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1 posted on 12/11/2003 8:58:58 AM PST by Valin
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To: Valin
Can we call it: 'You Can't Have Empire Abroad and Freedom at Home'?
2 posted on 12/11/2003 9:01:42 AM PST by JohnGalt ("Nothing happened on 9/11 to make the federal government more competent.")
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To: Valin; Lazamataz; proud American in Canada; Congressman Billybob; international american
3 posted on 12/11/2003 9:01:44 AM PST by Valin (We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.)
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To: Valin
This is a great idea! I am also going to call Elton Gallegly,(R)Simi Valley, CA. and ask him what can be done. I ain't rolling over on this one.
6 posted on 12/11/2003 9:06:46 AM PST by international american
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To: Valin
This is a great idea! I am also going to call Elton Gallegly,(R)Simi Valley, CA. and ask him what can be done. I ain't rolling over on this one.
7 posted on 12/11/2003 9:07:31 AM PST by international american
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To: Valin
Excellent idea... This is what we need.

I don't really know how to start a ping list, so I wouldn't be a great choice to start a thread every day, although I can bump it to the top every day, and interested persons could check in regularly and post activities/updates/progress.
8 posted on 12/11/2003 9:08:17 AM PST by proud American in Canada
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To: Valin; jwalsh07
Here's some information to include in the body of your thread tomorrow. I suggest we let the thread 'body' evolve for a few days, with us adding contact numbers and information, then when you feel you have it nailed down, publish a thread you bump for a few weeks. Then author another identical thread when the thread numbers get too high. And so on.

Here's the info:

11 Republican Senators who voted for the BCFA of 2002:

McCain, Fitzgerald, Lugar, Collins, Snowe, Cochran, Domenicic, Spector, Chafee, Thompson Warner

41 Republican House Members voted for the BCFA of 2002:

Bohlert, Bono, Capito, Castle, Ferguson, Foley, 
Frelinghausen, Ganske, Gilchrest, Gilman, Graham, 
Greenwood, Grucci, Houghton, Horn, Johnson(CT), Johnson
(IL), Kirk, LaTourette, Leach, LoBiondo, McHugh, Morella, 
Osborne, Ose, Petri, Platts, Quinn, Ramstad, Ros-Lehtinen, 
Sanders, Shays, Simmons, Smith(Mi), Thune, Upton, Walsh, 
Wamp, Weldon(Pa), Wolf

One President Signed BCRA of 2002:

President Bush

9 posted on 12/11/2003 9:08:22 AM PST by Lazamataz (Hillary Clinton is a CLINQUANT without the LINQA.)
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To: Jim Robinson
This -- right here -- is the highest and best use for your creation, Free Republic.
10 posted on 12/11/2003 9:09:49 AM PST by Lazamataz (Hillary Clinton is a CLINQUANT without the LINQA.)
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To: Valin
CFR Bump.

Back tonight, got to go pretend I'm working.

Have fun play nice be good...well not too good.
12 posted on 12/11/2003 9:11:25 AM PST by Valin (We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.)
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To: Valin
One point: A common mistake many people make is to overload people with info. This is a phenomenon actually proven by research. If you give them TOO MUCH info, they shut down.

Let's keep our message very edited and very trim. We will need to extract the info we present into a managable form, so as to keep people active.

14 posted on 12/11/2003 9:19:18 AM PST by Lazamataz (Hillary Clinton is a CLINQUANT without the LINQA.)
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To: Mr. Bird
ping! :)
15 posted on 12/11/2003 9:19:22 AM PST by proud American in Canada
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To: Valin
Letters and emails went out yesterday to my senators and representative urging them to repeal the CFR bill.
28 posted on 12/11/2003 9:57:00 AM PST by rustbucket
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To: Valin
Don't just concentrate on the Republicans .... We need Judges that will vote to reverse the current decision.

Here's your Senators that voted Yea........

March 20, 2002

Grouped By Vote Position

YEAs ---60
Akaka (D-HI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Byrd (D-WV)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carnahan (D-MO)
Carper (D-DE)
Chafee (R-RI)
Cleland (D-GA)
Clinton (D-NY)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corzine (D-NJ)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Domenici (R-NM)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Edwards (D-NC)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Fitzgerald (R-IL)
Graham (D-FL)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hollings (D-SC)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kerry (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
Lugar (R-IN)
McCain (R-AZ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Miller (D-GA)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Thompson (R-TN)
Torricelli (D-NJ)
Warner (R-VA)
Wellstone (D-MN)
Wyden (D-OR)

