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fox news ^ | Nov 23, 2003

Posted on 11/22/2003 3:22:08 AM PST by RobFromGa

Edited on 04/22/2004 12:37:57 AM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]

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Lyndon B. Bush

Same state.

21 posted on 11/22/2003 6:40:01 AM PST by ClintonBeGone
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To: carenot
I am wondering how they could hold the vote open for 2 hours and 50 minutes until they got enough Republicans to change their vote?

Congressional rules are meant to be waived.

22 posted on 11/22/2003 6:40:39 AM PST by ClintonBeGone
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To: Principled
How does the future privatizaton fit in here?

It's been watered down to a 6 state or city 'demonstration' project which isn't scheduled to start until 2010 I believe.

23 posted on 11/22/2003 6:42:02 AM PST by ClintonBeGone
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To: Russ
The Democrats are against it because:

1. It isn't enough government expansion for them, and
2. It's an opportunity to grandstand by telling seniors that the greedy GOP will only steal $400 billion to pay for their drugs, while the Dems will steal far more

Make no mistake. There is no redeeming quality in this bill.

24 posted on 11/22/2003 6:42:06 AM PST by NittanyLion (Character Counts)
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To: RJCogburn
As I have noted elsewhere, even the loyal Bushbots seem absent in the rationalizations on this monstrosity.

This bill is so damaging, there's simply no way to spin it in a positive light. Therefore, they'll simply avoid it altogether...

25 posted on 11/22/2003 6:53:59 AM PST by NittanyLion (Character Counts)
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To: getgoing
Medicare legislation moving through Congress would give hospitals at least $1 billion over the next four years to cover the spiraling costs of providing emergency services for undocumented immigrants.

And the people coming in from Mexico for their free health care don't even need to be older --- this Medicare money is to include children, labor and delivery, injuries they suffered in Mexico --- and the $1 billion is just for the emergency room care --- they still need treatment and rehab after the emergency part is over.

26 posted on 11/22/2003 7:01:25 AM PST by FITZ
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To: SMGFan
H R 1 YEA-AND-NAY 22-NOV-2003 5:53 AM
QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Conference Report
BILL TITLE: Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act

TOTALS 220 215

--- YEAS 220 ---
Aderholt Gilchrest Ose
Alexander Gillmor Otter
Bachus Gingrey Oxley
Baker Goode Pearce
Ballenger Goodlatte Peterson (MN)
Bartlett (MD) Goss Peterson (PA)
Barton (TX) Granger Petri
Bass Graves Pickering
Beauprez Green (WI) Pitts
Bereuter Greenwood Platts
Biggert Hall Pombo
Bilirakis Harris Pomeroy
Bishop (UT) Hart Porter
Blackburn Hastert Portman
Blunt Hastings (WA) Pryce (OH)
Boehlert Hayes Putnam
Boehner Hayworth Quinn
Bonilla Hefley Radanovich
Bonner Hensarling Ramstad
Bono Herger Regula
Boozman Hobson Rehberg
Boucher Hoekstra Renzi
Boyd Houghton Reynolds
Bradley (NH) Hulshof Rogers (AL)
Brady (TX) Hunter Rogers (KY)
Brown (SC) Hyde Rogers (MI)
Brown-Waite, Ginny Isakson Rohrabacher
Burgess Issa Ros-Lehtinen
Burns Istook Royce
Burr Janklow Ryan (WI)
Buyer Jenkins Saxton
Calvert John Schrock
Camp Johnson (CT) Scott (GA)
Cannon Johnson (IL) Sensenbrenner
Cantor Johnson, Sam Sessions
Capito Keller Shaw
Carson (OK) Kelly Shays
Carter Kennedy (MN) Sherwood
Castle King (IA) Shimkus
Chocola King (NY) Shuster
Coble Kingston Simmons
Cole Kirk Simpson
Collins Kline Smith (NJ)
Cox Knollenberg Smith (TX)
Cramer Kolbe Souder
Crane LaHood Stearns
Crenshaw Latham Stenholm
Cubin LaTourette Sullivan
Cunningham Leach Sweeney
Davis (TN) Lewis (CA) Tauzin
Davis, Jo Ann Lewis (KY) Taylor (NC)
Davis, Tom Linder Terry
Deal (GA) LoBiondo Thomas
DeLay Lucas (OK) Thornberry
Diaz-Balart, L. Manzullo Tiahrt
Diaz-Balart, M. Marshall Tiberi
Dooley (CA) Matheson Turner (OH)
Doolittle McCotter Upton
Dreier McCrery Vitter
Duncan McHugh Walden (OR)
Dunn McInnis Walsh
Ehlers McKeon Weldon (FL)
English Mica Weldon (PA)
Everett Miller (MI) Weller
Ferguson Miller, Gary Whitfield
Fletcher Murphy Wicker
Foley Myrick Wilson (NM)
Forbes Nethercutt Wilson (SC)
Fossella Neugebauer Wolf
Franks (AZ) Ney Wu
Frelinghuysen Northup Young (AK)
Gallegly Nunes Young (FL)
Gerlach Nussle
Gibbons Osborne

