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Jihad in California ^ | 1/16/04 | Steven Emerson

Posted on 01/16/2004 1:07:28 AM PST by kattracks

For years, the Democratic Party, in California and across America, stood for justice and decency and fairness and equality and peace. For years, the Democratic Party embodied principles and beliefs that define America, and led our nation to a better, stronger, freer day. Thus, it is deeply troubling to find that the leader of the Democratic Party in California, Art Torres, has chosen to engage in the most vicious form of demagoguery in his recent appearance before the annual convention of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) held in Long Beach, California on December 20-21, 2003.  

This is not a charge I choose to make casually. But don't take my word -- judge for yourself. So, directly to Mr. Torres’ words, quoted verbatim:

"... there has been a steady stream of attacks in the Qu¹ran including specific verses taken out of context and on the Prophet.  These attacks are vicious.  They¹re mean spirited and politically motivated."

Sounds familiar, the notion of twisting the Qu'ran and attacking the Prophet Mohammed for evil purposes? This is exactly what Salman Rushdie was accused of; and as a result, a fatwa calling for Mr. Rushdie’s death was issued by Iran and supported by militant Islamic groups around the world. Bookstores were bombed. Translators of Mr. Rushdie’s book were stabbed and assassinated. Mr. Rushdie was consigned to live under the permanent threat of being executed.

But here we have the head of the Democratic Party issuing the exact same language issued by radical Islamic groups against Salman Rushdie.

And, according to Mr. Torres, who are those carrying out the attacks on the Quoran and the Prophet Mohammed? Well, to my unpleasant surprise, he named me and Daniel Pipes. Mr. Torres’ comments were rather chilling:

“And a second stream of attacks have been against American Muslims in particular – and this type of attack is focused on tarring the community with the label Islamist, and these attacks have been led by Daniel Pipes and Steve Emerson.  We need to remember these names because they’re getting away with it, because we don’t confront them with their vitriolic hatred as implemented in our media waves…in America.”

So here we have the head of the Democratic Party using the same exact tactics as Islamic militants used in claiming that Salman Rushdie defamed Islam. In the typical inverted and conspiratorial logic of Islamic extremists in which they are self- portrayed as the “victims” of hate crimes, Rushdie was deemed the proponent of “hatred” against Muslims. Mr. Torres’ invokes the exact same murderous conspiratorial logic in claiming that I and Daniel Pipes, a noted scholar and expert on Islamic fundamentalism, have been engaged in a campaign of hatred against Islam.

Indeed Mr. Torres’ demagoguery was lifted straight out of the pages of the campaign by militant Islamic groups in the United States that have attacked me ever since I produced the PBS documentary “Jihad in America” that aired in 1994.  The film exposed the threat of radical Islamic groups operating under the radar screen in the United States under the guise of being   Islamic “religious”, “human rights” or “humanitarian” groups. Of course, it was this very deception—the ability of militant Islam to hider under the radar screen in the United States under false veneer-- that resulted in the mindset that allowed the devastating attacks of 9/11. (The  post-9/11 designation of various Islamic “humanitarian”  groups, which had previously raised more than $100 million tax-free for terrorist groups,  as terrorist fronts and the post-9/11  indictments of  various “mainstream” Islamic leaders for secretly operating terrorist organizations in the United States demonstrated how Islamic extremists had murderously  insinuated themselves for years into American society. The veneer used by Islamic terrorists and militants was the equivalent of a perfect crime: The militants and terrorists publicly claimed themselves o be the victims of “hate crimes” and of “human rights violations.”

And so, whenever Islamic militants were exposed, as they were in my film, radical groups claimed that it was Islam that was under attack. It represented a deliberate deceit to have the public believe that criticism of militant Islam was the equivalent of criticizing mainstream Islam.

And so, after my documentary aired in 1994, I found myself the subject of constant attacks by militant Islamic groups that I had tarred all Muslims, that I defamed Islam, etc. Within a year after the documentary was broadcast, I was forced to go in hiding because I was informed by federal law enforcement officials of an assassination plot against me.

The incendiary language used against me since 1994 by various radical Islamic groups and the fabricated allegations against me by the same groups were chillingly reminiscent of the language used by Art Torres. In fact, the incitement by Torres was lifted directly from the attacks against me by the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group created by Hamas front groups in the United States; the American Muslim Council (a Saudi created group whose leader was just indicted on secretly working for Libya in the US and who had been secretly affiliated with Hamas and Al-Qaeda leaders) and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC).

MPAC? The very group that Mr. Torres addressed. And if anyone has even the smallest doubt as to what MPAC stands for, well then, just as   Mr. Torres’ words speak volumes, so do the word by MPAC and its officials themselves. 

