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USO Canteen FReeper Style ~ Thanksgiving Salute and Messages to the Military ~ 27 NOV 2003
MoJo2001, Fawnn, Kathy in Alaska , and FRiends of the Canteen

Posted on 11/26/2003 9:34:55 PM PST by 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub


Welcome to our Special Thanksgiving Salute To Our Troops!

Thank you to all of our Troops and their family members on this day of Thanksgiving. To show our appreciation, we've asked some FReeper FRiends to share a special message with all of you.


Hi Troops, thank you all for the sacrifices that you are making while
protecting our country, fighting terrorism, liberating the oppressed and
bringing peace around the world.

You all are making a huge difference ~ great job!

You are in our prayers,
Blackie  and Barbara Owens
Eugene, Oregon

Here in the Netherlands we don't have Thanksgiving. And maybe it seems that there are lots of Europeans that are opposed to what you are doing in Iraq.
But let me tell you that lots of people support the American troops. You are there to ensure freedom and democracy have a new start.
You gave us that too when we were ruled by a brutal dictator. One day people will understand.

Friso Stammen (knighthawk)
the Netherlands

Dear Lord, daily I thank you for giving American men and women the spirit of honor and sacrifice that enables them to defend our country and its principles. These warriors are Saints, and are to be honored as such. I pray that you will protect them from harm, and give them comfort as they are separated from families and friends this season of Thanksgiving. I am humbly thankful that you bless this country with these people. Please Bless them all.


On this day, when so many people are together celebrating Thanksgiving, our thoughts are with the families who have an empty chair at their tables. Empty because a loved one is serving our country in a land far away.
And our thoughts and prayers are with those men and women who are serving, doing so much to give people the Freedom they long for. Giving those people a new reason to be thankful themselves.
So to our troops, their families, and to our veterans who have done their part to ensure our Freedom over the years, THANK YOU .

radu and hubby, Dana and Petey

My father served in WWII; he was a humble man who loved his country. He raised us to believe in God and Country; to serve both with reverence and respect. Although at times I found this to be overbearing as a youth, I now know how fortunate I was to have him as a father. He served so his children would not have too; he fought so we could be spared the horrors of war. He died a few years back; I never thanked him for his words and guidance. Today I thank all of you instead.

I'm 41, never served in the military. Because of men and women like my father, and you, it is has not been warranted. Today we send our youngest and brightest off to foreign lands to undo the mistakes of the generation that preceded them. I see the faces of those who have fallen; I see the faces of those who carry on; I see the grace of God in each of you.

During the Holidays I will be blessed to enjoy the company of my family. I will share gifts with my wife and two little girls. I will be thankful for all the freedoms and liberties granted me. I will pray unceasingly for God to protect you; to give you strength and courage; to be with you. I promise you, I will never forget your sacrifices. My children now understand who real heroes are.

May God Bless and Keep you, may His face shine upon you. Godspeed.

From PigRigger


From sheli

The last time I was asked for a Thanksgiving essay was in 5th grade. I now have a Grandson that age plus two other Grand kids, their mother (my daughter), my son and my wife. Of course I am happy for their love and to have them in my life.
However, for those who do not know me but Serve to protect me and my loved ones, I am truly grateful.

Thank you, Troops,

Thanksgiving 2003

As we sit in our dining rooms,
And give our thanks to Him.
Let’s say a prayer, for those abroad,
Our troops, remember them.
They fight for us and we all know,
They’d like to be home too.
To see their families and their friends,
And eat some turkey too.
So bow your heads and say a prayer,
That home they soon will be.
God keep them safe, and guide their paths,
They fight to keep us free.

Flurry 11/12/03

God Bless our troops and our leaders.

From Flurry

We want to wish all of our TROOPS a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know at our dinner we will be thinking of you and praying for your safety.
Thank You and God Bless ALL of You

From LiveFreee

To Our Brave Men and Women of the U.S. Armed Forces,
Please know that America is behind you now more than ever in your mission to root out the terrorists in Afghanistan, Iraq, or wherever they may be. We pray for your safety and admire your courage and commitment. You are the heroes of a great Nation, and because of you and the people who wore the uniform before you, America is free. Please be safe and get home to your loved ones soon. Thank you for your sacrifice.
The Vetrone Family (NYCop)

I'm just sending my prayers and thanks to all the US Military chaplains away from home for the holidays. Having had contact with a US Army chaplain in the Baghdad area, I know that chaplains are not only going short on sleep tending to spiritual needs, but helping with good works with the Iraqi civilians. And as I told the chaplain, "the silent majority" back home is praying for better days for all our personnel and for the Iraqis. May Providence guard you all,
from an Okie in California

From VOA

Dear Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines,
You are heroes proved in liberating strife. Around my table we will be thanking God that there are patriots like you willing to go into harm's way on our behalf. You have our love and support, and our prayers that you will return home soon.

