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Heresy better idea than schism?
Washington Times ^
| 1/31/04
| Julia Duin
Posted on 01/31/2004 3:04:04 AM PST by kattracks
Edited on 07/12/2004 4:13:04 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
Heresy is better than schism, the Episcopal bishop of Virginia said yesterday in a speech that gently chided church conservatives for imperiling the unity of the country's largest diocese over the consecration of the denomination's first homosexual bishop last November.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; News/Current Events; US: Virginia
KEYWORDS: aac; ecusa; episcopal; fallout; heresy; homosexualbishop; martynminns; peterjameslee; reston; schism; truro
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posted on
01/31/2004 3:04:05 AM PST
To: kattracks
Heresy or Schism .... pick heresy he says, everytime. Sheesh. Thanks for this post kattracks...for it's a direct illumination of the undergarments beneath the robes of these renegade bishops.
Let's translate: a "church" is more important that the collective beliefs of its members. If beliefs must be sacrificed, oh well, Christ would approve.
(Jim Jones and David Koresh may be extreme examples of this logic, but only in the minds of a schismatic, right?)
There is a word for this outlook on the church, and it begins with the letter "i". Anyone? Anyone?
posted on
01/31/2004 3:51:25 AM PST
To: kattracks
"If you must make a choice between heresy and schism, always choose heresy," said the Rt. Rev. Peter J. Lee "because schism is far too expensive".
To: kattracks
Choose tofollow the word of God and you will not have these problems.
posted on
01/31/2004 3:58:59 AM PST
(An American for a more socially and fiscally conservation America!)
To: gobucks
"There really are no wrong beliefs, as long as we all stick together! Think of all the new doctrines we could create, if we just had more unity."
To: 11th Earl of Mar
Perhaps they will merge with the Unitarians.
To: kattracks
Boy have times changed. Luther would have found this amusing.
A faith that allows heresy is not religious but a social group.
posted on
01/31/2004 4:01:35 AM PST
To: 11th Earl of Mar
"Indeed. And think of how healthy how children will become, getting to pick and choose the doctrine that they're most comfortable with!! God is just like that too, universal in the choices he grants us."
posted on
01/31/2004 4:07:41 AM PST
To: gobucks
Of course we can pick and choose.
Why else would God have created White-Out?
To: kattracks
"If you must make a choice between heresy and schism, always choose heresy," said the Rt. Rev. Peter J. Lee to 500 Episcopalians meeting for the annual diocesan council at the Hyatt Regency in Reston. Ummm . . . but isn't he a Bishop of a Church that began precisely because it's founder, Henry VIII of England, chose "schism" over "heresy"?
Actually, wait a minute. Henry VIII chose schism not over "heresy" but for reasons rather less weighty (and rather more personal) than "heresy," did he not?
In any event, this Bishop is a Protestant, and wan't the whole point of the Reformation that "schism" is far preferable to putative "heresy?" What did Martin Luther mean when he hurled his "here I stand" challenge to Rome, if not exactly that he'd prefer to split the Church than to tolerate what he believed was heresy?
Clearly, men like this Bishop men stand for naught but the power and privileges conferred by their office. Since that's all they stand for, history would indicate that the Good Lord will take away their office in His own good time.
Sounds eerily like the lavender American clergy of my own RCC, now that I mention it.
To: 11th Earl of Mar
There really are no wrong beliefs, as long as we all stick together! Think of all the new doctrines we could create, if we just had more unity. I think it was former Episcopal (now Catholic) Fr. Richard Neuhaus in his journal First Things who said that this latest flap over a gay Bishop will not divide the Episcopal Church because "you can't split a salad."
He meant that Episcopal doctrine has never been a seamless garment, and so can't be torn, but is rather more akin to a salad with different kinds of things all tossed together.
I suspect he's right. Nothing much will come of this.
The relatively few traditional Christians among my Episcopal brothers in Christ will depart for the RCC or the OC, the reset will stay and accommodate themselves. I'd be mildly surprised if the traditionalists actually struck out on their own.
To: gobucks
There is a word for this outlook on the church, and it begins with the letter "i". Anyone? Anyone? Idiocy?
To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
LOL!!!! Not the one I was thinking of, but it's just about as good!!!! Actually a bit better!
posted on
01/31/2004 4:41:44 AM PST
To: gobucks
I don't know your "i" word reference but I can think of an "a" word. Sounds like apostasy to me.
posted on
01/31/2004 4:44:46 AM PST
To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
history would indicate that the Good Lord will take away their office in His own good time. Sometimes one wishes He would be a little speedier about it...
posted on
01/31/2004 4:46:50 AM PST
To: gobucks; Lakeside
In any event, this Bishop is a Protestant, and wan't the whole point of the Reformation that "schism" is far preferable to putative "heresy?"
This logical dissonance was glaringly obvious in the article, and I missed it completely. I love the these salad days of FR ... my thanks to you.
"Idolatry", btw. Or, more plainly, the ECA (and CoE, for that matter) is being hijacked to veneer the alter used by the doctrinal adherents to the Humanistic Manifesto. Sort of adds an air of spiritual legitimacy to legalized piracy.
Vicky Gene would nod approvingly, I think at this characterization - though, lost as he is, he might take issue w/ the lack of compassion in my tone.
(It's how he's leveraged his role as a father to bring his own kids into the conflict that squarely reveals his utter corruption - this "guy" is .... oops, a rant is coming on;$&#&
posted on
01/31/2004 4:55:25 AM PST
To: Heartbreak of Psoriasis
oops!! Number 16 was meant for you.
posted on
01/31/2004 4:56:31 AM PST
To: gobucks; sauropod
"Idolatry", btw. I thought you were looking for "Ichabod". :D
To: ahadams2; seamole
To: hellinahandcart
Awww shoot ... my american lit teacher is laughing at me from 20 years ago "see....I told you you'd regret goofing off in my class".
Ok, got to go review sleepy hallow story (er, hmmm, that is the story you're referring to I hope?)
posted on
01/31/2004 5:16:01 AM PST
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