On September 11, 2001—the day of the devastating terrorist attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center—Salam al-Marayati, Executive Director and one of the Founders of MPAC, stated during an appearance on KCRW-FM's “Which Way, LA?” program that “we should put the State of Israel on the suspect list”:

"If we're going to look at suspects, we should look to the groups that benefit the most from these kinds of incidents, and I think we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list because I think this diverts attention from what's happening in the Palestinian territories so that they can go on with their aggression and occupation and apartheid policies." [1]

Al-Marayati has also maintained that al-Qaeda has no American supporters.  In reality, numerous American citizens have been found working with al-Qaeda, including Ali Mohammed, who worked for the American army, and Wadih El-Hage, who was Osama bin Laden’s personal secretary and was convicted for the U.S. Embassies bombing plot in Africa:

“The only known American supporter of al-Qaeda and bin Laden is John Walker Lindh…If the attorney general has any evidence that there are other supporters of al-Qaeda in our community, then that should be disclosed immediately and due process should be followed in order to preserve the civil liberties we all cherish and aim to protect. This fishing expedition will not help the war against terrorism. It will only hurt America's image abroad.”[2]

In February 2003, Aslam Abdullah, Vice Chairman of MPAC , was asked about the authenticity of a threatening audio tape containing the voice of Osama Bin Laden:

"No one knows the origin of this or any other tapes. Al-Jazeera says that it received those tapes and the CIA analysts say that they have verified Bin Laden's voice. But no one gives accurate and factual information about these tapes. The world wants to know the reality of these and many other tapes. The world wants to understand the origin  the validity of his statements and the legitimacy of his ideas. Moreover, the world wants to know his whereabouts.

The US has spent billions of dollars on its war on terrorism. Yet it has so far not been able to find out the whereabouts of Ben Laden. Why? That is a big question…..It seems that Bin Laden serves a useful purpose for the CIA planners and Pentagon officials. They use his so -called tapes to create panic and initiate legislative or policy issues. One does not really know if these tapes are real. Technology has advanced to such an extent that everything is possible."[3]

On November 30, 2002, Aslam Abdullah  participated in a question and answer session on  entitled “The Truth Behind America’s War on Terrorism”.  His conspiratorial views on Zionism and Israel were telling:

"Those who are part of the political Zionist movement in America want to ensure that no one ever come close to challenging their power in Washington. They want to intellectually destroy everything that endangers their interests. They know it very well that without the support of the United States or any of the world superpower, their country, namely Israel, would not be able to pursue its apartheid and racist policies in the Middle East. They will use every mean possible to ensure that American administration stays on their side. They will create false enemies, they will distort facts, they will manipulate events; and they will concoct and fabricate lies. They have taken America a hostage. Americans realize that, and many in the country have started speaking up.  The political Zionists want to silence them before they become louder. They realize that young Muslim Americans are in the forefront of this movement of liberating America from the influence of racist policies of political Zionists. They want to silence them. The best way to discredit Islam and Muslims and use all the propaganda tools against them."

The MPAC 2002 Annual Banquet featured Ali Mazrui, a SUNY-Binghampton professor who said:

"There is also suspicion that some members of the Bush administration in collusion with Israel are more than ready to plunge the Middle East into turmoil in the hope that the final outcome would be to the territorial advantage of Israel and the strategic advantage of the United States. All this is part of the emerging external sadism of the United States, a readiness to hurt others abroad."

In a 2001 press release, MPAC justified a Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem that killed 16, including 6 children:

“[The Jerusalem bombing] is the expected bitter result of the reckless policy of Israeli assassination that did not spare children and political figures.... MPAC holds Israel responsible for this pattern of violence.”[4]

Maher Hathout, MPAC’s Senior Advisor, justified the very same suicide bombing, stating:

“What happened in Jerusalem is very regrettable. It is the bitter result of the reckless policy of (Israeli Prime Minister Ariel) Sharon. And it is about time that the Israeli public should exert some pressure on their government.”[5]

In a 1999 position paper, MPAC justified Hizbollah’s 1983 bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon (which killed 241 Marines) as a “military operation” rather than a terrorist attack:

"…this attack, for all the pain it caused, was not in a strict sense, a terrorist operation.  It was a military operation, producing no civilian casualties -- exactly the kind of attack that Americans might have lauded had it been directed against Washington's enemies."[6]


TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: islam; mohammedans; muslim; persecution; salamalmarayati
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1 posted on 01/16/2004 1:07:29 AM PST by kattracks
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To: kattracks
"They want to silence them. The best way to discredit Islam and Muslims and use all the propaganda tools against them."
Au contraire! "The best way to discredit Islam and Muslims" is to simply listen to what their leaders say and their nutcake followers do! Talk about a bunch of self-marginalizing nuts.
2 posted on 01/16/2004 1:16:14 AM PST by eccl1212
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To: kattracks
I'll believe that Islam is a Religion of PeaceTM when Muslims start turning in the terrorists and terrorist sympathizers that frequent their mosques. If I discovered there were terrorists in my congregation, you can bet your bottom dollar I'd drop a dime on 'em in a heartbeat.