God Bless You All,
Mr. Silverback, Rambette66, Silverback Jr., Jetgirl and Tankboy

To Our Troops: A Thanksgiving Wish for You

My wish for you this holiday
is that you all had a dish
of Thanksgiving dinner from home.
Roasted turkey stuffed with love
gravy and mashed potatoes
happy wishes, and apples pies.

You have volunteered to be
in A strange land defending our nation
upholding your oath to defend our
Bill of Rights and our Constitution
and protecting these rights you
give to a poet as me the right to
write in poetry...

To THANK YOU all so far from
home for your gift of love
of country, family and traditions.

To a nation of freedom and plenty of rift...


To our Troops,

I cannot picture your face, I cannot know your history or family, though who knows, maybe I have passed them on the street, but I do know what your service means to me, my family and our nation.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful that because of your service, your sacrifice and your dedication to a cause greater than yourself, I can safely travel to see some of my extended family and celebrate this American holiday.

It is because of you, each and every one of you, that I go about my business, every single day, without fear.

You have taken up the cause of those who preceded you in service to our nation. You, instead of me, do shoulder the fear. The fear that comes with not ever knowing, exactly, how truly safe you are. You are willing to give your life, for your nation, so that we can live and breath freely, taking advantage, if we choose, of all the bounty and opportunity this nation offers.

So even if I do not know you, I know what you are about. And I know that you and the uniform you wear, will always, ALWAYS have a deep and appreciative place in my heart.

Thank you for keeping fear at bay, thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for the hard work you do everyday, thank you for loving your nation and thank you for making a difference in this world.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you, each and every one of you.

May God keep you safe and return to home soon.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Lynn & family in Indiana



From taijeron

Dear Military Personnel;

A big, hearty thank you from our family in Central Florida. We really appreciate all you are doing to combat the horrid scourge of terrorism. You are in our prayers and thoughts. Thank you for keeping us free.

The Stich family
New Smyrna Beach, Florida
From The Right Stuff

"O come, let us sing unto the Lord: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King about all gods." -From THE BIBLE: Psalm 95: 1-3

Wherever you are on this Thanksgiving Day, our family prays that you are granted bountiful blessings of joy, peace, and happiness. In Jesus' name. Amen.

From Cindy

Hello all you wonderful young people. How I wish I could be there with you for Thanksgiving, but I'm afraid I'm not very useful!! But as I have my dinner, I will think of you all with a heart so full of pride for the fine Americans I am blessed to witness.

Stay safe, come home soon, we love you all.
aka Billie Nix, Hornbrook, California

Wishing our Troops a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. My heartfelt "Thank You" to each of you for serving our great nation.


Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!

Lord, guard and guide the men who fly
Through the great spaces in the sky.
Be with them always in the air,
In darkening storms or sunlight fair;
Oh, hear us when we lift our prayer,
For those in peril in the air!

Eternal Father, grant, we pray,
To all Marines, both night and day,
The courage, honor, strength, and skill
Their land to serve, thy law fulfill;
Be thou the shield forevermore
From every peril to the Corps.

O Trinity of love and power!
Our brethren shield in danger's hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.

To our brave servicemen and women, no matter what command they serve, no matter where they are, they MUST know that we as Americans stand behind them and their families. As I write this, my husband is many miles away serving aboard a US Navy fast attack submarine as a sonar technician, this is our second deployment. I've been asked before, 'How do you do it, being a military spouse?' My response is 'I just do'. The same can be said for those who serve in all branches of the US armed forces. They just do. And for that, you, the soldiers, sailors, airmen, coast guard, and Marines, deserve our utmost praise, respect, and gratitude. Here's to a very Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you are, from this Navy family.

wife of Freeper Hostel, STS3(SS) Currently on deployment
mother of two very active sons, JJ and Robbie

To Our Military in The Middle East:

Know that when we celebrate Thanksgiving Day in this house, you will be remembered and when we give thanks and prayers, they will be for all of you. Thank you so much for fighting for our freedom and safety! We love you, admire you and, in our own way, fight for you. We are currently watching a situation concerning a Colonel West and will do everything we can to see that this man receives a medal. God Bless you and keep you close. And please, watch your own rears.