--- NAYS 215 ---
Abercrombie Grijalva Neal (MA)
Ackerman Gutierrez Norwood
Akin Gutknecht Oberstar
Allen Harman Obey
Andrews Hastings (FL) Olver
Baca Hill Ortiz
Baird Hinchey Owens
Baldwin Hinojosa Pallone
Ballance Hoeffel Pascrell
Barrett (SC) Holden Pastor
Becerra Holt Paul
Bell Honda Payne
Berkley Hooley (OR) Pelosi
Berman Hostettler Pence
Berry Hoyer Price (NC)
Bishop (GA) Inslee Rahall
Bishop (NY) Israel Rangel
Blumenauer Jackson (IL) Reyes
Boswell Jackson-Lee (TX) Rodriguez
Brady (PA) Jefferson Ross
Brown (OH) Johnson, E. B. Rothman
Brown, Corrine Jones (NC) Roybal-Allard
Burton (IN) Jones (OH) Ruppersberger
Capps Kanjorski Rush
Capuano Kaptur Ryan (OH)
Cardin Kennedy (RI) Ryun (KS)
Cardoza Kildee Sabo
Carson (IN) Kilpatrick Sanchez, Linda T.
Case Kind Sanchez, Loretta
Chabot Kleczka Sanders
Clay Kucinich Sandlin
Clyburn Lampson Schakowsky
Conyers Langevin Schiff
Cooper Lantos Scott (VA)
Costello Larsen (WA) Serrano
Crowley Larson (CT) Shadegg
Culberson Lee Sherman
Cummings Levin Skelton
Davis (AL) Lewis (GA) Slaughter
Davis (CA) Lipinski Smith (MI)
Davis (FL) Lofgren Smith (WA)
Davis (IL) Lowey Snyder
DeFazio Lucas (KY) Solis
DeGette Lynch Spratt
Delahunt Majette Stark
DeLauro Maloney Strickland
DeMint Markey Stupak
Deutsch Matsui Tancredo
Dicks McCarthy (MO) Tanner
Dingell McCarthy (NY) Tauscher
Doggett McCollum Taylor (MS)
Doyle McDermott Thompson (CA)
Edwards McGovern Thompson (MS)
Emanuel McIntyre Tierney
Emerson McNulty Toomey
Engel Meehan Towns
Eshoo Meek (FL) Turner (TX)
Etheridge Meeks (NY) Udall (CO)
Evans Menendez Udall (NM)
Farr Michaud Van Hollen
Fattah Millender-McDonald Velazquez
Feeney Miller (FL) Visclosky
Filner Miller (NC) Wamp
Flake Miller, George Waters
Ford Mollohan Watson
Frank (MA) Moore Watt
Frost Moran (KS) Waxman
Garrett (NJ) Moran (VA) Weiner
Gephardt Murtha Wexler
Gonzalez Musgrave Woolsey
Gordon Nadler Wynn
Green (TX) Napolitano

27 posted on 11/22/2003 7:02:40 AM PST by davidosborne (
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To: RobFromGa
(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

      H R 1     YEA-AND-NAY     22-NOV-2003   5:53 AM
      QUESTION: On Agreeing to the Conference Report
      BILL TITLE:  Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act

