Posted on 12/17/2024 7:51:10 AM PST by yesthatjallen
FBI, FAA, and federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials believe the vast majority of sightings of mysterious drones on the U.S. East Coast are “cases of mistaken identity.”
Agency officials on Saturday addressed reporters at a White House briefing, concluding that there is no evidence of “large-scale UAS [uncrewed aircraft systems] activities.”
“You can’t ignore the sightings that have been there, and we are concerned about those just as much as anybody else is,” the FBI official said. “But I think there has been a slight overreaction.”
The agencies believe many witnesses on the ground have been misidentifying normal, crewed airplanes as drones. The UAS may even be drones flying legally. The FAA has registered nearly 800,000 of them, about half of which are recreational models flown by hobbyists, such as for photography.
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Mass hysteria. Everything in the sky is a “drone”.
Just like the thousands of mistaken eyewitnesses who saw a missile strike TWA Flight 800.
So these commercial drones have super bright lights on them? They accelerate at high G rates?
I remember the UFO nonsense of the 1960s. A university professor took his students into a darkened room. Each had a pencil and paper. When the lights were out he projected a small beam of light on the wall and told the students to follow the light with pencil on paper.
When examined the students had various ways in which the light had traveled, some really wild!
Problem, the small beam of light never moved. All movement was the imagination of the students.
What about the remaining drones that officials refuse to explain?
Drone Hysteria ,LOL
I remember the UFO nonsense of the 1960s. A university professor took his students into a darkened room. Each had a pencil and paper. When the lights were out he projected a small beam of light on the wall and told the students to follow the light with pencil on paper.
When examined the students had various ways in which the light had traveled, some really wild!
Problem, the small beam of light never moved. All movement was the imagination of the students.
another was is the game of rumor
The characteristics of the rumor are:
It’s short, simple and important
It ends up as a “good story.
“No matter the original source, it’s always attributed to someone important to make it look true
It coincides with the traditions of the group where it circulates
Express community needs and emotion
I saw a TV news report about the drones and they put circles around them to help the viewer track them on the video. Most of the ones they tracked were flashing red and green aircraft-type anti-collision lights.
I’m not saying there aren’t actual drones though.
“...there has been a slight overreaction.”
If the overreaction has been slight, that must mean that the reasonable reaction has been massive.
half of the supposed drone video I have seen were clearly airplanes.
This is all so stupid, it’s like the whole country has gone nuts all of a sudden and I am tired of it being covered in the news. It is dumb
I saw a program on the “Science” channel of lights in the night sky. The commentators went wild “WOW! What is that!” but they only showed the lights for a couple of seconds then would cut away.
I soon figured from the way it moved it was a black wind sock with small lights attached, on either a black kite or a drone. I remember kids in High School who would pull such stunts to get a rise out of people observing it.
Okay, great. So then ignore the "slight overreaction" and tell us about the other ones. As Trump says, you know what garage they take off and land from. Quit knocking down the bogus sightings and tell us about the real ones.
I recall people using small candles and a garbage bag to make a pretty small hot air balloon.
It looks rather strange in the night sky, because the candle gives a glow to the garbage bag/balloon.
Made by a number of pranksters to create UFO hysteria.
When you make a habit of lying to people and gaslighting people and they find out about it, is it any surprise that people refuse to believe a word you say?
That is our government and media in a nutshell right now.
They sell those for pretty cheap at all those fireworks shops now too so the launcher doesnt even have to know how to use a glue bottle. A credit card and a lighter can launch an armada.
It’s funny…I was driving around a lot on Sunday with my wife. Every time i saw something, I would point and say, “Look a drone!”
I pointed to one bright light in the sky and said…”Jupiter.” That was the only time I was correct.
Virtually anything at night “lights in the sky” can be mistaken for any applelation people want to put on it, be it UFO or drone.
If you do not know what something is, by definition it is an unidentified flying object.
There are lots of lights in the night sky. Lots of people are willing, or want, there to be more mystery in their life.
Hence, lots of UFO sightings or “mystery drone” sightings.
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