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New Jersey Grants Benefits to Same-Sex Partners
Asbury Park Press ^
| 1-12-04
| AP
Posted on 01/12/2004 1:42:24 PM PST by Iron Eagle
Edited on 05/07/2004 7:38:58 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
TRENTON (AP) -- New Jersey became the fifth state to recognize same-sex partnerships today, but activists said they will not stop the fight until openly gay couples can legally marry. "This legislation is a matter of fundamental decency," Gov. James E. McGreevey said before signing the law.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Culture/Society; US: New Jersey
KEYWORDS: antifamily; culturewar; gay; godsjudgement; homosexual; homosexualagenda; marriage; mcgreevey; prisoners; queer; romans1; samesexunions; sin; vicenotvirtue; weinberg
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FYI -- Marriage still "against the law."
To: Iron Eagle
Pretty soon, anyone can just 'shack up' (no marriage), and these stupid government politicians who have been 'elected' will completely destroy the foundation of marriage.
To: LibFreeUSA
New Jersey, First In Cannibalism, now this. Wonder how NJ taxpayers feel about this sue of their tax dollars?... OH! I forgot, it's New Jersey.
posted on
01/12/2004 1:50:32 PM PST
(If you can read this, you've had life support from someone. Promote life support for others.)
To: Iron Eagle
-"To obtain domestic-partner status, a couple have to share a residence and show proof of joint financial status or property ownership or designation of the partner as the beneficiary in a retirement plan or will. I presume that a brother and sister can qualify? How about 2 brothers, 2 sisters? Mother - son? 2 cousins? How about 2 strangers??
I'm not the least bit happy about it. I'm already considering my break from this asylum. I want to do it before it's too late.
posted on
01/12/2004 1:54:34 PM PST
Fun Bob
To: LibFreeUSA
At least the people of NJ can vote these suckers out of office and replace them with representatives who care about morality.
When the courts do the legislating, it's locked in forever. This is better than that. This can be fought by the people of NJ if they so choose. If they don't, they'll get what they deserve (or more likely their children will get what their parents deserve).
posted on
01/12/2004 1:57:16 PM PST
King Black Robe
(With freedom of religion and speech now abridged, it is time to go after the press.)
To: King Black Robe
Excellent Point King, this was done properly through the legislative process. In fact, I bet the New Jersey Suprems are bummed out that the right case has not yet hit them to overturn the ban on gay marriage. (Though the prohibition against marriage by gays still exists, so who knows.)
To: All
JESUS DEFINES MARRIAGE: "And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore, they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." -from THE BIBLE: Matthew 19:4-6
International Healing Foundation
posted on
01/12/2004 2:01:25 PM PST
To: Iron Eagle
So their crap about just wanting the same legal privileges that married people are entitled to just doesn't hold water anymore? Let's just make this clear: Gays do not intend to stop until they can call it "marriage."
To: Iron Eagle
The Sodomization of America continues.
To: Iron Eagle
This legislation is a matter of fundamental decency," Gov. James E. McGreevey said before signing the law. Decency as defined maybe in Sodom & Gommorah......
posted on
01/12/2004 2:08:54 PM PST
(Moderate Islam Is For Dilettantes)
To: Iron Eagle
Actually, didn't the NJ Supreme Court recently decline to force gay marriage on NJ? Same in Arizona I think. They rightly decided that such a decision was the role of the legislature, not the judicial branch.
Then Mass. stepped up and said it was mandated by their constitutions equal rights amendment or something. The queer activists have 50 states in which to shop, and they finally bought a big one. Mass. can't even amend their constitution quickly enough to override this farce. By the time the legislature complies with the orders of the court, the queer activists will evoke the states rights' argument to lock in the decision. Then it will be on to the SCOTUS via another state -- a friendly one like Vermont -- demanding the full faith and credit clause be honored.
Without the FMA, we lose.
posted on
01/12/2004 2:10:15 PM PST
King Black Robe
(With freedom of religion and speech now abridged, it is time to go after the press.)
To: LibFreeUSA; Iron Eagle
Marriage is loyalty to someone other than The Dear Leader. Loyalty to someone other than The State. Other than The Paryt.
There can be no higher loyalty than The Dear Leader/State/Paryt. Therefore, marriage must be eliminated.
posted on
01/12/2004 2:11:47 PM PST
Old Sarge
(149th Armd' Bde, KyARNG: Bosnia-bound. Remember Them.)
To: Old Sarge
Paryt = party.
Not home schooled.
posted on
01/12/2004 2:12:12 PM PST
Old Sarge
(149th Armd' Bde, KyARNG: Bosnia-bound. Remember Them.)
To: Iron Eagle
"This legislation is a matter of fundamental decency," Gov. James E. McGreevey said before signing the law.You don't know the meaning of the word "decency" you disgusting waste of a human being. You and the people you represent in signing this piece of trash are the most dishonest, indecent, and revolting bunch of pantywastes I can imagine.
posted on
01/12/2004 2:14:03 PM PST
(The pendulum is swinging and the Rats are in the pit!)
To: Iron Eagle
Everyone in the state sharing an apartment/house/etc. with anyone/thing else, should put in tomorrow for benefits.
posted on
01/12/2004 2:17:35 PM PST
(Retired Army and Proud of It!)
To: xzins
I have to ask this question. What about McGreevy? Is he married? The rumor mill is full of hints about him.
To: LibFreeUSA
"How about 2 strangers??"If they go halvsies on a six pack, I don't see why not.
posted on
01/12/2004 2:25:55 PM PST
To: Iron Eagle
To: LibFreeUSA
I presume that a brother and sister can qualify? How about 2 brothers, 2 sisters? Mother - son? 2 cousins? How about 2 strangers?? Hmmmmm. My rotti's vet bills are higher than the copays on my kids... I wonder...
posted on
01/12/2004 2:27:07 PM PST
glock rocks
(Support Free Republic -- Pray for our Troops -- God bless America)
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