10. Dubya in a flightsuit doll for each (Ann Coulter doll for the guys) :O)
09. Free tickets to get "Hannitized" by Sean
08. A Huge heaping helping of crow to celebrate Bush's victory next November
07. This one's especially for Petah Jennings: Free one-way ticket back to Canada. (All others get free one-way tickets to Tehran)
06. Guys: A date with Ann Coulter; Gals: A date with Rush Limbaugh
05. Autographed photo of Rummy singing "To the Right"
04. Video of Hillary Clinton eating crow (PRECIOUS)
03. Latest CD of Dixie Chicks/Saddem Hussien hits.
02. Hairpeace for James Carville
01. Front seat tickets to Bush,s second inaugeration!
LMBO! ROFL! Good one.