Angel & Joan Lopez

Dear Soldiers and all other of our military serving in Iraq
Thank you all for your service to our country! You will
be pretty lonely spending your holidays in Iraq. There are
many people here at home that are so grateful to you all.
I am thinking of you daily and pray you all get back home
safe and sound. Thank you again, Best Wishes, Diane Wilber
From PwII

Thank you so much for all you do for our country and for the world!
You are an inspiration to us all!
Patty, Heath and Adam
Greenville, SC
From 4everontheRight

It seems odd to me for us to use the saying "we support our troops", when it is indeed the troops who support us. I want to thank all of the troops for their service and hard work, on behalf of my family.

May God bless you , and your families all with a bountiful homecoming soon!

We wave our yellow banners here in Erie PA, and everyday my family and I say a prayer of thanks that there are brave men and women who are fighting for the freedoms of all Americans.

We will not forget our troops on our national holiday as we give thanks for our freedoms and rights, we will not forget you on any day, ever.

Thank you, and may God have mercy on those who oppose you, and your  task at hand.

Happy Thanksgiving.

The Donovan Family
Erie PA
From No More Gore Anymore

I am especially thankful this year for all of the wonderful men and women in our military who sacrifice so much that we may live in freedom. An old Thanksgiving hymn comes to mind:

We gather together, to ask the Lord's blessing,
He hastens and chastens His will to make known.
The wicked oppressing, cease then from distressing,
Sing praises to His Name, He forgets not His own!

May God bless all of our military and their families on this Thanksgiving.

From Miss Marple

What I am thankful for:

The courage & strength you make evident by where you are and what you are doing. Because of your unselfish heroism, I can sleep safely and know my children are safe. God bless you and yours.

From magnumsgirl

I am sorry that you will be so far from home this Thanksgiving.
I sincerely hope that it is the last Thanksgiving you ever
spend away from your families.

There are many back here that pray for you and wish you well.
We are thankful that, we as a country have, have a military
that we can be so proud of. Thank you from the bottom
of my heart.


My deepest and heart felt Thanks to each and every one of the men and woman who are doing what must be done.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

From There's millions of'em

To say "thank you" to our soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen seems too little.
At this time of year, when we do express our gratitude, our military is at the top of the list. I am not well-spoken and cannot express myself as well as many on this site. But, in my heart, and the hearts of those close to me, we rejoice. We live in the greatest country in the world. And, it is due in large part to the sacrifice these men and woman give for us. We are grateful.
Come home safe and soon.
God Bless you all!
From ozaukeemom

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks. So that is what I want to give to you. Thanks.

Thank you for being willing to stand the watch for the world. Thank you, because of people such as you, me and my family can sleep peacefully at night.

A hero is someone who knows the risks, but does it anyway. That makes you heroes.

God Bless.

From beachn4fun

Thanksgiving is a time to stop and reflect on the blessings in our lives. As this holiday season approaches, we are thankful for every blessing in our lives. LadyHawk and I have both served on active duty.
We KNOW what the sacrifices our military make every day.

We want to thank all the members in our military for making our Thanksgiving special. If it weren't for our military, we wouldn't be free to bow our heads and pray to the divine power of our choice.

The brave men and women in uniform who make their unselfish sacrifice for us are not given the credit they deserve. We want each and every one of them to know the we thank GOD for blessing us with such fine caliber of people.

We also know first hand that there is another special force behind every one of these very special soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and guardsmen. That is their families. Let nobody ever  forget that they to are making sacrifices for our freedom.

We want to thank the wives and husbands. We want to thank the sons and daughters. We want to thank the mothers and fathers. We want to thank each and every person who has a very special family member or friend in the military. Thanks for these folks who are also making a very special sacrifice for America. Thanks also for the Canteen and the folks who keep it running to support our troops.