REPUBLICAN 204 25    
DEMOCRATIC 16 189    
TOTALS 220 215    

--- YEAS    220 ---

Aderholt Gilchrest Ose
Alexander Gillmor Otter
Bachus Gingrey Oxley
Baker Goode Pearce
Ballenger Goodlatte Peterson (MN)
Bartlett (MD) Goss Peterson (PA)
Barton (TX) Granger Petri
Bass Graves Pickering
Beauprez Green (WI) Pitts
Bereuter Greenwood Platts
Biggert Hall Pombo
Bilirakis Harris Pomeroy
Bishop (UT) Hart Porter
Blackburn Hastert Portman
Blunt Hastings (WA) Pryce (OH)
Boehlert Hayes Putnam
Boehner Hayworth Quinn
Bonilla Hefley Radanovich
Bonner Hensarling Ramstad
Bono Herger Regula
Boozman Hobson Rehberg
Boucher Hoekstra Renzi
Boyd Houghton Reynolds
Bradley (NH) Hulshof Rogers (AL)
Brady (TX) Hunter Rogers (KY)
Brown (SC) Hyde Rogers (MI)
Brown-Waite, Ginny Isakson Rohrabacher
Burgess Issa Ros-Lehtinen
Burns Istook Royce
Burr Janklow Ryan (WI)
Buyer Jenkins Saxton
Calvert John Schrock
Camp Johnson (CT) Scott (GA)
Cannon Johnson (IL) Sensenbrenner
Cantor Johnson, Sam Sessions
Capito Keller Shaw
Carson (OK) Kelly Shays
Carter Kennedy (MN) Sherwood
Castle King (IA) Shimkus
Chocola King (NY) Shuster
Coble Kingston Simmons
Cole Kirk Simpson
Collins Kline Smith (NJ)
Cox Knollenberg Smith (TX)
Cramer Kolbe Souder
Crane LaHood Stearns
Crenshaw Latham Stenholm
Cubin LaTourette Sullivan
Cunningham Leach Sweeney
Davis (TN) Lewis (CA) Tauzin
Davis, Jo Ann Lewis (KY) Taylor (NC)
Davis, Tom Linder Terry
Deal (GA) LoBiondo Thomas
DeLay Lucas (OK) Thornberry
Diaz-Balart, L. Manzullo Tiahrt
Diaz-Balart, M. Marshall Tiberi
Dooley (CA) Matheson Turner (OH)
Doolittle McCotter Upton
Dreier McCrery Vitter
Duncan McHugh Walden (OR)
Dunn McInnis Walsh
Ehlers McKeon Weldon (FL)
English Mica Weldon (PA)
Everett Miller (MI) Weller
Ferguson Miller, Gary Whitfield
Fletcher Murphy Wicker
Foley Myrick Wilson (NM)
Forbes Nethercutt Wilson (SC)
Fossella Neugebauer Wolf
Franks (AZ) Ney Wu
Frelinghuysen Northup Young (AK)
Gallegly Nunes Young (FL)
Gerlach Nussle
Gibbons Osborne
--- NAYS    215 ---

Abercrombie Grijalva Neal (MA)
Ackerman Gutierrez Norwood
Akin Gutknecht Oberstar
Allen Harman Obey
Andrews Hastings (FL) Olver
Baca Hill Ortiz
Baird Hinchey Owens
Baldwin Hinojosa Pallone
Ballance Hoeffel Pascrell
Barrett (SC) Holden Pastor
Becerra Holt Paul
Bell Honda Payne
Berkley Hooley (OR) Pelosi
Berman Hostettler Pence
Berry Hoyer Price (NC)
Bishop (GA) Inslee Rahall
Bishop (NY) Israel Rangel
Blumenauer Jackson (IL) Reyes
Boswell Jackson-Lee (TX) Rodriguez
Brady (PA) Jefferson Ross
Brown (OH) Johnson, E. B. Rothman
Brown, Corrine Jones (NC) Roybal-Allard
Burton (IN) Jones (OH) Ruppersberger
Capps Kanjorski Rush
Capuano Kaptur Ryan (OH)
Cardin Kennedy (RI) Ryun (KS)
Cardoza Kildee Sabo
Carson (IN) Kilpatrick Sanchez, Linda T.
Case Kind Sanchez, Loretta
Chabot Kleczka Sanders
Clay Kucinich Sandlin
Clyburn Lampson Schakowsky
Conyers Langevin Schiff
Cooper Lantos Scott (VA)
Costello Larsen (WA) Serrano
Crowley Larson (CT) Shadegg
Culberson Lee Sherman
Cummings Levin Skelton
Davis (AL) Lewis (GA) Slaughter
Davis (CA) Lipinski Smith (MI)
Davis (FL) Lofgren Smith (WA)
Davis (IL) Lowey Snyder
DeFazio Lucas (KY) Solis
DeGette Lynch Spratt
Delahunt Majette Stark
DeLauro Maloney Strickland
DeMint Markey Stupak
Deutsch Matsui Tancredo
Dicks McCarthy (MO) Tanner
Dingell McCarthy (NY) Tauscher
Doggett McCollum Taylor (MS)
Doyle McDermott Thompson (CA)
Edwards McGovern Thompson (MS)
Emanuel McIntyre Tierney
Emerson McNulty Toomey
Engel Meehan Towns
Eshoo Meek (FL) Turner (TX)
Etheridge Meeks (NY) Udall (CO)
Evans Menendez Udall (NM)
Farr Michaud Van Hollen
Fattah Millender-McDonald Velazquez
Feeney Miller (FL) Visclosky
Filner Miller (NC) Wamp
Flake Miller, George Waters
Ford Mollohan Watson
Frank (MA) Moore Watt
Frost Moran (KS) Waxman
Garrett (NJ) Moran (VA) Weiner
Gephardt Murtha Wexler
Gonzalez Musgrave Woolsey
Gordon Nadler Wynn
Green (TX) Napolitano

