for the Democrats
What is happening in SF is street theatre. That's all! The so-called marriages are not being recorded in Sacramento. Thus no state authorization of the so-called union.
When oil and vinegar are 'married' salad dressing results. That is what marriage IS- a permanent union of two dissimilar items into a new 'whole.'
Something permanent. Vinegar added to vinegar will never be salad dressing. It will always be vinegar.
posted on
02/19/2004 7:17:25 PM PST
(World Peace starts with W)
To: jmstein7
The Democrats ARE for gay marriage. They're against it now, not out of principle but purely for reasons of timing. That's how out of touch they are with Peoria.
posted on
02/19/2004 7:25:39 PM PST
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives On In My Heart Forever)
To: jmstein7
If I still lived in SF, I would go around town and round up a bunch of homeless people or whoever I could get to go to City Hall with me, walk in to the main rotunda area and start smoking cigarettes one after the other. The smoke would float up to all the offices, but I would challenge the "authorities" about our "equal protection under the law". Why should we have to ride at the "back of the bus"?The press would come running, they'd have to report the incident. They are promoting anarchy here, right? Freedom is whatever I want to do, right?
Then of course we would have to perform some other form of "civil disobedience" inside City Hall. Any ideas?
posted on
02/19/2004 7:37:32 PM PST
To: Brilliant
If it's so unpopular, then why are the politicians afraid to touch it? Great question... I'm very disappointed in Arnolds response (or lack thereof) to this issue. I think he should relinqish his title of 'Terminator' and assume the Republican mantra of reacting like a wimp.
I guess that means he should now be know as the 'Wimpinator'...
posted on
02/19/2004 7:43:49 PM PST
(If GW is the terrorist's worst nightmare, Kerry is their wet dream...)
Funny how
"equal protection" doesn't apply under "progressive" income taxation.
Naw, I'm not laughing.
posted on
02/19/2004 7:46:31 PM PST
(Remember, name and town, name and town, if you wish to opine)
To: vaudine
You are absolutely correct in that the definition of marriage is what is the question. But the debate was lost long ago, when sex was divided from reproduction. If you can have sex without the possibility of conception, then any use of sex is OK. Contraception made homosexual marriage possible. Interesting, eh?
posted on
02/19/2004 8:21:41 PM PST
(If only I had skin as thick as Ann Coulter, and but half her intelligence...)
To: Cicero
>The judges will go along with this, unless overwhelming
>political pressure is dropped on their heads. Such as
>impeachment, recall, and refusal of the executive to obey
>their illegal directives. Nothing less will stop them.
Too late. The fix is in. The city of San Francisco is suing the state of California seeking to have the law banning gay marriage thrown out by a superior Nazgul.
I'm sure that they already have the list of sympathetic judges drawn up.
The gay marriages will continue until this lands in front of the SOCUS, which will declare gay marriage to be the law of the land.
To: jmstein7; CommandoFrank
"you can't believe that the law can be so wantonly violated and nobody stand up and do anything about it".
"I'm very disappointed in Arnolds response (or lack thereof) to this issue"
This is a great opportunity for Republicans to step up to the plate and have the courage to speak their convictions. I am so tired of all the gutless wonders. In Arnolds case, he may be waiting to see which way the wind blows....typical politics.
posted on
02/19/2004 9:41:55 PM PST
To: goldstategop
---The Democrats ARE for gay marriage. They're against it now, not out of principle but purely for reasons of timing.---
Art Torres is for it! He came out last night, dressed like a pimp, and put his big fat stupid head right in a noose. He dismissed the will of the people and defended the "marriages".
posted on
02/19/2004 9:53:51 PM PST
(Go Sharon! Go Bush!)
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