Lastly, LadyHawk and I would like to thank God for our President and the leaders who support him. We pray that they make the wise decisions necessary to bring all of our military home safe.

With a humble and grateful heart,
SouthernHawk and LadyHawk

In years past, when Thanksgiving rolled around, my family gave thanks for good friends, for good health, and for good fortune. We thanked God for watching over loved ones living away from home, and we rejoiced in the return of those who had been away.

This year, most all of our family is home. But a new generation has answered the patriotic call to duty, and our circle of friends has widened to include many who still serve. So this Thanksgiving, we are going to give thanks for loved ones who are absent, and for friends who have come home safely.

We thank CDR Tom T., who patrols the skies over the eastern seaboard for the U.S. Coast Guard. His vigilance keeps us safe.

We thank CPL Tom B., a young artilleryman who just came home. He fought off nightly mortar attacks with his unit at the Baghdad International Airport and saw things no young father should see. But he volunteered, trained, fought, and survived so that you and I could sleep well at night. Thank God for young men like Tommy.

We thank SPC Anna C., a Blackhawk crew chief, who kept her helicopters flying in Afghanistan and kept alive the AirMobile tradition. She is home now with a new baby, waiting for her husband to return.

We thank CW2 Mary L., who led her intelligence team to provide the best information possible to GENs Sanchez and Abizaid, who also suffered nightly mortar attacks, and whose team survived them all. Mary is a reservist who answered the call and served proudly. She is home now, having passed the torch to another capable (volunteer) professional.

But above all others, we thank God for the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their nation. My family always says a special prayer for a young NCO from Alabama. Although no relation, he shared our name. He took action to save a little girl's life, protecting her from the blast of ordnance she was playing with. He lost one leg immediately, and lost his fight for life on the flight to Ramstein in Germany.

We often wonder, briefly, why this nation we love is blessed with such men and women. Then, we know to thank God for His Providence, because He is the source.

To you that I've named, and to the many who read this, you have the undying thanks of my family for your selfless service and sacrifice. Go with honor, go with courage, go in God's good Grace. Do the job your country has asked you to do, come home when the time is right. We're here for you now, and we'll be here when you come home.

From HiJinx

Thank you Troops for everything you do to keep America safe. This world would be a dark place without brave and honorable people like yourselves. I'm grateful to have been born in such a wonderful country. My family is safe and warm because of Soldiers, Sailors, Airman, Marines and Coast Guardsmen. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

Now eat up and have a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Love you all,
Beth and Family
From Bethbg79

Happy Thanksgiving Brothers and Sisters
I know it must be hard for many of you being away from home during Thanksgiving and the holidays.
Know that your sacrifices are appreciated by myself and millions upon millions of other Americans.
Thank You for your service to our country.
Thank You for Standing the Watch.












From tomkow6


Thank you troops, veterans, families, and allies, wherever you are all around the world.
I can never thank you enough for all you have given,
and continue to give to keep the greatest country on earth free and safe.
For those of you far from home,
prayers for your safety and success in your missions.
Without your efforts I would not be able to share
Thanksgiving day with friends and family. THANK YOU!

From Kathy In Alaska (Ma)

Happy Thanksgiving Troops!

I am sure to be so far from home under such circumstances may make this Thanksgiving a little less than wonderful. Please know that you are in the hearts and prayers of many people this day, and every day.

I am "in awe" of the magnitude of what you have accomplished in the Middle East. I am proud of the United States and its actions to finally put an end to the brutality, terror and barbaric acts the Iraqi people have suffered for so long and to finally put an end to terrorism.

America is standing up for you and your efforts. We are thankful and grateful for the sacrifices that our troops and their families make to protect and preserve our way of life.

I can never thank you enough for all you do to protect the United States and my personal freedom. You are truly the best that America has and each of you are truly my hero!

May G-d Bless you and keep you in the safety of his love.


Dear Heroes,

Thank you so much for everything you are doing to defend the freedoms we take for granted here in the United States. I call you a hero because, in the words of Norman Schwartzkopf, "It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who go into battle." You may think you are just doing your job, your sworn duty. But it is much bigger than that to me, and I am eternally in your debt for the sacrifices you have paid for our country. You make me SO proud to call myself an American! God bless you today and may He bring you home safely to the arms of your loved ones and to a country that will honor you for your service!