Until such time that Muslims stop offering these monsters safe haven in their religion, anything said by them is just so much foul wind.

3 posted on 01/16/2004 1:16:23 AM PST by Prime Choice (Americans are a spiritual people. We're happy to help members of al Qaeda meet God.)
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To: kattracks
4 posted on 01/16/2004 2:10:24 AM PST by spodefly (This is my tagline. There are many like it, but this one is mine.)
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To: kattracks; Valin; tubavil; Stopislamnow; SJackson; BayouCoyote; nuffsenuff; Helms; Taiwan Bocks; ...



Ping list for Islamic Jihad and terrorism. 3 pings per day. 
On or off, let me know by freepmail anytime.



5 posted on 01/16/2004 2:19:10 AM PST by dennisw (“We'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way.” - Toby Keith)
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To: All
-Islam, a Religion of Peace®? Some links...--
6 posted on 01/16/2004 2:26:05 AM PST by backhoe (Sure, It's a Religion of Peace®-- and they'll kill you to prove it...)
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To: dennisw
Don't forget,Art Torres,democratic leader is using the same language.
7 posted on 01/16/2004 2:37:08 AM PST by MEG33 (We Got Him!)
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To: MEG33
Don't forget,Art Torres,democratic leader is using the same language.

The Mexis and Paleos (Paleostinians) have a common grievance industry against civilized nations. Islam is growing in Latin America. Our first Islamakazi suicide bomber could come right across our Mexican border. Crowded shopping malls would be great targets.
8 posted on 01/16/2004 2:43:09 AM PST by dennisw (“We'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way.” - Toby Keith)
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To: kattracks
Art Torres, another feather in his cap!:
9 posted on 01/16/2004 2:43:54 AM PST by XHogPilot
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To: dennisw
10 posted on 01/16/2004 3:14:00 AM PST by lainde (Heads up...We're coming and we've got tongue blades!!)
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To: lainde
OK. I just put you on my Jihad ping list.
11 posted on 01/16/2004 3:15:40 AM PST by dennisw (“We'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way.” - Toby Keith)
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To: kattracks
Traitor. He's a traitor. And probably contributes to MeCha, as well.

Oh well. The standard fro Democratic Party leaders has dropped to the point where they now appoint people who openly despise America and wish to do her harm.

I don't know about others on the Forum, but I'm starting to feel the Spirit of '76 boiling in my veins.

12 posted on 01/16/2004 5:13:04 AM PST by FierceDraka (Service and Glory!)
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To: FierceDraka
The Demorat party is full of traitors at a time of war. This will never be forgotten.
13 posted on 01/16/2004 6:20:58 AM PST by ohioman
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To: dennisw
14 posted on 01/16/2004 6:52:31 AM PST by nuffsenuff
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To: FierceDraka
Oh well. The standard fro Democratic Party leaders has dropped to the point where they now appoint people who openly despise America and wish to do her harm.

As opposed to Tony Coelho, who had to resign from Congress or be indicted, he also used his influence to get a friend who had raped and ice-picked a woman and left her for dead in a frezzer out of jail early. He later ran the Democrats Congressional Campain Commitee with that particular rapist as his chief lieutenant. Yeah, treason is perhaps a bit further, but their standards have been low for quite a while.

15 posted on 01/16/2004 4:44:31 PM PST by lepton
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To: kattracks
16 posted on 01/16/2004 4:50:48 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe
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To: Heuristic Hiker
17 posted on 01/16/2004 9:14:13 PM PST by Utah Girl
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To: FierceDraka
I don't know about others on the Forum, but I'm starting to feel the Spirit of '76 boiling in my veins.

It that 1976?

Or 1776? ;D

18 posted on 01/16/2004 9:43:58 PM PST by Paul C. Jesup
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To: dennisw
Islam is growing in Latin America.

Keep dreaming.

In numbers so puny as to beg the question in the first place.

19 posted on 01/16/2004 9:46:02 PM PST by Pahuanui (When a foolish man hears of the Tao, he laughs out loud)
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To: kattracks
From :

"Art Torres, the Chairman of the California Democratic Party and the keynote speaker at the meeting, shouted to the audience "Power is not given to you. You have to take it...Remember 187 is the last gasp of White America in California!" [sound clip:] and "Que Viva La Causa!" (Long Live our Cause!) -- and then later exulted over how he could make such racist remarks with total impunity."
20 posted on 01/16/2004 10:06:54 PM PST by lonewacko_dot_com (
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