28 posted on 11/22/2003 7:09:48 AM PST by NittanyLion (Character Counts)
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To: RJCogburn
... count on the dems to save us ...

My thoughts exactly!!!


29 posted on 11/22/2003 7:11:29 AM PST by Geezerette (... but young at heart!-)
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To: NittanyLion
Nice to see that Specter-opponent Pat Toomey voted against this abomination.
30 posted on 11/22/2003 7:11:35 AM PST by NittanyLion (Character Counts)
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To: RobFromGa
But House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said seniors know that her party gave birth to Medicare during the Great Society,

Pride in giving birth among the Democrats? I never thought I'd see this day!

31 posted on 11/22/2003 7:12:10 AM PST by cgk (Kraut, 1989: We must brace ourselves for disquisitions on peer pressure, adolescent anomie & rage.)
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To: davidosborne
this will pass...Dubya thinks he needs this more than a conservative judiciary..if you get my drift..
32 posted on 11/22/2003 7:12:55 AM PST by mo
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Yes! There is an entire thread on the $1 billion for ILLEGAL ALIEN medical care!! Keep reminding the threads of this!!

I am so ashamed of AZ's Jon Kyl for authoring this part of that monstrosity!

g in AZ

33 posted on 11/22/2003 7:19:37 AM PST by Geezerette (... but young at heart!-)
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To: All
Perhaps the idea of Bushbots who blindly rubber-stamp any and everything the President says and does is just a myth perpetuated by those who hardly approve of anything the President does at all.

Just because some people will vigorously defend President Bush on some issues (and his overall character and integrity) doesn't mean that they don't disagree with his stance on other matters.

But I doubt that the anti-Bushes will take note of this ... or remember it later. It punctures holes in their mythology.

34 posted on 11/22/2003 7:27:22 AM PST by kayak (The Vast, Right-Wing Conspiracy is truly Vast! [JohnHuang2])
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To: RobFromGa
Let's not misunderestimate Dubya. This is the perfect set up for the dems to filibuster.... AGAIN!
35 posted on 11/22/2003 7:31:32 AM PST by OldFriend (DEMS INHABIT A PARALLEL UNIVERSE)
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To: dsc
When Republicans expand socialism, what does it matter who controls the House? When Republicans steal freedom or property, what does it matter who controls the House?

If this becomes law, I will not be voting for Republicans or Democrats. Socialism is unconstitutional. I will not vote for politicians who support the unconstitutional taking of freedom or property. Neither should you.
36 posted on 11/22/2003 7:37:57 AM PST by Reagan Renaissance
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To: OldFriend
Let's not misunderestimate Dubya. This is the perfect set up for the dems to filibuster.... AGAIN

The Democrats will grumble and complain that this is the best they can do, and it's better than nothing. They'll tell seniors that had they been in power this bill would be far larger, and blame the GOP for their stinginess. We'll have zero political benefit from this, because the Dems will always promise to outspend the GOP. But a little more money will be stolen from me every paycheck, thanks to the Republican Party.

37 posted on 11/22/2003 7:42:25 AM PST by NittanyLion (Character Counts)
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To: dsc
Yesterday a Fox bimbo (as oppposed to the beautiful and talented Molly ) repeatedly said Mr bush and Prime Minister Blair in the same sentence several times.
38 posted on 11/22/2003 7:42:59 AM PST by bert (Don't Panic!)
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To: Thermalseeker
....he creates a whole new bureaucracy with the "Office of Homeland Security.....

This is not a true statement. What was actually accomplished was the amalgamation of existing bureaucracies and the potential for rif ing redundant workers. Recall if you will that the Rats fought tooth and nail to support the unions who were going to be hurt as a result.
39 posted on 11/22/2003 7:47:39 AM PST by bert (Don't Panic!)
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To: ClintonBeGone
All the GOP needs to do is get credit shared, not even 50-50. That muddies the water enough to take that issue away from the Demos -- much like Clinton on law/order with his 1000 cops.
40 posted on 11/22/2003 7:51:57 AM PST by expatpat
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