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Thank goodness Donna Brazile's crackpot scheme never came to pass
The Baltimore Sun ^
| November 10, 2017
| Jules Witcover
Posted on 11/12/2017 2:31:11 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet
You may think politics in Washington is beyond the pale now. But imagine if Donna Brazile, the former interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, had followed through on her notion of removing Hillary Clinton as the party's presidential nominee in 2016 and replacing her with then-Vice President Joe Biden.
Ms. Brazile, in a newly published memoir, describes Ms. Clinton's brief fainting spell and reported case of pneumonia during the campaign as grounds to depose her as the party nominee. The author writes that the DNC charter empowered her, in the event a nominee became disabled, to initiate a complicated removal process.
Even if Ms. Brazile had had the power to do so -- which is highly questionable -- greater chaos and bitterness would surely have resulted.
For starters, millions of voters yearning to put a woman in the Oval Office for the first time would have been outraged.
Secondly, the idea that a solitary party official, no matter how highly regarded, could substitute her judgment for the will of the electorate would have set Democrats aflame whether or not they had voted for Ms. Clinton in the primaries....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Campaign News; Parties; State and Local
KEYWORDS: biden; brazile; brazilebook; brazilemotive; democrats; hillary
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
Secondly, the idea that a solitary party official, no matter how highly regarded, could substitute her judgment for the will of the electorate would have set Democrats aflame whether or not they had voted for Ms. Clinton in the primaries....What a hoot in light of the way the hildabeast and schultz treated sanders.
posted on
11/12/2017 2:39:36 PM PST
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Donna Brazille was on CSPAN's Washington Journal this AM. (I thought I'd escaped all of the "news" show darlings by switching to CSPAN). She was truly vile. She had an explanation why "the candidates" had to be advised that new topics were coming up in the debate. She had an excuse for everything. When a caller asked didn't ALL countries, especially the US, interfere in other country's elections, her response was that we only care about them interfering in ours.
I'd forgotten how much I despise that woman!
posted on
11/12/2017 2:39:42 PM PST
(Deplorable and Proud of It!)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Ahhh the dems are butt hurt
posted on
11/12/2017 2:40:22 PM PST
(I see puppy dogs in the clouds)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
For starters, millions of voters yearning to put a woman in the Oval Office for the first time would have been outraged. For starters, millions of voters yearning to put Bernie Sanders in the Oval Office would have been outraged if Brazile had chosen Biden instead of the party runner-up.
posted on
11/12/2017 2:46:10 PM PST
(Let Trump Be Trump. Would you rather have Hillary?)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
The real reason it didn’t happen was that Brazile didn’t want to be found having “committed suicide” with 50 bullets and the safety on in Ft. Marcy Park.
To: 2ndDivisionVet
millions of voters yearning to put a woman in the Oval Office for the first time would have been outraged.
I wonder if those same millions would
have voted for Elizabeth Dole. I sorta doubt it.
posted on
11/12/2017 2:46:46 PM PST
To: 2ndDivisionVet
I had no idea Jules Witcover was still alive. The guy is 90 years old. And appears to have learned nothing.
posted on
11/12/2017 2:48:23 PM PST
(Benedict McCain is the worst traitor ever to wear the uniform of the US military.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
brief fainting spellMore than one. And hardly brief.
posted on
11/12/2017 2:50:25 PM PST
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either satire or opinion. Or both.)
To: sparklite2
It would be fascinating to know what Bratzilla is really scheming for?? Something more than to sell a few thousand copies of her toilet paper tome.
I think she may see this as a way to regain her stature among the party base- but just my guess.
posted on
11/12/2017 2:52:46 PM PST
("....the calm confidence of a Christian with 4 aces".....S.)
To: pfflier
What a hoot in light of the way they want to remove our duly elected president because DA RUSSIANS! Or cooking up schemes to refuse to seat Moore even if he wins.
posted on
11/12/2017 2:53:20 PM PST
To: Mr. Rabbit
“ Ft. Marcy Park.”
Indeed. If the squirrels could only talk...
posted on
11/12/2017 2:54:30 PM PST
(America without Christ is like a Chemistry book without the periodic table.)
To: grania
When a caller asked didn't ALL countries, especially the US, interfere in other country's elections, her response was that we only care about them interfering in ours. Cynical, but true, especially considering what the Democrats have tried to do in Israeli elections.
posted on
11/12/2017 2:55:28 PM PST
(The Whig Party died when it fled the great fight of its century. Ditto for the Republicans now.)
To: grania
I actually heard her say (on another interview show), I didnt want them to be blindsided! (So she gave them the questions). She also said you dont know what I gave Sanders and OMalley. Yeah, right! HILLARY WAS YOUR CANDIDATE.....YOU GAVE SANDERS AND OMALLEY NOTHING!
posted on
11/12/2017 2:57:46 PM PST
('In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act'- George Orwell)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
Brazile couldn’t have acted unilaterally, she’d have had to have presented the idea to the DNC membership or executive board for approval, and only in the event of Hillary’s incapacity to act as the nominee. I think everyone has over-read what Brazile was saying.
posted on
11/12/2017 3:00:15 PM PST
To: Rastus
The swamp dwellers have convinced themselves that they are so much smarter than us serfs, that they should exercise noblesse oblige.
posted on
11/12/2017 3:06:34 PM PST
To: ClearCase_guy
Witcover is notorious. Of course he has learned nothing. He knew everything fifty years ago, when he wedged his nose between the democrat partys butt cheeks.
To: ClearCase_guy
I had no idea Jules Witcover was still alive. The guy is 90 years old. And appears to have learned nothing.Drawing Air But Not Pay
To: grania
Donna Brazile is a SKANK Democrat Lesbian.....BUT she has exposed the Clintons!!
posted on
11/12/2017 3:33:50 PM PST
Ann Archy
(Abortion....... The HUMAN Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
To: 2ndDivisionVet
For starters, millions of voters yearning to put a woman in the Oval Office for the first time would have been outraged. A the difference to their feelings when Hillary lost was?
posted on
11/12/2017 4:09:14 PM PST
Oztrich Boy
(don't forget to mouse your sisterhooks)
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