With MUCH appreciation,


Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you to our troops, veterans, and their families for everything you've done to ensure that America stays the "home of the free and land of the brave". May God watch over you while you are far from home. May your loved ones know just how grateful we all are for their sacrifice. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God continue to bless each and every one of you and your families.

From MoJo2001

Please click on each of the Turkey's for a special song. Mouse over to check what selection we have chosen. Most of the songs are fine for everyone, but we will give you a warning if it is unsuitable for children. Thank You!!

America The Beautiful by Ray CharlesKenny Chesney - No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem (Country Music Alert!)R.O.C.K In The USA by John Cougar Mellencamp

Mary J. Blige - Family Affair (May Not Be Suitable For Children!)Bob Seger - ShakedownGlen Campbell - Gentle On My Mind (Country Music Alert!)

LL Cool J - Paradise (May Not Suitable For Children!) (Rap Music Alert!)Linkin Park - Faint (Not Suitable For Children!) (Alternative Music)Ladies Night by Kool & The Gang


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To: Kathy in Alaska
A very pleasant good morning to all of our military at home and abroad and to everyone at the Canteen. Thanks for your continued service to our country.

Folks, my trips to the internet are going to be limited until further notice. My local ISP Internet access number is down and I'm using a long distance number to get on the internet.

Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours.

81 posted on 11/27/2003 3:05:37 AM PST by E.G.C.
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To: Kathy in Alaska
82 posted on 11/27/2003 3:06:06 AM PST by E.G.C.
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
83 posted on 11/27/2003 3:06:19 AM PST by E.G.C.
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To: Kathy in Alaska
84 posted on 11/27/2003 3:06:36 AM PST by E.G.C.
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To: radu
I just saw Sgt. Major Vera Harris from Dallas,2nd Cav. being interviewed while our coldiers were in line for Thanksgiving dinner in Baghdad.

.She was wearing the "Order of the Spurs" black stetson and spurs.I think the officers were helping serve the troops in appreciation.Happy Thanksgiving troops!

There was a race and there will be football today the report said.Thank you to all who serve our Nation.

There was also a video of Hillary ,dressed in a black pantsuit,visiting Afghanistan.
85 posted on 11/27/2003 3:19:03 AM PST by MEG33
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To: MEG33
I just saw Sgt. Major Vera Harris from Dallas,2nd Cav. being interviewed while our coldiers were in line for Thanksgiving dinner in Baghdad.

I saw that, too.
Also several video messages from troops in Iraq to their families. I should have been in bed loooooong ago but I keep watching in hopes of seeing even one of my pen pals. It would be wonderful to see their faces.

86 posted on 11/27/2003 4:02:06 AM PST by radu (May God watch over our troops and keep them safe)
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To: radu
I didn't use spellcheck..coldiers/soldiers!
87 posted on 11/27/2003 4:59:06 AM PST by MEG33
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; Kathy in Alaska; tomkow6; LaDivaLoca; JohnHuang2
Mornin', everybody ! Happy Thanksgiving !

Click for Dallas, Texas Forecast

Have a cup while you Freep !

For those who prefer hot chocolate.....

88 posted on 11/27/2003 5:14:36 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (George Soros "MINOB":
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To: yall

89 posted on 11/27/2003 5:18:22 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (George Soros "MINOB":
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; LindaSOG; Radix; 2LT Radix jr; LaDivaLoca; Severa; Bethbg79; ...




90 posted on 11/27/2003 5:53:25 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; LindaSOG; Radix; 2LT Radix jr; LaDivaLoca; Severa; Bethbg79; ...

Good morning, MoJo! Good morning, Canteen Crew! Good morning, EVERYBODY!




91 posted on 11/27/2003 5:54:18 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; LindaSOG; Radix; 2LT Radix jr; LaDivaLoca; Severa; Bethbg79; ...

Today's FEEBLE attempt at humor:

Why do people buy their Thanksgiving Day Turkeys in Los Angeles?

Because they all had breast enlargements!


 What sound does a space turkey make?

Hubble, Hubble, Hubble!


 Why should you keep your eye off the turkey dressing?

Because it makes him blush!


 If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for?

Their age!


 How do you make a turkey float?

You need 2 scoops of ice cream, some root beer, and a turkey!


 What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?

Plymouth Rock!


