Posted on 01/18/2025 6:26:04 PM PST by yesthatjallen
In October 2024, an unknown man stepped out of the shadows, arriving in our nation’s capital to deliver an important message about what the public calls “UFOs” and what the government calls “UAPs,” or unidentified aerial phenomena.
His name is Jacob Barber, and he says for the past 30 years, he’s worked in both an official and unofficial capacity for the United States government and its partners in the intelligence community.
What he knows, and what he’s here to tell Congress, could change the world.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
There's an hour-long video at the link but don't bother, it's the same old claims without evidence.
“There’s an hour-long video at the link but don’t bother, it’s the same old claims without evidence.”
Thank you for the heads up.
Watch now…
I predict a nothing burger 🍔
thanks ...
Who pays these guys to say this stuff?
If someone should happen to point out to Coulthart, Jeremy Corbell and especially Lue Elizondo that these are spiritual entities seeking authority to increase their evil activities in situ for last days deceptions upon the Earth, being ‘summoned’ to appear. They’ll all be immediately triggered. I think maybe only George Knapp is waking up.
Spiritual deception always works this exact same way, through an ambiguous lens and a glass darkly.
Ross Coulthart is noted for his exceptional journalism. He’s an award winning reporter who wouldn’t sell out.
I went looking for this video after it was teased earlier in the week. My expectations were seriously low. The clip failed to meet those expectations.
My bad guys, I was drinkin’ that day and may have blacked out while in hover mode.
Complete with photos and videos of....Light blobs? Ooooooh.
It’s a, a, a, . . . . . an Easter Egg!
I see no video, is the video linked to by any chance and not embedded in the article itself?
The video is part of the 40+ minute report that is posted.
The article is about the whistleblower and his career in the military and as a private contractor to major Aerospace Companies and his retrieval of crashed UFOs.
He describes what is called “psionic” individuals who have the ability to telepathically communicate with UFOs and can actually call them to appear.
I remain a skeptic but I’m not writing off anything at this point like a lot of people, let it play out and see what happens, perhaps it’s an elaborate hoax or perhaps UFOs and Alien technology does exist, I think it’s a huge mistake to dismiss everything at this point.
This is forbidden by the Lord our God. Because in doing so, we are communicating with spiritual evil.
Revelation 21:8 tells us:
But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.What evil are they calling up to appear? How will this evil deceive us?
Oh well, not a believer anyway. As for psionic people that possess the ability to mentally communicate with UFOs and call for them to appear is another thing I do not believe in.
Of course, we cannot discount them, because there is no way to prove or disprove the claims.
But I am unable to find an actual video to even watch what they supposed have. But it would not be beyond possibility that they have successfully brainwashed people to believe what the believe, and to stage an event that provides a degree of confirmation of the claims being put forth. But then magicians have the ability to make big commercial planes to appear to disappear upon command, proving that what we see is not always what has actually transpired.
For those kinds of events have been performed before, but even those cannot be proven as to what they actually are, unless someone explains how the illusion is executed.
Heck, if you can convince people that they are in the wrong body with regards to gender, & there are known people who believe that they have limbs that they do not deserve, is proof that the mind can be manipulated to accept things that never enter the minds of most people. Yet the first example seems to be increasing in numbers.
Proving what is behind it remains an unknown. But in my opinion, there are nefarious intents behind it.
Thanks for answering my question though. 🙂👍
If you want to watch the video.
Here’s the link
The video is at top of the page, the video is more than just a video of a UFO, if that’s what you are looking for then it doesn’t exist.
The video is like a 60-minute style interview with a small portion that claims to show a UFO being retrieved.
I’m a skeptic but I’m also a person who doesn’t think of reason to reject the idea or accept blindly something that claims to prove the idea.
The best that brings me is an audio only of the news. But if you notice the 3rd yellow square says; UAP recovery video shows ‘egg-shaped’ object: Exclusive
The link you provided just brings me to the article that I have been to numerous times. I even waited to see if it took time to load.
Take my words as literal, I see no video at the top, in the middle or at the bottom of the article. If I did I would click on the video, after all it is not like I have never watched a video. I know what videos look like. For some reason I am not getting the video. It may not be compatible with a Brave browser for some reason. At this point I really do not care anymore. 🤣
But again, thanks for your effort. 🙂👍
The link you posted is not the same link I posted below.
In my browser, this link
Takes you to a page with the first story heading is.
Full special: Whistleblower reveals UAP retrieval program object caught on video
If you don’t care to see what’s going on, that’s fine, but if your browser is taking you to different sites/pages than what it’s supposed to then I would want to find out way.
It’s a 41-minute video with everything discussed in this thread.
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