And the Representatives

--- AYES    240 ---

Abercrombie Green (TX) Napolitano
Ackerman Greenwood Neal
Allen Grucci Oberstar
Andrews Gutierrez Obey
Baca Hall (OH) Olver
Baird Harman Ortiz
Baldacci Hastings (FL) Osborne
Baldwin Hill Ose
Barrett Hinchey Owens
Bass Hinojosa Pallone
Becerra Hoeffel Pascrell
Bentsen Holden Pastor
Bereuter Holt Payne
Berkley Honda Pelosi
Berman Hooley Petri
Berry Horn Phelps
Bishop Houghton Platts
Blagojevich Hoyer Pomeroy
Blumenauer Inslee Price (NC)
Boehlert Israel Quinn
Bonior Jackson (IL) Ramstad
Bono Jackson-Lee (TX) Rangel
Borski Jefferson Reyes
Boswell John Rivers
Boyd Johnson (CT) Rodriguez
Brady (PA) Johnson (IL) Roemer
Brown (FL) Johnson, E. B. Ros-Lehtinen
Brown (OH) Jones (OH) Ross
Capito Kanjorski Rothman
Capps Kaptur Roybal-Allard
Capuano Kennedy (RI) Rush
Cardin Kildee Sabo
Carson (IN) Kilpatrick Sanchez
Carson (OK) Kind (WI) Sanders
Castle Kirk Sandlin
Clay Kleczka Sawyer
Clayton Kucinich Schakowsky
Clement LaFalce Schiff
Clyburn Lampson Serrano
Condit Langevin Shays
Conyers Lantos Sherman
Costello Larsen (WA) Simmons
Coyne Larson (CT) Skelton
Cramer LaTourette Slaughter
Crowley Leach Smith (MI)
Cummings Lee Smith (WA)
Davis (CA) Levin Snyder
Davis (FL) Lewis (GA) Solis
Davis (IL) LoBiondo Spratt
DeFazio Lofgren Stark
DeGette Lowey Stenholm
Delahunt Lucas (KY) Strickland
DeLauro Luther Stupak
Deutsch Lynch Tanner
Dicks Maloney (CT) Tauscher
Dingell Maloney (NY) Taylor (MS)
Doggett Markey Thompson (CA)
Dooley Mascara Thune
Doyle Matheson Thurman
Edwards Matsui Tierney
Engel McCarthy (MO) Towns
Eshoo McCarthy (NY) Turner
Etheridge McCollum Udall (CO)
Evans McDermott Udall (NM)
Farr McGovern Upton
Fattah McHugh Velazquez
Ferguson McIntyre Visclosky
Filner McKinney Walsh
Foley McNulty Wamp
Ford Meehan Waters
Frank Meek (FL) Watson (CA)
Frelinghuysen Meeks (NY) Watt (NC)
Frost Menendez Waxman
Ganske Millender-McDonald Weiner
Gephardt Miller, George Weldon (PA)
Gilchrest Mink Wexler
Gilman Moore Wolf
Gonzalez Moran (VA) Woolsey
Gordon Morella Wu
Graham Nadler Wynn

--- NOT VOTING    6 ---

Brady (TX) Hefley Roukema
Cubin Riley Traficant

29 posted on 12/11/2003 9:57:04 AM PST by deport
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To: Valin
"We're corrupt, and the solution to our corruptness is to limit YOUR freedom of speech."
30 posted on 12/11/2003 10:09:49 AM PST by Guillermo (George W. Bush is a Big Government liberal)
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To: Valin
I just did my bit for the day: got a call from the Republican Cong. Reelection Committee. Told the woman making the call EXACTLY why I wanted my name off their list, and told her to please pass it on.
34 posted on 12/11/2003 10:55:07 AM PST by Molly Pitcher
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To: Valin; All
This was my futile attempt to abort this abomination:

Silence, America!:

Silence, America!: for Silence, America!. 

Other Bump Lists at: Free Republic Bump List Register

35 posted on 12/11/2003 11:11:14 AM PST by backhoe (--30--)
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To: Valin; international american; Lazamataz; All
Great news!!!

I just got a reply from Mike Rosen himself: "Great idea. Rational, concise and correct."

I've NEVER received a reply from a talk radio host, so that tells me he's interested--and since he's Tom's friend, if Tom has any reservations at all, perhaps MR can talk him out of them.

Yippee! :)

37 posted on 12/11/2003 11:17:02 AM PST by proud American in Canada
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To: Valin
What part of "Congress shall make no law" DON'T they understand? Idiots!
39 posted on 12/11/2003 11:20:32 AM PST by 4CJ ('Scots vie 4 tavern juices' - anagram by paulklenk, 22 Nov 2003)
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To: Valin

My senators are Levin and Stabenow - hardcore Fascists both. It is worse than useless to speak to them about infringements on liberty since the only liberty they value is their liberty to rule the rest of us.

My Congressional 'Representative' is Nick Smith, one of the RINOs that voted for this monstrosity. I have questioned him several times about his vote and he is unwavering in his support for Congressionally imposed limits on Free Speech. I have no hope he would vote to repeal this law.

However, I will be making it clear to him that I will publicly oppose his position in Congress and will actively work against his son's attempt to replace him in the next election - due primarily to his decision to impose an untouchable political aristocracy upon his constituents.
53 posted on 12/11/2003 1:06:32 PM PST by jimkress (America has become Soviet Union Lite)
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To: Valin
I called my congressman yesterday. At least he voted right. My two sinators are "Kerrying" worthless.

I'm on hold about to give the comment line some hell(politely) right now.

57 posted on 12/11/2003 1:49:11 PM PST by Dan from Michigan ("if you wanna run cool, you got to run, on heavy heavy fuel" - Dire Straits)
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To: Valin
" . . . let them know that you are cutting back by 1/2 your contribution to them as a protest."

No, let them know that you are cutting ALL of your contribution to them as a protest. As Rush pointed out in his analysis, the SC has, essentially, said that it is the contributors to political campaigns who are responsible for political corruption. As a result, in order to end political corruption, we must withhold any and all future donations to political campaigns.

If we hurt the politicians in their wallets, they will be only too happy to repeal this law but, my friends, don't become complacent if/when they do. They are noted for circumventing process and passing dreadful laws in the middle of the night when they think no one is watching.

Our first priority MUST BE to get CFR struck down in its entirety and allow NO similar bill to be introduced. The government has declared war on us; we must show them that we are ready, willing and able to fight back with every tool in our arsenal. That means writing our representatives to express our displeasure; it means withholding campaign contributions; it means actively protesting them everytime they make a public appearance. They should NEVER be allowed to forget or repeat the CFR debacle.
61 posted on 12/11/2003 1:59:10 PM PST by DustyMoment
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