 How do you know your family is dysfunctional?

If Thanksgiving Dinner consists of Wild Turkey instead of roasted turkey!


 What did the mother turkey say to her disobedient children?

If your father could see you now, he'd turn over in his gravy!


 How do you hold a turkey in suspense?

Got Ya

92 posted on 11/27/2003 5:55:22 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub; LindaSOG; Radix; 2LT Radix jr; LaDivaLoca; Severa; Bethbg79; ...


Chicagoland Weather

November 27, 2003
Chicago, IL
Sunrise 6:54 AM (CST)
Sunset 4:22 PM (CST)
Hrs. of Daylight 9 Hrs., 28 Mins
Light Drizzle
      Hi: 48
      Lo: 28

5 Day Forecast


Partly Cloudy/Wind
High: 35
Low: 22

Partly Cloudy
High: 39
Low: 31

Few Showers/Wind
High: 46
Low: 29

Mostly Sunny
High: 44
Low: 33

Mostly Sunny
High: 49
Low: 37




93 posted on 11/27/2003 5:56:08 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: All

Thanksgiving Thought

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over head and a place to sleep...
You are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace...
You are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness...
You are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation...
You are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death...
You are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

If your parents are still alive and still married...
You are very rare, even in the United States.

If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful...
You are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

If you can hold someone’s hand, hug them, or even touch them on the shoulder...
You are blessed because you can offer healing touch.

If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore...
You are more blessed than over two billion people in the world who cannot read at all.

Have a good day, count your blessings, and pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.

94 posted on 11/27/2003 6:03:34 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: farmfriend


Hi,  Farmfriend!

Welcome to the Canteen!

Wanna buy a burka?


95 posted on 11/27/2003 6:04:46 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: Libbi


Hi,  Libbi!

Welcome to the Canteen!

Wanna buy a burka?


96 posted on 11/27/2003 6:06:10 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: CyberCowboy777


Hi,  CyberCowboy777!

Welcome to the Canteen!

Wanna buy a burka?


97 posted on 11/27/2003 6:06:52 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: 68-69TonkinGulfYachtClub
On this Day In History

Birthdates which occurred on November 27:
1701 Anders Celsius Sweden, scientist, inventor (centigrade temp scale)
1746 Robert Livingston delivered oath of office to George Washington
1804 Sir Julius Benedict Stuttgart Germany, opera composer (Protoghesi)
1809 Frances Anne "Fanny" Kemble England, Shakespearian actress (Juliet)
1857 Sir Charles Scott Sherrington 1932 Nobel Laureate in Medicine & Physiology; author of the classic "The Integrative Action of the Nervous System"; discoverer of Sherrington's Law; coiner of the terms "neuron" and "synapse".
1865 Jose Asuncion Silva Colombia, poet (Nocturno III)
1867 Charles Koechlin Paris France, composer (Jacob Chez Luban)
1874 Chaim Weizmann Israeli statesman (1st President)
1874 Charles A Beard American historian (American Continentalism)
1900 Leon Barzin Brussels Belgium, conductor (NY City Ballet 1948-58)
1901 Ted Husing NYC, sportscaster (Monday Night Fights)
1903 Johnny Blood aka John McNally, early NFL halfback (Green Bay)
1909 James Agee American writer (The African Queen)
1912 David Merrick Broadway producer (Hello Dolly)
1917 "Buffalo" Bob Smith Buffalo NY, TV host (Howdy Doody)
1921 Alexander Dubcek headed Czech Communist Party (1968-69)
1932 Benigno Aquino Jr Philippine opposition leader; assassinated
1937 Gail Sheehy writer (Hustling)
1940 Bruce Lee San Francisco CA, karate star/actor (Green Hornet)
1942 Jimi Hendrix rock guitarist (Jimi Hendrix Experience-Purple Haze)
1944 Eddie Rabbitt Brooklyn, country singer (I Love a Rainy Night)
1945 Barbara Anderson Brooklyn, actress (Eve-Ironside, Mission Impossible)
1951 Jayne Kennedy Wash DC, sportscaster (CBS)/actress (Body & Soul)
1952 James D Wetherbee Flushing NY, Lt Cmdr USN/astronaut (STS-32, sk:46)
1954 Curtis Armstrong actor (Moonlighting)
1954 Patricia McPherson Oak Harbor Wash, actress (Bonnie-Knight Rider)
1957 Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg JFK's daughter
1959 Charlie Burchill rocker (Simple Minds-Breakfast Club)
1960 Ken O'Brien QB (NY Jets)
1962 Calvin Hayes rocker (Johnny Hates Jazz-Turn Back the Clock)
1963 Fisher Stevens Chicago, actor (My Science Project, Short Circuit)
1964 Rebecca Michelle Ferratti Helena Mt, playmate (Jun, 1986)
1964 Robin Simone Givens [Mrs Mike Tyson] NYC, (Darlene-Head of the Class)
1965 Fiachna O'Broanain rocker (Hothouse Flowers-Don't Go)
1976 Jaleel White Los Angeles CA, actor (Steve Urkel-Family Matters)

