Posted on 09/20/2024 4:47:20 AM PDT by MomwithHope
Need advice on an iphone update fix.
Sounds like an Apple product.
Is it your first iPhone? You will get three months (or something like that) free when you first activate an iPhone and the. You will have to pay around $10.00 / month to continue to use the Apple Music / iCloud / Apple TV service as a bundle service. Apple Music subscription is not free.
I am making assumptions that we are talking about Apple Music and that he has some music directly on the device. Go to Library in the music app, then go to Downloaded titles.
No he has had it for years (iphone 10 I think).
He’s not up yet, will try this thanks.
Let's explore a fact here. The most basic purpose of a computer is file transfer. If you work up a project on your computer and you can't transfer that data to the rest of the world, what did you accomplish? Are you planning on having the bulk of 8 billion people dropping by your place to review and critic your work?
If I had FU money I'd sue the hell out of Apple. There has to be some sort of anti-trust violation in the way they are forcing this. For example...Amazon Music does not force you into a subscription in order to purchase and download music and they don't alter your file so that it can't be used elsewhere. I have over 1800 songs. As I am new to Apple, I still have 60 or so days of 'free' Apple Music but after that, unless I enter into a paid subscription, I will lose access to all 1800 already paid for songs. Why should I have to pay for a service (monthly) when I will not likely be downloading very much music from them in the future?
I feel your husbands pain. Now, what do we do about this? Pool our resources and file class action against Apple? Pardon my rant.
Syncing playlists to your iPhone is easy peasy and it's forever music. No subscriptions, no gimmicks with copywriter restrictions on, well, number of devices to which you can copy...
Need more detail...”...all his music” doesn’t tell us much. Music he purchased from the iTunes Store/Apple Music and downloaded to his phone? Music he owns that was “ripped” from CD’s or records? Music he played on an instrument and recorded to his iPhone? Music from an “Apple Music” monthly subscription? Music purchased from a 3rd party music store like ““? Or ???
“...what data I can and can’t put on MY phone....”
So far I can still get all my music on the iPhone without an Apple Music subscription. Sometimes, but not always, if I try to use Siri in the car, she can’t find a certain playlist, but I can still listen any of my tunes using the phone directly.
I can play downloaded music on my iPhone.
Here are some trouble shooting tips.
Solutions to Fix Apple Music not Playing:,them%20with%20your%20iPhone%20again.
That's not my experience. Everything in iTunes gets uploaded to Apple Music cloud, then to your phone. You cannot copy/paste anything in iTunes, direct from your PC to your iPhone music folder. That may have been a thing in early iTunes versions but that has been shut down. Without that Apple Music subscription you will lose access. In fact, Apple appears to have plans to ditch iTunes completely. The newest iTunes version appears to be only a player and transfers will either take place with the Apple Devices app or Apple Music. This is intended to force the Apple Music app onto your PC.
Research and see if the EU is possibly suing Apple on this issue. They have pursued Apple on numerous issues, MUCH more than the FTC, and forced them to change.
Go to Apple Music.
On the bottom of the screen you should see “Library.” Click on that.
Then on the bottom of the list, click “downloaded.”
If his songs are not there, then connect the iPhone to where his songs were on a PC and resynch them.
You should be able to all of this without any subscription.
OK I got some details. After the software update all his playlists were wiped out. His music is still there. But he had several playlists that were important that he used daily and seasonally. Is there any way to recover them without subscribing to Apple Music?
I have plenty of “3rd party store” and “ripped from CD/vinyl” music files in my iPhone music library. You have a computer? Is it a Mac or Windows or Linux? Where is your music library/files on that PC?
(Music automatically syncs with iPhone/Apple TV box/iPad, etc.)
I like most of Apple’s products but iTunes is a royal mess.
all the music was obtained through itunes.
He will need to click on every mp3 individually however. It's a pain in the gumper.
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