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Louisiana Democrats Cry Foul Over Black Radio Ad
Shreveport, LA, Times ^
| 11-14-03
| Hill, John
Posted on 11/14/2003 5:43:55 AM PST by Theodore R.
Edited on 05/07/2004 7:00:45 PM PDT by Jim Robinson.
BATON ROUGE - Democrats complained Thursday that Republicans were attempting to suppress black voter turnout in Saturday's election through a radio ad that purported to be from a group of District of Columbia school parents.
The ad, featuring a black woman, asks Louisiana voters "to say no to the Democrats," specifically saying U. S. Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-New Orleans, is opposed to vouchers to allow D.C. parents to use public funds to send their children to private schools.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Politics/Elections; US: Louisiana
KEYWORDS: 2003; blacks; blanco; bobbyjindal; democrat; governor; jindal; la; landrieu; patrooney; radioad; republican; robertwooley; schoolchoice; treywilliams
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Blanco has improved her poll standings in the past 24 hours -- now's its 46-42 Jindal.
To: Theodore R.
The 'Rats are frieking out.
posted on
11/14/2003 5:46:24 AM PST
E. Pluribus Unum
(Drug prohibition laws help fund terrorism.)
To: Theodore R.
Typical liberal hypocrisy...the "pro-choice" crowd feels it is "okay" for one to choose to kill unborn or partially born babies but have no right in choosing where to send their children to school or have a "choice" in how their school tax dollars are spent!
To: Theodore R.
Democrats must really think that black Americans are one stupid grouping of people to be confused in such a manner. What racism. I think it is appalling.
posted on
11/14/2003 5:54:14 AM PST
To: Theodore R.
"In the first place, Mary is not in Louisiana. She's in Washington. That's the first lie," Skinner said. "Republican operatives are attempting to confuse the voters. ... All of this is wrong." An egregious deception! To declare that a politician is present in her home state during an election cycle when in fact she is nowhere near the place is dastardly!!
posted on
11/14/2003 5:56:32 AM PST
(France delenda est)
To: Theodore R.
How ironic.
The Democratic candidate, a White woman, whose name even means "White" in Spanish, is courting the Black vote, while a "man of color," Mr. Jindal, is being shunned by Blacks because he is Republican.
Point of curiosity: I was once told that Asians were considered "White" in the South. How does that figure?
posted on
11/14/2003 6:02:01 AM PST
To: wai-ming
Technically, Asian Indians are "Caucasian" and have been long before the days of PC. Asians are "Mongoloid," as are American Indians.
To: Theodore R.
"In the first place, Mary is not in Louisiana. She's in Washington. That's the first lie,"
So what's the second lie?
(not all that impressive a first "lie", lemme tell ya)
posted on
11/14/2003 6:03:23 AM PST
To: wai-ming
Hispanics were considered "white" until the 1970 census, when they were placed in a separate category.
To: Theodore R.
Did you hear Landrieu on the Senate floor last night?..she went nuts..stark raving bonkers...she was soooo angry..also this perhaps what ticked her off?..anything ion the local papers on her comments?
posted on
11/14/2003 7:29:15 AM PST
To: ken5050
Landrieu is so popular now in LA that voters in October elected your younger brother, Mitch, as lieutenant governor -- right in the primary. People "believe" in the Landrieu family! It gives them "hope" for "democracy."
To: All
The pot calls the kettle black, so to speak....
posted on
11/14/2003 8:05:01 AM PST
(Sanitized for YOUR protection....)
To: Theodore R.
FYI....My younger brother's name is Bob.....( G)
posted on
11/14/2003 8:08:30 AM PST
To: Theodore R.
your younger brother, Mitch, as lieutenant governor
HER younger brother Mitch. In fact, the big vote for Mitch Landrieu on Oct. 4 seems at odds with the momentum toward Jindal in the gubernatorial campaign.
To: E. Pluribus Unum
There's nothing "proported" about the ad. I've heard it in DC. Its a Black woman saying the her family has always voted rat and gotten NOTHING for it. She says now that they want vouchers for their kids; teddy is standing in the school house doorway blocking Black children like the rats of the old South once did. Its very effective. That is why the rats are crying. The rat mayor of DC wants vouchers as well as the lady in the ad.
posted on
11/14/2003 8:16:24 AM PST
( Please send something to Jindal, we can use another win!)
To: Theodore R.
How does this ad mess with voter turnout? I get so lost following dem logic sometimes I hjust wanna throw my hands up and walk away. But that's the goal, isn't it?
posted on
11/14/2003 8:37:41 AM PST
(tagged for migratory purposes only)
To: Theodore R.
"The ad, featuring a black woman, asks Louisiana voters "to say no to the Democrats"
Yo! Jesse....we got one that done wandered off the plantation!
The Democratic state party chair Mike Skinner of Lafayette said the ad is actually backed by Republicans who are seeking to confuse black voters."
Translation: "Everybody knows that blacks are too stupid to figure things out for themselves. They need the democRAT party to TELL them what they think, after all, these poor slobs couldn't figure out how to vote at all if we didn't tell them." Yeah, the democRATs are really the anti-racist party alright. Give me a break.
" "This is a desperate attempt by the Democratic Party once again to take focus off of the issues," Williams said. "
They have issues? Who knew? They have "issues" alright.
posted on
11/14/2003 8:54:48 AM PST
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: ken5050
FYI....My younger brother's name is Bob.....( LOL, good one.
posted on
11/14/2003 8:57:26 AM PST
To: wai-ming
" I was once told that Asians were considered "White" in the South. How does that figure?" Simple: they vote Republican.
Another term in the liberalese dictionary:
Republican = white
posted on
11/14/2003 8:58:37 AM PST
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
To: Theodore R.
Yeah, and technically, Mexicans are causasian as well, but just take a stand on dealing with the Mexican invasion of illegals and prepare for the cries of racism.
posted on
11/14/2003 9:00:48 AM PST
("Having the right to do a thing is not at all the same thing as being right in doing it.")
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