Deaths which occurred on November 27:
8 -BC- Horace Latin poet & satirist, dies (birth date unknown)
0511 Clovis, 1st King of France, dies at 45
1680 Athanasius Kircher, German Jesuit/inventor (lantern), dies
1887 U.S. Deputy Marshall Frank Dalton, killed in the line of duty near Fort Smith, Ark.
1934 Baby Face Nelson shot by FBI agents
1953 Eugene O'Neill playwright, dies in Boston at 65
1965 Harry Harvey Sr actor (It's a Man's World), dies at 64
1972 Mahalia Jackson, vocalist (Got Whole World in His Hands), dies at 61
1975 Ross McWhirter Guinness Book of Records keeper, is murdered
1978 George Moscone (San Francisco Mayor) & City Sup Harvey Milk shot by Dan White
1981 Lotte Lenya singer/actress, dies in NY at 83
1984 Percy Norris deputy high commissioner of India, shot dead
1986 Steve Tracy actor (Percival-Little House on the Praire), dies at 61
1988 John Carradine actor, dies at 82 of kidney failure



POW / MIA Data & Bios supplied by
the P.O.W. NETWORK. Skidmore, MO. USA.

On this day...
0043 BC Octavian, Antony and Lepidus form the triumvirate of Rome
399 St Anastasius I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1095 In Clermont, France, Pope Urbana II makes an appeal for warriors to relieve Jerusalem. He is responding to false rumors of atrocities in the Holy Land.
1759 Town officials in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, evicted the Rev. Francis Gastrell from William Shakespeare’s home after he cut down a 150-year-old tree that had been planted by the famed writer.
1815 Cracow (Poland) declared a free republic
1817 US soldiers attack Florida Indian village, beginning Seminole War
1839 American Statistical Association organizes in Boston
1843 The opera "The Bohemian Girl" is produced (London)
1868 Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer's 7th Cavalry kills Chief Blackkettle and about 100 Cheyenne (mostly women and children) on the Washita River.
1870 NY Times dubs baseball "The National Game"
1885 Earliest photograph of a meteor shower made
1887 U.S. Deputy Marshall Frank Dalton, brother of the three famous outlaws, is killed in the line of duty near Fort Smith, Ark.
1889 1st permit issued to drive a car through Central Park (Curtis Brady)
1890 1st signal box for San Francisco Police Department goes into operation
1895 Alfred Nobel establishes Nobel Prize
1898 Side-wheeler "Portland" sinks off Cape Cod, 190 die
1901 Army War College established in Washington DC
1903 The opera "Die Heugierigen Frauen" is produced (Munich)
1910 NY's Penn Station opens as world's largest railway terminal
1912 Albanian National Flag adopted
1912 Spanish protectorate in Morocco established
1924 57,000 watch a High School football game in LA
1926 110,000 watch Army & Navy play a 21-all tie
1926 KXL-AM in Portland OR begins radio transmissions
1926 Restoration of Williamsburg, Virginia, begins
1937 Pro-labor musical revue "Pins & Needles" opens, produced by ILGWU
1941 USSR begins a counter offensive causing Germany to retreat
1941 British 13th Army corp reaches Tobruk
1942 French navy at Toulon scuttles ships & subs so Nazis don't take them
1945 Gen George C Marshall named special US envoy to China
1947 Joe DiMaggio wins his 3rd MVP, beating Ted Williams by 1 vote
1951 1st rocket to intercept an airplane, White Sands, NM
1957 Army withdraws from Little Rock AR, after Central HS integration
1954 Alger Hiss, convicted of being a Soviet spy, is freed after 44 months in prison.
1958 USSR abrogates Allied war-time agreements on control of Germany
1960 Gordie Howe becomes 1st NHLer to score 1,000 points
1960 Trailing 38-7 late in 3rd quarter, Buffalo Bills tie Broncos at 38-38
1961 Gordie Howe becomes 1st to play in 1,000 NHL games
1965 1st French satellite launched, France becomes 3rd nation in space
1966 In highest-scoring NFL game, Wash Redskins defeat NY Giants 72-41
1967 Beatles release "Magical Mystery Tour"
1967 Gold pool nations pledge support of $35 per ounce gold price
1967 Charles DeGaulle vetoes Great Britain's entry into the Common Market again.
1970 George Harrison releases 3 album set "All Things Must Pass"
1970 Pope Paul VI wounded in chest during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest
1971 Soviet Mars 2 becomes 1st spacecraft to crash land on Mars
1972 Yanks trade Ellis, Torres & Spikes to Indians for Nettles & Moses
1973 Senate votes 92-3 to confirm Gerald R Ford as VP
1975 Fred Lynn became 1st rookie to win the MVP
1980 Soyuz T-3 carries 3 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station, launched
1982 5th time Rangers shut-out Islanders 3-0
1983 Colombian Avianca Airlines Boeing 747 crashes in Madrid killing 185
1985 Republic of Ireland gains consultative role in Northern Ireland
1989 Colombian jetliner bombed killing 107
1989 George Harrison releases "Cheer Down" & "Poor Little Girl"
1989 US 63rd manned space mission STS 33 (Discovery 9) returns from space
1990 Britain's conservatives chose John Major to succeed Margaret Thatcher
1991 Undertaker beats Hulk Hogan to become new WWF champ
2000 A day after George W. Bush was certified the winner of Florida's presidential vote, Al Gore laid out his case for letting the courts settle the nation's long-count election.

