Posted on 08/27/2024 8:00:00 AM PDT by C19fan
A woman who changed her style to wear 1950s style vintage clothing has revealed men now 'treat her differently' since transforming her wardrobe.
Brooke Stretton, 24, from South Yorkshire, became fascinated fashion from the 1940s, '50s, and '60s after watching the classic film Grease.
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I’d totally go out with her...paint her toenails and give her a massage...
My mother used to dress exactly like that, gloves and all, and absolutely never went out without a hat or scarf..........
She’s treating herself with respect and dignity, not lowering herself to the level of gutter rat in order to get attention. This sort of thinking, this taking time to understand and grasp your self worth is sorely lacking among many young women today.
A breath of fresh air.
There are unaccountable number of TikThots complaining about chivalry is dead. Dress like this woman and not like a 304 and perhaps you will be treated as a lady.
“I’d totally go out with her...paint her toenails and give her a massage...”
A woman like that probably prefers to have boyfriend.
It also shows in her general fitness.
Take a look at photos of high school kids of any era up until the last 20 years. The kids are stringbeans. Now drive by the local high school and holy cow! (The operative word is "cow".)
She’s a pretty girl...but there are modern clothes for women that don’t make them look like hookers. Seeing a woman like that would make me wonder if she had some kind of psychiatric problem.
Reminds me of the ball player’s response when confronted by 2 hecklers, both female.
“You lesbians sit down and be nice.”
I am hoping that was sarcasm. A little creepy IMO. To each his own I guess though.
Doesn’t hurt she’s beautiful with a perfect figure.
bingo! so many woman try to look like hookers these days.
You mean by not showing every protuberence and declivity you can get people to focus on your other attributes like mind and personality?
In Grease, the main point of the story was to leave that old clothing behind and dress like a slut in a revealing body suit. I guess she stopped watching before that scene near the end.
No kidding. How gorgeous. Men yearn for that. Of course, they have to dress to match.
I’d be curious to know how many more women would dress like this if our current society didn’t make them feel more vulnerable to the sicko’s out there?
I personally find it way more sexy and appealing than the current slutty trend.
More than that though, I’m sick of looking at someone and can’t figure out whether they’re male or female.
If women would only TRY . . . . .
If by beautiful figure, you mean the stick figure shape of a 12 year old Boy Scout, then you are right. Not suited to my taste for sure. One man’s meat and all.
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