Note: Some Holidays are only applicable on a given "day of the week"
Paraguay : Flag Day
Burma : National Day
Cuba : Martyrs' Day
Israel : Weizmann Day
Mass : John F Kennedy Day (1963) (Sunday)
Bern Switzerland : Onion Market Day-autumn festival (Monday)
US : Thanksgiving (TODAY)
International Drum Month

Religious Observances
RC : Commemoration of the Miraculous Medal

Religious History
1095 In France, Pope Urban II solemnly proclaimed the First Crusade at the Council of Clermont. Urban's twin_purpose was to relieve the pressure by the Seljuk Turks on the Eastern Roman Empire, and to secure free access to Jerusalem for Christian pilgrims.
1755 Land for the first Jewish settlement in America was purchased by Joseph Salvador, who bought 10,000 acres near Fort Ninety_Six, in the southern part of the Carolina Colony.
1862 Birth of Adelaide Pollard, Presbyterian hymnwriter. Plagued with frail health most of her life, she lived the life of a mystic. Of the several hymns she penned, "Have Thine Own Way, Lord" is still popular today.
1950 American missionary martyr Jim Elliot wrote in his journal: 'What gets me into the Kingdom, from Christ's own statement, is not saying "Lord, Lord," but acting "Lord, Lord."'
1953 English Christian apologist C.S. Lewis wrote in a letter: 'Anxiety is not only a pain which we must ask God to assuage but also a weakness we must ask Him to pardon __ for He's told us to take no care for the morrow.'

Source: William D. Blake. ALMANAC OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Minneapolis: Bethany House, 1987.

Thought for the day :
"Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action."

Question of the day...
Why do people park in driveways and drive on parkways?

Murphys Law of the day...(Hellrung's Law)
If you wait, it will go away.
(Shevelson's Extension) ...
having done its damage.
(Grelb's Addition) ...
if it was bad, it will be back.

Astounding fact #9...
Penguins can jump as high as 6 feet in the air.
98 posted on 11/27/2003 6:08:35 AM PST by Valin (We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.)
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To: Aeronaut
Good morning, Aeronaut! A Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving to you & yours!
99 posted on 11/27/2003 6:09:28 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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To: tomkow6
100! MINE
100 posted on 11/27/2003 6:09:42 AM PST by tomkow6 (...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?...........exercise?)
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